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Giving back to the brony community


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I was actually planning on buying a t shirt coz my friend linked me to a site which makes great ones.


The problem is that I have money coz I work but I don't have internet money because I'm not old enough for a credit card.

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Surely the fact that you care enough, despite all you've been through is giving back enough? To let us other bronies know that Friendship truly is Magic?


I would love the think as clear as that but its more like everyone giving each other presents at christmas and my best friend goes out of their way and buys me a mansion or a bathtub full of diamonds and I give them a $5 gift voucher. 


There is just a nagging feeling in me that says that I have got to do more.

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I would love the think as clear as that but its more like everyone giving each other presents at christmas and my best friend goes out of their way and buys me a mansion or a bathtub full of diamonds and I give them a $5 gift voucher. 


There is just a nagging feeling in me that says that I have got to do more.

It's the thought that counts  ;) Cliche as it may be.


I also had the same feeling, it passes. I tried my absolute best to make a game, or mod, but i suck at that. I'm talentless! So I continue to watch the show, make brony friends and "be the best i can be." (Flutterquote)  ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Well I've been looking for a way to contribute to MLP. So far I've tried..


Signature/Avatar making - I'm ok at it, but most anybody can do it with enough effort.

Art - not very good at all.

Role Play - nope not good.

Fan Fiction - haven't tried, but what am I supposed to write?

Donate - sorry, but atm I am somewhat broke


I know that I could be "just a fan" however that doesn't cut it for me and most of what there is to do I can't do. The only thing I do that is even remotely helpful is maintain the CMC club thread (and that's just a simple thread). I feel useless sad.png.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Don't feel too bad, we all have our talents I think simply being part of the community and contributing to the discussion is contributing plenty.

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Well I've been looking for a way to contribute to MLP. So far I've tried..


Signature/Avatar making - I'm ok at it, but most anybody can do it with enough effort.

Art - not very good at all.

Role Play - nope not good.

Fan Fiction - haven't tried, but what am I supposed to write?

Donate - sorry, but atm I am somewhat broke


I know that I could be "just a fan" however that doesn't cut it for me and most of what there is to do I can't do. The only thing I do that is even remotely helpful is maintain the CMC club thread (and that's just a simple thread). I feel useless img-1268099-1-sad.png.


If you need help to get into roleplaying or writing i think i could help you a bit. Also character creation and story developement i could give you a hoove. I think everypony here will help you to find a way to contribute to the forums and to MLP FIM.

Edited by Iron Wing
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I share your feeling.. because like you:


- I'm not good at avatars/signatures or art in general;


- I can't RP since the timezone difference between me (The Netherlands) and most users (USA) is 6 hours (which means waking up and finding out the RP has progressed way too much for me to even fit in anymore);


- I basically have what you could call a permanent writer's block (or I'm unable to convert ideas into stories);


- I once donated last summer but like you, I'm kinda broke atm.


On top of that, even my posting here can be called sporadical.... so yes, I do feel kinda useless to the fandom as I don't even visit conventions (too far away, no permission, etc.), meetups (there are none where I live) and the reasons listed above.

Edited by WhiteLightning
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Seriously `Scootaloo, there is nothing wrong with "just being a fan".  That's mainly what I am, I COULD write some fan fiction as I'm a pretty good writer, but I never seem to get a spark of inspiration, so I don't.


What are you good at `Scootaloo?  Maybe do something MLP related with that?

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know that I could be "just a fan" however that doesn't cut it for me and most of what there is to do I can't do. The only thing I do that is even remotely helpful is maintain the CMC club thread (and that's just a simple thread). I feel useless


i just want you to know that what your doing isn't useless. i do art and im working on a fan fic but you know what i wish i could do... what you do. i have never been good at the forums thing because i just like to watch and read what others say. so if you dont think your doing anything good stop! i know im not the only one out there that likes to read what you and fans like you write

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Well I don't feel totally useless. Granted I didn't make them however it is nice to maintain the CMC club and keep it alive. I think I'll try Fan Fiction next if I come up with anything I think will be good. This feels very ironic actually just like crusaders looking for what they're good at I find myself in the same boat... life sure is funny like that.


EDIT: I appreciate all the support from you guys/girls. I don't mean to sound too sappy or attention seeking if I do.

Edited by ~Scootaloo
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Hmm, I don't have much money to donate, I don't know anything about art or how to make it, and generally I don't do much other than screw around in the forum games. BUT, the ads are pretty much donating. One or two clicks a day (any more will make it look like Feld0 has a bot on) is enough to keep the site going. Especially with over 2000 active members.

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@@Iron Wing,@@CharmingKnight, Keep in mind I'm not a professional writer however I did give it a shot...




Background information: this is Rainbow helping Scootaloo to learn how to fly. This is just the start however I'd like to get a bit of feedback :).



Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were standing on one of the lower clouds in the sky. Scootaloo looked over the edge nervously and then looked up to Rainbow Dash for guidance.


“Go on. Just jump and then use your wings and try to fly” Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo.


“What if I fall to the ground though?” Scootaloo asked.


“Do you really think your big sis would let that happen to you?” she replied.


“I guess you’re right Dash” she said.


Scootaloo moved towards the edge and jumped off. She tried to user wings to go steady and fly, but instead ended up flailing. Rainbow Dash darted down and caught her before she even came close to hitting the ground.


“What’d I tell you?” Rainbow Dash asked with flare.


“I knew that you wouldn't let me get hurt Rainbow, but I still can’t fly like you” Scootaloo said sadly.


“We’ll change that and that’s a promise!” said Rainbow Dash.



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Hey nobody said said you have to contribute something. I mean not everyone has a talent that can be a physical contribution I guess. Some people are just great at dicussing, or giving hope, or being resonable, or helpful, its not always just art, music, fanfics, profile pics, ect.


I guess I do contribute my .. Fan art if you even wanna call it art tongue.png, its pretty bleh though, but eh I just do it for fun in my spare time.


I don't think anyones a lesser fan just for not contributing the normal, just some peoples presence can be pretty awesome.


So don't feel bad, we still love ya biggrin.png.


Maybe your just starting to discover your talent, I'm a bit unsure totally where my talent lies, but its actually kinda fun exploring and trying random stuff, make like the CMC if you will Xd :D.

Edited by Zygen
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I know how you feel. I'm not very artist, but I've been wanting to at least /try/ to draw some ponies just for fun. I've been doing a couple role plays but now-a-days I'm not feeling it. Besides those things what else that I have tried to contibue to is some of the discussions about mlp. It's hard though, as usually what I could've said has already been said by so many other users and then those that can just write a whole novel-worth of things while I'm like.. " uhh.. what do I even say? >3>;; "


I'm trying though.

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you don't need a special ability to roleplay, don't be scared of it. Believe me, I know nothing about RP's and I'm playing one and it's fun, you should try it, plenty of people are looking for roleplayers here.

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I'm not really sure how you can be bad at role playing. If you try, and you have at least passable spelling and grammar (and you follow the rules) anyone should be able to do it with a bit of practice.

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Hi there!

I read your example and thought about it for some minutes. Your story telling is good, but you have to give more content for the characters to create a better impression. I would write it like this (your idea in orange, my addition in green). After that i explain what i changed:




Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were standing on one of the lower clouds in the sky. Scootaloo looked over the edge nervously and then looked up to Rainbow Dash for guidance. She wasn´t sure to give this a try, but since she was that close to Rainbow Dash, she build up more confidence within herself. Of course she had courage! But to admit weaknesses in front of her hero mare wasn´t that easy for her.

“Go on. Just jump and then use your wings and try to fly” Rainbow Dash told Scootaloo. She knew that the little mare had some difficulties to overcome her fear. Scootaloo always wanted to make a good impression on her, but it was just ok. “What if I fall to the ground though?” Scootaloo asked, fearing the height. Just by looking down made her feel dizzy and the feeling of butterflies in her belly made her crazy. With a small jump he hide behind Rainbow Dash who had to chuckle a bit. “Do you really think your big sis would let that happen to you?” she replied. "Never of course! We are a team, and we can do anything together! Just remember how you beat the fear about the headless horse! Just concentrate a bit, take a bit breath and do what you dreamed about!" Rainbow Dash said, giving the filly a bit advice about her emotions.

“I guess you’re right Dash” she answered a bit shaky on her hooves. But since she made a promise, she would do anything to keep it in front of her hero. She trusted Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo moved towards the edge and jumped off. She tried to user wings to go steady and fly, but instead ended up flailing. The wind pressure was just too much, and her little untrained wings couldn´t bear her weight. Rainbow Dash darted down and caught her before she even came close to hitting the ground.

“What’d I tell you?” Rainbow Dash asked with flare. She had confidence that Scootaloo could do it, but perhaps the missing training was something she didn´t think about until now. Rainbow sighed and carried her to the ground. “I knew that you wouldn't let me get hurt Rainbow, but I still can’t fly like you” the little filly answered with a saddened voice. Even if it looked easy, she couldn´t do it just like that. Her flapping technique was just good for her scooter to gain speed, but it didn´t help at all for her own weight to lift into the air. “We’ll change that and that’s a promise!” Rainbow Dash answered with confidence in her voice. She would teach everything she knew about flight.




Rule 1# : Don´t create too much oneliners. If characters interact with each other it is important to picture the emotions and feelings about the characters. It´s a very good way to give a better impression on the characters.

Rule 2# : Change words like "say" , "said" or "tell". If you use this words too often, it sounds like a robot is telling you lonely sentences. Use other words like "asked", "replied" or even change your syntax to use more words.

Rule 3# : Tell what the characters think or want to do. With that you can picture the character better to the reader since every reader tries to imagine how a character is feeling, standing, moving or even the face expression.

Rule 4# : Learn from others! It´s not forbidden to look at other posts, tellings or stories to get more description ideas. But don´t copy everything! You may look into the roleplay section to get more knowledge about character description and telling. Better get a look at the advanced section because there the players have to write much more! (Example i am in: Unforgetable day )

Note: This aren´t really rules, but this points will help you i think.

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Yes, it's easy to feel insignificant with all the incredible contributions that bronies make to the fandom, but you're not the only one. I've been meaning to add something to the fandom, myself. I've done some creative writing and drawing in the past, but have zero experience with fanfiction or fanart. I also have a few years of coding experience, but I doubt that I have what it takes to start and maintain a website or application. And I was going to donate months ago, but ended up procrastinating like hell. Sigh.


I think the problem for us is that we don't really know where to start. Personally, I can't decide what I should do first. All require significant effort and dedication, so trying several at the same time would produce lesser results.

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Hi there!


I read your example and thought about it for some minutes. Your story telling is good, but you have to give more content for the characters to create a better impression. I would write it like this (your idea in orange, my addition in green). After that i explain what i changed:







Rule 1# : Don´t create too much oneliners. If characters interact with each other it is important to picture the emotions and feelings about the characters. It´s a very good way to give a better impression on the characters.


Rule 2# : Change words like "say" , "said" or "tell". If you use this words too often, it sounds like a robot is telling you lonely sentences. Use other words like "asked", "replied" or even change your syntax to use more words.


Rule 3# : Tell what the characters think or want to do. With that you can picture the character better to the reader since every reader tries to imagine how a character is feeling, standing, moving or even the face expression.


Rule 4# : Learn from others! It´s not forbidden to look at other posts, tellings or stories to get more description ideas. But don´t copy everything! You may look into the roleplay section to get more knowledge about character description and telling. Better get a look at the advanced section because there the players have to write much more! (Example i am in: Unforgetable day )


Note: This aren´t really rules, but this points will help you i think.

Thanks - the rules (more of guidelines) will help :). I think that one of the things I'm going to have to work on is details among other things. Since Season 4 will not be out for awhile I think I'm going to attempt making a story on how RD and Scoot train/work together. No promises though...

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I think the problem for us is that we don't really know where to start. Personally, I can't decide what I should do first. All require significant effort and dedication, so trying several at the same time would produce lesser results.

I have had several ideas for fanfics and for a while really didn't know which one to start on first. Surprisingly the one I decided to start on first is the one I originally put on the back burner because I really want to do everything right, it is an Applejack fanfic where Granny Smith dies and leaves Applejack the Apple family diary. It deals with what happened to Applejack's parents and talks about the past of some prominent Apple family members and some Apple family history.

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