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If they're going to do a villain team-up, they ought to have it in the second half and lead up to it, Avengers-style, with short clips after the credits in various episodes of the first half in which villains are "recruited". Just my two cents.


What I really want from Season 4 is a story arc. The original MLP did an ten episode arc (five episodes by today's standards), so it's not like doing something of decent length is entirely unprecedented.

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- I would like Rarity to have an episode this time, Please.

- More songs

- I would like Vinyl Scratch and Octavia to have speaking roles

- More screen time for Luna

- More Rarity


and other stuff I'm still thinking about


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

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-Derpy :(


-A learning-to-fly episode, possibly with Rainbow and Fluttershy teaching Scootaloo and Twilight all together... and possibly Scootaloo's competitive nature resulting in her beating Twilight. I think that would help a lot with everyone's freaking out about Twilight being an all-powerful goddess. Plus lots of adorable Scootalove time :wub:  Bonus points if Tank is around.


-More Celestia and Luna. Either full episodes focusing on each of them, or an episode for them and Twilight all together... with lots of Twilestia shipping fuel :P


-Episode about Celestia and Luna's past... possibly Twilight time traveling to 1000 years ago to help them with something, returning, and Celestia revealing that she'd always had that memory of Twilight, and had waited 1000 years for her to finally be born (more shipping fuel, as they could have been similar ages at the time of Celestia first meeting Twilight in that case  ^_^). I think this would make a great season finale. Could be Nightmare Moon that Twilight helped with, and that's why Celestia knew it would be her to set Luna free in the end.


-One or more of the CMC getting their cutie marks, and dealing with the changes in group dynamic that result.


-Sweetie Belle using magic.


-More Rarity. I have a feeling there will be lots of shipping fuel between her and Twilight...


-But then, she finally agrees to date Spike! :D


-Come up with a solution for Rainbow to be a Wonderbolt without leaving her friends.


-Lots of songs. Hopefully one where Octavia provides some of the instrumentals, and gets a solo.


-Sea ponies :P

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I'd like to see Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee get together for real, and not due to some love poison. Cheerilee especially deserves more screen time than she got this season.

Edited by PonyHag1

"Mr. The Dragon!" - Ms. Harshwhinny

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Well with Season 3 at a close, and possibly MONTHS till Season 4 begins, i am sure that most of you Pony fanatics have your own theories about what Season 4 will be like.


Post your speculation and PWEASE be at least semi-specific with your response.


Also answer the following questions:


Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?



I appreciate all responses that are non-trollish, and well thought out.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ResistenceXD0001 - MegaBrony

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I couldn't begin to imagine what they will do with Season 4. All I can say though is that I can't imagine most of the slice-of-lifey episodes working under the new status quo. If Alicorn Twilight is permanent, I would expect more worldbuilding/traveling and less time in Ponyville. I'm trying to be positive, but I'm very unsure ATM so I guess I will wait and see.


As for the questions:


1 and 4: I hope not. I feel like the realization of their dreams is something that would be much more powerful if it happened at the end of the series. Yes, Crusaders with Cutie Marks and Wonderbolt Dash could present some amazing development/storylines but I feel like the journey is still ongoing, and that the journey is more interesting than what lies at the end of it.


2: About 80/20 for it being permanent. I feel like her rejecting Alicornhood in order to remain with her friends would be a much more powerful story, but again I rarely seem to get what I want from MLP recently and after all that build up it would be a bit weird to change her back.


3: Changelings could return and that would be sweet. Sombra could be developed through a flashback episode, but overall I expect a mixture of new and old villains.

  • Brohoof 2
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I hope there's more Rarity.

I hope they do more with Good Discord

I hope Gilda makes a reappearance

I hope the CMC learn more about themselves

I hope the changelings make a reappearance

I hope they visit more of Equestria

  • Brohoof 2



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?

- Maybe, maybe not, it's hard to say. Maybe one CMC will get hers, and the others will be all sad still being blank flanks

-Most likely permanent, though I tend to see a possibility of Twi finding a way ti switch between alicorn princess and unicorn mode

-New villian is pretty sure ( there is always a bigger fish), maybe a reappearance of the cangelings as well , cuz they are mor or less left 4 death without the love from equestria. SAVE THE CHANGELINGS! They are sentient beings, too

- Maybe not a full member, but something like a trainee seems possible

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2)Temporary. She'll have them taken away to defeat a villain who gets more screen time than Gak and Sombra combined. With Portals.

   (In all seriousness I do believe the previous response, only without the portals, Gak and maybe Sombra.)


3)Discord SHOULD have a bigger role, as a villain or not. I think that depending on whether Discord goes bad again or not will

   determine the villain.


4) Like the Twilicorn thing, something will force her to give it up. At least, she won't be a permanent member, maybe in a 'time-to-time appearance' kind of way.


EDIT: I actually don't think Twilight will give up her princess-hood for her friends, she already learned Self-Sacrifice from the Crystal Empire.

Edited by PoniesPlease


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i think its permanent because celestia said this was or destiny and it doesnt look like the princess status will disappear any time soon


doubt it, she doesnt need to


i hope discord makes more appearences


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In no particular order:


-Episode where Rainbow tries to teach Twilight to fly and hilarity ensues when she's having difficulty grasping it.

-Episode focusing on Celestia and/or Luna (possibly culminating with Celestia sending a friendship report to Twilight (Dear my faithful studen Twilight. I haven't heard from you in some time, so I would like to share with you something I learned recently...))

-Episode where everypony goes to Las Pegasas and shenanigans ensue..

-Episode focus on Big Macintosh doing stuff.

-Episode focus on Griffons

-Another Rarity episode

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I think this will create more adventures for the mane six. Like seeing more of Equestria, and maybe the world? A new viallian or a Sombra/Chrysalis appearance. I'm cool with Twi Twi being an Alicorn Princess. I think season 4 will be fantastic. Maybe Discord showing some more apperances, same with Luna and Trixie.


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I say maybe more Rarity episodes in Season 4, Trixie returning, and maybe a Celestia and Luna episode together.


Answers to the questions:


1. Yeah, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will get their cutie marks when the time comes. They will find it, when their destiny reveals itself.


2. 50/50, usually when you become an alicorn it is permanent but she will probably give it up to stay with her friends. Or she will keep it to travel all over Equestria, like Manehatten, Las Pegasus, and Fillydelphia.


3. The Changelings will probably come back, from blasting off forever.


4. Rainbow Dash will become a Wonderbolt finally. Believe it!

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The pessimist that i am, i'm entirely unsure of what they'll do in season 4, Alicorn Twilight is permanent but not a problem, what is a problem is now that she's a princess everypony will treat her differently so situations will change and will be resolved differently.


If im being honest, having made Twilight an Alicorn, they've made it much harder for them to continue, if they hadn't confirmed there will be a season 4 i would have called this as the end of the show, you never know, they may surprise us in season 4 (kind of how all of us were surprised by how good this show is, after-all i doubt any brony went into this thinking the show would be as fantastic as it is)

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I do not want to see the CMC get their cutie marks yet. They all get their cutie marks it would break the purpose of their unity. I -want- them to but just not yet. I do not think that Twilight will remain an Alicorn. I don't like her as an Alicorn because her innocence is gone now. I do want Trixie to reappear but this time she aids Twilight somehow. I wanted to see Gilda again. It would be kinda cool to see Discord in a good guy role. Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt again is something that should be saved for a little later.


I want another Rarity episode but something that is different and unique. The whole "famous person saw your dress/hat" thing is getting played out.


Babs Seed mentioned she met two fillies at her school in Manehatten who want to be Crusaders. Would love to see that. Babs arrives with these two fillies in Ponyville and they have a initiation. Diamond Tiara returning as an antagonist would be cool too.


If the rumors are true and we have lost Derpy for season 4 I would love to see another background pony get a speaking role. I have this vision of Octavia and Rarity at the spa for some reason.


My idea for another Rainbow Dash episode would be Rainbow Dash (through some series of events) finds herself in a strange exotic place and she has Daring Do as her guide and she would be so excited to see that Daring Do is real.


Season 3 did give me more Luna and i want more Luna for season 4. Personally it seems to me Luna is jealous of Twilight and has been even before she became a Princess. Could be something to explore there.


Its not such a bad idea to have an episode focus on two background ponies. Lyra and Bon Bon or Octavia and Vinyl come to mind. It doesn't have to be that intricate but it would be nice to see.


That's pretty much most of what i want from season 4. Mostly just more Luna and Trixie.



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The next season will probably be about Twilight trying to get used to being a princess.  She is treated differently by everyone, and she doesn't like it.  (I do believe that the Twilacorn thing is permanent) I also would like the Changelings to return, plus a history episode.  I also would like a season finale to be suspenseful.


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1. The cutie mark crusaders getting their cutie marks at this point would be a bit soon but then again so was alicorn Twilight but at least that wouldn't be as a huge of a risk. But I don't think it is going to happen in season 4 though who knows.


2. I think it is going to be permanent, why would they hype this so much have so many commercials and this big event hosted by Miss America only to make it temporary?


3. Discord returned once and has reformed so it is possible that he could return again, it would be a shame to have such a good character be sidelined. I really want King Sombra to return though he had so much potential as a villain that just wasn't met and I really would like to see that. I am sure we will see at least one major new villain though there hasn't been a season yet where we haven't seen at least one.


4. Possibly, it would open up some interesting story ideas about balancing her career with her friends.

  • Brohoof 1
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Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

No, I don't think that will happen until the very end, if at all.


Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

I think it will be permanent. The way it was presented in the finale, there is no way to return her to normal without an incredible contradiction in morals. The only way I see the change being reversed is if it is performed by Discord or another antagonist, which is unlikely.


Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

I see Discord coming back. I don't have any idea about anything else.


Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?

With alicorn Twi, all bets are off. Hasbro will probably make Dash a Wonderbolt just to sell a Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash doll. I can't be sure either way, but it's plausible.

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Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?


No and yes, if season 4 is the final season then yes near the end of the season. If there's going to be more season(s) then no.




Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.


I'm not so sure anymore I think I'm going to Opt-Out on this question and say 50%. However, this video shows how I feel about Alicorn Twilight.





Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?



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I have no idea to be honest, I'm gonna be optimistic and say it'll be even better then the previous seasons, but its up to the writers to keep writing awesome episodes.


For the questions.

1. I don't think the CMC will get their cutie marks until the end of the show. So depending on if this is the last Season or not they may get them. However I won't be surprised if they don't seeing as their adventures getting their cutie marks are their main storyline, and its quite entertaining to me personally. Once they get their cutie marks that would mean their storyline would change, plus they wouldn't be the CMC anymore. So I kinda doubt it.


2. Eh I'm actually still kinda thinking it'll be temporary, I have the suspicions that because of the producers saying that the S3 finale was like a part 1 of 3 with the next two parts coming in S4 I have a feeling it will involve Twilight learning about being a princess and eventually learning that she values her friends overall and be changed back. There is already rumors floating around about it, and I could see it happening. I could also see Twilight being a Princess and still staying with her friends in some way to, I'm still kinda leaning towards temporary to be honest. But it could easily be both.


3. Old vilians showing up again is quite highly likely I bet, I mean in this season Discord showed up, and I guess if you wanna count Trixie she showed up. And I'm sure there will be new vilians to, but I'm almost expecting old vilians to show up.


4. I again don't think Rainbow Dash will become a Wonderbolt until maybe the series ends. And even then I don't know if she will, it just feels like it goes against her element. Shes loyal and I just can't see her doing something when she'd lose time from her friends, however its totally possible, I still think it'll be an end of series thing like the CMC getting their cutie marks, but I guess we'll know in S4 :P.


Overall I'm pretty excited for S4 already. I'm going to be optimistic, because to be honest MLP would have to become really bad for me to hate it :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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1.maybe 1 or 2 cmc will get their cutie marks,but atleast 1 has to get a cutie mark

2.She'll remain an allicorn for probaly a while but not forever

3.Maybe discord turns evil again and tries to destroy equestria

4.She could become a wonderbolt and it would make some interesting episodes of her as a wonderbolt

not sure what else to say


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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I guess Season 4 is going to be a mix of worldbuilding and development for the characters. But I bet 20 bits that we will see Discord in the premiere:Keep Calm and Flutter On was made for season 2, but they buried it and it came up on season 3. And I' love to see him as an ally this time. Chrysalis is another one that may come back.


I want to see Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity knighted, somehow. They are a part of Twilight's ascension as much as Twilight herself. Maybe this is an idea for the premiere.



Do you think the Cutie Mark Crusaders will finally get their Cutie Marks?

Do you think Twilights status as Alicorn is permanent? or Temporary? Explain Your answer.

Will previous villians have a major part to do with this upcoming season? Or will new bad guys arise?

Will Rainbow Dash finally become a WonderBolt member?



CMC getting their cutie marks... It's possible. But it'd be weird if it happened in only one episode. 


I think that Twilight is permanently an alicorn. The reason for that is that I felt it was pretty clear that she is evolving and to turn her back to unicorn would be demeaning. In a storytelling perspective.


If previous villains return I want to see King Sombra and Chrysalis. If new villains arise... Well... How about a griffon? Or Blueblood trying to get the princesses out of the throne. He can' be happy about Twilight. Or perhaps a dragon as a villain. I have a lot of ideas that wouldn't fit the show XD


Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt... Only if she acknowledges that it was wrong for her to leave "flight school". Maybe more of the Top Gun Wonderbolt Academy in an episode where Rainbow has to prove that even not having completed "flight school", she can do more than stunt flying and controlling the climate: the Wonderbolts sound military to me.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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How about this? Twilight is at first nervous, thinking her friends will treat her differently now. Stuff happens where she finds that they still love her. More stuff happens. Twilight asks the rest of the mane six to become her advisers. Celestia then sends them all on a good will tour of the entire planet. We'll have episodes of them traveling, plus slice of life episodes of the mane six at home. let's not forget the occasional nonsensical CMC episode! Scootaloo becomes angry at the injustice of Twilight flying, and starts a propaganda campaign against the new princess. Rainbow Dash becomes angry at Scoot, and we have a long loving talk about how Scootaloo is special even if she can't fly. The episode will end with Scoot writing a letter about friendship...Sending it off to Twilight!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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