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Multiverse Theory: Opinions and Discussion


Do you belive in the multiverse theory?  

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  1. 1. Do you belive in the multiverse theory?

    • Yes
    • No
    • I don't know

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There are multiple different forms of multiverse theory, and none of them have any conclusive evidence. Also, there has been no observational evidence at all for any of them so far. As a result, one must continue to examine these theories and search for evidence, though one cannot believe the theories yet while still remaining faithful to the scientific method that conceived them.


tl;dr Nobody knows

  • Brohoof 2
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There is some pretty interesting evidence, but I'm withholding my judgement and staying neutral on the matter. This is something you believe in or not, this is something that needs to be proven. And as it stands, while the evidence is interesting, I don't find that it's solid enough proof to hold up this extraordinary claim. Perhaps in time it may be proven, perhaps it will be disproven...


*note that I am in no way a physicist and I'm completely unqualified to speak on detailed matters on the weird side of physics.

Edited by Celtore
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I personally do not belive in the theory,as I find it stupid,but I'm not here to criticize.


Share your reasons as to why you do or don't belive in the multiverse theory.


Hello! Your topic is similar to an older thread. I've merged yours, along with several others, into it. In the future, please run a search before creating a new topic. Thanks! 

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@,will do.


Thanks for the responses guys,you gave me some good insight as to why people believe (or don't) the theory.It's nice to have other peoples perspectives.

Edited by MOSFETv2
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  • 1 year later...

I strongly believe in a multiverse. Michio Kaku's work is something I respect a lot. One thing notably I find interesting is the concept of one's deja vu and the multiverse interlinking. A multiverse isn't as far-fetched as it sounds, but time will tell whether or not this to be true. 

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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Well you can take the multiverse theory as a core or as one of its many branches as in time... Many other theories have come up based on the multiverse... widening its reac


There was also a theory that anything that was ever imagined by anything or anyone could become a reality in another universe. As all information is stored in the universe itself even if it is not materialisable, waiting to be "transmitted into another... dimension?


IN other words... any idea ever created...any dream ever...dreamt... it CAN happen... making anything possible. The example they used was a place where the "planet of the apes" actually happened... but i the documentary long ago and i cant fit anything. So ion other words all information is transmitted and stored as the foundation of a possib;le world


Also the multiverse theory does support traveling back in time as if anything would be changed it would not affect universe of the person that altered it but would create an alternate timeline. And alternate universes meaning that any big event in the history of our world might've had a different turning. Rome never fell... napoleon wouldve been victorious... Germany wins WWI... or maybe dinosaurs never died. The only problem is that there are literarly an infinite of possibilities if we take our timeline + idea generating,


There is also the idea that after dying our "spirit" (in form of energy) transmits into another world thus giving a meaning to the religious term of afterlife.


I personally like to believe this theory or multiverses but we do need truth


(ps. if anything thought of is possible... Maybe there is a universe ruled by ponies 0.o as it has been thought of in this place... In the same time we might be the result of an idea originating from another universe)


Well some of these theories can be wilder and less probable then others but we CAN'T know they're impossible until proved so... I mean we thought the world was flat and that we were the center of the solar system... and we were proved wrong... Maybe we will be again... The human race is one of the youngest species (in terms of lifespan--> from the austrolapitecus (or something like that) to homo sapiens sapiens (yup double sapiens..thats us) to be the "dominant species of the planet. We are one of the 2% of the species on Earth that has not gone extinct yet thus we actually know very liitle about our own planet... We cant be sure about how the world works...) Thus as the theory said ... EVERYTHING is an option

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I have found that dimensions and the multiverse theory are interdependent, and, due to this knowledge, I have been able to completely revolutionize the idea of dimensions in a way that is supported physically, mathematically, and logically. I'll explain below:


The 0th dimension is that of the point. A point has no length, width, or height. No surprises there. The 1st dimension is that of the line. It has length, but no width or height. The 2nd dimension is that of the plane. A plane has length and width, but no height. The 3rd dimension is that of length, width, and height. Now we are going into my realm of speculation. The 4th dimension is that of time, or duration. This, on the whole, isn't surprising, and it has been accepted as true since the mid-19th century. My theory is that the 3rd dimension is both a space, and a point. Because the definition of a point is an area of indeterminate size, a 3D space-point can be any geometrically describable object of any possible size. Therefore, we start the cycle anew, with the 0th dimension becoming the 3rd and the 1st the 4th. This can be proven mathematically. Say, you've done the calculation 33. That's 27 and can be viewed as a 3x3x3 cube. To get to 34, you need to do 33x3. If you visualize the 3x3x3 cube as a point, and add three of those 3x3x3 cube-points, you attain 3= 81. The 5th dimension is that of timelines. I am not the first person to think of this. Basically, the 5th dimension adds to the 4th dimension what the 2nd adds to the 1st. It creates a time plane, where 3D point-spaces make up 4D axes on a 5D plane. Along one axis is a geometrically describable shape, which we will call x. Along the other are all the progressions of all the possible timelines of x, where each 3D point-space represents a phase of x. The 6th dimension is that of all the possible shapes. So x is laid out along one axis, all the progressions of all the possible timelines of x are laid out along another, and all the possible shapes of x are laid out along the third. We can go no further than this because the 6th dimension contains absolutely everything.


Thus, the multiverse theory is confirmed by the work of a 13-year-old boy. :toldya:

Edited by TheAnonBrony
  • Brohoof 2

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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It's hard to say how many actual dimensions relating to space-time there is and if you add in these parallel unknowns, then obviously you get some quantitative variables. I'm kinda excited to see future studies/experiments/realizations of the multiverse.  :har:

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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To the best of my knowledge, multiverse theory is just a way to explain away Quantum Mechanical indeterminism, and a rather bad way of doing in my opinion.  In exchange for invoking a infinite number of Universes for which no experimental evidence exist, you gain absolutely zero benefits in terms of actual understanding or predictive power.  Perhaps just a little bit of satisfaction that all of the possible quantum mechanical outcomes occur instead of just one, but again with no corresponding evidence.  To me though you are after proof, not personal satisfaction, so I put zero stock in multiverse theory.  It is just really, really crappy speculation.




It's hard to say how many actual dimensions relating to space-time there is and if you add in these parallel unknowns, then obviously you get some quantitative variables. I'm kinda excited to see future studies/experiments/realizations of the multiverse. 


Its four for normal people and 10 or 11 for string theorist, which I don't trust as far as I can throw them.  Perhaps we will discover evidence for dimensions beyond four sometime in the future, which would have interesting implication, but as far as I am concerned we have no evidence beyond the rather obvious existence of the four. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

To the best of my knowledge, multiverse theory is just a way to explain away Quantum Mechanical indeterminism, and a rather bad way of doing in my opinion.  In exchange for invoking a infinite number of Universes for which no experimental evidence exist, you gain absolutely zero benefits in terms of actual understanding or predictive power.  Perhaps just a little bit of satisfaction that all of the possible quantum mechanical outcomes occur instead of just one, but again with no corresponding evidence.  To me though you are after proof, not personal satisfaction, so I put zero stock in multiverse theory.  It is just really, really crappy speculation.





Its four for normal people and 10 or 11 for string theorist, which I don't trust as far as I can throw them.  Perhaps we will discover evidence for dimensions beyond four sometime in the future, which would have interesting implication, but as far as I am concerned we have no evidence beyond the rather obvious existence of the four. 


True and the numbers don't always add up. And the multiverse may not be real. Hell, maybe we're not real. Perhaps everything's real. Or a dream...

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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  • 1 month later...

Now even though the Multiverse theory has shown to be very real we are still far beyond the reaches of crossing to it physically and one of the ways to contact such type of universe is very mental like by imagination, ideas, dreams. and anything that goes as far as any mind or story will take you. Do note that "reaching it mentally" doesn't mean it works the exact same here, yet I have reason to believe there is a "bridge" needed to cross to it and all of this sounds similar to dimensional travel and it could possibly be. Though there are my doubts to it due to the theory being "Anything Imaginable" and cause of that it shows that there might be a few loose ends to it like let's say there is a world where everyone is a universe destroyer unless god decided to put a limit to the power any universe holds I don't see the theory as accurate I mean it may has some of it right but I don't really see all of it to work out completely. Now who knows there might even be a universe that is watching other universes and they could even be ponies humans any type of species even ones unimaginable. So long as a universe of unimaginable power greater than almost anything doesn't know about this theory then we are safe just don't over think this could be simple could be EXTREMELY Complex only time could tell and time could even be more powerful than space.

Edited by Corporal Genuine
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I don't pretend to understand the actual mathematics and scientific theory behind something like this, but this is something that I believe in for several reasons, one being extrapolation upon the nature of the world that I am able to observe. Everything seems to follow a basic pattern of growth: babies grow into adults, seeds grow into plants or trees, the universe continues to expand, and so on. Therefore, by inference, it doesn't seem unreasonable to believe that life expands in many, and perhaps infinite ways that are beyond our sphere of perception, such as alternate universes or higher dimensions. 
I'm also a proponent of the idea of microcosm/macrocosm, or "as above, so below" in more esoteric circles. Basically, really small things follow the same fundamental patterns that really big things do. The contrast between traditional Newtonian mechanics and quantum theory seems to contradict this, but my guess is that what we see as a contrast is only the tip of the iceberg: a grand, unified system of reality that we have yet to truly understand.
Lastly, I do believe in fictional realism. If life does extend to infinity, including through multiple universes, then hypothetically everything could exist in some way.

  • Brohoof 2



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If the graviton does in fact exist, it may imply the multiverse is out there. I'm not really sure how much solidarity there is in GUTs, but I do appreciate the work that is done. 

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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Im not sure a universe where this thread isn't posted is 'created', per se, but maybe it exists in parallal to our own.


What i mean by this is, if you had a formula or a function to calculate and return the positioning, states, energy level and every other property of every single particle in the universe, you could effectively predict when this thread is created right from the beggining of time. If you ran the numbers on two different 'universes' and obtained two different results (or maybe one where you don't even get a result), that's where you get the difference.


I think that IF a parallal universe with subtle differences to our own exists at all, it definitely existed regardless of the event where history branched in two.

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I've always been a heavy supporter of the multiverse theory, though I've never really done any major research into it either. I mostly use reasoning and logic (even if completely fucked up and maybe impossible logic) figure it all out.


Things like why we can imagine things that aren't strictly true of reality. The fact that we can take something, expand on it's existence in both realistic and unrealistic ways opens several paths we could take to enter realms outside of what we know. This can have both local ("real world") and external ("fiction") effects. What's more is the scale on which you're working from can shatter the idea that our world is stuck in one mold.


For example: Centuries ago people would have scoffed at the idea that humans could fly. To them the world they know makes flight impossible. Then you have guys who yet persist into the realm of aerodynamics and make flight possible. You could say that they broke through the barriers of their world to create a new one where flight existed. You could say that this was just a natural progression of technology and science and it still existed in the real world, of course, but they peeled back a layer of the universe to do something previously thought against the laws of the universe.


Imagine if we could keep peeling back those layers (did you know laser weapons and hover cars are real?) perhaps we can transcend into a reality unlike what we know now.


But this is just one of many reasons I believe in the multiverse theory, if maybe my own twist to it. There's too many possibilities out there for strict realism to be the only way.

Im not sure a universe where this thread isn't posted is 'created', per se, but maybe it exists in parallal to our own.


What i mean by this is, if you had a formula or a function to calculate and return the positioning, states, energy level and every other property of every single particle in the universe, you could effectively predict when this thread is created right from the beggining of time. If you ran the numbers on two different 'universes' and obtained two different results (or maybe one where you don't even get a result), that's where you get the difference.


I think that IF a parallal universe with subtle differences to our own exists at all, it definitely existed regardless of the event where history branched in two.

As they say: If you know everything that ever happens in every instant you can predict what's going to happen next without fail.


This goes into the idea of whether time truly exists or not. It depends entirely on your definition of time and the medium in which we experience it. Perhaps everything exists at once and we only see it one bit at a time.

  • Brohoof 3
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@@Discordian, You know, i'm no expert, and i didn't really research into formal studies behind these ideas, but the way i think about it is, if you looked at time from a discrete point of view, it's possible to slice it down to units in which certain events happen. For example, in slice 'X-0', events 0,1,...,n happen (each slice is made up of it's own semi-slices and each event is therefore a composite of sub-events), amongst which you can find a certain event we can call "Creation of this thread" (I dunno why i'm referring to this still, maybe it's just an easy example to pick). Since events can be caused by other events that happened prior to them, we can say that in slice 'X-1', a possible set of events (call them e-1 through e-n) has been set up by it's predecessors.


Time could also be continuous, and compacted or expanded so that a second could appear like a million years from different perspectives.


If time isn't continuous OR discrete, or can't be understood as a series or units or segments through such mathematic interpretations, then concepts like "I'll do it tommorow" or "Just a minute" make no sense. It's really quite fascinating if you think about that way.

  • Brohoof 1
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As a person who tries to be optimistic, I LOVE the idea of the multiverse and alternate realities in general!


I just love the idea that the biggest or smallest change can create a whole new place where everything is the same, but different.


Like there could be a reality where the ponies watch US on television, endless realities where the ponies are other types of animals, a reality where the ponies we watch are carnivores, a reality where we broken the boundaries between realities and us bronies meet the ponies of Equestria, one where MLP was for boys and Transformers were for girls, one where the ponies of Equestria had our problems and we had theirs, possible endless combinations where the mane 6, or even all the ponies of Equestria, have each other's personalities, and countless others!



EDIT: That has GOT to be the longest sentence ever!

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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As a person who tries to be optimistic, I LOVE the idea of the multiverse and alternate realities in general!


I just love the idea that the biggest or smallest change can create a whole new place where everything is the same, but different.


Like there could be a reality where the ponies watch US on television, endless realities where the ponies are other types of animals, a reality where the ponies we watch are carnivores, a reality where we broken the boundaries between realities and us bronies meet the ponies of Equestria, one where MLP was for boys and Transformers were for girls, one where the ponies of Equestria had our problems and we had theirs, possible endless combinations where the mane 6, or even all the ponies of Equestria, have each other's personalities, and countless others!



EDIT: That has GOT to be the longest sentence ever!

There are some who say that no matter how many different universes are created in the multiverse theory that they'd always follow the same laws of physics that we have now so this idea wouldn't be possible.


What I say is that if you go back in time far enough it might be possible to alter the laws of physics and biology themselves in the same way the multivese theory potentially creates a universe where you didn't drink that coffee for breakfast. It makes it entirely possible for not only the ponies to exist but every piece of fiction you've ever read is potentially another universe entirely.


Which is one of my favorite facets of the multiverse theory. The imagination is the catalyst into other worlds and our televisions, books and video game consoles allow others to see those worlds, not just the creators.

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As they say: If you know everything that ever happens in every instant you can predict what's going to happen next without fail.


Actually, this hasn't been considered true since the beginning of the 20th century when quantum mechanics screwed determinism up for everybody and their dog.  This being the whole reason why multiverse theory is being thrown around anyway.  Because you are only allowed to know the weighted probability that the Universe will progress to numerous different states even with complete knowledge of everything that has happened up to this instant in time, some people have assumed that all the possibilities that didn't come true are different universes which branch off from the main universe.  Of course you still can't tell which outcome will correspond to the universe you currently occupy, so this concept doesn't actually help you predict the future in any way, and all the other universes don't actually do anything else from that point onward, which begs the question "what is the point of even hypothesizing them?"  

  • Brohoof 1
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Actually, this hasn't been considered true since the beginning of the 20th century when quantum mechanics screwed determinism up for everybody and their dog.  This being the whole reason why multiverse theory is being thrown around anyway.  Because you are only allowed to know the weighted probability that the Universe will progress to numerous different states even with complete knowledge of everything that has happened up to this instant in time, some people have assumed that all the possibilities that didn't come true are different universes which branch off from the main universe.  Of course you still can't tell which outcome will correspond to the universe you currently occupy, so this concept doesn't actually help you predict the future in any way, and all the other universes don't actually do anything else from that point onward, which begs the question "what is the point of even hypothesizing them?"

If nothing else isn't the act of doing it point enough? :lol:


I don't know enough about quantum mechanics to really say one way or another though. I'm horribly understudied in these subjects compared to how much they interest me.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have no damned idea. The concept sounds ridiculous, yet it makes so much sense! I dunno, I can't explain it.

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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