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Observations About The Brony Community

Ms. J. L. Snickers

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Feel free to ignore this post entirely. This is a bit of a rant, very much a tl;dr, and the result of too much coffee ice cream. I’m not really in my right mind as I write this, it’s merely an observation from a new member of the community.


The Brony community is known for their “love and tolerance”, which is the message the show preaches to us. Well, in all fairness, I don’t think I’m any more loving and tolerant by watching the show – I still have a short temper, poor debating skills, and the inability to leave well enough alone. (As many of you here in the forums have discovered). And I’m pretty sure there’s a good many people like me, who are just regular people who still have their faults and flaws and aren’t morally impacted by the show in any way.


We seem to have a fixation on “trolls”, or “Brony haters” who go out of their way to heckle us. But it also seems like we go out of our way to defend our beloved characters and TV show. So we’re engaged in this eternal tussle over the TV show we love and the people in our fandom who draw a lot of negative attention. A lot of us feel like we’re being unfairly judged because of the kid-friendly, female-oriented nature of the show, and that somehow saps men of their masculinity. So to make up for that, or to “take back our masculinity”, the men defend themselves to an unnatural degree.


I can’t stop people from feeding trolls. It’s hard, since trolls design themselves to provoke and inflame. (Look up the “You’ve Been Trolled” song on YT.)


But there seems to be an element missing here. An element of harmony, if you’ll pardon the obvious reference.


Look over at the “Welcome” section of this forum. Have you noticed how many people in there have been driven out of other communities because they expressed a different opinion? These people aren’t being persecuted by Brony-haters or trolls, they’re being insulted and hurt and shunned by us. People just like you and me. We kick them out of our forum sections, message boards, chatterboxes, or what have you, simply because they disagreed with something we hold dear. We’re supposed to “love and tolerate”, and I see a lot of people suggesting we do that to the “haters”. But not once have I seen someone say, “You know, we treat some fellow Bronies pretty shabbily. We ought to tolerate and love them a bit more.”


Shouldn’t we focus more on our groups instead of the people who hate us and our preferences in lifestyle or television choices? Sure, it can be said that the trolls and some other members of the community have the same opinions, therefore we’re bound to clash over some issues. But here’s the difference: these kids aren’t trying to inflame or provoke. These are their honest opinions. Maybe their opinions are skewed due to media portrayals, or maybe their opinions don’t align to yours, but the person sitting behind the computer screen genuinely believes those opinions. I’m not saying don’t stop trying to love the haters, but it seems like we need to rethink our priorities.


So can we stop focusing on the haters who try to bully us, and try to love and tolerate the people who try to join our little neighborhood? It seems pretty hypocritical of me, so don’t bring that up, since I feel guilty enough already for slamming some people for having different opinions than I do. Like I said before, I don’t always think before I act, and I can’t just walk away from an argument. But I will make an honest effort to try to be a little more tolerant of people in this community who have contrasting opinions. Because when it comes down to it, we’re all very different. We’re only united by our love of muffins and gemstones and sonic rainbooms, but we’re all unique, and having varying worldviews and upbringings.


I’m new to this community. Not really new to the fandom, since I’ve liked it for a while, but this is really my first time actively participating with other fans of the show. Because of this, I’m pretty sure I’m wrong about this. My judgments have been based largely on YT comments, and this message board here.


I’m rambling now. And I’m getting a headache. I should stop eating this ice cream, it’s giving me brain freeze and weight gain.
  • Brohoof 10
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Youtube comments would be your problem, those things are full of all different breeds of morons, scientists could spend lifetimes trying to catalog and identify all the species of nimrod and nincompoop in there. 

  • Brohoof 9



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Your opinions really aren't too different than mine. In all honesty, I don't really see, and have never seen, the Brony Community living up to everything it's hyped up to be. An accepting and loving community? Don't really see the difference between the people here and the people from say, a Sonic the Hedgehog forum, other than an obvious difference in taste. In fact, sometimes it seems that if you do anything that doesn't seem to fit "love and tolerance", you're going to be the one getting called out for being "hateful" and not for your fellow bronies.

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Youtube comments would be your problem, those things are full of all different breeds of morons, scientists could spend lifetimes trying to catalog and identify all the species of nimrod and nincompoop in there. 


They're not really. Take a look at the "Welcoming" section, and there's several people who've been thrust out of their communities because they disagreed with another brony's opinion. Even here, there's people leaving because of disagreements. Sure, I've seen a couple of YT comments, but that's mostly about bronies reacting to trolls, not bronies reacting to other bronies.

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They're not really. Take a look at the "Welcoming" section, and there's several people who've been thrust out of their communities because they disagreed with another brony's opinion. Even here, there's people leaving because of disagreements. Sure, I've seen a couple of YT comments, but that's mostly about bronies reacting to trolls, not bronies reacting to other bronies.

I've seen that since day one. There's always going to be stupid people that run away from things for stupid reasons. 


I can tell you though, I've seen a lot more nice things happening here then any other fandom, a while back there was something that donated a bunch to the forums to honor the show saving them from suicide. 

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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To me "love and tolerate" isn't really anything new as there are plenty of religious and philosophical movements that have said this for thousands of years, it is just the term "love and tolerate" which is new. Lets be realistic here, even the most tolerant and enlightened individual will not always live up to this ideal 100% but that shouldn't stop us from trying as best as we can to live up to this. I will admit that I am guilty of not doing this though I am at least trying, I for example despise the Derpy critics who complained with a passion there are no other issues in the fandom that piss me off as much as that does. After losing my temper though I realized that as much as I may detest them me telling them both literally and figuratively to "fuck off" has really solved nothing and just ends with shouting matches and flame wars.


While I will probably never in a million years be holding hands and singing kumbaya with the Derpy critics I have decided that a much more productive way to handle it is to try as get past it at least enough to where I can keep my cool and make my case for why Derpy is not offensive and why it would be a great opportunity to reach out to fans that are seen as different by having a Derpy episode and perhaps having a few reasonable compromises with some of the more level headed critics so that it will be more likely for this to happen. It is this which inspired me to make this thread though while it is a bit old is still a relevant conversation and I invite anyone who wants to please leave their comments on there.




As for the haters I couldn't agree more, I have learned a long time ago that trolls crave attention and once you deny them that attention than they will have no other choice but to move and troll someone else.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 1
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Where in the welcoming section should I look? I haven't seen this, and I'm curious as to what you mean, and genuinely concerned. Although you raise a very good point. Good post dude, lots of insight.

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As much as alot of us would love to see bronies actually incorporating Love & Tolerance in their lives, we can't always expect this of them. Some or perhaps a great percentage simply like the show's other elements and not the morals it teaches.
As the fandom grows larger, its bound to encompass more types of people.. including the not so pleasant ones. From hot-blooded young viewers, to apathetic fans who just want to enjoy the shows and not the BS that sometimes comes from the fandom, to those who actually try to live by Love & Tolerance, and everything else that comes in between. Heck, some are even in the fandom under false pretenses. Have you watched the YT video "Teens react to MLP:FiM" ? One of the them wanted to be a brony because he thought it was about all about Trolling.

Anyways, a community, no matter how small, will always have squabbles. Put two people in a room and its only a matter of time before they start arguing over something. That's just how people are. I've been here less than a week and already I saw a member who is more or less picking a fight with anyone who responds to his thread and is especially aggressive to those who do not agree with him. I think the problem is that too many people forget that an opinion they are entitled to is not something they should impose on others. This is something I see from people (in general) on a regular basis. Whether it be online or real life and sometimes its just tiring too see them be overly defensive about their opinions or get overly aggressive to overshadow others'.
I guess what makes this whole thing about bronies scaring off new members more distasteful is the expectations. One would generally think a Brony is at the very least pleasant. Unfortunately, thios is not always the case.

But yes, I do agree with you. Ignore the haters outside the fandom, start the friendship inside the existing community. It is a nice sentiment. Just don't expect too much. That way you don't get too disappointed in the future.

because.. People.

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Look over at the “Welcome” section of this forum. Have you noticed how many people in there have been driven out of other communities because they expressed a different opinion? These people aren’t being persecuted by Brony-haters or trolls, they’re being insulted and hurt and shunned by us. People just like you and me. 


  I haven't noticed this, but I also haven't spent tons of time in the welcome section. I have actually found bronies to generally treat each other quite well and respect differing opinions for the most part. There are always a few who ruin it for everyone else though, and a bad experience can stick out more than 100 good ones sometimes. It's unfortunate though that some are driven out because of these bad experiences. Hopefully they give us a second chance and return one day.


 I have noticed in other sections that some users get criticized for posting an unpopular opinion, but someone usually sticks up for them and states everyone has a right to his or her own opinion. I've even seen comments commending someone on having the courage to post something that I'm sure the OP knows would probably draw some criticism.


 I've also noticed some bronies focus too much on the haters. Some legitimately don't like the show, but many just troll and aren't worth the time spent arguing with them. It's fine to defend the show, but it can be overdone sometimes. It's better to leave the haters alone and focus one the ones who enjoy the fandom, or speak with the more rational haters and not the ones who say "I don't like it because it's gay" etc...

Edited by Ghost
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You know, I'm in the Welcome Section all the time and I don't really know what you're talking about.


I know some of the new members who come in talk about being ostracized for being a Brony, but I don't recall seeing new members complaining about other Bronies.


Some links would be helpful, because maybe I'm just not seeing it.


And when it comes to Bronies and the whole toleration thing, I don't really care if other Bronies are into that. My Little Pony has changed me for the better in my attitude, my outlook, my behavior, and it even helps me keep my anger under control. Perhaps it doesn't do that for everybody, but it has for me. And for me, that's really all that matters when it comes to the personal effect on me. If it doesn't do that for other Bronies, that's cool. If it does, then that's great.



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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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I think this is being blown out of proportion. I don't see any bronies treating each other as poorly as people in many other fandoms do because they have different opinions. The community has not devolved into a snake pit like so many Final Fantasy forums have. It hasn't become an elitist group where everyone tries to be smarter and more "inside" than everyone else, like Pro Wrestling Forums.


MLP Forums is a lot more like Sega-16, the board where I first named myself Tails. A decent community full of mostly nice people who don't make every disagreement into a battle. If there is ever a crisis of friendship or harmony here, believe me, I've been there. I would be one of the first to announce it. I haven't seen anything like that.


As a brony, I pay absolutely no attention to trolls and if other bronies have different opinions than mine, that's just fine with me. And I don't need a sarcastic mantra from the 4chan days like "love and tolerate" to be that way. All I need is to look back on what the show has taught me--as I did when I made a thread much like this one, six months ago.


Edited by TailsIsNotAlone

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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I guess I noticed  a lot of things that have been happening in the brony community about the ''Love and Tolerate'' motto. I have observed the community as well, and in a lot ways we are there for one other when we are in despair or in trouble.

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Ok first of all that whole "love and tolerate" thing should be mostly limited to just Tolerate. I think that is the way the community (here at least) has been. I don't need to agree with your opinion but i do have to respect it. Those bronies that strictly adhere to the "love and tolerate" are usually the most judgemental. Because they are the ones who cast out other bronies for having differing opinions. The L&T bronies were the ones who took the lead during the whole "alicorn twilight" thing. They didn't think that anyone who disliked that idea was a brony anymore. That right there is the problem. You don't have to agree with everything everyone says just respect their opinion (hovever hard that might be to do).


People keep talking about the haters because they probably just recently experienced a bit of hate. Perhaps for the first time. I think that there should be one thread to talk about it and that's it but yes I agree a lot of people do talk about the haters and it is very draining honestly. I have never cared about the haters i actually love them. Reminds me of a Churchill quote. "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life" - Winston Churchill



~Signature Awesomely Made By Frozen Mint~

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