Dr. Eggnog 203 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 Season 3 has gotten mixed reactions and I thought this thread would be nice. Say something nice about every season 3 episode. The Crystal Empire: Lots of great little character interaction, and I love the librarian. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Making Pinkie feel lost in all the hers was clever. One Bad Apple: The song is stuck in my head RIGHT NOW. Magic Duel: Twilight's plan for beating Trixie was clever. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo opening up to Rainbow Dash was so sweet and beautiful it made me tear up. Wonderbolts Academy: Lots of cool looking animation. Apple Family Reunion: I'd really wanted an episode about Applejack's family. Spike at Your Service: The timberwolves looked cool. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Fluttershy was very strong willed in this episode. Just For Sidekicks: I thought it was pretty funny throughout. Games Ponies Play: I really liked Twilight saying she wasn't worried. Magical Mystery Cure: Personally, it was exactly what I wanted the finale to be. 3 I love you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Homura Akemi 974 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: Epic animation in Celestia and Luna's scene. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Loved the writing. That one drawing looks like Jappleack! :3 One Bad Apple: I love the song! Magic Duel: What you said. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootalove. Wonderbolts Academy: The ending. 'Nuff said. Apple Family Reunion: One of my favourite friendship reports ever. Spike at Your Service: Apple Bloom was in it. Keep Calm and Flutter On: DISCORD! Just For Sidekicks: Spike was hilarious. Games Ponies Play: Another side of Just for Sidekicks. Magical Mystery Cure: Pinkie Pie was the best thing in that whole episode. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Display Name 448 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: It was something different. Too Many Pinkie Pies: I loved the reference to G1. One Bad Apple: Dat song... Magic Duel: Trixie got her flank kicked. Sleepless in Ponyville: One of my favorite season 3 episodes. Wonderbolt's Academy: Another one of my favorite season 3 episodes. Apple Family Reunion: I learned more about Applejack. Spike at your Service: Yay, more Spike!. Keep calm and Flutter on: Fluttershy had her moments. Just for Sidekicks: I thought it was pretty funny. Games Ponies Play: Same as Just for Sidekicks.. Magical Mystery Cure: Edited March 17, 2013 by KToadstool 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: Best Wife Throwing ever. TMPP: Double the fun, triple the pinkness. OBA: CMC chapters across equestria. MD: Twilight the saint for forgiving Trixie at the end. Sleepless: Dawwwww WA: Dash maturity shows through. AFR: AJ can count to four SaYS: It was 22 minutes long KCAFO: It provided sauce for a chapter of my fanfic JFS: Zecora the troll. GPP: Harshwhinny for the win MMC: Alicorn Twilight Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evilshy 5,090 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: I quite liked it. Not as good as S2 opening, but better than S1. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Had some genuinely funny parts. Also, G3 face. One Bad Apple: Great song, Babs' hair flip was funnily stupid. Magic Duel: Trixie is awesome. Sleepless in Ponyville: I HATE the cliche "character is having nightmares so they come up with excuses not to sleep" story, so this one is kinda hard. That being said, I like the CMCs. Wonderbolts Academy: Fleshing out places other than Ponyville is always great. Apple Family Reunion: AJ episodes are rare, and this one was about her whole family Spike at Your Service: Had some funny parts, but Spike was totally out of character the whole time. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord. Need I say more? Pacing was bad, though. Just For Sidekicks: I don't remember this episode much, but I do remember that the first line was a reference to one of my favorite Bill Cosby bits. Games Ponies Play: I wasn't really paying attention much to this episode and haven't re-watched it. Magical Mystery Cure: I honestly can't think of anything nice to say about it other than RD wearing a pimp hat at the end. Worst episode of the entire series by far. 2 Signature now 99% less edgy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 Crystal Empire: good character development for Twilight it shows that she is able to clam under pressure. Strong showing for the other Mane 6 characters as well as Spike. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Hilariously random just like our Pinkie Pie One Bad Apple: Catchy song, good message presented in a relatively entertaining manner. Magic Duel: Excellent animation, good action and character development for Twilight and Trixie and having Zecora in it was also a plus. Sleepless In Ponyville: Made me change my opinion of Rainbow Dash from thinking she was slightly overrated to pushing her up to my 3rd and then 2nd favorite pony. Scootalove for the win and having the scene with Luna was the icing on the cake. Wonderbolt Academy: Reinforced my changing opinions of Rainbow Dash and really proved that she has grown and matured the most out of all the mane 6 characters. Apple Family Reunion: The Applejack fanboy in me is going to love any episode with Applejack in it but this finally got me to choose what my favorite Applejack episode is and it is this one. Spike At Your Service: Another strong showing from Applejack, I just wish Spike was written as well in this episode. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord was hilarious as always. Just For Sidekicks: Spike's inner doofus made a bit more sense to me in this episode than some of his other recent episodes. Games Ponies Play: The most hilarious episode of this season. Magical Mystery Cure: Derpy made quite a few appearances but other than that I have got nothing nice to say about this piece of crap other than it is still too soon to tell whether Twilight has been Mare E Sued. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PrymeStriker 408 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: The consistency in continuity in terms of Shining Armor & Cadence being married. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Everything One Bad Apple: The song was the only good thing about it. Magic Duel: Twilight-Zecora troll collaboration. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo & Rainbow Dash hug. Also, Luna. Wonderbolts Academy: Uh.......new...character? Apple Family Reunion: We learned a little more about Applejack's family, which is always cool . Spike at Your Service: Haters hate on the CGI. Screw it, the Timberwolves were badass. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Everything. Just For Sidekicks: Meh, at least there's an episode with Spike, the CMC, and the pets as the stars. Games Ponies Play: Continuity consistency with the previous episode. Also, Dash's Daddy! Magical Mystery Cure: Everything. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pony Of The Month 534 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire- Twilight's "test" was a clever story. Too Many Pinkie Pies- This episode isn't just a fun little story about Pinkie cloning herself. It's much deeper. One Bad Apple- I like the song, but that's not the only thing I like about it. It's the most adorable CMC episode ever! Magic Duel- This episode is really fun. Sleepless In Ponyville- I can't say there's anything I don't like about this episode. Wonderbolt Academy- This episode made me so proud of Rainbow Dash! Apple Family Reunion- It's always interesting to learn more about the apple family Spike At Your Service- Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had a super adorable moment: Their hoof-bump. Keep Calm And Flutter On- This episode made me so proud of Fluttershy! Just For Sidekicks- WAY better than I was expecting. Originally I expected it to be a Baby Cakes clone, but it definitely wasn't. Games Ponies Play- Had lots of funny gags. Magical Mystery Cure- UNDERRATED! 1 And The Pony Of The Month Is: Princess Celestia! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: Twilight learning evil magic from Celestia. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Pinkie Pie was pretty hilarious. One Bad Apple: The song was very catchy, and it was a good episode. Magic Duel: Trixie was pretty much the main spotlight in this episode and the battle vs. Twilight was impressive. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash developing the first step of sisterhood. Wonderbolts Academy: The introduction of Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash showing off her skills to Spitfire. Apple Family Reunion: Another opportunity to see the whole Apple family, and it was a very good Applejack episode overall. Spike At Your Service: The timberwolves design, and Rainbow Dash knocking down a huge tower of rocks. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord returning, and Fluttershy being able to reform him using the magic of friendship. Just For Sidekicks: A very hilarious episode, with Spike's goof ups. Games Ponies Play: Seeing Rainbow Dash's dad for the 1st time, and the Mane 6 doing a cheerleader introduction. Magical Mystery Cure: Only the songs. 2 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SailorCardKnight 85 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: I really enjoyed this whole episode(s) (I even liked King Sombra). But the highlight? Shining's epic wife throw. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Lots of great Pinkie moments One Bad Apple: Dat song, and the moral of this episode is one of my favorites in the whole series. Magic Duel: I liked Twilight's plan to outsmart Trixie. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo gets her time in the spotlight (and more Luna too). Wonderbolts Academy: Finally seeing Dash getting one step closer to joining the Wonderbolts. Apple Family Reunion: Applejack gets her own song! Spike at Your Service: The only thing preventing me from completely hating this episode are those awesome Timberwolves. Keep Calm and Flutter On: DISCORD! Just For Sidekicks: I really like how the story intertwined with ep 11. Games Ponies Play: I liked seeing more of the Crystal Empire. Magical Mystery Cure: Celestia sings! Want to start a webcomic, looking for an artist, details here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mutemutt 773 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) Alright, this will be pretty easy The Crystal Empire: Spike saves the day and gets a pretty nice stained glass window in his honor. Nice job Spike. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Pretty funny at times, especially that G3 face One Bad Apple: Introduces Babs, the cool cousin from Manehattan. The song kinda grew on me too. Magic Duel: Another episode with Trixie. I could always use more Trixie. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo opens up to Rainbow and we find out that Luna can enter ponies' dreams. Wonderbolts Academy: Pinkie obsessing over not hearing back from Rainbow was pretty funny Apple Family Reunion: Probably my favorite ep of the season for a ton of reasons. Spike at Your Service: Hmmm... We get to see more Applejack heroics, and Spike saves the day again. Keep Calm and Flutter On: .She was in control the whole time (somewhat). Just For Sidekicks: Angel was only a jerk throughout most of the episode. Zecora trolls Spike. Games Ponies Play: Dat Mustang from Mustangia has too much personality to handle. Magical Mystery Cure: Has some nice songs. Edited March 17, 2013 by Cota 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: In the end it was Spike (Not Twilight) who saved the day, and this could lead up to a return of Sombra. It was "Twilight and her alone" that could save the Crystal Empire. That right there means technically they could bring back Sombra if they wanted too and I think they should. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Lots of funny songs. One Bad Apple: Can't get that song out of my head, plus I love Babs Seed. Magic Duel: Twilight out planning Trixie. Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash bonding episode ... SIGN ME THE HELL UP I love it. Wonderbolts Academy: Dash once again proving how loyal she is to her friends. Plus, I learned a lesson.... There's a right way and a wrong way of doing things, and sometimes the people(Or in this case Ponies) who do the right thing get rewarded for their efforts. Apple Family Reunion: Applejack gets her own song! Spike at Your Service: TIMBERWOLVES Keep Calm and Flutter On: DISCORD! Just For Sidekicks: I really liked this episode especially Rainbow's/Tank's interactions. Games Ponies Play: Lots of funny gags, I laughed a lot Magical Mystery Cure: The songs and the switching of the cutie Marks. Edited March 17, 2013 by Scootaloo Is Best Filly Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stellafera 3,836 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: Great Mane 6 moments all around, and I really liked the Success Song. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Real!Pinkie caring about her friends so much and contrasting with the Pinkie clones One Bad Apple: The tail covering thing with Babs; it tells so much with no words. Magic Duel: The cold open has a very nice sense of atmosphere Sleepless In Ponyville: Scootalove and Scootaloo realizing what her real fear was Wonderbolts Academy: Lightning Dust being such a fabulous foil to Rainbow Dash Apple Family Reunion: Applejack at her most lovable Spike At Your Service: Great Mane 6 episode (Shhh... Spike was never in it) Keep Calm And Flutter On: Fluttershy doesn't go back on her promise to Discord even at great personal risk Just For Sidekicks: Spike being surprisingly mature about owning up to his mistakes and Angel proving that he was actually trying to teach Spike a lesson this whole time Games Ponies Play: The Just For Sidekicks cameos and providing a justification for Spike not to come to the empire he saved (kinda sad that the best part about the episode is that it reminds me of better episodes) Magical Mystery Cure: The fact that it was a musical, also "Is there a book about being a princess?" Edited March 17, 2013 by Stellafera 2 Latest Video: Come On: An Ode To Best Friendship "Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,769 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: Spike the Hero Too Many Pinkie Pies: FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUNFUN! Also the paint dry scene was one of the funniest moments in the show imo One Bad Apple: Dat Song Magic Duel: I always love seeing Zecora as an important character Sleepless in Ponyville: Diabetus the Episode(I also teared up at the wing hug) Wonderbolts Academy: mothereffing Lightning Dust Apple Family Reunion: Dat Song Spike at Your Service: What Stellafera said Keep Calm and Flutter On: An episode that didn't involve Fluttershy being shy Just For Sidekicks: Tank and Rainbow Dash love <3 Games Ponies Play: Personally this was the funniest episode in the entire show Magical Mystery Cure: Dem Songs Edited March 17, 2013 by Megas75 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pinkiefan1287 610 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire- The songs were pretty good and it was nice to see a villain that was the same species as the main 6. Too Many Pinkie Pie's- The Pinkie clones acting crazy at the end. One Bad Apple- CMC song was good. Magic Duel- Trixie coming back and the magic fight was great. Sleepless in Ponyville- Luna's powers are expanded. Wonderbolt Academy- It was great to see Rainbow Dash get closer to her dream of becoming a WB. Apple Family Reunion- Baby Applejack. Spike At Your Services- CGI Timber wolfs Keep Calm and Flutter On- Discord comes back. Just For Sidekicks- Good to see the pets. They acted so crazy. Games Ponies Play- Seeing Rainbow Dash as a kid and seeing her dad. Magical Mystery Cure- The songs were great and I thought the story was amazing. Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Imagine 284 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: Villain looked Hella Awesome, good songs, Spikes best appearance yet. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Very cute, Pinkie g3 face, SO MANY PINK PONIES!! One Bad Apple: ♪ Babs Seed! Babs Seed! She's just a bad bad seed! ♪ Magic Duel: Trixie is back and better than f*cking ever, cool opening, Crazy ass fake spells by Twilight. Sleepless in Ponyville: Luna!!! Super bad, yet adorable, singing by Sweetie Belle Wonderbolts Academy: I enjoyed RD's attitude, Yay, Spitfire! Apple Family Reunion: Baby AJ made me die of cuteness, plus the flashbacks were nice to me. Spike at your Service: Spike being funny, as usual. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Fluttershy and Discord is just, DAAAWWWW!! Just for Sidekicks: All of the MLP pets together and making a disaster, YAY! Games Ponies Play: RD being weird to some stranger crystal foal, Rarity messing the f*ck out of Cadence's mane, RD being epic, and a bunch of other things, I do really like this episode! Magical Mystery Cure: How everyone acted, only one thing bad that I won't mention. 1 | Sig Made By: Azura | Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metaright 76 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 Crystal Empire: It was a nice development to see a new location full of potential. Too Many Pinkie Pies: It was refreshing to see Pinkie become more developed, as she's usually as deep as a puddle in a desert. One Bad Apple: The ongoing development of Babs and the Manehattan branch of the Cutie Mark Crusaders adds a nice bit of continuity to the show. Magic Duel: Though her exit was far too abrupt, it was nice to see Trixie again. Sleepless in Ponyville: Finally, some plot development between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. It was sorely needed. Wonderbolt Academy: More nice continuity, and Lightning Dust proved to be an interesting parallel to our favorite chromatic pegasus. Apple Family Reunion: A nice, simple, touching story after the rather action-packed previous episodes. Plus, more continuity with Babs! Spike at Your Service: Dem timberwolves. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Amazingly unexpected return of Discord. Adorable platonic-pairing with him and Fluttershy. The writers leaving the doors wide open for Discord to make another appearance. Just for Sidekicks: It turns out Tank's not dead. It was nice to see the pets return. Games Ponies Play: Seeing Rainbow Dash take responsibility was marvelous. It's grand that the writers haven't shafted her into a one-dimensional slot. Magical Mystery Cure: Well... they tried. 1 Pretty Pony Analysis Reviewing, analyzing, and overthinking cartoon horses since 2013. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: We can save the crystal ponies with their history... totally epic song. King Sombra was awesome, crystal ponies, cute moments with Rarity and AJ, jousting Dashie, Twilight's character development, and Spike at his most awesome, ever. Epic episode. Too Many Pinkie Pies: G3 jokes, tons of Pinkies being utterly hilarious, an entertaining lesson, and Twilight turning things into oranges make this one of the finest Pinkie-centric episodes yet. One Bad Apple: The debut of an interesting new character, the BEST CMC song EVER, Pinkie's veggie salad, and AJ being awesome as always are the highlights. Magic Duel: Trixie returned, how could it not be awesome? Zecora finally had some much appreciated screen time. Twilight's tricks at the end of the episode were very humorous. Sleepless in Ponyville: So much fanservice. Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash's huggle was adorable. Rarity was hilarious as usual, we got to see Luna, and Sweetie Belle treated us to one of her 'gems'. Scootaloo's first episode-of-focus was a massive success. Wonderbolts Academy: This was Rainbow Dash at her absolute most likable. She wasn't overly jerky, and she was strong in every way. Lightning Dust makes for an interesting rival, and Dash is now on her way to becoming a Wonderbolt. Oh, and Pinkie Pie was super extra Pinkie Pie in this episode. Apple Family Reunion: Applejack was lovable in every way, Babs returned, we got to see adorable baby AJ, Raise This Barn was a downright awesome song, and the subtlety of the shooting stars representing AJ's parents. What isn't to like? Spike At Your Service: I thought this episode was hilarious. Applejack's novel, Rarity's acting, Pinkie's mustache, Spike's clumsiness, Dash's epic roaring ability... this episode was comedy gold. I have no complaints. Keep Calm And Flutter On: This episode really portrayed Fluttershy as a strong individual, from the start of the episode to the end. She worked with Discord and got the job done when no one else would. This was Fluttershy at her peak of likability. Just For Sidekicks: Pony pets and Cutie Mark Crusaders! There was some decent humor here. Games Ponies Play: It's cool how this episode is intertwined with Just For Sidekicks. The cheerleader stuff was neat, and there were some funny moments. Magical Mystery Cure: So many amazing songs including A True True friend, which is my favorite of the whole series. The cutie mark switching was a fun idea to roll with, and this episode was incredibly heartwarming. Edited March 17, 2013 by Sugar Cube 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) Crystal Empires: good music, funny faces, overall pretty good plot Too Many Pinkie Pies: pinkie's funny, and IT'S A FREAKIBG PINKIE EPISODE!!! One Bad Apple: There hadn't been a CMC episode in a while. New character, and catchy song. Magic Duel: return of Trixie Sleepless in Ponyville: Scootaloo, and Luna!!! And I will admit the face RD makes when she snores is adowabwe. Wonderbolts Academy: Dash episode, new character, and more Spittfire Apple Family Reunion: Return of Babs (Which proves she's not one of those characters like Sombra who gets 1 episode), and catchy song Spike at your service: A SPIKE EPISODE Keep Calm and Flutter On: My favorite s3 episode, return if Discord, Fluttershy , overall, pretty good plot. Just for sidekicks: Return of the pets. I never thought I'd see Tank Again Games Ponies Play: an episode that takes place WHILE the last episode was happening. An interesting concept, Magical Mystery Cure: 3 great songs, and Twilight FINALLY gets her wings, which leaves a cliffhanger for the next season. Edited March 17, 2013 by Link My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Callisto 1,877 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 Crystal Empire: The animation for Sombra was awesome, and the neat little character interactions were cool. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Very...amusing. One Bad Apple: The whole song sequence. Magic Duel: The opening was great, and Alicorn Amulet Trixie was cool. Sleepless: Uh...thinking...uh...it...had nice...animation? Wonderbolts Academy: It was great to finally know more about the Wonderbolts, and more Spitfire is nothing but a good thing. Apple Family Reunion: Catchy song. Spike at your Service: I loved all the Mane 6 got involved in the story. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord. Just for Sidekicks: That scene with Winona and the industrial sized pet dryer. Games Ponies Play: The whole claustrophobia thing was kinda neat. Magical Mystery Cure: One of the best episodes of the series, IMO. And the title is a Beatles reference. That alone gets it extra points in my book. 1 Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wingnut 7,003 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 (edited) The Crystal Empire: By delegating the care of the crystal to Spike, Twilight showed that she was willing to sacrifice her own career for the sake of the Crystal Empire. Too Many Pinkie Pies: Pinkie Pie's haters say she is a shallow, dim-witted party head with no substance to her character. Her reaction to having clones of herself running wild showed that is not the case. One Bad Apple: The CMCs showed their amazing ability to build things again by constructing two parade floats. Magic Duel: The inclusion of several Yu-Gi-Oh references made this episode fun to watch. Sleepless In Ponyville: Stella put it perfectly. Scootalove and Scootaloo realizing what her real fear was. Wonderbolts Academy: Rainbow Dash's haters say she is a shallow, arrogant speedster who is reckless and self-centered. Lightning Dust proved that is not the case. Apple Family Reunion: Applejack's love of her parents, her desire to always outdo herself, and her great fear of failure were all well expressed. Spike At Your Service: The timberwolves looked awesome! Keep Calm And Flutter On: Fluttershy did something very, very few people are capable of when she showed true kindness to Discord while remaining cognizant of his desire to plunge Equestria into chaos. Just For Sidekicks: We finally learn that Angel has a heart and that he only acts mean because he can't talk. Games Ponies Play: Twilight Sparkle showed a growing ability to control her own anxieties. Magical Mystery Cure: Seeing each pony rediscover her original destiny was incredibly powerful and touching. They didn't speak but their body language said it all: “YES, THIS IS WHAT I WAS BORN TO DO!” Edited March 17, 2013 by Wingnut 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emerald Flame 381 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: The Ballad of the Crystal Ponies is my favorite song from season 3. Too Many Pinkie Pies: The G3 face was hilarious. One Bad Apple: I like Babs Seed. Magic Duel: The duels were great. Sleepless in Ponyville: Cutest episode of the season. Wonderbolts Academy: Best episode of the season. Apple Family Reunion: Applejack finally got her own song! Spike at Your Service: The king timberwolf was one of the coolest things from this season. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Discord's antics never failed to keep me laughing. Just For Sidekicks: The better of the two Spike episodes. Games Ponies Play: Uhhhh.... The scene where Rainbow Dash crashed into the roof was funny. Magical Mystery Cure: I've Got to Find a Way and True, True Friend were good songs. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TailsIsNotAlone 3,695 March 17, 2013 Share March 17, 2013 The Crystal Empire: I liked the songs and it had an epic AJ/Rarity moment. Too Many Pinkie Pies: We saw a new side of Pinkie. One Bad Apple: Silver Spoon was in it and had lines. Magic Duel: Twilight's method of beating Trixie was surprisingly practical. Sleepless in Ponyville: EVERYTHING?! Wonderbolts Academy: Lots of PinkieDash potential. Even more than there was already. xD Apple Family Reunion: A strong episode with an excellent song. Spike at Your Service: AJ kicked some ass. Keep Calm and Flutter On: Fluttershy finally got assertive again! Just For Sidekicks: Spike and the CMC in the Crystal Empire. Games Ponies Play: Chickadee was hilarious. Magical Mystery Cure: Rainbow Dash had a super-cute outfit and Lyra was visible in the crowd. 1 "Human beings fascinate me Being just the way they are..." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 March 18, 2013 Share March 18, 2013 (edited) Crystal Empire: That door where Twilight was persented with her greatest fear. I liked that.Too Many Pinkie Pies: Sight gags galore. I love Pinkie. <3One Badly-written third act Apple: That song was amazing.Magic Duel: Actually, pretty much everything.Sleepless in Ponyville: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=g8RLkhBd7KI#t=821s Wow. Just... wow, that was an amazing bit of storytelling. Those 5 seconds tell a better story than half the season combined.Wonderbolt Academy: The best episode the series has ever had.Apple Family Reunion: Baby Applejack. 'Nuff said.Spike at Your Service: It could have been a Rarity episode. Potential's a good thing, right?Keep Calm and Flutter On: p?o?s?p p?o?s?p p?o?s?p p?o?s?p p?o?s?pJust for Sidekicks: Well-structured and funny throughout.Games Ponies Play: Uh... I really like her... mane? Magical Mystery Cure: Edited March 18, 2013 by RWG 3 Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zygen 6,066 March 18, 2013 Share March 18, 2013 (edited) Since i liked the episodes all pretty much of S3 this shouldn't be to difficult. I think. Crystal empire: Pretty epic introduction, and Sombra was a cool designed Villian, dark magic was a cool concept I wish was touched on more. Plus the Crystal ponies are cool . Twilight finally realizing she needs to let spike save the day was great, and spike having a role was good to . To many pinkie Pies: Hilarious to watch, it was so random and I love random humor, so yeah i fit in perfectly here, not to mention all the random gags and stuff, and the "Fun fun fun" thing reminds me of "Mine Mine Mine!" . One Bad Apple: The song omg. I love that song . Magic duel: Trixie returned, and the introduction was one of the most epic I've see for the episodes so far. The amulet was cool to, not to mention all the continuity in the episode. Sleepless in Ponyville: adorable Scootalove, and Scootaloo actually gets her own episode, not to mention shes adorable and I just really like the writing of this episode. Watching Scootaloo dealing with her fears and eventuelly telling Rainbow was great, and the hug was beautiful . Wonderbolt Academy: It was nice to see the ponies from Hurricane Fluttershy come back, and Spitfire. Also to learn more about how Wonderbolts are made and the training they undergo. Applefamily Reunion: The episode was an AJ episode that truly focused on AJ, aswell as getting to see all the Apple family together again . Its the best AJ episode in my opinion, and she even gets her own song in it . Spike At your Service: The whole scene with the mane 6 trying to trick spike into a fake timberwolf . Oh and Rainbow Dash writing a fanfic Xd. And Rarity's trying to attempt to teach AJ how to be in distress XD. And Seeing the timberwolves again was cool. Keep Calm And Flutter On: Discord and Fluttershy in one episode? Two of my favorite characters you say? Is it possible for me to dislike this episode? Xd Just for Sidekicks: all the pets showed again, an episode Idea i've been waiting to see used. Games Ponies Play: The wrong inspector pony was funny, and the alternative perspective was cool, along with seeing the crystal empire again. Mystical Magical Cure: All of the Beautiful songs in here. Some of my favorite music is probably contained in here from the show I think. Atleast right now. Edited March 18, 2013 by Zygen 2 Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig! My Oc's, Ponysona, Bella Vocal Covers Blog, MLP Covers Thread Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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