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  1. 1. Do you support Twilicorn?

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I support it now after seeing the season finale. When I first heard about her changing into a alicorn I honestly did not know what to think. But I believe they did a pretty good job explaining everything in the episode and plus there is still more to come! 



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I would like to see Twilight find a spell so she only has her unicorn horn and when she uses the elements of harmony she goes all Alicorn on the enemy. But we haven't seen much of this 'new' Twilight and I would like to see how she is being an Alicorn.

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No. When I earned the rank of Eagle Scout and went through the court of honor it was in recognition of my accomplishments and choices I had made. I did not become an Aryan. I have made the statement before and I will do so again.


"I feel that the transformation and elevation undermines the value of friendship. She does not need to be an alicorn to express friendship. There is no limit to the quality of friendship based on form. Earth, unicorn, and pegisi can have the same level of friendship as an alicorn. The going forward there is now the problem that status as an alicorn will solve problems rather than the power of friendship. Each of the mane six are special not because of the type of pony or the fact that they wield the elements of harmony. They are special because their character/personality/behavior embodies an aspect of harmony. As a message to children I can not agree with it. The types of stories that the show uses are exploration into different aspects of the the elements of harmony. The problems are overcome because of those aspects. Each of the characters is different and their power levels are roughly equal. No one pony has all the powers of the others. Friendship acts as a glue for the other elements but is not all of them as a whole. The stories show value in difference and discorage superiority in all cases of a single form. The stories that can be told are not limited by not having an alicorn. Twilight does not need to be an alicorn to acheive these things. 

Things I want to see.
1. Twilights transformation adversely affects friendship throughout Equestria.
2. Friendships are only stable when Twilight is around.
2. A rift develops between Luna and Celestia.
4. the other five have to travel together in search of the cause while Twilight remains in Canterlot.
9. The five have to work together and demonstrate their element without friendship.
3. Discord gets a laugh when confronted and tells them what is going on.
4. Celestia becomes her own version of Nightmare Moon.
5. The five find out that something like this happened to create Nightmare Moon.
6. The other princesses occurred naturally.
0. Discord tries to solve problems.
7. Twilight is forced to flee Canterlot.
0. The five discover how to unprincess Twilight.
0. Twilight and the five meet up and discuss what must be done and what it means to twilight.
0. Discord buys time to the process and is apparently destroyed by Celestia like King Sombra.
0. Twilight is restored and the six confront Celestia
0. Celestia is defeated and restored by the Elements of Harmony.
0. Celestia looks like a younger version of herself.
0. Parts of Discord partially reform and he admits he could not pass up the opportunity. Discord cant be destroyed only trapped.
0. The illusion on Celestia is removed so she looks like normal.
20. You cannot force friendship. A true princess can only be created for a force by the force and their interaction with it itself.
21. While walking around town Twilight catches a glimpse of herself as a princess again in a reflection for a brief moment. She continues to meet up with her friends. 
22. fade to black.
"I would like to see a situation of less than expectations with introducing a city state of alocorns who are not super fantastic like the princesses. Have the main six visit without being told what to expect other than it is where the princesses came from. Twilight has to use a teleport spell that Celestia teaches her. See an alicorn pulling  a cart. Have a conversation where they are surprised that he is not a prince or something. They take turns being leader. Have the rest of the episode going around and seeing how ordinary the lives of the alicorns are. Not run down or super fancy like Canterlot. More along the lines of ponyville Have an alicorn ask what the princesses have been doing since they left. 
The overall message is that it does not matter what you are, its what you choose to do. A pony is not extraordinary  or important because of what they are but who they are and what they choose to do with their abilities and talents."-me
It reminds me of when the Germans declared that one of their athletes in the Olympic Games was not recognized as a Jew because she could fence so well. Celstia does the same thing that Twilight reverses in the earlier part of the episode. No one knows what their destiny is until it happens and every other time in the series some one tries to force it or direct it it goes wrong. It is not something I would share with my children. Twilight does not need to be an alicorn or a princess. Her actions are deserving on their own. There are other roles and ways that her character can progress without being Exalted. 
  • Brohoof 1
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No, and I'll never be. I can accept Twilight becoming Celestia's royal mage or teacher in Celestia's magic school. But Princess Twilight? That's not her, or even remotely close to her! She's built for studying magic, not running an entire nation. Her dream was to study magic, and even earned her cutie-mark for it. If Twilight were destined to become a princess, her cutie-mark would've been something else, like a tiara or something.


How come her friends get to stay true to their own cutie-marks, but not Twilight?


Have you not paid any attention to the show at all? None of the princess' cutie marks have anything to do with them being a princess. Princess Celestia's is the sun because she controls the sun, Luna, the moon because she controls the moon, Cadence, A heart because her talent is spreading love, and Twilight's is magic because she is the physical embodiment of magic. You're just grasping at straws here to find an excuse to not give Alicorn Twilight a chance. If you don't like the idea, that's fine, but don't make claims that you can't support.



No. When I earned the rank of Eagle Scout and went through the court of honor it was in recognition of my accomplishments and choices I had made. I did not become an Aryan. I have made the statement before and I will do so again.


"I feel that the transformation and elevation undermines the value of friendship. She does not need to be an alicorn to express friendship. There is no limit to the quality of friendship based on form. Earth, unicorn, and pegisi can have the same level of friendship as an alicorn. The going forward there is now the problem that status as an alicorn will solve problems rather than the power of friendship. Each of the mane six are special not because of the type of pony or the fact that they wield the elements of harmony. They are special because their character/personality/behavior embodies an aspect of harmony. As a message to children I can not agree with it. The types of stories that the show uses are exploration into different aspects of the the elements of harmony. The problems are overcome because of those aspects. Each of the characters is different and their power levels are roughly equal. No one pony has all the powers of the others. Friendship acts as a glue for the other elements but is not all of them as a whole. The stories show value in difference and discorage superiority in all cases of a single form. The stories that can be told are not limited by not having an alicorn. Twilight does not need to be an alicorn to acheive these things. 


First off, this was something that had clearly been planned since arguably the very second episode of the series. Need I remind you that everypony's element band was a necklace, Twilight's was a crown. Second, this is a monarchy, not the boy/girl scouts, and we've literally have been told nothing about how their monarchy system works. So comparing something from here to something we know nothing about is rather silly in my opinion.



Things I want to see.
1. Twilights transformation adversely affects friendship throughout Equestria.
2. Friendships are only stable when Twilight is around.
2. A rift develops between Luna and Celestia.
4. the other five have to travel together in search of the cause while Twilight remains in Canterlot.
9. The five have to work together and demonstrate their element without friendship.
3. Discord gets a laugh when confronted and tells them what is going on.
4. Celestia becomes her own version of Nightmare Moon.
5. The five find out that something like this happened to create Nightmare Moon.
6. The other princesses occurred naturally.
0. Discord tries to solve problems.
7. Twilight is forced to flee Canterlot.
0. The five discover how to unprincess Twilight.
0. Twilight and the five meet up and discuss what must be done and what it means to twilight.
0. Discord buys time to the process and is apparently destroyed by Celestia like King Sombra.
0. Twilight is restored and the six confront Celestia
0. Celestia is defeated and restored by the Elements of Harmony.
0. Celestia looks like a younger version of herself.
0. Parts of Discord partially reform and he admits he could not pass up the opportunity. Discord cant be destroyed only trapped.
0. The illusion on Celestia is removed so she looks like normal.

You cannot force friendship. A true princess can only be created for a

force by the force and their interaction with it itself.


While walking around town Twilight catches a glimpse of herself as a

princess again in a reflection for a brief moment. She continues to meet

up with her friends. 

22. fade to black.


Okay, so what you want to see, is the destruction of Friendship is Magic, got it. The entire show in of itself has always been based around friendship. Even after the Coronation, the one thing that she emphasized the most is that she wouldn't have gotten there without her friends. Twilight knows that the reason she became a princess was because of her friends. And her personality wouldn't let anything else happen.


Friendships only being stable when Twilight is around... I can't even fathom that. "I want to be your friend, but I'm not allowed to be your friend because the person that controls friendship isn't here to tell me that it's okay for you to be my friend." If people needed everyone else's permission to be friends with anyone, no one would ever have any friends at all.


A rift developing between Luna and Celestia again, as well, would destroy both of them. Period. The two are already in the process of repaired tattered emotions now, and would destroy the entire monarchy system that they have.


Also, you want to see the other five prove their elements without friendship? that's kinda not possible. We've been shown in the first two discord episodes, that the elements of harmony only work with friendship. When discord broke the mane 6 apart. The elements didn't work. Because if you have no friends, you have no one to be generous for, no one to be loyal to, no one to be kind to, no one to make happy, and no one to be honest to. This is just simply not possible.


You cannot force friendship. A true princess can only be created for a force by the force and their interaction with it itself.


I'm sorry, but isn't this exactly what happened in the season finale? I mean last time I checked, Twilight's ability was magic, which leads me to believe that she's the princess of Magic, and from what I saw, it was the very essence of magic in of itself that turned Twilight into a princess in the Astral hallway.


"I would like to see a situation of less than expectations with introducing a city state of alocorns who are not super fantastic like the princesses. Have the main six visit without being told what to expect other than it is where the princesses came from. Twilight has to use a teleport spell that Celestia teaches her. See an alicorn pulling  a cart. Have a conversation where they are surprised that he is not a prince or something. They take turns being leader. Have the rest of the episode going around and seeing how ordinary the lives of the alicorns are. Not run down or super fancy like Canterlot. More along the lines of ponyville Have an alicorn ask what the princesses have been doing since they left.


The overall message is that it does not matter what you are, its what you choose to do. A pony is not extraordinary  or important because of what they are but who they are and what they choose to do with their abilities and talents."-me


It reminds me of when the Germans declared that one of their athletes in the Olympic Games was not recognized as a Jew because she could fence so well. Celstia does the same thing that Twilight reverses in the earlier part of the episode. No one knows what their destiny is until it happens and every other time in the series some one tries to force it or direct it it goes wrong. It is not something I would share with my children. Twilight does not need to be an alicorn or a princess. Her actions are deserving on their own. There are other roles and ways that her character can progress without being Exalted.



Again, need I remind you that while yes, all Alicorns may be princesses, none of the Alicorns are "all powerful" Every single Alicorn in the show, with the exception of Twilight now, has been defeated, at least twice. And Twilight's brother, A unicorn, was able to cast the same spell that Cadence did over the Crystal Empire, over Canterlot. Over a much larger surface area, and for a much longer period of time, without having to sustain it constantly. All he had to do was periodically strengthen it. Celestia was defeated Twice, Luna/Nightmare Moon was Defeated Twice, and Cadence was Defeated Twice, the second by her own magic.


And it was Twilights actions that were what got her to where she was to begin with. Princess Celestia very clearly stated that in the Astral Hallway, and then out front of Twilight's library. It wasn't something that just "happened" it was something that Celestia very obviously planned from the get go. And Celestia watched Twilight to make sure that she would go in the right directions and see if her thoughts were correct. Every time that Twilight did something, Celestia watched. She noted, and she analyzed. I quote, "You've come such a long long way, and I've watched you since that very first day." It wasn't something that was pulled from her feathers.


I personally loved the idea of Twilight being a princess. Twilight has always been one of my favorite ponies since day one, and I can honestly say that I, like Celestia couldn't be more proud of how she's grown and matured. I think that she is every bit as ready as she could ever be for this, and when it did happen, I cried, I was so happy for her. Her responses to everything were absolutely pperfect, and again, she knew that it was her friends that got her there, and she didn't do what anypony else would have done and kept all the attention to herself. She made it know that it was her friends that helped her, and that they were the biggest part in her becoming what she was. That is the real Twilight. The Twilight that has always put her friends first, no matter the situation.


Now granted, I'll agree that so far we've only seen what, 3 minutes of Alicorn Twilight? Certainly not enough to judge an entire following season on. Is it possible that things could go horribly wrong, yes. I'd be a fool to say that it wasn't. But considering that the writers have openly stated that Twilight's personality will not be changing, then I have a great amount of confidence in saying that they won't. They have done an amazing job with this show so far and I have faith in their writing abilities. Something that I've noticed an overwhelming lack of in a majority of the fans here. Which honestly isn't really fair. The entire reason we're all here now is because of them, so I'd have hoped that users would be a bit more open with their ideas. I for one must say yes, I support Alicorn Twilight, and I will as long as she remains true to herself.


A small comic strip that I found here, shows many of the feelings that I've seen here for her.







My answer is yes. Yes I will

  • Brohoof 3


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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I fine with Twilicorn, but i'm fine with people who have a problem with it because i understand there veiwpoint.


however i didn't like the shows execution of it one bit and was incredibly disappointed in it. 

  • Brohoof 2

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After some time has passed, i've gone from hating the idea to dislike/indifferent.  This is mostly due to conversing with some fellow brony friends on skype about it.  Some don't like it either while others feel they would be more accepting of the idea if the story were flushed out a bit more in the episode. 


Not surprised we got a whole area dedicated to this... controversy of our fandom since Tara Strong said in the hub twitter feed "no, Twilight won't become an alicorn" yet she did.


Personally, part of me still hates the idea, and I feel this way since Twilight could have had a way better destiny than the "Princess of Friendship." Would have been cool to see her as an Equestria Guardian, head teacher at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns, Twilight being a descendant of Star Swirl who was an all powerful unicorn wizard with her taking up his place in research in magic, etc....


Playing devil's advocate about the matter, i'm indifferent.  I won't be a person who goes "fandom over, Twilight character screwed, i'm leaving," and such since I want to see how things turn out.  As mentioned, the execution of her turning into a princess could have been handled much better in the season to ease fans into the idea instead of it culminating in one episode. 


My only thoughts right now pertain to the writers, and how they are skating on rather thin ice, though I mostly blame Hasbro for assuming more control over things.

Edited by Genepool
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I dislike it because it seems to unbalance the Mane Six and cement Twilight as more important than her friends in the eyes of the show. As for potential storylines, I can think of great ideas they could do with it and poor ones, and I'm just waiting to see what happens. My issue with it stands though. I can only hope that future seasons and important episodes will concentrate on developing her friends.

  • Brohoof 3
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No. I have not, nor will I ever. Even if the writers get it right, I don't see this as something that I can bounce back from. It's an unnecessary change that came from nowhere. It has the possibility and probability to change the basis of the entire show, and if it doesn't, shame on the writers for being too lazy to do anything with the opportunity to innovate. I don't like the idea one bit, though I can agree that it could potentially open up alot of new and innovative plot ideas (and a multitude of bad ones as well).  Also, there were next to no hints except for the end of the Crystal Empire, but the Crystal Empire also left some plot holes with dark magic and the like.


And for all of you telling me and everyone who has a different opinion that you to give the idea a chance?

I spent an entire season giving the writers a chance but they've proven with season three's boring and unthoughtful writing that they're undeserving of a 14th chance before being judged. That's not to say that I wont watch season 4. Of course I will, but my view of the show has been lowered significantly by not only the alicorn shoomtz but just season 3 in general.

Edited by Twiliscael
  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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As I've been saying all along, wait and see. Who knows, the writers may surprise us! They've done it before! After all, you are watching a show that was intended for 6 year olds ;P

So just wait! Maybe they will pull a "Miracle Mach 2."


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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After the briefest moment of panic when I first heard about Twilicorn, I've been supportive and hopeful of it ever since, and really, my opinion hasn't changed since the season finale; if anything, I'm even more hopeful now.  The finale, while it certainly should've been a two-parter, was, in my opinion, as good as it possibly could've been in one episode.  Yeah, it stinks that it wasn't done in two episodes, but guys, we've just gotta accept that Studio B had no choice but to make it in one episode and appreciate it for what it is.  Anyway, back to Twilicorn, I thought the episode, for what it was, handled her as well as it could've and I'm interested to see where the show goes from here now that such an important plot and character development has taken place.

Edited by Batbrony


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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No. I have not, nor will I ever. Even if the writers get it right, I don't see this as something that I can bounce back from. It's an unnecessary change that came from nowhere. It has the possibility and probability to change the basis of the entire show, and if it doesn't, shame on the writers for being too lazy to do anything with the opportunity to innovate. I don't like the idea one bit, though I can agree that it could potentially open up alot of new and innovative plot ideas (and a multitude of bad ones as well).  Also, there were next to no hints except for the end of the Crystal Empire, but the Crystal Empire also left some plot holes with dark magic and the like.


And for all of you telling me and everyone who has a different opinion that you to give the idea a chance?

I spent an entire season giving the writers a chance but they've proven with season three's boring and unthoughtful writing that they're undeserving of a 14th chance before being judged. That's not to say that I wont watch season 4. Of course I will, but my view of the show has been lowered significantly by not only the alicorn shoomtz but just season 3 in general.




Okay, The only thing that I see that I can somewhat agree with, is the lack of foreshadowing throughout the first two seasons. It was there though in the first season, and the third season had a lot of foreshadowing of this coming. The writing in this season wasn't anywhere near as atrocious as you're claiming.  In fact the only bad episodes that I've seen this season, were Spike At your Service, and Just for Side Kicks. I've loved every other episode and the Finale, Sleepless in Ponyville, and Wonderbolt Academy are three of my favorites of the entire series. So this is something that we'll never see eye to eye on because the writers have done an amazing job this season, and aside from the two mentioned episodes, I've yet to be disappointed.


And the whole "I'm not going to give this a chance because I don't want to," thing is about as close minded as you can get, and represents the complete opposite of what this fandom was founded on. I'm not saying that you have to like it, but to flat out refuse something because it's not what you wanted to have happen is completely ridiculous and goes completely against the "love and Tolerate" that this community was founded on. The fact that so many people have done this, makes me very sad, and quite ashamed of this. So yes, I feel that everypony should calm down, and yes, uphold the beliefs that this fanbase was founded upon and give things a chance. Whether or not you like it or not, giving things a chance is what we do best. After all the entire reason that most of us started watching My Little Pony: Friendship is magic, was because we gave it a chance.


And yes, the same argument can be used against me, because I technically haven't been very tolerant of the users that refuse to give anything a chance. This partially is because of the fact that I myself am a writer, and I find it blatantly disrespectful to the writers of this show to completely villianify everything that they do, when everything they've done has been amazing. Yes, they've had a few bad episodes, and because of the shortened season they stood out a bit more than normal, but on the flip side it also made the extremely good ones stand out that much more.

Edited by Ice Storm


Princess Luna is best pony

Avid Twilicorn Supporter

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Twilight is still Twilight in my eyes. Wings or not. Princess or not.


She's not gonna be any less Twilight just because she gained any of those characteristics.


I refuse to abandon one of my most favorite characters in the show just because of this thing called "change" that some find so difficult to grasp.

  • Brohoof 5

You can't beat me! I AM DABESTGAMER!!!



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Howdy folks!


I like the idea of Twilight evolving into Alicorn.


Gives her more responsiblities.


Does that mean she leave her friends?


I doubt that.


Princess Celestia said that she has seen no other pony with magical abilities.

(See Cute Mark Chronicles)


And it is something special.


Now thats shes a princess more journeys, more adventures await her & the rest of her pony firends.


Shes still the pony that we all & love now with wings ^_^


See ya!

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, very, very much. A few different reasons why.


1. The moral oppurtunities.

Quite simple really. This show mostly has morals based around each episode. Keeping Twilicorn can open up many possibilities, and this is just those that could center directly around her. They could use different episodes to focus on things like: Treating someone different just because they are now royalty, accepting oneself for who they are, and more.


2. It is a symbol of her accomplishments

The mane 6 have been through a lot, but none have learned more than Twilight. She has learned what friendship really is and why it is so important and she has learned to create her own magic, among many other things. Seeing that other dimensional plane thing in the finale was like walking down a corridor of memories and personally, I love that she has come this far.


3. Character advancement

Like I have said, seeing Twilight come this far is a really nice thing. Knowing that the writers might actually be willing to go with advancing the character a bit in a show like this is quite awesome. It is something that most cartoons just don't do and I would love to see what they can do with it.


4. It will not change the show dramatically like many fear it will

Just because she is an Alicorn princess does not mean the show has to change dramatically. Twilight's personality seems unchanged at this point and her friends are in full support. Many say that she would have to stay in Canterlot and it would ruin everything. Not quite. We don't exactly what Twilight's level of princesshood is. She may not be a strong political figure and it is more of a sign of her accompliment. Besides, Celestia and Luna are still around so why would Twilight need to stay there? She could easily stay in Ponyville. At first, things could seem different, but that is where the morals can come in. Perhaps the ponies are treating her differently at first and she becomes fed up with that. It could lead to her explaining how she is still the same old Twilight, so they shouldn't treat her otherwise. She may also not be as powerful as people think, at least nowhere near Celestia and Luna status. She was already very skilled in magic anyways so I really do not see this as a factor. Since season 4 will have 26 episodes, it leaves for plenty of breathing room, so they can focus on many things, Twilight and other things.


I really, really hope they do not change her back. It would follow a clichè that many cartoons have followed and it would be a giant slap to the face of everything Twilight has done and Celestia's teachings. It would feel very cheap in my opinion. Of course, this is all my opinion, but I feel strongly about it.

Edited by Kyoshi
  • Brohoof 2



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I've been one of the most vocal critics of the Twilicorn concept from the minute it was rumored last year, evident by my reviews of this season and finale and my long editorial. The concept of it for season three's finale sucked then and still sucks now, and I'll say the same for both the horrid path leading to it in the finale and her first impression.
However, despite being vocal, I teetered between "no" and "indifferent"; currently, I vote for indifferent, but I may change my vote to "no" if season four's quality is awful and Twilight's ascension is superficial. One of the potentially great things about season four is how the writers can take that toy Hasbro threw at them and maybe make it work. However, in order to do this, Twilight must show legitimate changes in season four.
As in:

  • She can't be merely the same character other than growing some wings. Whether any of you like it or not, having her be Twilight in the way she was prior to her transition accomplishes nothing except proving that Magical Mystery Cure was a twenty-minute commercial for the toyline in disguise. I watch this show because it's GOOD; the plugs for toys are cleverly hidden within the context of the animation. Claiming that this should be merely a superficial change shows that you're not critically thinking of the consequences if that's the case. If nothing about her changes emotionally, physically, behaviorally, mentally, and psychologically, Magical Mystery Cure will be (hopefully and) factually the most poorly aged finale in the entire series regardless of the high quality of the animation and musical score, because it'll be intellectually insulting. Her personality must evolve to a form of maturity not seen in the first three seasons; not doing so regresses or stagnates her character.
  • Wherever she goes, she must show the ability to progressively adapt to her given title and transition. "Maybe" won't cut it. The writers must exploit this at some point or risk disrespecting the very foundation of her character. If she returns to Ponyville (described by the interviews), then it must accommodate to her title. If she returns to the library, then a good reason why is required. Her path to being an alicorn princess is really flimsy due to the poor quality of the episode's pace and logic. A half-assed reason for her to stay in the library nullifies all of the character growth she received from the pilot to Magical Mystery Cure.
  • Her bond with her friends must be demonstrated at some point. All seven — counting Spike — are very close already, but it was never tested nor hinted as such in the end of Magical Mystery Cure. Come season four, there needs to be some scripted trials of some kind to test their love and mutual respect for one another. How, that's up to you. This is something that risks altering an already tight dynamic between the seven (and relationship the fans have with Twilight already) if the script is crap. If the characters act like nothing happens, then that's lazy writing. Even with her ascension over with, the visual and critically thinking aspect of their dynamic is still fragile. You can't ignore it or shoo it away.

This is something the writers must show proper care for. Having Hasbro thrust an obvious toy like the Twilicorn in there at the last minute doesn't excuse poor quality writing in future episodes. Just because the Twilicorn is out there in the canon doesn't mean I'll accept nor tolerate it willy-nilly. They're being paid to write (and in DHX's standards, write WELL), and I fully expect them to live up to those standards. It didn't, so that team should expect people like myself to review their work analytically and critically and call out the huge issues it has. If her first impression was actually written well, then we wouldn't have this controversy nor would I be so severe in my post. It's off to a rough start, so they must work twice as hard to show that her new role means something within the context of the story. DHX has another chance to make it work, and I'm cautiously optimistic they can do it, but it must be careful. Don't blow it!

We've had just three minutes of Twilicorn. Three minutes.

Not a good reason at all. Whether it's three minutes or five minutes, that's more than enough time to impress the audience. If you can't accurately impress them in that amount of time, your script has a gaping problem. First impressions are crucial, and the Twilicorn's first impression was poor from a quality perspective. Magical Mystery Cure's job was to show that the Twilicorn was worth it to commence with; it failed. Although there are plenty who like it, there's a big difference between looking at it from a personal perspective and reviewing it via a quality writing standard. To repeat what I wrote above, if her first impression was factually good, then this controversy would be quelled by now.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 12

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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Yeah,i support twilicorn.I think now that twilight is an allicorn,its actually pretty cool.As long as this does'nt last for eternity.


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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Yeah,i support twilicorn.I think now that twilight is an allicorn,its actually pretty cool.As long as this does'nt last for eternity.


Well, I'm okay with it going on forever, as long as she has Celestia by her side to comfort her, I think she'll be okay....to be honest, I'm really keeping my options open and waiting for more episodes with her before I truly lock down an opinion.

  • Brohoof 2

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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I'm surprised at the large amount of "no's" here. For once, I definitely support it - it really gives the show a whole new dynamic and direction, as Twi finally uncovers her destiny. I mean, that is the whole of her coming to Ponyville and having all those wild adventures, no?


Now all we need are episodes that will soon uncover other destinies of the mane 6, such as Dash being a Wonderbolt and Rarity being Canterlot famous.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm surprised at the large amount of "no's" here. For once, I definitely support it - it really gives the show a whole new dynamic and direction, as Twi finally uncovers her destiny. I mean, that is the whole of her coming to Ponyville and having all those wild adventures, no?


Now all we need are episodes that will soon uncover other destinies of the mane 6, such as Dash being a Wonderbolt and Rarity being Canterlot famous.

Wasn't Rarity already Canterlot Famous in "Sweet and Elite"? Unless that somehow doesn't count...


And I know this is slightly off topic, but I always wanted to see an episode between Rarity and Blueblood with Blueblood coming clean somehow.


We've reformed Discord, we've redeemed Trixie and Luna....why not Blueblood. He didn't kill anypony, he just acted like a douche bag towards Rarity.

  • Brohoof 1

Christian, Brony, Classic Rock nerd, film fanatic, and all around geek.




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