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Is Rainbow Dash a hated character?


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You misunderstood, I said "little", and "not much personal growth". Not "no growth at all". When I look at the other characters like (Obvious Twi as she is main character), and Fluttershy i can't help but feel cheated out on Rainbow Dash and Rarity.


The personalities may be the same, but Fluttershy grew confidence, anxiety, courage, and fought her inner demons. The most I've seen from rainbow is understanding her friends feelings. But nothing as deep or personal as that. Maybe i am biased, maybe not. But I know I just feel cheated on thier background as a character. =/


I dunno, I think it's all perception. I think it depends on how much you like a particular character; I'm of course biased toward Rainbow Dash and see more growth because I like her; while you claim that Fluttershy has made major advancements, I actually don't see it as much. She still seems overly timid and scared a lot recently, save for when she actually stood up to Discord and got him to reform. To me, it just seems like she has slightly improved and not made any major progress.


To me, character progression seems like it's in the eye of the beholder. Don't get me wrong, I love Fluttershy, although that might not mean much since I actually don't hate a single character on the show, but I just don't see much character development from her. It seems to me like she gets these big moments and it goes nowhere because if the episode isn't focusing on her she's still as timid as ever.


But that's just my two cents. I see Rainbow Dash as improving her attitude immensely since she first started, while you do not. No big deal to me, we just don't see eye to eye on this issue. Although I personally like jerky, egotistical characters so I actually think Rainbow Dash has gotten worse as the show has gone on.

  • Brohoof 2



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While, Rainbow Dash isn't my favourite pony, I still really like her! I don't see any particular reason for anyone to hate her, maybe it's just because of her cocky attitude. I still think she's a great pony though!

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I started the series off with not liking her. I've never really liked her personality type in other characters from other stuff, and her voice just irritated me. But I grew to like her more and more as the series went along because they developed her character further, which is rare for cartoons. So where I started off not liking her, I now like her a lot more.

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hate is a strong word, but she's my least favorite of the mane 6. anyway, if i'm going to claim her as my least favorite, i may as well explain my reasoning.

for me, her flaws are the most unlikable flaws. in comparison to the rest of the mane 6's flaws, i could still get along perfectly fine with someone with OCD, a lack of confidence, overworker, etc. But brash arrogance, and self-centeredness? i don't like people with those traits. perhaps its for more personal reasons, those traits are opposite of who i am and strive to be. (i'm more of a fluttershy type of personality) twilight is only OCD every once in a while, and fluttebitch is a rare phenomenon. fluttershy's cowardice/underconfidence is cute or atleast makes you pity her. rarity may be just as self centered as rainbow dash, but its not her main personality trait. most often rarity is just being overdramatic. pinkie pie's rare moments of depression/overpartying are actually sort of sad/heartwarming considering her childhood and applejack's stubborn determination and workaholic tendencies are almost inspiring. i wish i was more like applejack and not lazy.

that being said, i don't hate RD at all. i think she's an interesting fun character with some really good moments, and the show would NOT be the same without her. i would miss her if she was gone sad.png

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Rainbow Dashie is not really one of my favorites. I don't really like her personality. But don't get me wrong, I don't hate Rainbow Dash. She ranks 5th on my ranking of the Mane 6. She has some of the more iconic lines in the show and has some cute moments.

My opinions of Rainbow Dash is exactly as quoted posts says, but she's at my #6 spot.


And to answer the question of the thread, no I don't think she is hated at all. Rainbow Dash is loved among the fans.


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Personally I've always liked Rainbow Dash. Some people do find her flaws irritating, but her confidence just reminds me of those hero main characters you see in a lot of different animes. I do share some of the same qualities as RD, which is why I like her so much; I like horror movies/stories and, although I am shy and timid, I do have an adventurous side like RD. She's always been my second favorite character, and I enjoy seeing episodes portraying her relationship with Fluttershy. I think the main reason Rainbow Dash gets frustrated with Fluttershy is because they've known each-other for so long and Rainbow just wants her friend to stick up for herself. It's kinda how my fiance is with me. Sometimes he can be harsh with words, but only when he wants me to learn to be more positive and stop being such a push over.

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Personally I've always liked Rainbow Dash. Some people do find her flaws irritating, but her confidence just reminds me of those hero main characters you see in a lot of different animes.

I like cocky characters if they are done right and Rainbow Dash is a good example of a slightly though as the series goes on less cocky character as she learns and grows that is indeed done right.

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  • 2 months later...

I love Dash and I hate how her flaws were exaggerated in some episodes, which may be why so many fans hate Dash's guts. Well, at least she got some character development in season 3.

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Dashie, i rather go out on a limb here, and call a vital and necessary Character to have. In this series and any that  have one like her. Examples that come to MY mind are shows like Gargoyles - Brookyln, Warcraft-Garrosh Hellscream, the Walking Dead- Lilly.


Why these examples? RD is like these characters not for her or their negatives, but the way they do things. They are all outspoken, outgoing and are "doers". Rarely are their choices "correct" as we a fan of more socially accepted characters due to there choice of speaking, vulgar and rude, or fashion of doing things, hard fast and without permission. But they are all REQUIRED characters due to these same flaws.


But more on RD, and why i think without her the show would, and fandom would have NEVER been what it is. She is a counterweight too someone like Fluttershy. The squishy, but flawed character who you want to see change and grow, where RD is more complete but should change do to her flaws in a reverse manner. If you did'nt have say a Rarity to counter Applejack, they both are independant and leaders in there assoicated fields yet hated for being stuck up or a bit slow witted, yet also beloved for the same reasons, then what is there to not love out of Rainbow?


The quick answer is this, love her for her FLAWS. Not her perks. It is easy to love Twilight because she is the main character, or because she is so thoughtful, smart, etc. But its hard to love her for how utterly annoying she can be with having to be right or please her Teacher in almost a subby Mistress/slave fashion. But if you can realize that its FLAWS that make the "good characters" loved then you you realize the answer.


One more Gargoyles example, look at Demona....period. Easily one of the most beloved female characters in all of Disney History, why? Her depth, her flaws and the fact you just want to see her suceed at being, happy. Kinda how you can hate and love Zira from TLK2, sure shes the main villian but she is also a loving Mother who wants whats best for her young and DESERVES revenge for the death of her Mate.


Personal Opinions? Maybe :shrug: but honestly isnt that what the Internet forums are, opinions?



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I think a lot of the reason why some bronies hate Rainbow Dash is because of her flaws. She can often be arrogant, blunt to the point of rudeness, and a bit snarky at times. But she's developed a lot over the course of the show, and so I'd say no, I wouldn't consider her to be somepony who's hated overall.

Gilda, on the other hoof...

Edited by Demosthenes
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When I first started the series I really disliked her. I didn't like her arrogant and lazy attitude. Even now I'm still not fond of her. I am not a big fan of cocky characters. She did kinda change in Season 3 though.

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She Isn't a hateed character but my opinion on her isnt bad or good i think she does well on the show but i think they should cut more slack on her like make her more fearless on the show because i think in season 4 in on eof the episodes she should help scootaloo get her cutie mark just my opinion.

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By and large, yes, she is.  I think it's more because Dashfags tend to be sort of obnoxious, and people start to dislike the character because they dislike the fans.  I like blue fast though, she's a lot like me

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I seem a lot of love and a lot of hate and I got to say their about equal right now. Personally RD is one of my favorite characters. I'm not typically one to hate on characters and if some people dislike her then eh what you gonna do? It's all opinion based so I don't see any sense in arguing about it. At the end of the day I like what I like and you like what you like. Simple really.



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What are you talking about? It seems to me, that throughout the fandom, Rainbow is the most liked character! All the bronies I know in real life say that RD is their favorite, as well.


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Well to be honest shes not really hated, shes either among the favorites or least favorites of someone lists, shes never in the midle due to her personality. A lot of people dislike her either because they have bad expirences with people that have a similar atitude or because they think shes overated.

Rainbow Dash is best pony.


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By and large, yes, she is.  I think it's more because Dashfags tend to be sort of obnoxious, and people start to dislike the character because they dislike the fans.  I like blue fast though, she's a lot like me

I think the reason why the annoying fans of Rainbow Dash are so noticeable compared to most of the other ponies is because Rainbow Dash has a very committed and loyal fanbase which is very outspoken about their love of Rainbow Dash which of course there is nothing wrong with but because she is so popular naturally there would be more that would take it too far.

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I think the reason why the annoying fans of Rainbow Dash are so noticeable compared to most of the other ponies is because Rainbow Dash has a very committed and loyal fanbase which is very outspoken about their love of Rainbow Dash which of course there is nothing wrong with but because she is so popular naturally there would be more that would take it too far.

Dashfags also sadly tend to be meme spouting spergs (I say this as a Dashfag myself).  It's weird how fans of each pony are almost mini fandoms in and of themselves with their own personalities.  Dashfags and Flutterfags tend to be the worst, there's just so many entry level "20% cooler ecksdee brohoof" people in it.  Twifags are like, weirdly possessive of Twilight and generally have gone down deep down the waifu rabbit hole (the spaghetti was flowing freely among Twifags post-Flash Sentry, plus that dude that wants to marry his Twilight plush, Ember Storm, etc...).  Pinkiefags run the gamut from fun people that never take anything too seriously and are quick with a joke, to really sad people clinging to Pinkie in the hopes of making themselves feel better.  Rarityfags are usually decent but are super elitist, and Applefags tend to be pretty chill about the whole best pony thing

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and Applefags tend to be pretty chill about the whole best pony thing

As a longtime Applejack fan myself I can attest to the fact that the Applejack fans are some of the most civil of this fandom, but like Rainbow Dash fans have a well deserved reputation for being very outspoken in their love of Applejack and yours truly of course is one of them. I think of Applejack fans are like a slightly more mellow and much smaller version of Rainbow Dash fans which is very interesting because Applejack herself in some ways is like a more mellow and mature Rainbow Dash. I however have also noticed that there are some Applejack fans that can be a tad judgmental particularly toward Derpy fans because they feel Derpy upstaged her in The Last Roundup. This saddens me because I like Derpy for one of the same reasons why I like Applejack because in her own way Derpy as a character says that is okay to be yourself even if you are a little different.


Twilight has some crazies no doubt about it but there are plenty of Rainbow Dash fans and fans of the other ponies that can be just as possessive. Most of the Twilight fans I have interacted with are just as level headed as the Applejack fans I have interacted with. 

  • Brohoof 1
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As a longtime Applejack fan myself I can attest to the fact that the Applejack fans are some of the most civil of this fandom, but like Rainbow Dash fans have a well deserved reputation for being very outspoken in their love of Applejack and yours truly of course is one of them. I think of Applejack fans are like a slightly more mellow and much smaller version of Rainbow Dash fans which is very interesting because Applejack herself in some ways is like a more mellow and mature Rainbow Dash. I however have also noticed that there are some Applejack fans that can be a tad judgmental particularly toward Derpy fans because they feel Derpy upstaged her in The Last Roundup. This saddens me because I like Derpy for one of the same reasons why I like Applejack because in her own way Derpy as a character says that is okay to be yourself even if you are a little different.


Twilight has some crazies no doubt about it but there are plenty of Rainbow Dash fans and fans of the other ponies that can be just as possessive. Most of the Twilight fans I have interacted with are just as level headed as the Applejack fans I have interacted with. 

Derpyfags are interesting.  There are really two different kinds.  There are the oldfags that were around on /co/ when she was christened and became fans of her because it was proof that the show creators were reaching out to their fanbase on 4chan and interacting with them.  Then there are the newfags that like Derpy as meme


And no doubt, all of the characters have their share of the weirdly obsessed fans, but I've noticed that Twilight seems to have a lot more than anyone else.  I get the feeling that it has something to do with them wanting a nerdy girlfriend and kind of idealizing Twilight into that role

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I will say that during the first season, I saw more negative comments towards Dash as a whole. Yet, as the seasons went on, people seemed to dislike her less, but overall, she was never hated on too badly. Sometimes, she really does seem to either be loved or hated character, but those are just people's opinions on her. Some don't like Rainbow because she's egotistic and cocky, yet some like her because of her cool personality. I've seen comments like: "I don't like Rainbow Dash because her ego is so big, it's annoying." I can understand complaints like that, but it personally doesn't get on my nerves. Every one of the characters have flaws, (Twilight's OCD, Fluttershy's shyness, Pinkie's never ending energy.) and I'm guessing Rainbow's flaw is what bothers people the most.

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She DEFINITELY isn't a hated character. Almost everyone I talk to who likes the show absolutely adores Rainbow Dash. 


I personally don't like her come at me haters but everyone is subject to their own opinions!

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Hated? Really? EVERYONE has something with Rainbow Dash on it in MY school, hell, there was a room in which they had ponies everywhere. Don't have cool? TAKE A RAINBOW DASH! Don't have Ponies? RAINBOW DASH! YOU GET A RAINBOW DASH AND YOU GET A RAINBOW DASH! WE ALL GET RAINBOW DASH! 


In all seriousness, I can't see her being most hated. Hell, they ALL have flaws.

Apple Bloom:Impatience to the point where she'll give herself a potion to get a cutie mark.BLANK FLANK. CRYBABY. She has been prideful too.

Scootaloo:S-SCOOT SCOOT SCOOTALOO! (Jeez, I seen so many chicken jokes on her and it makes me sad.) DODO!  Those are the only in show names, but that isn't what the fandom really shows.BLANK FLANK.CRY BABY Her impatience, her pride, etc.

Sweetie Belle: Dictionary, Dumb Belle, Cry Baby, Blank Flank, etc. The fact she can't keep emotions in check. 

Twilight:Nerd, Egg head, all the flank she got for Alicorn Twi.  Her own paranoia. OCD. 

Fluttershy:Weak flier, afraid of heights, shy, "Clutzershy"

Apple Jack: "Best secondary character". Lack of episodes, her own stubbornness

Pinkie:The RANDOMNESS. Lack of taking responsibility. She couldn't have been taken seriously.

Rarity:Vanity.Her ego. 

By those standards, each can truly be hated. I mean....

Fluttershy can be so damn annoying since until Hurricane Shy or t Fluttershy episode before it, she doesn't LEARN to NOT be shy.Plus, her pony fears weren't really addressed.

Pinkie:Her SONGS can be annoying if over done. Plus sometimes her voice and randomness is annoying.

Twilight:The fact the idiot ball loves her during the starter episodes of each season is amazing. (Granted, the ball wasn't as big for the first two episodes of season 1 but during season 2, the idiot ball rolled. DISCORD TOLD YOU WHERE TO FIND THE ELEMENTS. 

Edited by Scootadress




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