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Is MLP:FiM your favorite show?


is mlp your favorite show  

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  1. 1. is mlp your favorite show

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    • No
    • sometimes
    • i cant decide

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Yeah, quite easily my favorite.  For me one of the strongest places in a series is the mythology, and I don't mean in the strictest since of fantasy, but in the way that the lore of the world has been constructed.  For example a haphazard description of the mythology in Sleepy Hallow is using biblical elements to create a shadow war, stretching from the time of the American Revolution to the Present, between humanity's salvation and demonic devastation.  


As far as the mythology in MLP:FiM, I find myself able to write volumes upon the subject and speculation of what's to come, while I was able to describe a rather simplified version of Sleepy Hallow's in a rather long sentence.  The subject of the Princesses is a undertaking unto itself.  I know much of this comes from ambiguity of their origins, but knowing when to hold back on your description can be just as strong at engaging your fan base.  In many ways the Brony culture thrives on this ambiguity, room for our own creativity to stretch a bit, and find our own voices.


Yes, I like many television shows, but I am enthralled in MLP:FiM.

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It's my favorite cartoon....It's the only show I can rewatch over and over and not get tired of it (I have seen all the episodes so many times, I swear I have the entire script of all 3 seasons memorized!).  I love anime, but I can only watch a series once, because oftentimes its a continuing story and with the fact most of the anime I watch is subbed, I have to sit down and pay attention (especially that Monogatari series, so.much.talking!!!)

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Well, I don't really watch many things..

I guess it's safe to say MLP is my favorite TV show. There are some other animes that I would consider my favorite, but out of the anime category, MLP is definantly my favorite. 

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I think it is. If not, its in my top 3 at the very least. There are two other old cartoon shows that I love and I'm not sure if MLP:FIM matches up with those, but its pretty close. :) Its the only running show on television I like anymore, so out of shows still running its definitely my favorite.

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Is it wrong if I say no..?

MLP Is my second favorite, first is something with Disney, although Disney doesn't have any modern day cartoons I like *all the ones I know are for little little children dry.png * I love Steam Boat Willie, and the old time cartoons :)

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I do like MLP, but it's not even in my preferred genre. I myself prefer scientific documentaries, such as Modern Marvels, Through the Wormhole, and The Universe. My 2nd favorite is probably USOER, putting MLP at around 6 or 7.


As to my favorite show being fun and scientific, I can say: myth myth-confirmed.jpg

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