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Apple      Bloom

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long story short, i was up for 20 hours, on a extreme sugar and caffeine rush, and there was an argument war breaking loose in this thread, which stressed me out. in the end, i was exhausted as fuck, completely blank inside of my head, afraid to go to sleep, and my chest was hurting. only after i spoke to Jinx was i able to sleep. and then i dreamt a horrible nightmare.


nevertheless, though, i'm alright now.


I had seen the war here yeah...I was depressed that happened when I saw that today. :( At least it (and you) is okay now. :)



'Ello, people! :3


HI...and bye because I gotta go now. :lol:


Makes sense. You don't have to be bored to enjoy the awesomeness of fatalities and the like from Mortal Kombat.

Touche. :P


Anyway, gotta go guys. Need to go study some English ith my friend. See y'all later!

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That looks awesome! :o

On the same note, I get to get a card today! Once my friends mother gets home so she can watch his sister and we can go to the mall.


I also noticed, this guy loves running into a new room filled with baddies to see whats in there. And lives.

My luck is so bad that I always get trapped between enemies.

Maybe having a little to do with me shooting once the door opens, but Im not sure though.... :x





oh god, i know right? he just slides through everything and doesn't get hurt. the fuck does he do that?!? and he played on the hardest difficulty setting, for god's sake!


also that's awesome. and mancubus are cool too. well, as long as you're not getting killed by them.

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well, basically, for some reason me and Fissy (the other pony in my sig) were criminals. no one suspected us because we're too goodwilled in nature, thus we did pretty well as criminals. however, we get separated in the dream. i get caught and am forced to watch how Fissy's fate plays out. then it gets blurry, but what i do remember is that we both die in the end, and i get to watch him die in front of my eyes...


I've had dreams like that before.


If I remember correctly, I think its a few hours from you or something?

It's three hours away.
  • Brohoof 1
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oh god, i know right? he just slides through everything and doesn't get hurt. the fuck does he do that?!? and he played on the hardest difficulty setting, for god's sake!


also that's awesome. and mancubus are cool too. well, as long as you're not getting killed by them.


I call hax I call big hax I call super fucking hax.


I just heard the sound while typing, and then I remembered how awesome they were lol

Their blasts freaking dominate though.


On the topic of cool enemies, Cacodemons are my favorite. I'm not sure why, but I just love finding them. They look cool, I like their color scheme, and just them in general.


Also, is there a way to play online with others? Either co-op or against?

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On the topic of cool enemies, Cacodemons are my favorite. I'm not sure why, but I just love finding them. They look cool, I like their color scheme, and just them in general.


Also, is there a way to play online with others? Either co-op or against?


speaking of cacos, do you know of Hissy? http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Hissy


and yes there are. there is a source-port specifically catered to multiplayer called Zandronum, but GZDoom can play online, as well. you can setup a online game with the ZDoom Launcher easily should you want to play with anyone. if you wish to play Brutal Doom online, though, it'd be best to setup a Zandronum game though with the Zand version of Brutal Doom.

  • Brohoof 1
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well, basically, for some reason me and Fissy (the other pony in my sig) were criminals. no one suspected us because we're too goodwilled in nature, thus we did pretty well as criminals. however, we get separated in the dream. i get caught and am forced to watch how Fissy's fate plays out. then it gets blurry, but what i do remember is that we both die in the end, and i get to watch him die in front of my eyes...

Posted Image


That being said, if we ever became partners in crime, nothing would stop us. Except maybe NCIS.

Sucks that you had to watch me die though. But know that I have ridiculous amounts of luck/protection from above, and even if I died, I would come back.

Edited by Feather Spiral
  • Brohoof 1
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speaking of cacos, do you know of Hissy? http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Hissy


and yes there are. there is a source-port specifically catered to multiplayer called Zandronum, but GZDoom can play online, as well. you can setup a online game with the ZDoom Launcher easily should you want to play with anyone. if you wish to play Brutal Doom online, though, it'd be best to setup a Zandronum game though with the Zand version of Brutal Doom.


I want Hissy! :D

And, no, I did not know about her.


Aah, thanks for the info. Once I fully get off this god forsaken punishment, we should play sometime.

I need to try this some time:



I am totally going to try this next time I decide to order pizza! :D

But with a better pony.

Like AJ or Ditzy.

  • Brohoof 3
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I am totally going to try this next time I decide to order pizza! :D But with a better pony. Like AJ or Ditzy.

It should be a fun experience, but both of those background ponies are inferior to Lyra.


*hides before Hven kills me*

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