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There is something I want to see now that Season 4 started:


I am DYING to know more about other regions of their world. I wanna see the place where the gryphons live. I want to know how other countries, if there are, relate to Equestria because the rulers of Equestria move the freaking sun and moon around. I want to know if Celestia has some unique power like Luna's dreamwalk. And for the love of everything that is most sacred: tell me how the hay did Luna and Celestia come into being! At Discord's time they were exactly the same they are now! When were they born? How did they become princesses? Are they different?!?! I mean, I didn't see Cadance's cutie mark on the freaking Tree of Harmony!!!

Oh... Just one other thing.... I'd like Twilight's inability to fly correctly to be a running gag.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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why blueblood? he didn't realy do any thing that would make him a major enemy.


Because I just want to see more of him as a character, not just as a villian. You could make a good redemption episode with him.

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Discord gets sick in while Fluttershy spends the episode taking care of him. Meanwhile the others deal with the effects of his powers being affected in which random chaos happens when he exhibits a symptom. Discord sneezes causing Rarity's mane and tail to be blown off into Spike.

Edited by Singe
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Everything I might want has probably already been said and said again... However, there is one thing I'm hoping season 4 will do. 


I really liked MLP as a "Slice of Life" type of show. The direction they seem to be moving in (WHAT'S IN THE BOX?) seems to be a story arc sort of thing (like you see in many animes). This isn't a bad thing, and I'm not going to the classic "IM LEAVIN THE FANDOMMMMM!" if it turns out that that's what the ultimate plan is. However, I really hope MLP doesn't forget it's slice of life roots and will continue to make episodes like those.

  • Brohoof 1


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Episode Idea based off the legend of King Midas and his golden touch.

Spike gains a power that lets him turn anything into a gem. Jewel Touch.

This gets out of control as he just touches things and eats them.

Rarity accidentally gets touched and turns into a gem.


Spike has nightmares of eating gem Rarity.

Edited by Singe
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Questions I'd like to have answered:

1. Why can't Scootaloo fly???

2. Would Rainbow Dash help teach her how to fly??

3. Why doesn't Rainbow Dash claim her as her sister???


Princess Luna

1. I would like to see how she got her cutie mark.

2. What's the story behind it and when did she get it?

3. Who were her and Princess Celestia's parents?


Princess Celestia

1. How did Celestia get her cutie mark???

2. When did she get her cutie mark???

3. When did Celestia become a princess???

  • Brohoof 1
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A flashback showing Big Mac as a baby


A flashback showing Luna and Celly as Fillies and Babies


A flashback showing Colt Shining Armour (the flashback in A Canterlot Wedding did not look young enough)


A flashback showing Filly Cadance


A flashback showing Colt and Filly Mr and Mrs Cake


A flashback showing Filly and Colt Lyra, Sweetie Drops, Minuette, Amethyst Star, Doctor Whooves, Octavia, Derpy and Vinyl Scratch


A flashback showing Baby Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, we already seen Baby Applejack


A flashback showing Colt (and baby) BraeBurn


A flashback showing Colt Joe


A flashback showing Baby Discord and King Sombra


A flashback showing Newborn Fluttershy.

  • Brohoof 2


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More backstory/history, to everything! I want to know what Cadance was doing before we saw her in the series. How her romance with Shining Armor was like as a princess. Was it difficult? I think it'd make for some very interesting flashbacks. Also, more of Luna and Celestia's VERY interesting history. I feel the first episode of Season 4 was an awesome example, but it just leaves me wanting for more. 


More detail as well on the origins of the Everfree Forest and why it exists. Seeing as how it is now known that it needs the Tree of Harmony as a container, I want to know what the purpose of such a place is. 


Also, want to know where Zecora came from and what her history deal is. What was she doing there and what's this strange place like? Are there more zebras? Show me more zebras!


I just overall would like them to explore established concepts rather than create new ones. And to put more depth on what it means to be an alicorn as well, since Twilight is now one. Where do they come from? What are their origins? What are they like as a species? Are they born naturally AND made? Or just made? 


So many questions in my mind, and so few that I actually believe will be answered. But who knows? They surprised me on the first episode of the season being dedicated to exploring history and world-building.

  • Brohoof 1

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Another one of my hopes is that we get to see the return of Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. The Queen posed a real threat in Season 2, but I feel that she wasn't really shown enough. This is more so true with King Sombra, who only had a whopping five lines, two of which were actual dialogue. There was a lot of potential for the King, but he was severely under utilized as such.

  • Brohoof 1
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Another one of my hopes is that we get to see the return of Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. The Queen posed a real threat in Season 2, but I feel that she wasn't really shown enough. This is more so true with King Sombra, who only had a whopping five lines, two of which were actual dialogue. There was a lot of potential for the King, but he was severely under utilized as such


Scary thought come to me. Crysalis and Sombra teem up.

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I think it was confirmed Discord may have a singing bit. Oh God. If what I heard is true, DeLancie isn't the best singer. However, it could provide us with some funny things to make fun of right?

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