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Will Twilight's transition to alicorn princess be permanent?



380 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you think Twilight's princesshood be temporary or permanent?

    • Temporary
    • Permanent

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I'm pretty sure that Alicorn Twilight is a permanent change. I don't see them giving her these powers and then instantly taking them away via some villain or plot point.


But if I'm wrong, then wow, all that build up to this moment and she loses them that fast. I mean, I'm not the biggest fan of Twilicorn, but I think it would take some massive reworking to make her lose this status she just gained.



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Given what information we've been given, I don't think it will really matter if Twilight's alicornhood will be permanent or not.


The dev team has told us that in the nutshell, the only practical quality in Twilight's ascension into Alicornhood will be that she has wings, and that aside from that, she will be presented with additional challenges, not powers, as the story continues on.


So in theory, if you want to read into it that much, Twilight won't be as powerful by herself as Celestia or Luna are, so the closest to a Deus Ex Machina we'll see Twilight do will involve using the Elements of Harmony, which will still require Twilight having the rest of her friends around. The season finale didn't give us any reason to think that has changed.


As for lifespan, well, if you look at Cadance, she seemed to age regularly along with Twilight while Celestia has shown no signs of aging in any flashback she's appeared in (which were more than one and have spanned to decades ago, maybe even centuries if you want to look at Granny Smith's flashback that way.).


This can suggest that the only reason Celestia (and maybe even Luna to a certain extent) lived as long as she did was because she chose to live this long, presumably through extensive magic alteration (could also be the reason she's so huge and why her mane and tail look the way they do).


So if anyone is wondering if Twilight will outlive her friends, I think it's highly unlikely that the show will address this or even that the dev team will tell us anything (but if someone gets an answer from them, please let me know). So they might leave it to us fans to fill in that blank ourselves, will she live a normal livespan? will she outlive her friends? Or heck, will the entire Mane 6 become immortal somehow?


After all, half the reason some MLP fanfics  exist is because of the awesome powers of interpretation, so why shouldn't we likewise make our own interpretations on how Twilight's alicornhood would turn out? even if she remains one at the very final canon episode?

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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Another thing to note, we have no idea what the *normal* lifespan of a pony is. We have no flashbacks that explicitly state the exact number of years in the past they were. The only ones that get close use the '1000 years' framework which appears to be their equivalent of 'long, long ago', and '100 moons' which appears to be their equivalent of 'awhile back.'


For all we know, Granny Smith might be 500 years old, or 50, or heck 25. We've got no frame of reference that isn't another pony.


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I don't really know. The only reason I don't want it to be permanent is because I don't want the show to turn into Princess Twilight's Canterlot Duties.


But, I do know (pretty sure) that the first 2 episodes of season 4 are a continuation off the last episode of season 3.


Also, doesn't anyone think she got her wings pretty quickly? I was expecting a 2-parter.

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this reminds me of when they killed off Optimus Prime in TF the movie, Hasbro killed off several major characters in the film to make way for new toys. and that seems to be the same reason for making Twilight an alicorn, to sell A new toy line.(as suggested by those leaked tweets) as it stands right now, it's permanent. Twilight Sparkle is an alicorn princess. looking back at what happened in transformers, Hasbro resurrected prime after fan outrage. so if enough of us bitch to hasbro, maybe......only time will tell.


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On One Hand: I think Twilight will want to stay an Alicorn, but she will see how hard it might be. She will probably (most likely) not be able to see her friends as much. She may end up regretting being an Princess and revert back to herself to be w/ her friends.

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I really hope it's temporary.

Seriously now, how can you put a major change into one of the Mane 6 and get away with it while continuing the show!

It doesn't seem right.

Besides, Twilight doesn't seem like she wants to be an alicorn...

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I´d say it is most likely permanent because I can´t picture her being turned back into a unicorn again.

I have several reasons to believe this:

1: It´s very well possible that noone even has the power to turn her back.

2: Even if princess Celestia could turn her back; why would she? Twilight is her student and she obviously cares alot about her so I can´t see her doing it.

3: Twilight being an Alicorn now, gives the story a whole new twist and lots of new plot points.

4: I guess that if Twilight changed back into a Unicorn in season 4 there would be even more fans complaining about that than there are now complaining about her being an Alicorn including me. I am not a real fan of Alicorn Twilight but from my point of view it´s better to stick to the decision thy made and go with it.

The only way of Twilight becoming a Unicorn again, that seems likely to me, would be her giving up her position as a princess to stay with her friends. However, since we don´t even know whether her being a princess means she´ll have to leave her friends, I´m going to keep believing she´ll stay like this.

(sorry for any spelling or grammatic mistakes. English is not my native language.)

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I´d say it is most likely permanent because I can´t picture her being turned back into a unicorn again.

I have several reasons to believe this:

1: It´s very well possible that noone even has the power to turn her back.

2: Even if princess Celestia could turn her back; why would she? Twilight is her student and she obviously cares alot about her so I can´t see her doing it.

3: Twilight being an Alicorn now, gives the story a whole new twist and lots of new plot points.

4: I guess that if Twilight changed back into a Unicorn in season 4 there would be even more fans complaining about that than there are now complaining about her being an Alicorn including me. I am not a real fan of Alicorn Twilight but from my point of view it´s better to stick to the decision thy made and go with it.

The only way of Twilight becoming a Unicorn again, that seems likely to me, would be her giving up her position as a princess to stay with her friends. However, since we don´t even know whether her being a princess means she´ll have to leave her friends, I´m going to keep believing she´ll stay like this.

(sorry for any spelling or grammatic mistakes. English is not my native language.)


 With the fourth reason you brought up I personally disagree.


In a way, I think the dev team knows we have broken base upon broken base on this fandom, so they know there will be fans that are both ticked off and pleased no matter what they do.


I'd say that's another reason they went head with Twilicorn, they know we'll likely still watch and enjoy the show regardless of our thoughts on the third season's finale.


And please keep in mind, that the dev team DID say that Twilight will still be the main character and won't be separate from her friends, heck, if I remember right, they said the only practical application of Twilight becoming an Alicorn was the fact she now has wings.


AND they said they'd be presenting Twilight with additional challenges, NOT powers, as a result of her alicornhood, so apparently her alicorn transformation doesn't even affect her magical abilities much.


heck, I suspect in truth the dev team will eventually have Twilight toss aside being a princess but keep her Alicorn form to simply use as she sees fit.


And do I have to go on again about how being an Alicorn doesn't automatically mean immortality? And we shouldn't just make assumptions since we still don't know everything?

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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I feel her transition to alicorn is a permanent one, because, quite frankly, it would be stupid to retract that development. Granted, the build-up to it really wasn't very obvious, but I think it adds a whole new level of development to not only Twilight, but the rest of the Mane Six now, as well.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

When in doubt, post ponies!

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Well it all depends on how the writers are gonna go about it. If it's temporary, then Twilight may have to defeat an evil being to sacrifice her wings OR if permanent, Celestia will send her BACK to Ponyville to be with her friends while still remaining an Alicorn.


We won't know until 2014 (seriously why a whole year?) so here's hoping whatever happens, happens in the favor of BOTH parties (fans and writers.)


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I'm thinking it probably will be permanent. I was surprised that it happened so early in the series though. I wasn't expecting it till real late like the very end. But I did sorta expect it to happen.

The White Shinigami

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Oh my. Most votes are for "Permanent". That means she's going to leave her friends for sure? And be replaced by some Sunset Shimmer? I'm gonna kill myself then :(

Mostly inactive.

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Oh my. Most votes are for "Permanent". That means she's going to leave her friends for sure? And be replaced by some Sunset Shimmer? I'm gonna kill myself then sad.png


How does that mean she's going to leave her friends for sure? That makes no sense. That'd be extremely out of character for Twilight. And Sunset Shimmer wouldn't replace her, that pony is likely never going to have a significant role in the show, if she'll even show up at all as a background pony.


I hope you're not serious about the kill yourself thing though... hard to tell over the Internet, to be honest.



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Oh my. Most votes are for "Permanent". That means she's going to leave her friends for sure? And be replaced by some Sunset Shimmer? I'm gonna kill myself then sad.png

Sorry but please do not overreact over something like this or even joke about something like suicide, one poll cast does not determine a show's future. Besides Sunset Shimmer isn't even official yet, plus Twilight carries a huge role in the show, so of course she won't leave her friends. not without perfectly good reason, and if she does leave then I'm sure it's not forever.


~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~

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Oh my. Most votes are for "Permanent". That means she's going to leave her friends for sure? And be replaced by some Sunset Shimmer? I'm gonna kill myself then sad.png


I have to agree with the other guy/gals that quoted you.


Plus, the creators THEMSELVES have stated that Twilight will still be the main character and won't be separated from her friends even with the alicorn transformation.


So you're genuinely worrying about nothing.

Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria?


they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes.

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Just so you know, everyone, I've moved on from the Twilicorn debacle, and even learned to accept Twilight the alicorn princess.  Even though she's an alicorn, she will not outlive her friends as Meghan McCarthy confirmed, and she is as dependent on her friends as always, as inferred in the events of the book, "Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell".  Plus, all of her magical and friendship studies, as well as the combined power of her friends, were there to develop her into an alicorn princess, so that she could apply those studies to running an entire nation.  Had she not become an alicorn princess, all of those magical studies and friendship lessons would have been wasted on nothing.


So you know what?  Perhaps it's for the better that it remains permanent, partly because Twilight becoming an alicorn princess is a reflection of her growth and development as a character, and partly because she is neither immortal nor all-powerful, but rather still dependent on her friends.  After all, I had no problem with Optimus Prime getting himself upgraded with a jetpack in Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters.  Hell, I had no problem with Optimus Prime having the most maxed-out stats of all the Autobots, because even then he still had to depend on his Autobot subordinates to further bolster his power.  So why can't I say the same for Princess Twilight?

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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Simple answer is, Yes. Why would she turn back to regular Twilight anyway? But on another note, this was a plot twist I didn't want. Does this mean all Twilight has been through was just a 'training' for her to become Alicorn? Is this how Celestia became an Alicorn too? Was there someone before her?


Those questions will never be answered.



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For me, Hell no.  By the time the two-part Season Four premiere comes out, it's going to be a save-the-world story like previous season premieres, except this time it'll have Twilight sacrifice her wings and princesshood to save her friends from whatever evil threat the writers pit her against.


Besides, if you're going to turn Twilight into a princess, you might as well turn Rarity into a world-famous fashion designer, and Rainbow Dash into a Wonderbolt, while making both those characters leave each other and their other friends behind to do so.  If Twilight's gonna break up with the Mane Six, the rest might as well do so, too... except maybe Fluttershy, Applejack, and Pinkie, because they'll probably stay in Ponyville for their own reasons (animals, farm-life, and "hey, why not", respectively).


And yes, I'm still struggling to get over the shock of seeing Twilight become a princess.  And yes, I'd rather the humanized ponies from Equestria Girls, than Princess Twilight, because at the very least the former doesn't break continuity like the latter.

Well I kinda agree with you, but Twilight can still have her wings. It would be amazing if twilight does keep her wings and she is the Princess out of the main 6 

Derpy is gonna derp so better watch out :P

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But even then, Hasbro still realizes that even the notion of giving Twilight wings, thus changing her species while disrupting the two-species symmetry of the Mane Six is still a retarded idea.  They know this, and if they don't change her back into a unicorn, us bronies are going to do what most other fanbases do with changes to their favorite franchises, and raise a ton of hell.

Okay, I need to ask: Who are you to speak for all of us? Just because you have a problem doesn't mean I need to declare war on the hand that feeds us.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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Thanks. You made me feel normal.

Also, I'm never going to suicide.

Will hope that Twilight won't change cardinally and ruin the show after becoming an alicorn.

Edited by Lamer

Mostly inactive.

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Thanks. You made me feel normal.

Also, I'm never going to suicide.

Will hope that Twilight won't change cardinally and ruin the show after becoming an alicorn.

I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill, so to speak. Twilight Sparkle, despite now being an alicorn, will likely remain the same Twilight we've come to know, with the exception that she can now fly. The writers have made three seasons of quality shows, and they're showing no signs of burnout, so now we just have to wait until winter for season 4.

Detroit Tigers- Back to Back AL Central Champs

When in doubt, post ponies!

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I really, really, really, really, really don't want Twilight to lose her wings, especially in the next two episodes. The writers made a big change, and they'd better stick with it. It gets pretty tiring to see shows bring up intriguing new possibilities and then snapping right back. It kinda makes you lose respect in the writers. Besides, I'm cool with Alicorn Princess Twilight. They're just wings and different responsibilities.


And no, I'm not just mirroring AnYPony's thoughts on the matter. He and I just happen to share the same idea.

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I should just say two things. I agree that Twilight should be an Alicorn, But I don't think she should be a princess. Why is she a princess anyway? Because she's an Alicorn? 


I think the whole princess thing is weird because being an Alicorn automatically means you're a princess is stupid. I think she should remain a Alicorn but keeping her a princess would be a risky move because it throws off her character balance.

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Personally, I'd be very disappointed at the production staff if they make her give up her wings or something like that...

They made it very clear that this is about evolution of the character. Now that they did it, I'd rather they stick with it.


I disagree.  This is the kind of character evolution that should end a show, not carry it on.  As I've said before, there's no group struggle with everyone having balanced talents and abilities anymore.  It really destroys much of what many of us cherished about the show;  It eliminates the balance and takes away the main character's ambitions.

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