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Can anypony just dispel my doubths please.


The Equestria Girls... have nothing to season 4 plot, isn't it? I mean new season of mlp will start right on the Twilights coronation, and will not involve any events in some "paralell world"?

No. I am pretty sure Equestria Girls has nothing to do with season 4.

I want to see a Big MacIntosh episode on his life, events, and if he has always been quiet?

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I think an episode with princess Cadence going through pregnancy would be interesting. It'd also be interesting for us to get to know Twi and Shining's parents a little better.


At least one new character is introduced (this is pretty much a given, isn't it?) or an existing character who's normally a background pony gets fleshed out more. Either would be good.

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Well, here are some things I'd like to see happen or I think will happen:


- A Twilight learning how to fly episode. In fact, since Meghan McCarthy said that MMC was basically a three-parter (with the S3 finale having been the first part and the S4 opener slated to be the remaining two parts), I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if the first thing that happens in S4 is Twilight crashing (MMC ended with her flying). Further liklihood of this happening is evidenced by a quick bit of animation that was seen in Twilight's "Hot Minute" promotional ad for Hot Topic. It shows Twilight struggling to fly while her friends look on.


- A rodeo episode for Applejack. It's kinda funny. Back when we were still speculating about S3, I said I'd like to see either a rodeo that included a lot of Applejack's family, or a family reunion, in which Applejack and/or her family members got a song, and we saw the latter. So, now it's time for the former. Maybe touch on Applejack's competitive side again, and have the friendship lesson be related to that. This would be a great way to give Braeburn a cameo, hopefully with lines this time, and show off characters mentioned in "The Last Roundup", such as Wild Bull Hickok. Also, another song would be great.


- A Rarity and Octavia duet. I remember hearing rumors that this was going to happen in S3, and it never did. I hope it happens, because it would certainly up appreciation for Rarity, and who doesn't love Octavia? Which brings me to my next one...


- Episodes that focus on characters other than the mane 6/Spike/the CMC. Let's face it: We've got a full 26 episodes ahead of us. Too many of those not focusing on the mane 6, Spike, or the CMC would feel a little odd, but there's definitely room for at least two episodes that focus on somepony else. The most obvious candidates for this would probably be either Cheerilee or Bic Mac, whom I would love to know more about. But they could also focus on DJ Pon-3, Lyra, etc. The two huge fan favorites, Doctor Hooves and Derpy, are a lot less likely due to potential copyright issues with the former and scandal with the latter, but it's still entirely possible.


- The Equestria Games. They were mentioned in "Games Ponies Play", and it would just feel so unsatisfying if we don't get to see them soon. Big potential to introduce new characters and have loads of awesomeness here.


- Barber Groomsby. This guy has really intrigued me ever since he was first announced. If you're wondering why, take a look at his blind bag toy:




Note the look of malice on his face. The only other blind bag figures that have eyes like that are Flim and Flam, who are antagonists. So, I'm hoping he'll be a minor villain for S4. He would certainly be a good candidate for a Rarity episode - he could give her a bad manecut or dye her mane green or something. And they should throw in a Sweeny Todd reference for good measure (hey, another great place for a song!) And speaking of blind bags and Flim and Flam...


- A carnival episode where Flim and Flam return. These are basically just my imaginings based on the wave 8 blind bags:




I really love the look of the carnival on the bags, so I'd love to see one in the show. The ponies in the wave are often referred to as neon, so the pure visual greatness that a neon-based carnival would offer is huge. I don't really see Flim and Flam being the focus of the episode in this scenario, but I see them still doing what they do best: swindling. Just on a much smaller scale. It's cliched, but I could see them having one of those "knock down the milk bottles" games, but the bottles are glued together, and we could even have Applejack try bucking to break the group of bottles apart, to no avail. Also, since Flim loves to sing, they could have a short song.


- More about Luna and Celestia. This is something Twilight's Hot Minute also potentially hinted at, with Twilight saying, "I'd love to see Luna and Celestia as fillies". Maybe Twilight would be able to time travel more effectively due to her being an alicorn. Maybe there will be something similar to a remembrall from the Harry Potter series, where the person looking into it can see memories. I don't hugely care how they pull it off, I'd love to see the two as fillies. Aside from that, I'm hoping we will still get more information on the two. I would assume Twilight would need to spend more time with them now that she's a princess-in-training.


- Cadence being pregnant. This would be a tough subject for FiM to handle, but I think they could pull it off decently. This is mostly more toy speculation of mine, as we've seen a baby alicorn named Princess Skyla. Of course, if Cadence does give birth to an alicorn, that will need explaining as well. Or they can make her filly or colt somepony else. Either way, it would be very interesting to see.


- More information on the mane six's parents, except for Rarity's and Applejack's, since we've met Rarity's parents and Applejack's aren't alive anymore. I want to know more about Twilight's mother and father. I want to know about the rock farm Pinkie grew up on. I want to know something, anything, about the parents of the two pegasi (and yes, I am aware we got a glimpse of Rainbow's dad. I want to know more).


- At least one cutie mark crusader earns her cutie mark. I think at this point we've exhausted the "try but fail to get their cutie marks" scenarios, and I do like that the writers seem to know this and have been placing the CMC into different situations, but this is a loose end that needs tying up at some point. And by CMC, I mean the ones in Ponyville. Babs getting her cutie mark when the other three don't would feel a bit like a slap in the face.

Edited by Spring Storm



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- A Rarity and Octavia duet. I remember hearing rumors that this was going to happen in S3, and it never did. I hope it happens, because it would certainly up appreciation for Rarity, and who doesn't love Octavia? Which brings me to my next one...


I believe the rumor originated from this Comic Con 2012 panel (start from the 27:36 mark). Even if it doesn't happen for real, just watching the video should be enough.


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I believe the rumor originated from this Comic Con 2012 panel (start from the 27:36 mark). Even if it doesn't happen for real, just watching the video should be enough.


Ooo thanks! I never did find out where that rumor originated from! So it was a little joke, and probably not meant to taken seriously. Well, if they ever do decide to take it seriously (meaning put it in an episode), I think we can both agree that it would be amazing! ^-^



Together since October 19th, 2011


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Well, hasbro hasn't been doing very well too lately with a bunch of screwups and i wasn't exactly happy about twilights "enlightenment" so i was wondering if anypony else was worried about how S4 might be like? Im interested to hear about peoples opinions.

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I look forward to season 4, I'm not worried at all. I trust them completely, besides I just feel silly over this reaction over Twilicorn. I was worried, but I felt silly afterwards. I'm sure that season 4 will be just as awesome as all the other seasons, who knows maybe it will be the best one yet. I wouldn't worry at all, MLP is in good hands. So instead of worrying, feel excited because we have whole 26 episodes to look forward to. biggrin.png

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Im trying but i cant help feel that Hasbro's trading card screwups are an omen of some sort.


I can't get over Twilicorn because i just find it stupid that she is the only one of the Mane 6 to transform. This is probably my visualization of twilight being one of my least fav of the mane 6 but i do see that there is a big overreaction about her existance

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You're not alone. I'm not worried, myself, but I have to be honest in that I'm seeing a lot of bronies worried about Season 4.


But then, they were worried about season 2, season 3, Equestria Girls, so on and so forth. Some people seem to get a kick out of being upset all the time. I wouldn't be worried about them, if I were you. wink.png

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I honestly don't feel there's a whole lot to be worried about. I understand where anti-AliTwi folks are coming from, especially with the "too soon" argument (which I actually somewhat agree with, they definitely should've waited on that), but what's done is done and I feel the writers are talented enough to climb their way out of the neat little hole Hasbro has dug for them.


I know I've said this ad nauseum, but I believe the whole AliTwi issue will present a great deal of excellent story opportunities in the long run. One of the things most worry-warts out there like to bring up is "With her new status, wouldn't she have no time for her friends?" or "Wouldn't some of her friends become a little resentful?" And you know what...maybe! That is the kind of stuff I want to see covered in se04. Just about every issue one can bring up about the AliTwi situation can be explored in-show...and in a very intriguing manner, knowing these writers.


Suffice it to say, I'm highly optimistic. smile.png

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Im trying but i cant help feel that Hasbro's trading card screwups are an omen of some sort.


I can't get over Twilicorn because i just find it stupid that she is the only one of the Mane 6 to transform. This is probably my visualization of twilight being one of my least fav of the mane 6 but i do see that there is a big overreaction about her existance

Look at it this way, what really changed? She got wings mkay, she got promoted to a princess status mkay. But she is still Twilight, I don't want the others to transform too and I agree with many that they transformed her too early. But still, does it really matter that much.. Truth is I really hated that they changed her, but I just thought to myself.. Wow, I'm acting silly.. What has really changed, she has wings.. Now why would I dislike her for that, I just don't feel like this transformation is enough for me to not like Twilight. She is still adorable, she has always been the most powerful unicorn. I understand why you are worried, but just wait until season 4 comes out. They said it was sort of a three-parter, so maybe we will understand it better as season 4 airs. If you are still worried, then it's highly likely that you won't be worried once you see the other parts. These couple of months have been hard on the fandom, but I believe that we will all be much happier once season 4 airs. Trust me, everything is going to be fine. smile.png If not, then you can be worried throughout season 4.

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Maybe it's just because I'm more of a pessimist, but I have two "fears"


1) They don't handle the balance between Twilight's character development and the show's initial premise.


You see, it would be inconsistent not to change her as a character at all, but at the same time it would be a mistake to make her the "pretty precious princess". The whole transformation into an alicorn would be nearly pointless if she stays like she is. And at the same time her friends need to develop in an equivalent way. Otherwise they would be just standing in her shadow and the reason why I like the show, that Twilight never felt like an "unequal" leader, would be damaged.


2) They waste potential.


With that I mean, instead of telling valuable lessons like in the prior seasons they focus on more "entertainment-only-things".

I hope for an episode where Twilight learns that being what she is now is not necessarily her set destiny. That there are many definitions of that concept. MMC felt for me a bit like "it's your destiny, deal with it, it's totally set".

I hope for an episode where they extend Sparity to the "love conquers all" point. I don't say that I necessarily need to see Sparity become canon. But the lesson itself is a good one. It may end in a turn down, but good writing can perform wonders even in such situations.

I hope for an episode where Celestia is actually presented - and recognized by the other characters as such - fallible character. For me she is too perfect. In the way she acts and in the way others act in front of her or see her. It would give her character more depth and could be a good basis to tell her actual story. Her origin, her past.

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Look at it this way, what really changed? She got wings mkay, she got promoted to a princess status mkay. But she is still Twilight, I don't want the others to transform too and I agree with many that they transformed her too early. But still, does it really matter that much.. Truth is I really hated that they changed her, but I just thought to myself.. Wow, I'm acting silly.. What has really changed, she has wings.. Now why would I dislike her for that, I just don't feel like this transformation is enough for me to not like Twilight. She is still adorable, she has always been the most powerful unicorn. I understand why you are worried, but just wait until season 4 comes out. They said it was sort of a three-parter, so maybe we will understand it better as season 4 airs. If you are still worried, then it's highly likely that you won't be worried once you see the other parts. These couple of months have been hard on the fandom, but I believe that we will all be much happier once season 4 airs. Trust me, everything is going to be fine. img-1574795-1-smile.png If not, then you can be worried throughout season 4.


I see where your coming from about season 4 and i guess your right. I think the thing that gets me about twilicorn is... i dont think twilight should be a princess. I just don't think she should.

You know Hasbro is pretty good at handling things, for the most. But, I am getting very worried. But, I think they will ruin MLP because, they made Twilight Sparkle a princess over her damn friends. Yeah that's friendship alight.


Yeah, i dont Hasbro didn't do a great idea of there Royalty system as it creates a visualization of supperiority. I thought royalty was about the family you born in, not your racial characteristics

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I've always been a Princess Twilight supporter and I'm very excited about season 4. Everyside has valid points, although I feel the anti people have a much weaker position because the writers have given us glimpses of their ideas in recent books (Crystal Heart Spell), Twilight's hot minute and even Equestria Girls. Those ideas seem to work and stay true to the shows core attraction. I've never personally understood the "waiting to be princess" idea because I want to see her in that role. To me a destiny she worked for her whole life even if she didn't know it.


Honestly I think it partly comes down whether or not you see, accept, Twilight as the center of the show and I'll even say the "star". This says nothing about her friends or their roles in the show, which I don't see changing. Twilight has always been set apart from the mane 5.

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I see where your coming from about season 4 and i guess your right. I think the thing that gets me about twilicorn is... i dont think twilight should be a princess. I just don't think she should.

I totally understand that, I for one didn't understand why they did. But then I watched a video, were Lauren Faust said that she wanted Twilight to become Celestia's successor, she said that it was her destiny. So I felt better afterwards.

It made me feel better, because I knew that it was her plan. So I guess everything will be alright. smile.png

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I am not worried at all. I have complete faith in them and I believe they will try and make season 4 as best as it can possibly can be. I think the main reason everyone is so worried is because of Twilicorn. Yeah at first I thought it was really weird for Twilight to be a princess because I was just so used to non-princess Twilight, but after a while i realized this has huge potential. Think of all the new episodes that just write themselves now that Twilight is a princess. So in my opinion season 4 will be just as good as seasons 1-3 and I am looking forward to another 26 awesome episodes.

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Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Really?  Even more doom and gloom?  People are disgusted with change of any shape or form.  The show can't remain the same forever, if it did, it would get boring and fast, so change is needed for the show to remain great.  Seeing people overreact to a little change really annoys me.  S4 will be great and I bet Equestria Girls is great too, just like S3 and S2.  I still haven't watched EG yet, still can't find a torrent.

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I think it's from what happened from the Season 3 finale but, luckily we got over it while others won't seem to forget it. Basically, the potential of the episodes might ether be what we want or something we don't want. So, let's just wait if we can.

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Okay, to the people who argued that Twilicorn would ruin the show:

Wouldn't it be boring if the show never ever changed? Nothing new was brought to the table? Would you like this to become what Family Guy and Spongebob has become, a show that has no material left, so they reuse old jokes and it gets so annoying and out of character?


This is why I love Twilicorn: CHANGE.


Something new was brought to the table. Instead of fretting about how it imbalances, and how Rarity is the only Unicorn, think of the POSITIVES.


Episode about Twi's royal duties.


Chance of a flashback episode.


More royalty.


26 episodes.


Flying episodes with Dash.


Now, that sounds all about Twilight, huh? Okay, now let's think about what they could also do in light of this.


Scootadash episodes.


Rarity and Spike episode.


Rarity in Canterlot episode


An episode ABOUT the imbalance in power.


Also, if you think Twilight becoming a princess was a bad idea, It was Lauren Faust's idea. However, Faust's idea was not for Twilight to become an alicorn. I also think that Lauren intended to stop the show at Twilight's ascention.


...But the show is still going on.


Hasbro has not dug their own grave. If anything, every off-season we dig graves for ourselves. We fretted over S2, and look what we got! We fretted over Equestria Girls, and we got demons and it was nothing like anything I ever imagined. We worried about S3, and we got more Discord, Scootadash, Spike...


Just Hakuna Matata, man.

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Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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If I were you, I'd remain optimistic and hopeful for S4, but also cautious.  Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing how Twilight's ascension will affect the new season, as well as the rest of the ponyverse. I'm expecting heat from Trixie; she'd be mad jealous that her rival became a princess, so she'd deffo be back. On a more important note, however, I know Hasbro has been making it clear that Sunset Shimmer won't appear in MLP, however I'm still suspicious. If that's the case Hasbro, then why'd you release a toy of the pony? Much like the trading cards, I'm treating this as an omen. But aside from all that, this new season has plenty of opportunities following Twilight's enlightenment, which is why I'm optimistic. All the same though, be cautious as well. 

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This is an amazing fandom. I sorry if this isnt relavent to the topic, but I wanted to say, this is a trully amazing thing that has been built. It has inspired people, made people laugh, cry, happy, ect. It is trully an amazing thing, and much more than a show. It is something you cant describe. All of this, all the music, the animation, the cons, the cosplay, the talkshows, the lesson everything that is so beautiful and diverse about this fandom, came from this show for seven year old girls. I love this so much. This so show has made me a better person in character, in determination and in numerous departments of life I cant realize right now. I guess, what I really am trying to say is thank you to all who arent afraid to do what you do. It is an honor for me to talk to you, go to cons with, write for you, watch your music, watch your videos. It is truly amazing!

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I'm not worried in the slightest. MLP is in very good hands; 3 seasons full of awesome. wub.png

Twilight is my favorite so I'm really glad she went through something like this. It shows just how much she has grown. 


I love Twilicorn so I am exceptionally excited for season 4. happy.png

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