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Equestria Girls Toys [prototypes]



74 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the toys

    • I love them
    • I like them
    • At least they're show-accurate
    • I'm indifferent to them
    • I don't like them
    • I hate them
  2. 2. Will you buy them?

    • I'm a collector, of course I'll buy them.
    • I'm a collector but they don't belong to my collection.
    • I'm interested in some of toys.
    • I'm not sure about it yet.
    • I'm not interested in any toys(including ponies).
    • I won't buy them.

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I might consider them bearable if they actually had the outfits the characters wore in the movie... And if the colours weren't so bright. They were much softer in the real thing.

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They are fine for girls but hell not for guys imo.... the toys of the show like this I think are just for girls...

Yes. You are correct Miss/Mr

I might consider them bearable if they actually had the outfits the characters wore in the movie... And if the colours weren't so bright. They were much softer in the real thing.


I just hate them.

They are so just bleehhh

They look absolutely terrible. Not show accurate, and almost creepy. Kind of like a Generation 3.5 version of Equestria Girls.




  • Brohoof 1
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Remember these weren't made for you!


These were made for little girls, and little girls don't care about the condition their toys are in. I'm just glad they made dolls for little girls to play with, and glad they are at least good enought for some little girls.

  • Brohoof 1
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The movie designs were at least semi-bad@$$ (except for Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna; what the buck was THAT s***?!), imperfect writing or not, but the doll designs bucking SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!

Edited by Anti-Villain
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The collecting dolls and toys part of the fandom is not something I like and do not take part of. I think they are more the less designed for girls and not for guys just based on my opinions alone. But if that is your thing fine by me I have no problem to those who do.


*Cough* I have seen the toys and they look pretty bad imo Cough* 

Edited by Ticking Timebomb
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Ive got all of them,( well at least 1 verison of each character) accept Sunset Shimmer and Luna, I cant find Luna where I am and Sunset Shimmer so far all I can find is the set where she comes with Twilight and its WAY out of my budget. I like my celestia and twilight the because they've got the mini ponies with them. Their cutie marks also come out, the rest of them are just like regular dolls

However I DO understand why alot of fandom feels the way they do about them. They aren;t ponies. and we like PONIES not dolls, I enjoy the movie and the dolls, but I do not  think they are my favourite thing AT all. Hasbro I think was trying to cash in on the fact that people were drawing the characters into human forms and went oooo we can do that and make money. I kinda, to be honest bought them because I see them being pulled, then they become rare and expensive, and then never seeing them again. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would buy them if they were show accurate, as I do like the EQG style. My mom even got me an EQG rarity for Christmas.  Has anyone even attempted to make show accurate EQG dolls, figures or plushies yet?

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I have to say I do like the dolls and the idea of Equestria Girls as an off shoot of FiM - How many fanfics like EQG were there out there before the movie?


I currently have the Mane 6 and Celestia, looking for Luna, Sunset Shimmer and Trixie (Yes she has been released in the US)


As a doll, I think they work but they do have some aspects I am not keen on and have remedied where I can on my own dolls. 


  1. Applejacks hat, she should have a stetson, not a fedora  :angry:
  2. Their clothing is really meh....I made my own clothes in the end it bugged me so much. I mean Rainbow dash is a sporty flying horse/person, a mini dress really?? Can you not see the issues here??


  1. The boots/feet.  OK AJ's boots look pretty much spot on for her character, and Delux Rarity's small pink ankle boots are cute, but I am not so sure about the rest. I really hope they release some clothing lines (just clothes) like the ones you could get for Barbie so we can get some better shoes!
  2. That extra long hank of hair they have at the back of their heads which is supposed to be some kind of vestigial tail, yeah...snip snip  ;)

Yeah the bullet pointed derped slightly  :derp:

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