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Let's ponifiy ourselves!


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I'm pretty sure I would look something like this, seeing as I have rainbow hair and I'm ALWAYS wearing my grey and black striped hoodie and bracelets ^^


Edited by HayPanda
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Oh yes, I've ponified myself before with the Pony Creator. I made my ponysona more like "what I would be like if I were a pony", and less of a direct transliteration. She's also slightly idealized and a touch more brave than myself. Meet Storm Chaser, a pegasus who's special talent is in manipulating the clouds:




And a version of it where I put the discorded version of her in too, with a rough sketch of her cutie mark in the middle. Discorded Storm Chaser is thoughtless, irresponsible, and hates Applejack.  :ph34r:



Edited by Stellafera
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good job guys!

Pony creator is DAMN amazing!


mininininininininininininimum charararaarararararararcters sucks sucks.

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This a great way to get in trouble with the mods.


Anyway, I don't yet have a ponysona, but if I did, she would probably look something like this, but as a mare.


As I said, my ponysona would be a mare. Even though I'm a guy. Deal with it.  :lol:


Yeah, sometime when I have time, I'll draw my own ponysona. I don't like Pony Creator too much.

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This was one of the more interesting things i could of done with my time, like making a Youtube backround or a logo for my friends.


i used a pony creator - If i ever get round to it i might make a cutie mark out of various apples :)

Cider Barrel - 



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I imagined myself sorta like this. I would be a pegasus though im not sure if i would be good at flying hehe. I put on the hat for my love of unique hats. i would have had a top hat on but those things fly off in the wind. i think i have a cape on since i have two capes that i wear occasionally.

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My pony name would be daydream. the cutie mark is weird but it's a thought bubble with a rainbow infinite sign inside. post-10780-0-05302200-1358457506_thumb.png


I know it's cheating to have a horn and wings, but the wings were just soooo pretty! And the horn is broken so I'm compensating  :P


Actually I'm glad for this thread because I now finally have something to upload as a profile pic!

Edited by bunnybuzki
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I based my first OC off of myself, so I've always had a ponified verison of myself.  On the down side, Pony Creator didn't have a mane that was anywhere near close to my actual hair, so I had to use the one of The Hub's website.  It still looks good, that's all that matters.


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I got confused about the cutie mark. LOL I tried and it didn't look so good, but if it were there, it would be the Tree of Life. :) I am so connected with trees! But yes, this would be Pony Zoe. My fave color is this exact shade of green and my hair is indeed red! :D This is as close as it's gonna get for now! ^_^


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I imagine that this I how I would look.  By the way, that face is pretty exact to how I look half of the time, generally when I'm trying to figure something out.


The cutie mark is the 8-bit binary number 00101010, which is equal to 42, which is supposed to symbolize a merging of calculation and absurdity.

Edited by antismurf9001
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I made this a while ago. I think I focused too much on trying to make it look like me, because it looks realllllly boring compared to all the of the other pictures here. :( Also, sorry the picture is so big.




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This is my OC Strawberry Swirl. She's not the smartest, but she's strong, compassionate, innocent, and driven to do better in everything she does. She works hard and is easily trusts ponies. She's a bit naive, but it usually doesn't get her in trouble. Sometimes her hot-headedness get her in trouble, but she always manages to get out, usually with the help of her friends. She works at a soda-fountain run by her dad.
I figured, all my video game characters are girls so why not my OC? :wub:
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Well here's me it took a while to get the cutie mark right... still not entirely happy with it. The cutie mark is a flame circle because I do fire spinning and love doing shows :)



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