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Apple      Bloom

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Happy Halloween, suckas.


I've been asleep all day and might flip back over.


Best Halloween ever.


YOU CANT EVEN HANDLE THE HEAT IM BRINGING. I will stomp you like Stalin stomped on his own country....BOOM!!! I can literally mill half your deck in 2 turns and bring out a monster that is 25/25. Beat that!


Boy you ain't even know, you'd be helping my deck by doing that. Putting my or you deck in the graveyard is exactly what I want to happen.


Though a monster that is 25/25 sounds tasty so I'd love to see that.

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Boy you ain't even know, you'd be helping my deck by doing that. Putting my or you deck in the graveyard is exactly what I want to happen.


Though a monster that is 25/25 sounds tasty so I'd love to see that.

I've been running a simulation with my brother's deck using forge. I got a monster with 60/60. That was witha vampires deck.

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I've been running a simulation with my brother's deck using forge. I got a monster with 60/60. That was witha vampires deck.


Yes Forge is very awesome for testing out decks, I'm currently testing out my bro's vampire deck as well... awesome that we apparently both have a bro with a vampire deck and are testing them out at the same time. Are you me from an alternate dimension?

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Yes Forge is very awesome for testing out decks, I'm currently testing out my bro's vampire deck as well... awesome that we apparently both have a bro with a vampire deck and are testing them out at the same time. Are you me from an alternate dimension?


Not exactly; my brother has an Abzan deck and two others; the vampires deck was a prebuilt deck that I downloaded off of elsewhere.

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Not exactly; my brother has an Abzan deck and two others; the vampires deck was a prebuilt deck that I downloaded off of elsewhere.


I see.


Vampire decks can be pretty strong but I don't like vampires so they ain't for me.


I'm still working img-3218648-1-pinkamena_by_angelishi-d6w


I know that feelin' man... going into work in about thirty.

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Boy you ain't even know, you'd be helping my deck by doing that. Putting my or you deck in the graveyard is exactly what I want to happen.   Though a monster that is 25/25 sounds tasty so I'd love to see that.

OMFG, I totally misread that!!! Anyways, I could mill you dry in five turns boy. Breaking and Entering....look that card up and shake with fear. Never try to out-mill a Dragon.

I am super tired after a long night of Halloween hijinks. Someone make my bed and tuck me in....a bed time story too, please.
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Welp, its now time to put up the christmas tree. :D

I usually wait until December, even though I know that Christmas songs are gonna start playing on the radio very soon.


I am super tired after a long night of Halloween hijinks. Someone make my bed and tuck me in....a bed time story too, please.

I didn't have any plans to go out this year, so I spent the night in bed.
  • Brohoof 1
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OMFG, I totally misread that!!! Anyways, I could mill you dry in five turns boy. Breaking and Entering....look that card up and shake with fear. Never try to out-mill a Dragon.


Using that card against me would help me though, sucka.


We'll see. We might just have to play each other next BronyCon man, though my deck strategy gunna be even tighter then so you better break the big guns.


I spent most of Halloween asleep though I did watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes, Noroi: The Curse, and some episodes of The Twilight Zone with some friends. Not bad.

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What's happening right now? I'm at the convention happening here in Colorado, having a fine time, not that bad.

I just imagined Cinnapony being really sleepy, in his jammies, trying to stand up and stay awake.


I don't know what have you to say of that.

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Today I spent doing some boring SEO, but I also finally posted a new manga review.



Good news I found someone to do anime reviews on my site. To my suprise it was actually the most popular anime reviewer I contacted. We're talking over 20K fans here. So although I have to do a lot more work for SEO now I think it's worth it.

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I just imagined Cinnapony being really sleepy, in his jammies, trying to stand up and stay awake.


I don't know what have you to say of that.


I don't wear any clothes as a pony, so the "jammie" thing is invalid. xD (Plus in real life I don't really wear pajamas anyway, just a T-shirt and shorts.)


But the other things work, I felt like that last night. xD

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