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Twilight Sparkle Fan Club


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I can definitely relate to Twilight, considering I get some of the highest grades in the class and being the only one who really knows anything about internet related stuff while everybody else is clueless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, the fan clubs are back from the dead? Alright!


Twilight seriously get better ever episode for me. She doesn't really worry too much anymore. (Which was the whole point of "Its About Time".)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh. My. God. I've died and gone to Twilight Heaven! SIGN ME UP SIGN ME UP SIGN ME UP!!!!!


Words can't not describe how much I love this filly!!! I mean LOOK AT HER:


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No, scratch that, THE ENTIRE BUCKING UNIVERSE!?!?!?

  • Brohoof 6

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I wanna join. Twilight Sparkle is my life! I'm tots love with that mare! ;)

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Oh. My. God. I've died and gone to Twilight Heaven! SIGN ME UP SIGN ME UP SIGN ME UP!!!!!


Words can't not describe how much I love this filly!!! I mean LOOK AT HER:


Posted Image

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No, scratch that, THE ENTIRE BUCKING UNIVERSE!?!?!?



*drools* The first two are soooooooo hot...


Twiforlife that middle pic looks like she's sweating


She's not sweating, she's just wet.

  • Brohoof 1

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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How could no one post the message Twilight made for us? Good thing I'm here now :P

You've all probably already seen it though.



*jaw drops* HOW DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT THIS!?!?!?!?


Now if you all excuse me I'm gonna spend the rest of my life trying to get my ass over to Equestria.

Edited by Crystal Sparkle

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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I'm not a big Twi fan myself, but I can totally see this as the theme song for this club:


Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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If you click the title of the video it takes you to the youtube page. There you can see it was made by the same person that made the Twilightlicious video.

It's not Tara's voice but it's the best impression i've heard but it does sound just a tiny bit off. The Twilightlicious video is Tara's voice though from the recording she did.


Also just went though and saved a bunch of pictures. If anyone else finds some please post them! I find sifting though all the junk on Ponibooru annoying...

Edited by Dave247

My Ponysona: Daylight
Avatar by the very skilled: @ErBoi
Signature by my friend:

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  • 10 months later...

One good rez deserves another first Applejack and now it is time for Twilight's turn. I will admit that at first I overlooked her not because of anything specifically about her it just that a have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to the "leader" characters that makes me not dislike them but not really give them as much of a chance as I usually do with a lot of other characters.


What made me give her a second look was a conversation I had with the same friend that introduced me to ponies and it was basically him asking me who out of the mane 6 my personality was the closest to and I answered Applejack. He said he was surprised I didn't give Twilight as my answer and I said "I don't have her OCD like tendencies" which is true but I did when I was a kid which I realized very quickly after I said that and after rewatching a few re runs realized that I had almost as much in common with her as Applejack making me relate to her as a character very strongly.


When I was in school I tended to relate more to my teachers than my fellow students especially in high school, I was on the honor roll in middle school and took several honors and AP classes in high school. From a young age I had a strong love of reading and learning which I still have to this day and have a somewhat nerdy side though you wouldn't know it at first glance from my 6 foot tall 350 pound football player build. I was very socially awkward during my entire childhood and most of my teen years.


Due to this and finding her overall more interesting as a character and her seriously starting to remind me of Donatello who is my favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle she soon climbed up my favorites list to my second favorite and then tied with Applejack and Luna which really made my favorite pony list quite crowded.

  • Brohoof 2
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I still can’t believe I never saw these fan club threads until now.  In honor of Twilight Sparkle, here are my five favorite things about her!


1.  Twilight Sparkle has an endless thirst for knowledge.  She knew this from an early age and has shown an amazing yearning for learning since before she started school.  And as much as she knows she never stops studying because there is always more to discover. Twilight Sparkle never suffers from a lack of thought. If anything, she may think too much. She will sometimes work herself into a tizzy over relatively small problems. Twilight has turned molehills into mountains as a result. Despite this flaw, her knowledge and intellectual mind have set her on a leadership path in life.


2.  She also has an endless thirst for friendship.  Remarkably, Twilight was not conscious of this great desire until she came to Ponyville two years ago.  But ever since her arrival, she has made up for lost time.  Twilight quickly formed a very strong bond with five Ponyville residents.  Lessons about friendship were the only thing Princess Celestia couldn't teach Twilight in a Canterlot classroom. Thus she began a whole new curriculum on relationships. Without those studies, Twilight may have developed into a cold, unfeeling leader.  Instead, she commands with compassion. And even though everypony regularly looks to her for direction, she considers them to be her friends, not her subordinates.


3. Of all the excellent leadership traits Twilight has, the most important one may be her style.  She’s compelling enough to spur others to action but gentle enough to avoid being domineering. Return to Harmony Part 2 has the best example of this. Due to the drag Twilight’s balloon was creating, Fluttershy was in pain, exhausted, and on the verge of quitting. Twilight could have said the wrong thing and shut her down completely. A good leader would be aware of the deep down fortitude that the mild-mannered pegasus has. But only a great leader would know how to unleash it. Twilight did just that when she successfully urged Fluttershy on.



4. Twily is the epitome of adorkable!  Despite her high level of studies and all of the expeditions she has gone on to defend Equestria, she is a little filly at heart. She is playful, spontaneous, and she enjoys the little things in life. This is due in part to her lack of socializing with her peers when she was growing up.  I suspect Twi’s parents offered to let her invite classmates over for a slumber party but she said she wasn’t interested.  So in addition to making up on being a close buddy with others, she is catching up on a large missing piece of her childhood as well.


5.  Twilight Sparkle realizes that the power of friendship is stronger than any magic spell. I know this looks very cliché and it plays right into MLP:FiM's underlying theme. But it still rings true. In order to wield the Elements of Harmony, it was necessary for Twilight to form the bonds of friendship with five other ponies. But there's more. In order to reach her lifelong dream of seeing Star Swirl's old spell executed properly, Princess Celestia needed somepony who totally understood the connection between friendship and magic. Twilight appeared to be that pony. And to complete the spell, Twilight and her friends had to become closer than ever before. It is extraordinary for anybody to form this type of relationship on a near spiritual level with more than one person in their entire lifetime. But the Mane 6 defied all odds to achieve this state universally among every member of their group. There is only one way to describe what happened in Magical Mystery Cure: A miracle.


For the record, I have yet to read Kyronea’s analysis on Twilight. I didn’t want her views to influence how I wrote this post in any way.  But if what she has written about Fluttershy and AJ is any clue, I suspect my points on Twi closely echo hers as well. 

Edited by Wingnut
  • Brohoof 4
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Suh-weet! I was going to revive this thread myself but, eh, what the hay are you gonna do. Now, with that all said and done, I do think it's fanart time.









Bask in her glory! BASK I SAY!

  • Brohoof 1

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I would have to say that Twlight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash are my two favorite characters out of the mane 6. Both are very likeable and are obviously unique in their own way. Also, as an Aries-Taurus cusp in astrology I would have to say I also identify with these two probably the most if they were combined into one character. I've always kind of been like thy though... a 'dual form' of sorts haha. Anyways they are great and I have no qualms as to the development of these two characters and will continue to watch them grow as the series progresses. Thank you for reading my piece.

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