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I want to see a Star Swirl the Bearded episode. And if i dont get one.... My heart wont explode... Not even twice....

Id also like to know what happened to AJ's parents and why spike didnt have wings in secret of my excess

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I want to see an Equestria Girls cross over. I want EG to be part of the normal show cannon. In fact, how about canceling the show altogether and just do EG show from now on? Yeah, that's what I want.

This is my new signature.

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I want a Rarity centered episode that focuses less on her fashion and overall desire to be part of the higher class. Instead, I'd like it to focus on her element. 


I know we'll get a Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash episode somewhere. They better do it, I'll be a little peeved if they don't laugh.png

  • Brohoof 1


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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4 Words. Flash. Sentry. Pony. Commando. Oh and a Luna and Derpy episode would be nice too. Anypony with me? An episode themed around Shining Armor and Flash would be so cool, since they are both soldiers.

Edited by that_cool_nerd_js
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My honest but sad answer is that I think there going to get rid of derpy, since she hasn't been in any of the latest episodes though.

She was in Magical Mystery Cure multiple times she will most likely be in season 4, but she probably wont have a speaking role at all.

Edited by Rappy0
  • Brohoof 1
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Things I would love to see during season 4, or any other upcoming season (season 8, anypony?):



  1. Another Luna episode. I want more background on my favorite princess's personality.
  2. Another Scootaloo episode, this time with some of her background.
  3. Another Fluttershy episode, so Hasbro can build upon her friendship with Discord.
  4. Discord. Make his a background pony for all I care, just make him seen!
  5. At least one CMC member gets his/her cutie mark.
  6. More CMC members with at least one colt.
  7. Another shipping episode. Preferably with CMC *coughApplebloomcough*


As you can see, I want more episodes. "Why so many hopes," you might be asking.


Simply because More hopes = better chance one will come true.

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Dare I say it? yes, yes I will.


-Less Rarity




I just don't like her.


I would like to see:


-Scootaloo's parents

-Apple family's parents

-Pinkie Pie and her family + rock farm

-Cadance has a baby. A ROYAL baby. . . but not an alicorn

-Spike gets wings

-Doctor Whooves

-and Derpy

-Sweetie Belle gets her cutie mark in singing

-LOTS of Big Mac

The angels are coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this: don't blink. Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink! Good luck.

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There's been noise over on the Season 4 Info thread that Scootaloo will be the first to get her cutie mark in the "Scootaloo can't fly" episode. Then there's the rumor that Sweetie Belle will be getting a big musical number this season, which can only mean she'd get her mark too. If this is the case, then we have ourselves an interesting scenario: for the second time since "Call of the Cutie", Apple Bloom will be the only one of her friends to still be a blank flank. Just imagine the potential of an episode about Apple Bloom despairing that the two fillies who helped give her courage now bear a constant reminder of her failures, and building upon her fears that she must continue her search for her true calling alone once more. Maybe then the love of her friends shining through will be the key to unlocking her talent, perhaps.

  • Brohoof 1
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I would really like to see an episode revolving around the royal life. Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, doesn't matter. I've always wanted to see what really goes about the castle, from meetings to royal obligations, rules, etc. Kind of like Shrek the Third, but.........


I take that back.


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-luna-focused episodes

- if one of the cutiemark crusaders dont get there cutie mark, i might just cry!!

-Rainbowdash teaches twilight to useher wings

All these!

Edited by lyridiandandan

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Possibly a male protagonist?.... Perhaps our mane six befriend a Dark Hearted stallion, that never had a friend before?.... Maybe ive watched to much harem anime, but this seems like a great idea..... Did some1 say "Secret 7th element that not even celestia/luna knew about"?

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The CMC go to far causing a lot of trouble. While Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell get lighter punishments. Applejack resorts to some kind of over the top punishment. It causes problems between them. 



That CMC idea sounds good to me. Discord coming back with a song. And I am hoping that  Season four also will finally show Starswirl the Bearded.

Edited by Ulrik Raben


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~More singing Fluttershy. Such a soft and beutiful singing voice, I"d love to hear more of it...Pinkie and Twilight seem to steal most of the songs.


~Princess Celestia and/or  Luna singing at least once. and more over all screentime.

~More Wonderbolts, mostly Spitfire though.

~Chrissy come back.

~another holiday themed episode.

~Royal baby perhaps. To go with the real royal baby.

~More background to Scootaloo

~CMC get their cutie marks.



Probably more stuff I could think of,...If I do I'll add it in later.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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-luna-focused episodes

- if one of the cutiemark crusaders dont get there cutie mark, i might just cry!!

-Rainbowdash teaches twilight to useher wings

All these!

Looking at spoilers, I think you will get what you want.


Possibly a male protagonist?.... Perhaps our mane six befriend a Dark Hearted stallion, that never had a friend before?.... Maybe ive watched to much harem anime, but this seems like a great idea..... Did some1 say "Secret 7th element that not even celestia/luna knew about"?

With how they botched this guy, I'm not sure about that:



Good thing Shining Armor found out Flash was hitting on his sister and transferred him to Siberia.  Wait, that's needs to have a horse pun in it.  Er...how does "Sibridle" sound?

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Hmmm... I want so many things, but... ^^ we'll see how much we'll get of these. I probably won't say anything that's not said before, since I'm definitely not that smart, but... we'll see XD



  • Muuuuuch more Luna! <3 My hopes have gotten back in 3rd season when she started appearing more, but in first two seasons she was really underestimated. Maybe her back-story, maybe even her and Celestia's flashbacks about their childhood or simply earlier days. It would be nice seeing her coming to dreams again, or simply her everyday life. Maybe she should visit Ponyville again?
  • Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Enough said. I love them both, and I would really love to see their sisterly relationship they recently built. Maybe RD could help Scoots improve her flying abilities, or even be her personal coach in things she does to earn her cutie mark. They could have a episode just for themselves, so we could see more of their emotional parts (both tend to show no emotions, but not seem to be like that when alone). Simply, them hanging out =D .
  • More Zecora! Maybe even her flashback, so that we could see that "far away land" she claims to be coming from. More of her interaction with Apple Bloom (I always thought she had special connection with her). Blah, blah.
  • Crusaders getting their cutie marks. I know it sounds a bit story spoiling, but that would start a whole new era for them. Who knows what they might be doing after that? Scoots, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle don't appear to be the ones who'll forget about each other as far as they achieve their goal. Maybe they'll form a new club?
  • Seeing more of Alicorn Twilight life. That is probably going to happen, since she is a main character after all but still. Many details, like how she got accustomed to her wings, or crown, or how she goes with political life. Yeah, flying lessons from RD could be great, but not at the same time as Scootaloo, please =P . It would be also great to see how she gets along with her subjects, and, simply, how she feels as a ruler.
  • Sunset Shimmer and Flash Century.  Not as boyfriend and girlfriend, though =P . I really got into them both in Equestria Girls, and I would love to see them back, as ponies - of course. Sunset Shimmer used to be Celestia's student, so it would be natural of her to come back to see her old teacher and apologize to her. I would personally love to see Sunset taking Celestia's place as a teacher at some point. As for Flash... well, I ship him and Twilight, so...
  • Less Rarity episodes. Sorry, but out of main character she had most episodes only for herself (maybe even more than Twi did), and that's enough. I like her, not to be mistaken, I only think she got too much credit already. Seeing more of episodes featuring her and Sweetie's relationship could be nice, though.
  • More Rainbow Dash episodes. She's the only one of mane 6 who still doesn't have a song for herself, which is a shame, since she's totally awesome. It would be nice to see more of her family, where she lives, blah, blah.
  • Scootaloo episode for herself. I'm tired of not knowing anything about that amazing CMC! Does that pony even have a home?
  • More cities. Really, all we've seen is Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudstale, a bit of Appleloosa, and some more from flashbacks. I would love to see more of Manehatten (maybe Apples could visit Babs' family?) and all the other places they keep talking about.
  • A good villain. I can't deny it, all of MLP villains till now were pretty good, I just hope it will stay that way.
  • Seeing Discord as a good guy. He only appeared once in season 3, with no further explanation what had happened to him. Is he living with Princess Celestia and Luna in Canterlot, or is he living separately? What is his relationship with Fluttershy and rest of the mane 6? Is he still as mischievous as he used to be? There are sooo many things that need answers about him.
  • Twilight's early days in Canterlot. Yeah, I would love to see her thinking about how she started as a mare student, and now being a princess blah, blah. But anything from her old days in school. Being an egghead... I would love to see it =P
  • At least one more holiday episode, like the one about founding of Equestria! It's very interesting, and shows the power of friendship on a different level.

Basically, this, and many more stuff. If they used even 1/4 of all this, I'd be happy, but they probably won't. I can still dream though X) .


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More freakin' Rarity.KUbAnTY.png


And a better portrayal of her, too. Season 3 not only gave her a grand total of 0 episodes, but pretty showed nothing but her negatove aspects. It pissed me off, man.


I mean, what made me like her was the fact that I thought it was so cool how her character arc was portrayed in the first two seasons. Usually those arcs are reserved for antagonists, but she broke that mold. Plus, throw in an engaging personality, realistic flaws, and that sexy voice that Tabitha St. Germain gives her, you got my #1 favorite character. 


I've watched all of season 3, but the only ones I've watched more than once was The Crystal Empire and Too Many Pinkie Pies (The latter being twice.)


Ok. That's my #1 thing.


Pinkie Pie's past. I've always wondered about that Rock Farm.


Less Rainbow Dash and Twilight, albeit still a lot of them. I'm sorry, but those two get too much attention, although they do deserve some attention.


Oh, and more Rarity. Have I said that yet?


Yeahh, that's pretty much it.

  • Brohoof 2


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Less Rarity episodes. Sorry, but out of main character she had most episodes only for herself (maybe even more than Twi did), and that's enough.




Sorry, but the link above shoots that statement down. There is no way that Rarity has the most episodes.

She has less episodes than Applejack, the one who was labelled "best background pony" for her lack of episodes. dry.png


Although, I admit that Rarity DOES get a lot of screentime.

If you scroll down in the thread you can see that Rarity is in 3rd place when it comes to overall screentime, beaten only by Pinkie and Twilight.

Edited by Prince Dan
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Sorry, but the link above shoots that statement down. There is no way that Rarity has the most episodes.

She has less episodes than Applejack, the one who was labelled "best background pony" for her lack of episodes. dry.png


Okey, sorry, I admit I was wrong about it. Do not hate me for it blush.png  . It just seemed to me that way, of course I can be mistaken, anyone can.


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