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Things I'd like to see:

  • Another Luna-centric episode. Actually a Celestia episode would be cool as well.
  • A return of Gilda and/or Blueblood.
  • A least a crumb of background for Scootaloo.
  • Have them do something with Discord, at least some cameos.
  • Brohoof 41
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-Capitalization on Scootaloo and Dash's relationship that's been established in SiP.

-More Rainbow Dad, in any way shape or form.

-Always good with more Discord, now that he's been un-stoned they might as well show him every now and then in cameos.

-More on Celestia and Luna. I'd love to see them goofing around and having fun or something, maybe even with Discord, since he's no longer malicious. Something like this, perhaps.

-I'd really enjoy seeing Celestia become a villain. She's always been portrayed as completely incorruptible, the ultimate good. Especially if Twilight is becoming an alicorn now, it'd be very interesting to see her face the ultimate challenge with her friends: Defeating her teacher, in order to bring her back.

  • Brohoof 41


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-Rarity episodes. Just please...

-If Twilight remains as an alicorn, I think a few episodes going towards her character development and how she copes with her wings would be great.

-Have nice villains. Possible return of Sombra?

  • Brohoof 13
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I'd like to see more CMC episodes

And another Scootaloo episode

Since the last one was actually quite good

More Rarity episodes, since she needs more love

And the return of Chrysalis

Maybe Sombra as well, because I was so disappointed

With his last appearance

  • Brohoof 2

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-I'd really enjoy seeing Celestia become a villain. She's always been portrayed as completely incorruptible, the ultimate good. Especially if Twilight is becoming an alicorn now, it'd be very interesting to see her face the ultimate challenge with her friends: Defeating her teacher, in order to bring her back.

This. It might create a story line a little dark/deep for the target demographic, but we've seen deep plot lines before. Even if it was just one episode, it would be awesome to see Celestia become corrupt as Luna did.

  • Brohoof 7


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-Capitalization on Scootaloo and Dash's relationship that's been established in SiP.

-I'd really enjoy seeing Celestia become a villain. She's always been portrayed as completely incorruptible, the ultimate good. Especially if Twilight is becoming an alicorn now, it'd be very interesting to see her face the ultimate challenge with her friends: Defeating her teacher, in order to bring her back.


These two right here I need

It would be awesome to see Celestia as a villian

And since we all know how big of a Scootaloo fanboy I am

We all know what I think about some Scootadash episodes

  • Brohoof 1

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- Gilda and/or Lightning Dust return, or even team up, just to settle old scores with Rainbow Dash, possibly redeemed

- More Scootalove

- More pets

- More Iron Will

- Rarity Episodes

- More Pegasai Families(closest we got was Rainbow's dad in a flash back so far)

- Celestia episode

- Less Cadance

- Beach Episode =p

- Another Winter/Christmas episode

- Celestia and Luna backstory

- More Fluttershy/Applejack interaction

- More Applejack/Pinkie Interaction

- More Rarity/Rainbow Dash

- More Twilight/Rainbow Dash

- Another holiday episode

- Every main character gets more balanced screentime

- Rainbow Dash solo(so far she's the only one who doesn't have her own song)

- More Ashleigh Ball singing

- More Songs period

- A return to Apploosa

- Return of Braeburn

- More Wonderbolts

- More importantly, more Soarin

- Peter Cullen voices a character

- Steve Blum voices a villain

Edited by Megas75
  • Brohoof 13
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1.the cutie mark crusaders get their cutie marks.Seriously they eventually need that kind of episode.

2.i want to see gilda possibly return.

and 3.do something with discord,or atleast have a bunch of discord episodes.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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This. It might create a story line a little dark/deep for the target demographic, but we've seen deep plot lines before. Even if it was just one episode, it would be awesome to see Celestia become corrupt as Luna did.


I didn't necessarily mean turn evil in the same fashion Luna turned into another being entirely, but come to think of it that's probably the best angle. Holy crap, can you imagine the sheer level of awesome they could pull off with a Corrupted Celestia design? The sun princess...





  • Brohoof 15


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 - Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash's relationship like in Sleepless in Ponyville

- Rarity Episodes

- Return of Trixie

- Cutie Mark Crusader episodes

- Babs Seed revealing her Manehattan branch of CMC in Ponyville

- More episode songs

- More Discord

- More Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy having fun

- The Return of Queen Chrysalis from Planet Team Rocket Blasting Off Again

- Looking deeper into the background of Princess Luna

- Trixie returning but instead of her being good again, as a Villain again.

  • Brohoof 9
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-MOAR CELESTIA (Can she have an episode? Please?)

-Less Cadence (Way too much screen time for her this season.)

-Episode about Scootaloo not being able to fly, and Sweetie Belle not being able to use magic.



-One of the crusaders gets her cutie mark. Think about it. That would probably split them up. Which would be very interesting.


  • Brohoof 3



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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More clever one-liners, I NEED MY CLEVER ONE LINERS! Oh and also I want to see more time travel, like maybe an episode where they go into the future and find everything screwed up... HASBRO DID YOU HEAR THAT? MAKE IT HAPPEN! Also more Rarity (and clever one-liners).

Edited by thesteampunkninja
  • Brohoof 1


Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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In season 4 I hope to see:

  • More songs
  • Princess Luna appearing more regularly and playing larger parts in opening/finale episodes, including more episodes about Princess Luna entering into dreams
  • At least two Princess Celestia episodes
  • Some episodes focused on Princess Cadence, Prince Shining Armor, and the Crystal Empire that may or may not involve the mane 6
  • Further developments of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's sister relationship
  • At least three CMC episodes
  • Episodes that focus on one to three of the mane 6 specifically (as in season 2), as well as episodes that focus on all 6 of them together
  • Zecora appearing more regularly 
  • The return/reformation of Gilda
  • The return/reformation of Prince Blueblood 
  • The return/reformation of Queen Chrysalis and the changelings
  • Trixie appearing more regularly
  • Discord appearing more regularly
  • Episodes focused on the Everfree Forest
  • Another Holiday/Christmas/Winter episode
  • Episodes taking place in all four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter
  • An episode about the Summer Sun Celebration
  • An episode showing the Equestria Games (if that's not in the season 3 finale)
  • A new villain that the mane 6, Spike, Zecora, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and Prince Shining Armor all have to team up to defeat
  • An episode where the mane 6 have to go on a journey beyond Equestria


It would be awesome of these things were incorporated into season 4, but I know I'll be happy with the season (just as long as they aren't changing it into a show for teens, with the new IP thing on EqD) regardless. 

Edited by SCS
  • Brohoof 6



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-A flashback episode with Discord still evil: I would like to see him be the bad guy just one more time.


-Return of King Sombra: This guy has so much potential to be a great villain he looks so badass and based on the few lines he had and other facts we know he is the most evil and sadistic villain introduced so far.


-More Celestia: We have see her a lot in season 1 and less but still a pretty good amount in season 2 but we haven't really seen much of her outside of her "role" as a princess you know I want to learn a bit more about Celestia the pony.


-More Luna: Luna is by far the most compelling of the princesses, she is powerful yet vulernable at the same time which is a very interesting and unusual combination.


-More of Rainbow Dash's parents: I will admit that flashback was adorable and I get the feeling that she takes after her Dad.


-More Zecora


-Derpy Episode: I know it is unlikely but a guy can dream can he?


-More on Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash's relationship: What we have seen in Sleepless in Ponyville has been some of the best character development for both characters because we get to soo their vulnerable and caring sides which they seem reluctant to show to other ponies.

  • Brohoof 4
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-More Trixie

-More Applejack

-More Derpy

-More CMC

-More Twilight

-More Fluttershy

-More Apple Fritters?

-Less Drama on the Brony community

  • Brohoof 2



No matter how much you try.... you can never hit that f***ing dog from Duck Hunt.

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Reani said:


-Less Drama on the Brony community


LOL So true, but I think it might get worst down the road because those reddit rumors seem to be coming true over time......

  • Brohoof 4

-Collector GameDev of Collector Productions and Fanwork critic


Artist who wants to work on a project? Click here!:  http://mlpforums.com/topic/52021-need-comic-artist-for-walking-dead-style-idea/

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All I want to see for certain is Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly.  Some other episodes I'd like to see is Spike taking advantage of Twilight's new found popularity and open up a "princess twilight" museum in the Library, and Rarity "borrowing" Twilight's tiara without permission to try it on and ends up losing and breaking it, then spends the rest of the episode trying to find it/get it fixed before Twilight notices.

  • Brohoof 8
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There's just too much for me to list. 


But one thing's for sure, I wanna see/hear more of Rainbow Dash's silly and awesome laughter. I also wanna see Discord on his good side and maybe Chrysalis reformed. Trixie's already reformed, but I still would like to see a Twilight/Trixie episode where they must work together. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I actually would love to see:

  • More Rarity/spike
  • Sweetie belle getting her fricking cutie mark >_<
  • An actual episode where Berry Punch/Lyra/Derpy is included in (not a cameo)
  • More background history on the Mane 6's parents aside from just seeing RD'S dad. 
  • MORE Celestia and Luna back story, like how they came to be and who their parents are
  • Bring back a Iron will! He was awesome D:
  • Crys and the changlings turning good and needing the mane 6's help with something? idk
  • More episodes where Cadence doesn't sound bored (more playful less regal) 
  • More screentime for Babseed
  • Brohoof 2
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- Please please PLEASE bring back the letters to Princess Celestia. It's just not the same without them. It's honestly my only real major complaint about season 3. I'd rather have the letters to Celestia than Derpy. =P


- Season 4 needs to take a page out of season 1's book, in that there needs to be more episodes focused on the friendship between two characters. I'm talking about episodes like Look Before You Sleep, Fall Weather Friends, and Feeling Pinkie Keen. After all, it's called Friendship is Magic. I like seeing more one-on-one interactions as opposed to a large focus on one character for the whole episode. Just a personal request because I enjoy the episodes focused heavily on character interactions.


- Cut down on the Spike episodes, and just have him do more tag-along roles. Really, it's not quite right that he gets two episodes in a season and Rarity gets zero. I know that's being nitpicky, but I think Spike is easier to love when he's in supporting roles like in Lesson Zero and The Crystal Empire as opposed to the dry comedy we usually get when he's in a starring role ala Just For Sidekicks and Owl's Well That Ends Well. =P


- Well, fans love looking for Derpy in every episode, and if she could come back I'd more than welcome it.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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The thing I really want the most is basically just more Luna. I want to see her actually involved in ruling, not just being someone who stands by Celestia. More dream stuff could be nice but I'd rather he have a more physical presence.


To add to that, some history on the two sisters (Luna and Celestia) would be very much welcomed. Singing from them would be nice too :P


Aside from that, I'd be happy with some nice bonding episodes between only a few of the 6. They are always entertaining.

Sad moments too. I love sad moments. Bring in the heartache!

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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More Rarity, more CMC, Derpy brought back, Chrysalis' return, Gilda's return, more use of the Crystal Empire, more use of Cadence and Shining Armor, and more going to places we've heard about but never seen. (I.e. Manhattan, Saddle Arabia, Las Pegasus, that one forbidden-ish looking place on the map of Equestria that people have said could be the lair of the Changelings.)



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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