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Laughing/Smile when you get in trouble?


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So growing up as a kid into my adult years I can't keep a straight face whenever my mom or even co-workers/friends get mad at me for doing stupid things. I know it's bad and it's not intentional but it just happens..has or does this happen to anbody else?

  • Brohoof 1

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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Oh tell me about it.

I've done that all of my life so far. I think its just sorta an attempt at relieving the tension. Sorta in the same way that you have a hard time not laughing when in a staring contest.

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Haha yeah I have gotten myself into trouble so many times when I have not done anything wrong.


Biggest examples are when my brother is being told off from something (this was 7-10 years ago mind we've grown up a bit now lol ) and i would burst out laughing and then my mum would punish me as well ><.


I also laugh when I'm in pain for some reason, or when there is a horrific thing on TV I laugh at it. I think it's kind of a defense mechanism that i sue to stop things effecting and hurting me or something.


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I usually do, but only to make it a little less awkward for me. It probably pisses a lot of people off, but if I want to keep getting in trouble from getting to me, I usually just smile. Unless it's for something really serious



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Just recently, I was caught chewing gum during orchestra class. My teacher got really pissed, but I just kind of smiled back...

-"My little pony, not yours!"

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I usually try to keep a serious attitude when under trouble, unless the situation is just right. Like a few weeks back I was watching Family Guy on my Kindle during class and the teacher's assist stood behind me and watched like 15 minutes of it, once it finished, he than busted me. I couldn't help but laugh about it, though he was cool enough just to say put it away. 


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yes i smirk some times and i do not realise and that makes the matter worse i can not help it but some times i get into troubble for a funny reason and i laugh at the person telling me off it is annoying sometimes but funny at the same time



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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I think its a sort of nervous thing.

There was only one time that I didn't, at one the usual teachers yelling quietly at you.  I don't know why I didn't.  It wasn't upsetting me more then any of the other times or anything.

But afterwards I felt awkward.  So maybe its better to smile or laugh.



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Well, a lot of folks here are saying they laugh or smile when they get into serious trouble, but for me it depends on the sort of trouble I'm in. If it's just one of my friends getting mad at me for something, I can be a little lighthearted about it sometimes. If it's something more serious, I usually can't bring myself to smile or laugh because I suddenly go serious mode.



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Well..an example I could use was when my dog got into the pantry and stuffed her nose in the flour bag. She comes out face entirely covered in flour and sneezes..my mom is freaking out having just shampooing the carpet but I couldn't help but laugh.

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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Well..an example I could use was when my dog got into the pantry and stuffed her nose in the flour bag. She comes out face entirely covered in flour and sneezes..my mom is freaking out having just shampooing the carpet but I couldn't help but laugh.


Oh! In that case, yes, I totally bust out laughing when something like that happens, even if someone else is horrified. It can get you in a lot of trouble, as I'm sure you're aware of...


I'm not sure if there's a good way to control it. You could try and leave the room and laugh away from everyone else, but then it'll look like you're running away so you don't have to help solve the problem. Either that, or you could carry a bag around with you and store your laughs in there and let them out later when no one is around.



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Owch. It happens to me when my entire class gets in trouble or something- I'll just be sitting there, trying my best not to laugh or grin and it's awkward because the teacher is usually staring right at me, at least it feels like it. (And it's not as if I'm a bad kid at school- I'm actually really good and I stay on task with everything. I've yet to get seriously in trouble.)


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Only thing that I could say is relevant, is when the teacher (only ones I don't like, and it takes a lot for me to not like a teacher) gets really pissed. And I mean REALLY mad at a kid, most often when he/she is interrupting the class (if we weren't getting much learned of course) and making everyone laugh. Other than that, if someone's mad at me I tend to get all uptight and try to stay quiet. Except when it's for something funny, but that rarely happens.


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Hm..just recently they said that in Detroit the back axels on an ambulance fell off as it was transporting a person to hospital..i'll admit I did laugh only because of the irony but I guess in hind sight thats pretty bad.

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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So growing up as a kid into my adult years I can't keep a straight face whenever my mom or even co-workers/friends get mad at me for doing stupid things. I know it's bad and it's not intentional but it just happens..has or does this happen to anbody else?

I am the same exact way... Whenever someone gets in trouble or gets hurt I smirk a little. I'm not sure why I do so, but it's become a habit. Now in school if someone trips and I laugh, I have to watch myself blink.png

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"It is a cold February night. I am leaving a Holiday Inn located on the outskirts of what is listed in the FBI reports as one of the most crime-free cities in America. It is cold, bitter cold, with a savage Nor-Easter blowing. I button my topcoat over my suitjacket as I walk through the darkened parking lot to the very edge, where I had to leave my car. Alone in the car-filled lot is a young man in a thin pea-jacket, smoking a cigarette, lounging against the hood of a sedan.

On this night, in this weather, it is not a place to relax for a smoke. I look around the lot, wondering whom he is waiting for. There is no one to be seen.

I glance back at the young man, and he is already looking at me, and our eyes meet. I nod to him, the instinctive gesture of one human being meeting another in a lonely place. He turns sharply away, looking fixedly at nothing, and draws on his cigarette.

Alarm bells ring in my subconscious. Something is wrong here. The same instinct makes my right hand unbutton my topcoat and my suitcoat, to give that hand access to the Smith & Wesson Chief's Special in its speed rig on my right hip. I feel the frigid wind knife through my chest. You shmuck. I think to myself, if you get pneumonia and die, they'll list your cause of death as paranoia. I keep walking. The young man, directly in my path, keeps looking away.

I pass within a few yards. And, suddenly, he moves.

The half-smoked cigarette (I remember it had a brown filter) is thrown to the ground, and with a violent sweep of his arm ("Marines, let's go!") he gestures towards a car in the parking lane behind him. And now a lupine face comes from behind a fender, its eyes on mine as the young man's are now, narrowed and hungry.

And they lunge. For me.

I am two people. One of me watches in fascination, never before having seen a human face in a frenzy that would draw the lips so far back from the teeth that the gums are showing. The other of me, without really thinking about it, draws the .38.

And, voila, another revelation. Never before, except in cartoons, have I seen people come skidding to a halt on the heels of their shoes, with their toes pointed skyward and their hands flailing for balance.

We stand looking at each other for a long moment. They can't see the wicked tips of the hollowpoint handloads in the chambers, and wouldn't recognize them if they did, because this is before the day when ACLU bleated to the world about Super Vel and police brutality. The gun isn't even pointed at them, just held casually at a 45° angle. But they know what it is, and they look at me with surprise. "No fair," they seem to be thinking. "You're not supposed to pull steel!"

I give them a big grin, partly because I often respond to stress situations with a touch of hysterical laughter, and partly because I can't think of anything relevant to say.

Then, I walk to my car, backwards, watching them with an occasional glance over each shoulder for a third mugger, who either isn't there or knows enough not to jump on somebody with a piece.

And then I get in my car and drive away."

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It usually depends on what I do. Like if i did something i actually regret doing then I feel ashamed and just kind of look down. However, when i do something completely awesome or funny and get in trouble for it, that's when I'll start to smile or laugh when someones getting mad at me. laugh.png


Credit to Kyoshi for my sig!!

Check out my remix of Pinkie's Smile, Smile, Smile!

Also, for some non-brony music, check out my Youtube!


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I grin, sometimes on purpose, sometimes just playfully, it always pisses them off.


I used to sing a song to annoy my mom whenever she got mad at me, that was when I was like 8 though xD




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Laugh and the world laughs with you.


Sometimes though, it's better to look contrite to avoid further pissing off whoever is currently holding your fate in their hands.


Then when the beast has been placated, slink off into a corner and snigger about how you got away with it again.




*Off-topic, but can you believe this forum's spell check doesn't recognize "snigger" as a valid word? 0.o

"The wisest people are always smiling. This is because they've realized that life is one big joke, and they've figured out the punchline."


"When you've decided to do something, either do it with style, or don't do it at all."


"Every atom in our bodies was forged within the fiery heart of a dying star. We are all connected to each other and the universe."


"Before I was born, I was dead for billions of years and it hasn't inconvenienced me one bit."

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Idk it depends on exactly what I've done, although I do tend to do it most of the time. Sometimes I can keep a straight face, but normally if I have to look someone dead on I end up laughing or smiling.


Then sometimes I do it just because and people think I'm lieing or something,  confusing I know :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I always laugh and smile, and my friends say that I laugh at practically everything; which is partially true. Though in arguments and all that? I suddenly start to talk like a 100 year-old scribe and nothing breaks me from that moment of seriousness until that argument is over. Though after the fight I smile and laugh at how stupid I sounded :D

"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff. " - The Doctor  :comeatus:   


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  • 8 months later...

Ah when other get upset with me... I laugh.. its wrong of me to because it just piss's them off even more but I cant help myself. Done it all my life.. just find it kind of funny when other get all mad bro at me.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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