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Twilight and her clones suck, they have always held the series back.


I don't care for shipping.


Rainbow Dash is annoying.


Maud Pie is boring. 


I don't like Discord at all, he should be turned into stone and thrown into the infinite cosmos.

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Rarijack is a crap pair and with the exception of Sisterhooves Social most of their episodes together have sucked, even without taking Rarity's insanely high standards into consideration. And I'm so freaking sick of the writers constantly whoring out this pairing, they hang out with other characters, don't they?

For real, a lot of their shared episodes make me wonder why they even tolerate each other. Utterly mystifying why the writers seem to like putting them together so much. 

  • Brohoof 1
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For real, a lot of their shared episodes make me wonder why they even tolerate each other. Utterly mystifying why the writers seem to like putting them together so much. 

Because there's a clear arc with Rarijack, like regardless of what you think of the individual episodes you can see how they've gone from having a hard time with each other to being basically best friends, I mean really their last few episodes they hardly even argue anymore. and are generally pretty playful with each other.



It's one of the most dynamic pair ups on the show, some of their episodes are meh but that's due to their plots and stuff not their dynamic.



AppleDash though, now that's a freaking boring dynamic, it's been exactly the same for 6 seasons now, it's even more generic than an opposites attract pair. It's just inheirently dull to the damn core.

Now lets do some more I guess

Between Seasons 2 and 6 Fluttershy was a completely lost character, no one had a real idea what to do with her and she was endlessly spinning in circles, getting better now though.



Twilight's approaching that lost character status, she's felt ether directionless or just invisible since S4 or so.




If Rainbow Dash wasn't so tomboyish she wouldn't be near as popular as she is given her average episode quality and some other aspects of her personality.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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- No more Twilight foils. Yeah, we like MANE characters foils now and then, but I think we should give a rest to Twi's foils now that there are FOUR of them so far: Trix, Starlight, Moondancer, and Sunny

- So is Rarijack dynamics, there's too many of them 

- I think the show is going through a sloppy time, not a jumped the shark time, but definitely not the standard we are used to. And also, S6 is not bad, just WAY TOO underwhelming, but I feel it's catching up in these last episodes

-You're going to kill me for this: Scootaloo is the cutest of the cuties :wub:


  • Brohoof 4


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Because there's a clear arc with Rarijack, like regardless of what you think of the individual episodes you can see how they've gone from having a hard time with each other to being basically best friends, I mean really their last few episodes they hardly even argue anymore. and are generally pretty playful with each other.



It's one of the most dynamic pair ups on the show, some of their episodes are meh but that's due to their plots and stuff not their dynamic.



AppleDash though, now that's a freaking boring dynamic, it's been exactly the same for 6 seasons now, it's even more generic than an opposites attract pair. It's just inheirently dull to the damn core.


Now lets do some more I guess

Between Seasons 2 and 6 Fluttershy was a completely lost character, no one had a real idea what to do with her and she was endlessly spinning in circles, getting better now though.



Twilight's approaching that lost character status, she's felt ether directionless or just invisible since S4 or so.




If Rainbow Dash wasn't so tomboyish she wouldn't be near as popular as she is given her average episode quality and some other aspects of her personality.

1. The thing is, up until a certain point, I got more or less the same thing from every Applejack/Rarity episode: AJ likes dirt, Rarity likes sequins, and this causes them to clash. I'm glad that's dissipated as of late, and that does show growth, but I guess I'm still not sold on the potential unless they're given something - anything - in common, which I rarely see in their episodes.


2. Applejack/RD doesn't really have anywhere to go, but I find it more fun. That said, it hasn't appeared half as often, whereas RariJack never stops and has only started to get the slight bit of variation. Can we get some less common pairs in the limelight, please?


3. I just don't know what they're doing with Twilight. I feel they're starting to give her a little personality back, but still have zero clue what to do with the character. It's awfully frustrating.

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1. Twilight in No Second Prances is one of Twilight i love to see. I'm glad Twilight finally acting like "Twilight" again, Ss4 Princess Twilight is goddamn boring. And now, they just need to give me back my Sci-Twi.


2. Some "traditional" episodes in ss6 make me happy, even they are kinda... outdated.


3. I already hate the episode "The Fault in Our Cutiemark" when i read the synopsis, especially "Griffin" + "got her cutiemark". If that griffin say F@#K to Cutie Mark in the end of this ep, i will del this shit.


4. Mane Attraction is just an OK and boring episode. Without the songs, it could be just mediocre.


5. I like 28 Pranks Later. After reading a ton of reviews, rants, whatever, my opinion still stand.


6. You guys (~90%) always bring Mare Do Well episode as an example of the worst of mane6, but somehow forgot to mention the actions of Flutter, Dash, Rarity in Mmmmmmystery Express, I never forgive that kind of action, never.


7. Mean-spritted, cruelty, jerkish, wierd are never my negative points of any episodes... as long as they make it funny enough. Torture porn in cartoon make me feels good.  :orly:

  • Brohoof 1
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Yikes. Can't get much more unpopular than that.


Let's see...


- The opening theme could use some variations and remixes, like they've done with the end theme.

Unpopular with the writers and mixers, at least.


- I find Applejack very relatable, but not modern country music or its fanbase.


- I kinda miss the Golden Oak Library, it had a nice homey feel. If I walked around in that Crystal Palace I'd feel more out of place than Fred Durst at a Sailor Moon dead circus cosplay convention.

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- Celestia is useless when disaster strikes


- I hate how villains are forgiven with no punishment for their actions


- I'm worried that all of the villains are going to be redeemed and there will be nothing left


- I have mixed feelings about Starlight Glimmer being redeemed. I kind of wish she had stayed as an on and off villain. 


- I wish Twilight had become an Alicorn later in the show


- I find the CMC to be annoying 


- There needs to be fewer songs. They don't feel special anymore. 

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'Make new friends but keep Discord' wasn't that great.


'Newbie Dash' wasn't that bad.


Starlight Glimmer does not need to appear in every episode, she's a plot device for Twilight's development and only needs to appear in Twilight focused episodes.


There does not need to be an EQG cartoon, the films are perfectly sufficient.


Although I love the comics, I prefer the cartoon's description of Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon.  The comic's suggestion of it being the result of an external force weakened the story by suggesting that she was less than fully complicit in her own actions.


I don't get butthurt when a character has to learn to same lesson twice (or more).  The whole point of the mane six is that they are meant to clearly represent six different kinds of people.  Having the characters backslide now and then maintains that, rather than them all becoming too similar.


I really, really don't want to see the changelings in general, and Chrysalis in particular, being reformed.

Edited by Concerned Bystander


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Let's see... Unpopular opinions... Well, I suppose I have a few.


1. I really like Equestria Girls. Rainbow Rocks is one of my favourite movies ever, and I'd even say it's more enjoyable than movies like "Star Wars". (Although, I wasn't a huge fan of Friendship Games. Could've used a bit more time on the writing.)


2. I don't like the Crystal Empire all that much. They could've done more with the place. 


3. I thought the end of "Magical Mystery Cure" was amazing. It was the first time I cried because of the show.


4. I don't like Spike-episodes. "Princess Spike" is probably my least favourite episode in the show. 


5. Aside from a few episodes, I really don't like season 5. Most of the episodes were just filler. 


6. I don't like Griffons.


7. I'm not a fan of the songs from the season 3 premiere.


8. I don't like "Hearts & Hooves Day". 


9. I like the fact that Discord was reformed, and how it was done.


10. I'm not a huge fan of the episode "Bats". I love the song, and Flutterbat is adorable, but the story didn't make much sense. 


11. Speaking of things not making sense; While I enjoyed the season 5 finale, the way they handled time travel really bugged me. 


12. I didn't care for "The Mane Attraction". It was kind of boring. (Yes, I know I already mentioned I didn't like most of the episodes in S5, but most people seem to adore that episode.)


*Exhales* I think that's it.

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I don't think that Zephyr Breeze was that bad of a character.

Sure he isn't one of my favorites or anything, but it's not like he was supposed to be entirely likeable to begin with.

Plus, it's much easier for me to feel sympathy for him then it was with Starlight Glimmer's backstory.

  • Brohoof 2


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- Rainbow Dash needs more lines in finales.

- I'm not sure if I want to watch Make New Friends But Keep Discord again

- the writers need to come up with more ideas for Twilight

- the show is severely lacking in gorgons, basilisks, wyverns, sphinxes, etc.

- Twilight's friends should have helped out in the Cutie Re-Mark.

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Alright.. Here we go.


-I really like Spike. Even from season 1. I loved every part of him :3

-Rarity is really whiny and annoying. That's the same for Rainbow Dash. Both characters aren't great together. I swear if we have a episode of them together, I will hate them even more.

-My Favourite CMC is Scootaloo. Sweetie belle is not really a good CMC.. She's like Rarity's clone but less annoying.

-I love Starlight Glimmer. She's flipping awesome!

-Almost every spike Episode that is out, I tend to love them more than the main 6 episodes

-"Dungeons and Discords" was meh. Wasn't my cup of tea.

-"Spice up your life" is my least favourite episode from s6.

-The episode with Pinkie and Fluttershy (can't remember the title) is one of my Favourite episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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My super mega ultimate unpopular opinion that seems to go against the grain of most everything I've read is...


- I don't mind that they've reformed most of their villains, and I've liked almost all the reforms.


Further talk (If you want to read my ramblings):

Having Discord reformed has opened up some really interesting lesson dynamics (for example in the last one, he thinks he's super cool but realizes he's actually lonely and wants more friends, and he opens up to new ideas that he wasn't willing to try before and finds he likes them), one reformed changeling does not mean the whole hive is going to go good and Thorax is so cute, and while I really wish maybe they'd had Starlight be a villain for longer because her plot was just kind of weak she also opens up plenty of interesting new possibilities. Sure she's just Sunset Shimmer for the pony world to the point where I actually typed Sunset Glimmer twice before I noticed it but I've really wanted to see Sunset Shimmer's kind of story play out in the pony world, especially when it hit so hard in Rainbow Rocks (seeing her struggle in the school to turn her image around brought tears to my eyes).


Trixie is still on the edge but leaning towards good and that's a good kind of character to have, even if we've only seen her once in the show as this 'reformed' character. And Diamond Tiara, despite her mom being the most contrived thing ever, really made me feel good because she was just an over the top cliche stereotype. Yeah her reform was pretty stereotypical too but she was just getting nasty in some of her later efforts to bully the CMC. Seriously, making fun of a potentially disabled pony? That's just low and really makes my blood boil. And what she did is deplorable, but she's trying to change. Which shows that bullies don't have to be bullies forever, despite what movies show (for some reason this seems to be a theme in comedies - bully in high school? bully for life). 


Would it be nice to have a villain that runs through and comes up again and again? Yeah. Yeah it would. But none of the reformed characters have really fit the bill for that in my opinion. Chrysalis is the one I'm rooting for, and with Thorax's appearance maybe we'll get that yet. Probably followed by a reform of most if not all changelings >.> THEN I'll be upset. But until that happens, I'm chill.

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  • I didn't mind Gilda as much as a lot of fans did in her first episode

I enjoy Dragon Quest

I like pretty much all of season 3, even Spike at your Service

I like Daring Don't

Simple Ways is one of my favorite episodes

I didn't have a problem with the way Pinkie Pie acted in Filli Vanilli

I'm glad that Equestria Games focused on Spike instead of the games

Starlight Glimmer is one of my favorite characters of the show

I think the song Luna's Future is kinda overrated, and prefer Say Goodbye to the Holiday

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  • I enjoy Dragon Quest
  • I like Daring Don't
  • I'm glad that Equestria Games focused on Spike instead of the games

I agree with these three as well. In fact:


- "Dragon Quest" > "Gauntlet of Fire"

- If "Equestria Games" had focused on the games, it'd probably be pretty boring. 

- I also rather like "Equestria Games." 

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Starlight Glimmer has become the biggest mistake in the series to date. She added nothing to the show and was wasted on several episodes that could've been given to far better characters who have been ignored with their development (*cough*Celestia*cough*Scootaloo) and and the writers preoccupation with trying to make her necessary is probably why a lot of episodes were poorly thought out. Nothing she does will justify her in my eyes.


Ember isn't that great. I'm a clopper and I find her disgusting in terms of attractiveness. She looks like an R63 lizard version of Mr. Burns.


Rainbow Dash is a phenomenal character who the writers continue to blow the potential of on poorly thought out episodes. She needs more adventure and heroics-based stuff.


Spike's reputation in the Crystal Empire is overblown and somewhat undeserved. Lot's of ponies played a part in saving the Crystal Empire and only he gets the credit. Not to mention he nearly f*cked up and screwed them all until the two ponies who did more than anyone to defeat Sombra saved him and carried his ass the rest of the way. Also he didn't save the entire empire in EG. That cloud threatened to crush a few hundred ponies at most, which would've been an awful tragedy for sure, but not the end of the Crystal Empire as we know it. The fact that he's now developed an ego over all this makes me want to punt him into a brick wall. If the mane 6 really do secretly hate him, it's completely understandable.

  • Brohoof 1
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-I think all of the Mane Six are straight or at least bi.


-Sombra was my favorite villain.


-I have no complaints about any seasons or think the show has gotten noticeably worse.


-I HATE Flutterbat.

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Rainbow Dash gets too much focus and special treatment compared to the rest of the girls minus twilight, she's a creators pet at this point. And by far the most important of the mares in support, skillset, and overall power. Especially in power where she's basically a anime hero and second only the twilight in being the most capable in battle or solving head on problems with strength, speed and determination when twilight herself can't do it. She and Pinkie are the icons of the show and even this forum displays her as the main draw for casuals to become mlp fans.


Really her existence inhibits all the main six even twilight in being as cool or entertaining as her because she's the easiest character to write for fans and appeal to them(Even twilight sometimes can't come close RD's IT factor). She's badass, charsmatic, tough, sarcastic, carefree, and fearless. Flawed and not the ideal role model but she's still a adheres to the themes of the show in her own way. This makes her friends seem too boring and vanilla, because she's the only one who is allowed to be the stand out, be the edgy one who does the rebel stuff, the unconventional star that strays from feminine cliches and brings the new hardcore elements that men and normal down to earth girls like. She also has to learn from her own flaws the most since she is a stand in for the kids who get careless about their actions as well as be treated as a troublemaker who everyone thinks her antics are going too far.


While people like Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie play roles in static amounts and just come off as tedious plain main heroines that really bring nothing but idealistic facets of moral imperatives and hardly get reprimanded like Rainbow because she has the anti mare and thusly the most imperfect. Why should RD be the most flawed and prone to bad habits, Pinkies to innocent and goofy to have RD's self interested callousness even though she's as mischievous and prone to seeking excitement, Rarity has a composure and elegant allure of consideration but she's Arrogant, Conceited, and Self Assured as RD, Applejack is a just well adjusted all around and is more mature than all the ponies but she thrives on pride, ego, and greed. She and Rainbow are like two sides of the same coin. Rainbow is wild and non accountable to Aj's cool and responsible but they both have the same beliefs in being the best and pride.


I wish the girls had Rainbow Dash's conscious imperfect traits, or at least where all equal to her in being able to take to the action in their own way.

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