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Debate between Firebolt and Starswirl on who is the bigger Trixie fan


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Yes, I am well aware of your contributions. However, if you mean to let someone know you from your profile, why not include anything to do with Trixie? If you worship her so, then surely she is something major about you, that one should not miss.


Such is trivial though, let's move on from that.


"Anything to do with Trixie?"


Quoted from my profile.  I swear this has been on here for a couple months at least, I didn't just add it.



Oh, and I am also the self-proclaimed  prophesied high priest of the Cult of Trixie. 




But, as you point out, this is just minutiae.

I try not to defy those with other opinions. While they are obviously wrong, it is not right to force someone to love the most magical unicorn. Why? They would be following blindly! Those born without seeing can never see, which is why Trixie will never truly forgive Twilight Sparkle and such. Why attempt to get the deaf to listen? Are you sure that's what Trixie really desires?


Are they deaf, or simply unacquainted with Her?  My battles with neighsayers are designed to illuminate them.  For that reason I give very careful, logical arguments in favor of Trixie, not to hypnotize them (which is possible), but to explain to them the error of their thinking.  That's why I am encouraging the Trixie Inquisition to use 16th century instruments of torture on neighsayers ONLY after they directly insult Her Trixieness.


And were we not unacquainted with Trixie once?  While neither of us, I hope, were haters, can you honestly say that you fell in love with her the moment she appeared in "Boast Busters"?  And don't argue that we were born to be Trixie fans; Trixie's greatness is in showing to the world that a ponies can defy fate and act for themselves.  If we were born to be Trixie fans, then where does Trixie get her support?  People who follow her only because the weavers of fate chose so?


No, we became Trixie fans, and that means that others still can.  Even if avowed neighsayers are hopeless, in confronting them I can stop their heresy and bring the true faith to the masses.

Now, you mention The Friends Of Trixie. I, personally, cannot follow them. A lot of their members seem to portray Trixie as weak and helpless. I believe both you and I can agree this is not the case, for the most obvious of reasons. While I respect them, I personally don't follow.


A good point.  I am wary of the group's pity towards her, but I support it because it is a group which, although now defunct, used to attack Trixie's enemies.


And as many hours you have spent praising her name, I have spent creating a massive shrine, adding to that, as well as praising her endlessly. While I could include record, this would be uneeded, no?


While I am not going to go through your post history, I trust that you have invested a great deal of time to praising Her.  Which leads me to wonder...how could we determine who is the bigger Trixie fan?  Or is it impossible at this point?



Edited by TRIXIE Starswirl TRIXIE



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You both lose.


Trixie is so amazing, she used her GREAT AND POWERFUL magic to create her OWN biggest fan, who is a bigger fan than both Firebolt and Starswirl combined!


Unless this is a duel among you two and not every Trixie fan, if so, carry on.


Edit: Edits put the "ful" on POWERFUL!

Edited by Kelvocity
  • Brohoof 1


Wait for it...

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Oh my gosh, you went through with this XD. This thread is amazing :). I'm not going to decide because I recognize that I'm biased scum, but I always enjoy these sorts of things :)





You both lose.


Trixie is so amazing, she used her GREAT AND POWERFUL magic to create her OWN biggest fan, who is a bigger fan than both Firebolt and Starswirl combined!


Unless this is a duel among you two and not every Trixie fan, if so, carry on.


Edit: Edits put the "ful" on POWERFUL!

Read the title, please.




"Anything to do with Trixie?"


Quoted from my profile.  I swear this has been on here for a couple months at least, I didn't just add it.





But, as you point out, this is just minutiae.


Are they deaf, or simply unacquainted with Her?  My battles with neighsayers are designed to illuminate them.  For that reason I give very careful, logical arguments in favor of Trixie, not to hypnotize them (which is possible), but to explain to them the error of their thinking.  That's why I am encouraging the Trixie Inquisition to use 16th century instruments of torture on neighsayers ONLY after they directly insult Her Trixieness.


And were we not unacquainted with Trixie once?  While neither of us, I hope, were haters, can you honestly say that you fell in love with her the moment she appeared in "Boast Busters"?  And don't argue that we were born to be Trixie fans; Trixie's greatness is in showing to the world that a ponies can defy fate and act for themselves.  If we were born to be Trixie fans, then where does Trixie get her support?  People who follow her only because the weavers of fate chose so?


No, we became Trixie fans, and that means that others still can.  Even if avowed neighsayers are hopeless, in confronting them I can stop their heresy and bring the true faith to the masses.


A good point.  I am wary of the group's pity towards her, but I support it because it is a group which, although now defunct, used to attack Trixie's enemies.



While I am not going to go through your post history, I trust that you have invested a great deal of time to praising Her.  Which leads me to wonder...how could we determine who is the bigger Trixie fan?  Or is it impossible at this point?

Yes. We did become Trixie fans. 


But, at the same time, most neigh-sayers have put themselves in a state of mind where they are not open to Trixie. For she does have her flaws, and I know your aware of how much  they like to pick such out endlessly.


However, your argument is quite valid, so I'm going to say you won that.


So, Starswirl, I must ask you, as I did in my first post. Why do you choose to follow Trixie?


And as far as a winner goes, this is a diabolical plan more then a competition.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Yes. We did become Trixie fans.


But, at the same time, most neigh-sayers have put themselves in a state of mind where they are not open to Trixie. For she does have her flaws, and I know your aware of how much they like to pick such out endlessly.


However, your argument is quite valid, so I'm going to say you won that.



As I mentioned, even if they cannot be converted, neighsayers and blasphemers can be confronted to stop the spread of their heretical thoughts.



So, Starswirl, I must ask you, as I did in my first post. Why do you choose to follow Trixie?



Well, on a superficial level, because She is best pony. I suppose that "favorite character" is more a matter of taste; Trixie's greatness lies in something else, in what she represents.


Equestria in the show is one of the most orderly societies imaginable. Social castes are defined based on pony sub-species, and members of each sub-species (Unicorns, Earth Ponies, Pegasi) are expected to enter a profession that suits their caste. However, the control is even deeper than that. Each pony develops a cutie mark, which past episodes (including the Season 3 finale) suggest is deterministic. A pony's destiny is to follow their cutie mark and they feel obligated to follow it. Social customs and laws are designed to ensure the utmost harmony. Unicorns (and to a lesser extent Pegasi), for instance, are prohibited from performing labor that an earth pony could do; "Applebuck Season" provides the key reason. At the end, Twilight used telekinesis to pick apples at an alarmingly fast rate. Unicorns are prohibited from taking the labor of earth ponies so that the social order is not upset. The Flim Flam brothers were hated because, although they offered increased productivity with Unicorn magic, they would cost earth ponies their jobs. It could even be claimed that one of the reason's for hatred towards Trixie was that she, a Unicorn, was entering entertainment and storytelling, a traditionally earth pony profession.


On top of everything else, nature is dead in Equestria. All non-equine animals are helpless without pony assistance and, although highly intelligent, belong to an even lower caste. The weather is controlled; even celestial bodies are controlled. The only place where nature seems to function is in the aptly named "Everfree Forest". The occasional blips of chaos, namely the adventures of the Mane 6, now all seem to have been part of Celestia's plan to test Twilight and benefit order. And what is the result? Equestria has a fantastically high standard of living at the cost of virtually all freedom.


Ponies seem to follow the monarchs blindly; they live comfortably and thus care nothing about their own freedom. Such a society deserves to be questioned, but no one does, not even the self-proclaimed intellectual, Twilight Sparkle. This world was not just the creation of Lauren Faust. In a way, it was described 130 years ago by Friedrich Nietzsche in his magnum opus "Also Sprach Zarathustra". Nietzsche warned of the rise of the society of the

"Last Man", in which men act only for comfort, safety, and harmony. Society seems nice but there is nothing to be passionate about, no freedom, no greatness. Nietzsche hailed only one solution to this society. The rise of a different figure, the opposite of the Last Man: The Ubermensch.


The word Ubermensch is usually translated as "Superman", but a Nietzschen Superman is nothing like the Marvel comic book character. The Ubermensch rejects the Christian morality of the Last Man and instead follows an ethical code based on the pursuit of honor, glory, and greatness. The Ubermensch, theoretically, is freedom incarnate.


I could ramble on more about Nietzsche, but back to the pony. While the idea of the Ubermensch is idealistic and effectively impossible, it is nonetheless an ideal to strive for. The azure mare we praise, it seems, is the closest thing Equestria has to an Ubermensch, or perhaps Uberpferd (pferd is German for horse). She does not obey the normal social rules, wandering the land. She acts independently in her own name. While perhaps forced to perform magic by her cutie mark, She rebels against other social expectations that come with the mark. She has no problem with revenge in the name of Her own honor as opposed to "weaker" pony morality. Rather than settle in one place, She wanders the land preaching Her greatness. Even Her preferred food is symbolic. A pinecone is hard and somewhat painful to eat; Trixie does not mind. It is far from the comfort of more traditional pony cupcakes, but a pinecone contains its own struggle and small glory for he who eats it.


Trixie is not omnipotent, omniscent, the monarch, the most powerful magic user, or the most beloved pony. But She certainly is pony kind's best chance at redeeming itself from the meaningless society of "last ponies". I worship Her not as a deity, but as the uberpferd, as a pony worthy of respect for her deeds. And while I do not live in Equestria, Trixie is a symbol we must all pay attention to. In today's world, the West is becoming more and more a society of last men. Perhaps we need our own Trixie her on Earth.


Now I'm tired, so enough philosophy


And as far as a winner goes, this is a diabolical plan more then a competition.




True dat. Do you have the assimilation GIF set up to be fired in a few days?


(My apologies for the weird layout.  The post editor bugged out again.)

Edited by TRIXIE Starswirl TRIXIE



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Well, on a superficial level, because She is best pony. I suppose that "favorite character" is more a matter of taste; Trixie's greatness lies in something else, in what she represents.


Equestria in the show is one of the most orderly societies imaginable. Social castes are defined based on pony sub-species, and members of each sub-species (Unicorns, Earth Ponies, Pegasi) are expected to enter a profession that suits their caste. However, the control is even deeper than that. Each pony develops a cutie mark, which past episodes (including the Season 3 finale) suggest is deterministic. A pony's destiny is to follow their cutie mark and they feel obligated to follow it. Social customs and laws are designed to ensure the utmost harmony. Unicorns (and to a lesser extent Pegasi), for instance, are prohibited from performing labor that an earth pony could do; "Applebuck Season" provides the key reason. At the end, Twilight used telekinesis to pick apples at an alarmingly fast rate. Unicorns are prohibited from taking the labor of earth ponies so that the social order is not upset. The Flim Flam brothers were hated because, although they offered increased productivity with Unicorn magic, they would cost earth ponies their jobs. It could even be claimed that one of the reason's for hatred towards Trixie was that she, a Unicorn, was entering entertainment and storytelling, a traditionally earth pony profession.


On top of everything else, nature is dead in Equestria. All non-equine animals are helpless without pony assistance and, although highly intelligent, belong to an even lower caste. The weather is controlled; even celestial bodies are controlled. The only place where nature seems to function is in the aptly named "Everfree Forest". The occasional blips of chaos, namely the adventures of the Mane 6, now all seem to have been part of Celestia's plan to test Twilight and benefit order. And what is the result? Equestria has a fantastically high standard of living at the cost of virtually all freedom.


Ponies seem to follow the monarchs blindly; they live comfortably and thus care nothing about their own freedom. Such a society deserves to be questioned, but no one does, not even the self-proclaimed intellectual, Twilight Sparkle. This world was not just the creation of Lauren Faust. In a way, it was described 130 years ago by Friedrich Nietzsche in his magnum opus "Also Sprach Zarathustra". Nietzsche warned of the rise of the society of the

"Last Man", in which men act only for comfort, safety, and harmony. Society seems nice but there is nothing to be passionate about, no freedom, no greatness. Nietzsche hailed only one solution to this society. The rise of a different figure, the opposite of the Last Man: The Ubermensch.


The word Ubermensch is usually translated as "Superman", but a Nietzschen Superman is nothing like the Marvel comic book character. The Ubermensch rejects the Christian morality of the Last Man and instead follows an ethical code based on the pursuit of honor, glory, and greatness. The Ubermensch, theoretically, is freedom incarnate.


I could ramble on more about Nietzsche, but back to the pony. While the idea of the Ubermensch is idealistic and effectively impossible, it is nonetheless an ideal to strive for. The azure mare we praise, it seems, is the closest thing Equestria has to an Ubermensch, or perhaps Uberpferd (pferd is German for horse). She does not obey the normal social rules, wandering the land. She acts independently in her own name. While perhaps forced to perform magic by her cutie mark, She rebels against other social expectations that come with the mark. She has no problem with revenge in the name of Her own honor as opposed to "weaker" pony morality. Rather than settle in one place, She wanders the land preaching Her greatness. Even Her preferred food is symbolic. A pinecone is hard and somewhat painful to eat; Trixie does not mind. It is far from the comfort of more traditional pony cupcakes, but a pinecone contains its own struggle and small glory for he who eats it.


Trixie is not omnipotent, omniscent, the monarch, the most powerful magic user, or the most beloved pony. But She certainly is pony kind's best chance at redeeming itself from the meaningless society of "last ponies". I worship Her not as a deity, but as the uberpferd, as a pony worthy of respect for her deeds. And while I do not live in Equestria, Trixie is a symbol we must all pay attention to. In today's world, the West is becoming more and more a society of last men. Perhaps we need our own Trixie her on Earth.


Now I'm tired, so enough philosophy

That's about mine in a more literate and intelligent answer. The only slight difference being that whole thing about destinies... and how Trixie does not follow that like any other pony. But that's basically what you said, so yea.


Well, let's pick a new subject then. How about Trixie's magic? While I am not sure how magic works, surely her signature of mixing Calcium, Sodium, Charcoal, Iron, Potassium, etc. with Nitrates, Carbonates or Chlorides. Of course making all of those element out of thin air, or harder yet, already making the compounds when conjured. Then burn them (conjure up intense heat), and make the blast not potent enough to kill anypony (Which is making fireworks, for those of you not scientifically inclined). Doesn't that count as high level magic? Just because it's not potent doesn't mean it's weak, quite the opposite, really.


True dat. Do you have the assimilation GIF set up to be fired in a few days?


(My apologies for the weird layout.  The post editor bugged out again.)

What do you mean by "assimilation GIF"? Sorry, but never got the memo on that one. 

  • Brohoof 1



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sorry for the delay.


Well, let's pick a new subject then. How about Trixie's magic? While I am not sure how magic works, surely her signature of mixing Calcium, Sodium, Charcoal, Iron, Potassium, etc. with Nitrates, Carbonates or Chlorides. Of course making all of those element out of thin air, or harder yet, already making the compounds when conjured. Then burn them (conjure up intense heat), and make the blast not potent enough to kill anypony (Which is making fireworks, for those of you not scientifically inclined). Doesn't that count as high level magic? Just because it's not potent doesn't mean it's weak, quite the opposite, really.

It's not clear from the episodes whether her fireworks are actual fire and gunpowder or just magical illusions.  In my mind, her most impressive feat is in arranging and animating her mid-air illusions (ex. the depiction of her fight against the Ursa).  I'm not sure how she does it, but it's amazing nonetheless (meanwhile, Celestia and the Saddle Arabians love watching animals being moved around in an ellipse).  


Now that Twilight has drunken Celestia's Red Bull, Trixie is indeed the highest level unicorn.  Although, of course, I would hope that she Alicorn-ifies soon.




See also: My avatar.



What do you mean by "assimilation GIF"? Sorry, but never got the memo on that one. 


As in a .gif that has the hypnotic powers to assimilate all those who watch it.  Surely we can find one on the internet.  Just don't look at the google image results page...



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Sorry for the delay.


It's not clear from the episodes whether her fireworks are actual fire and gunpowder or just magical illusions.  In my mind, her most impressive feat is in arranging and animating her mid-air illusions (ex. the depiction of her fight against the Ursa).  I'm not sure how she does it, but it's amazing nonetheless (meanwhile, Celestia and the Saddle Arabians love watching animals being moved around in an ellipse).  


Now that Twilight has drunken Celestia's Red Bull, Trixie is indeed the highest level unicorn.  Although, of course, I would hope that she Alicorn-ifies soon.

Yes, that's quite impressive. And seeing as how that was early in the stage of her amulet, I'm guessing that was mostly her. A little more insight to that would be nice. Also, they totz only liked the performance due to the fireworks at the end.


As far as Trixiecorn goes, I'm not to keen on that. Trixie would no longer be a performer, and would probably no longer act as such around her fans.


As in a .gif that has the hypnotic powers to assimilate all those who watch it.  Surely we can find one on the internet.  Just don't look at the google image results page...

Oh... I can throw one together quick... Maybe soon. Was busy getting featured on EQD. Which only my Trixie images get on, for some reason. Seth is such a lovable bastard.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Yes, that's quite impressive. And seeing as how that was early in the stage of her amulet, I'm guessing that was mostly her. A little more insight to that would be nice. Also, they totz only liked the performance due to the fireworks at the end.

I was actually referring to Trixie's show in "Boast Busters", and that was with no magical amulet and at an earlier stage in her career.



As far as Trixiecorn goes, I'm not to keen on that. Trixie would no longer be a performer, and would probably no longer act as such around her fans.


In reality, yes, Trixiecorn wouldn't work.  But we can always imagine.


Seth is such a lovable bastard.


A duplicitous one, too




Damn, we've stopped arguing!  Think of something quick...


Oh yes, what color is Trixie's coat?  Obviously it's brilliant azure, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone like you thought differently *sneer*.



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I was actually referring to Trixie's show in "Boast Busters", and that was with no magical amulet and at an earlier stage in her career.

Oh. Right. Yea, still very impressive.



In reality, yes, Trixiecorn wouldn't work.  But we can always imagine.



Oh yes, what color is Trixie's coat?  Obviously it's brilliant azure, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone like you thought differently *sneer*.

Why are you sneering?


Trixie's coat is quite nice. It has simple colors, that don't hurt the eye. Plus, the eyes pop, even more so when they are combined with her cape and hat. Her cutie mark does blend in a bit much... But it's generally covered and is nice looking anyways. Her forward eyelashes compliment her job and her personality, and her cape and hat are just gorgeous.


And the amulet and cloak are pretty hawt.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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*Cough*I'm trying to have an argument about pointless details so that this continues to be a debate*cough*

Ooooh... ALRIGHT. What Pokemon best goes with Trixie? I SAY IT'S ABSOL.





@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Puuh- Leeese


Jake is the true best fan


Jake can't be both best Rarity/Pinkie (I forget. -3-) fan, and best Trixie fan. So stfu.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Jake can't be both best Rarity/Pinkie (I forget. -3-) fan, and best Trixie fan. So stfu.

He likes Rarity





all others shall be executed <3




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He likes Rarity





all others shall be executed <3

But... Pinkie is my third favorite pony...



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Yes. You better be happy. She's now my fourth favorite. After Fluttershy....



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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well, this is possibly the most pointless thread i have ever been on

I really like how your my own personal troll. It makes me feel all important and stuff.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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