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Apple      Bloom

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Falicornian? Also, I'm still wrapping my head around all this new terminology. I'm a bit worried that it'd distract me from my mod dev...

Falicornian? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?




I can also confirm that music tempo as well as the general energy of the song does indeed influence how fast one is going. Ive had personal experience with that happening. It also doesnt help that I generally drive fast anyway.

Dubstep, and Metal make me forget about speed limits. One night I was blasting some Annotations of an Autopsy and was going 95 miles and climbing.

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 Can't you just bring external speakers?


Also, what's with it and you guys and subpar car tech? Are you guys running on used cars? If so, I must be way different because my family never believes in used cars.


The car I drive was bought brand new back in 2008 or 2009. First car I have ever driven ever, in a parking lot a long time ago. Now it's kinda beat up, speakers don't work very well, and the airbags don't work at all. So yeah. But at least it drives, that is the good thing.

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Now it's kinda beat up, speakers don't work very well, and the airbags don't work at all. So yeah. But at least it drives, that is the good thing.

Airbags don't work? That doesn't sound safe.


Warning: No one make any mention about microwaving an airbag. I already know what happens.

  • Brohoof 1
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Airbags don't work? That doesn't sound safe.


Warning: No one make any mention about microwaving an airbag. I already know what happens.


Not sure why they don't work, but I recently got rear-ended by someone else with a friend in the car and he said that the passenger airbag light and seatbelt blinker weren't set on "Off" and blinking as if a seatbelt isn't on, wasn't doing it before the rear-end, but the airbag light has been on for longer, so yeah.


Cinny want sleepy. Cinny dunno how to sleepy at the moment. Cinny took sleepy pills, and Cinny hopes to be sound and cutely asleep in his Cinnybed within the next hour. Cinny need to wakey up early tomorrow, and at this point, Cinny sadly ain't gonna get as much sleepy as a Cinnapony needs. >.<

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Alternatively, imagine this: however fast Eminem can rap at once (or any rapper of your choosing), just imagine yourself driving at that corresponding speed. It can certainly get a court reporter to stall up.


I could imagine listening to Busta Rhymes and then I Busta the speed limit like the sound barrier.


Oh you got a deck? I could beat you.


I've got a few decks, homes. I'm glad you sound so confident, but I have not a doubt in my mind my black deck would ravage you like an anteater ravages an ant colony.


What I'm saying is: BRING IT.


I do this at all times regardless of traffic or not.


I can also confirm that music tempo as well as the general energy of the song does indeed influence how fast one is going. Ive had personal experience with that happening. It also doesnt help that I generally drive fast anyway.


Well of course, the only way I can get through driving is either having music blasting or someone riding with me. Riding in silence just ain't for me.


As for my speed... I've never noticed how fast I'm going depending on the song. I'll have to pay attention to that next time.

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Did you really just use Comic Sans...? You usually use Courier.

I alternate between the two on a frequent basis, on the basis that both are really close.


I could use Consolas, since that's my preferred monospace font...

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Century Gothic is my fave font.


Sketchflow Print for me. It's a font you have to download, though. You may have seen it before.


Also, busy playing with Forge, an MTG AI program. Not to be confused with Minecraft Forge.

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Sketchflow Print for me. It's a font you have to download, though. You may have seen it before.

Just downloaded it. There was a font I found a few months ago that looked identical to my handwriting, but I can't remember what it was.
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Verdana is best font. Seriously you guise.


The last time I dealt with Verdana, I had to write a 120-page user's manual. Guess how I feel about Verdana.


Everyone knows best font is Comic Sans.


Jeaze, finally...

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I've got a few decks, homes. I'm glad you sound so confident, but I have not a doubt in my mind my black deck would ravage you like an anteater ravages an ant colony.   What I'm saying is: BRING IT.

YOU CANT EVEN HANDLE THE HEAT IM BRINGING. I will stomp you like Stalin stomped on his own country....BOOM!!! I can literally mill half your deck in 2 turns and bring out a monster that is 25/25. Beat that!

Im too hyper....I am drinking a medium sized Pumpkin Spice Latte and now im bouncing off the walls!

Halloween...Halloween...spooky ghosts and frightening creatures...pagan holiday that people have no clue what its all about.  
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Im too hyper....I am drinking a medium sized Pumpkin Spice Latte and now im bouncing off the walls!

Question: how's that like? The latte, not the bouncing off the walls. (Latte is Italian for milk, obvious cognate with leche, Spanish for milk. I think it's vaguely obvious how latte, in English, means coffee.)


Finally, 64-bit Java...

Edited by Ganaram Inukshuk
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Question: how's that like? The latte, not the bouncing off the walls. (Latte is Italian for milk, obvious cognate with leche, Spanish for milk. I think it's vaguely obvious how latte, in English, means coffee.)


Finally, 64-bit Java...

It tastes freaking awesome! I mean, once it cools down it wont torch your throat and you can taste the whole thing. I can taste the milk alot in this one, but there are a few hints of spices and pumpkiness......CAFFEINE!!!!

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