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Brook's MLP Forums Members Interview Queue And General Sorting


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Welcome, welcome, welcome, to the general sorting thread of my interviews, which also contains the queue. Reply to this thread if you wish to be interviewed.

Important note: know that this is only a list, and not everyone on it will be interviewed, being on the list will only inform me that you wish to be interviewed, and I may or may not pick at random. But there is a very good possibility you will be interviewed eventually, if you are on the list.
Also I highly recommend you take a look at Hiddenpairer's follow-up interview series here, he expands upon the interviews and makes sure to pick up what I lost the first round, and everything about these follow-up interviews is explained there.
Link to the actual thread with the interviews:


-Interviews themselves will be done through the personal messenger here on the forums, so semi-anonymously is guaranteed. 


-Or I can record your voice over Skype, if you want to do it with audio, and then upload it to youtube, take your pick.
Line starts here:

-akita-ken (he brohoofed my blog! =D)
-Hazmat Headcase Hero (damn he's old)
-Fridge (the local idiot, but not really)
-Lost (the enigneer AJ pony rabid creature of sorts undefined cow bell)
-Gigachip (with extra dip)
-Quiles (the science guy)
-PinkieDaShy (FluttehDaSky)
-Arcus Wind (Elementary my dear)
-DashieVROOM (he'll leave you in the dust)
-PonyEcho (Quite.)
-Dusty Soul (the cereal bowl)
-Uhhh, Stefan, aka the one dude that has an entirely Russian username that I can't write :|
-Chaotic Lightning (buck yeah)
-Dev ~♥ Derpy ♥~ (come on and slam and welcome to the jam)
-Riclo (secretly likes shows for little girls)
-Freewave (secretly in love with himself)
-MelancholicMemory (secretly fabulous beyond all imagination)
-khaine21x3 (I got nothing)
-Neighvana666 (smells like mean table)
-Doctor-Whooves (who?)
-AtomicBassCannon (wub the Brook ;))
-DusK (the clockwork lavender)
-Hiddenpairer (of pants and wonders)
-Thunder Knight (thunder POWAAH!)
-Pripyat Pony (everybody do the dinosaur)
-CrimsonArrow0519 (but not now, later)
-Chaotic Luna (and don't call me shirley)
-Rarietty (gypsy magic)
-Pinkazoid (RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!)
-Antismurf9001 (WHAT? 9000?!)
-Obsidian_Winter (coolest OC ever)
-Flame Dancer (a.k.a. Star Pants-er)
-Fubz (tenouttatenbronybestof1996greatesthitsworkingoutwithfubznowinstorescallnineoneoneformoreinfo)

-Steamgamer27 (hey that's my favorite number :D)

-Regular aRegularPony (whoops)

-DrUnderachiever (a.k.a. the banana man of your mom)

-SCS (Successful Chicken Seller)


Edited by Brook
  • Brohoof 23
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..... ummm.... sure..... why not?


I'm okay with this... though, I cant be entirely sure what I could even be interviewed about...


Oh, and congratulations on becoming an assistant.

  • Brohoof 1


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Im not so prominent of a user, can i still get in? XD Pretty sure a lot of people will be wanting to sign up.


Oh, and how is the interview set up? is it just answering questions on text?


"Colorful Rainbows catch my eye, as i see you fly across the sky.

You're like a drug that calms the mind."

Recycled sig from one of my test anims. Pay no heed.

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..... ummm.... sure..... why not?


I'm okay with this... though, I cant be entirely sure what I could even be interviewed about...


Oh, and congratulations on becoming an assistant.

Thank you, and trust me, a poet like you will have much to contribute to an interview, you are now first on the queue my friend! :3


Im not so prominent of a user, can i still get in? XD Pretty sure a lot of people will be wanting to sign up.


Oh, and how is the interview set up? is it just answering questions on text?

Anyone can join, as long as you'll have much to talk about. Not anyone will be interviewed though, I may or may not have some higher standards for some.

Edited by Brook
  • Brohoof 1
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I'd be fine with being interviewed. :3 Of course, there are other members who should be interviewed more then me... So yea. Whatever Harmonic wants to do is awesome sauce.

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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I'd love to be interviewed. It'd be great fun - I'd probably give the most enormous answers to questions


I can't guarantee that every answer won't contain a Pinkie reference or quote, hear ye.


Of course, like above, members in previous mind come first. Won't mind at all.

Edited by Flipturn
  • Brohoof 1
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ooo, me me me me...-raises hand- pick me!! ^^


I'd love to tell everyone about myself ^^ so ye getting interviewed would be awesome. 





Edited by Parsleyshy


   Check out our YouTube Page          Come say Hi or find more details

                  Harmony's Evolution - Author 
          Fractured Loyalties - Co-Writer and Editor 

         Spiritual Renewal - Co-Writer and Editor


To any and all aspiring Fan Fiction writers: If you are interested in co-writing a Fic with me - Message Me 


Fan of the upcoming movie: Equestria Girls. 

Anyone mad enough yet?

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I wouldn't mind being interviewed. I think it would be quite fun! I've been here for quite a while now (May 2012), so I may have some things to tell.


I'm willing if you guys need me, though if you never pick me I won't be disappointed or anything.

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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I'd love to be interviewed. It'd be great fun - I'd probably give the most enormous answers to questions


I can't guarantee that every answer won't contain a Pinkie reference or quote, hear ye.


Of course, like above, members in previous mind come first. Won't mind at all.

Oh wow, I am definitely looking forward to interviewing you! I'm stealing you, I'll give Harmonic someone else, you're mine Flipturn! >:3

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah sounds good! I think a good range of people will make the whole interview thing better just to get a wider range of views.


Also being interviewed is always fun! 


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I'm not one to turn down an interview, so if you need someone I'm all open for questions! But of course its all up to you, just thought I'd join in the fun! 

Signature to come soon. I think. Yeah. Once I think up a nice one. Or when someone makes one for me. Damn it. I need more time to draw and animate poni. >_<

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Gawd.. I'm not sure if I'll have much to talk about. But I have been here since April 2012, so I might as well spread some elderly wisdom.

Edited by Calirolls
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lol interviews. Why the hell not, I could use big words and make myself seem very intelligent! Or I could use some past experiences and make myself seem like god or something


I dunno.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I guess, if it isn't much trouble, I'd like an interview eventually. I figure I'm popular enough on here that people will at least have seen my name before and know I exist.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I'd be down, though if it were to happen, I'd prefer it over PM's.  My main computer doesn't have a mic currently, and the laptop's sound is pretty lame.

  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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Eh, why not. I wot deny that I love talking about myself. And I feel that enough members have at least seen me around that they would bother to read my interview.


Either way, I'm in. :)

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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I'd be down, though if it were to happen, I'd prefer it over PM's.  My main computer doesn't have a mic currently, and the laptop's sound is pretty lame.


PLEASE interview Crispy. Have you seen this man's beard? Seriously. I don't even really know why I need to stress this.


That beard needs airtime. 

  • Brohoof 2



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Well, I'll throw my hat in the ring. Could be fun :) although I'm hardly prominent in the community although I'm determined to carve some sort of niche. Hopefully a niche that's not "local idiot" lol


Wait... Does that make me a narcissist?

Edited by Fridge

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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I don't know if many of the members know me on the forums but i may as-well sign up for being interviewed too because why the buck not :P

Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist

Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life.




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Alright, so I didn't know about this thread until I got back. So I thought it'd be fair to tell you guys my input on it.


I decided that perhaps me and Brook should interview seperately because that would keep things interesting and unique, and would also avoid other problems. I haven't figured out the detail, so technically speaking, I'm not going to adhere to this list specifically, Brook might, I'm not sure yet.


What I do know is that specifically speaking, Brook and my interviews might not even be written in the same style.



Edited by Harmonic Revelations
  • Brohoof 1


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-Firebolt (that one chick who acts like a hobo)





Alright, so I didn't know about this thread until I got back. So I thought it'd be fair to tell you guys my input on it.


I decided that perhaps me and Brook should interview seperately because that would keep things interesting and unique, and would also avoid other problems. I haven't figured out the detail, so technically speaking, I'm not going to adhere to this list specifically, Brook might, I'm not sure yet.


What I do know is that specifically speaking, Brook and my interviews might not even be written in the same style.

That shouldn't matter too much. I'd like to read interviews regardless.


Also, Harmonic, if you want to have a banner for your thread or anything I can totz hook you up with that, seeing as this will probably be a long term thing.

Edited by Firebolt



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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That shouldn't matter too much. I'd like to read interviews regardless.


Also, Harmonic, if you want to have a banner for your thread or anything I can totz hook you up with that, seeing as this will probably be a long term thing.

Totally. that would be amazing. Also, I didn't even know Brook was going to make this thread until literally when I posted that reply.


That's how early on we are in deciding how things will be done. I am talking to Brook via PM about it.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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