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Rarity or Rainbow Dash? Who is best pony?



217 users have voted

  1. 1. Between the two of them, who is best pony?

    • Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash

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in my book  rarity is best pony hands down, i suppose it her overly girly demeanor that can be quite funny at time her attention to detail and to fuss over the tiniest of thing, her damsel in distress act has gotten her time and time again out of harmful situation and causes conflict with her friends. her little out bursts are also quite funny 


but most of all she is adorable.



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Rainbow Dash. Not an easy choice as they're my two favorite Mane 6, but Dashie wins by a hair. She has an innocent, ironic cuteness about her that Rarity doesn't have, and I like her energy too.

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I like Rainbow Dash. She's boyish, maybe a little impatient, but she has a good heart. Rarity seems very nice, but perhaps a little too girly. I have nothing against Rarity, I think she's great, but I like Rainbow Dash better.

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I am a big fan of them both but I like Rainbow Dash a little bit better! I admire her loyalty and that even though she enjoys being "cool" she is willing to be friends with everyone! Plus she's good friends with Apple Jack and well I'm an Apple Jack fanatic lol. :)

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In my opinion, Rainbow Dash is better. She has a better personality than Rarity. Rarity is kind of stuck up, but she is overall a cool pony, as well.



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I personally find the 20% cooler thing overused. I know I used it...but yeah. I'm wishing I wouldn't have. It's not that valid of a reason as to why Rainbow Dash is better. I mean, Rarity is just as cool. The whole "Do you want to hear whining" scene with Rarity is probably one of my favorite scenes from the show. Rarity also isn't so...cocky? Rainbow Dash also is kind of a sore loser, and she keeps saying "I'm awesome" which makes me think she is actually self-conscious, and has to keep saying how awesome she is to make herself think it. Rarity also seems to be nicer overall. As much as I love Rainbow Dash , I'm getting really tired of her just being "awesome." Is that really all she has going for her? When it comes to their voices, I prefer Rarity. Rainbow Dash's voice cracks are nice, but Rarity's dramatic spin on everything she says is just better (in my opinion). So basically I take back saying Rainbow Dash is better. I'd say I like them more equally now. 


Edit: Also, Rarity sings really freaking good! 


Yeah 20% cooler is way over used, I only use it once and awhile. Also If you want my opinions on Rarity you would just have to watch Bronycurious' FIMpression videos: Green isn't your Color, Look Before You Sleep, Suited for Success, and Dog and Pony show. He rambles on and on about why Rarity is best horse.


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Wow, the poll is tied! I assumed Rainbow would be in the lead.


It's a tough choice for me, but Rarity has to be best pony. Her design, her voice (singing voice as well), her episodes, and her attitude are all amazing.


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I'll have to choose Rarity for this.


I've always like Rarity as a character. I love how she isn't the stereotypical fashion loving and girly character that cares about nothing else besides those, and she actually works and cares for people. I like her generous side and it is very interesting an realistic to see her torn between doing her life dreams and being there for her friends. She is a much more complex character than a lot of people give her credit for.


Besides that, she has some great moments in the show and some of the funniest in my opinion. I also love her accent and her singing voice is simply beautiful. I tend to like her episodes more as well. And I share a lot of traits with her such as her respect for class and etiquette, and I agree with her that boys should be true gentlemen around ladies.


I can relate to Rarity quite a bit as well in the sense of having a younger sibling. Seeing her act around Sweetie Belle reminds me of myself around my younger sister. We love our younger siblings very much, and I go through a lot of the things Rarity goes through.

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Rainbow Dash, the pony who always talks about how awesome she is, isn't self centered....?

While... I don't agree with the man that you quoted here, I'm going to explain my biased opinion here! biggrin.png


Rainbow Dash, is nowhere near down to Earth, she's a dreamer (*Cough* *Cough* Wonderbolts anyone?) which is one of the things I love about her. What I think about the whole, "Calling herself awesome" thing... I follow the explanation of the fact, that she only uses that as a self defense mechanism, since she thrives on the opinions of others. She says things like, "I'm awesome" as a sense of approval to know if what she's doing is right. For as we've seen from the episode "Sonic Rainboom" Dashie actually has a low self esteem when faced with a challenge on her own, with others giving her negative feedback. When Dashie is cheered on, then she thinks that what she's doing is good, because she's receiving positive feedback.


That's just my opinion, there are several things that I really love about Rainbow. Her willingness to stick up for friends, her ability to stand up for herself when the time demands it, her playful nature with her friends and fans, and her adventurous nature in general. I could go on about what I love about Dashie, and it's very, and I really mean very unlikely that any of the other ponies on the show would ever pass her up as my favorite.


That being said, I've wasted enough of your time already and I'll let you get on to reading other people's comments on the topic itself.


P.S. Any Dash fans who want her, you have to get through me first! And you don't want to underestimate me... I'll prove every suspicion correct... I mean... false!

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  • Brohoof 1


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Best Pony? RainboDash!

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Honestly, I don't know why Rainbow Dash is so popular. People say that Rarity boasts and brags and stuff, but RD does does that stuff just as much or even more than Rarity does. In A dog and pony show, people started to judge too quickly and said that she was just a snob, but would RD really handle this situation any better? She would probaly just try to attack them and just end up getting hurt, while Rarity showed how to handle this LIKE A BOSS! She acted calm at first, and then started annoying them and made them her slaves!!!! RARITY IS TOTALLY BEST PONY!!!! SHE'S GOT SWAG!!!!!!


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Rarity, without a shadow of a doubt. The other members of the Mane 6 are likable in their own ways, but Rarity has a special charm and uniqueness to her that I don't feel any other character on the show has been able to match. Not mention she's had all the best songs and she steals the spotlight almost everytime. :)


Rarity is best pony.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 1 month later...

My vote would go to Fluttershy, but seeing as she's not listed, I chose Rainbow Dash. It appears that Rarity is usually disliked at first then understood, but I never got to that point.

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Rarity, of course. :D Aside from Fluttershy, she's my favorite Mane 6 character. So suave, sophisticated.. I prefer her over Rainbow Dash.


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It's great to see a lot of fellow Rarity lovers on this thread, but for some reason, the people supporting RD aren't as...how do I say this. They're not giving logical reasons for why they like Rainbow Dash. They just say something like "She's awesome!" or "Meh. Rarity needs to be 20% cooler." 


(By the way, I don't know how that phrase got so popular. Dashie happened to be being a jerk at the time, and I never saw the appeal.)


So to play a bit of devil's advocate, I'm going to take a few seconds and stick up for RD. I voted for Rarity in the poll, because she is my favorite pony and will (hopefully) stay that way, unless the writers do a 180 and botch her spectacularly. 


Rainbow Dash, like Rarity, is often written off as an athletic jock who could potentially care little for other ponies. We see clearly that she appears not to care what other ponies think of her, what with her flyaway mane and hatred of frills and frou-frou nonsense. But she does care for the approval of other ponies, which is what I think is the core of her character. 


On the surface level, Rainbow Dash is quite annoying, and almost stereotypical; tomboyish girl who's athletic and thinks she's the greatest person in the world. But scrape a little bit beneath that and you'll discover a much more insecure pony than you'd think. In many ways, Rainbow is the most insecure of the Mane Six (Fluttershy notwithstanding.) She's terrified of messing up in front of people, and takes great pride in her racing and weather management abilities. She's also very concerned about not being seen as an "egghead" or, in other words, a geek. Her reputation means the world to her.


This is potentially disastrous for others around her. Rainbow could very well be a bully in a parallel universe, because beneath the jock, "King of Anything" attitude, there is a very worried pony who relies heavily on her skills in flying. Have we seen her brag about anything other than flying, excepting her broad claims of being "awesome" or "the best"? I don't think so. I believe (and this may very well be headcanon) that deep down, Rainbow Dash thinks flying is the only thing she is good at - damned good at it. (Pardon my Fancy.) So the need to constantly assert and assure herself that she's better than anyone else is really her way of soothing the inner insecurity. 


Now let's take her relationship with Fluttershy. As I've said before, in a parallel universe Rainbow Dash could easily be an antagonist or villain; but she chooses to befriend and stick up for one of the weakest, shyest ponies in Equestria. Why is that? Is it because that Rainbow Dash somehow relates to her, on a different level than she can even understand? I don't think RD would admit that she's similar to Fluttershy if her life depended on it. Her relationship with Fluttershy also ties wonderfully into her Element of Harmony: Loyalty. Despite having an excellent relationship with the little yellow pony, Rainbow Dash clearly sees Fluttershy's faults, and for the most part, brings her up on it. She lets her friend know very clearly that she's veritably useless as a cheering squad, and would be a hindrance  going up the mountain to face a dragon. 


So I suppose the question that must be asked - is Rainbow Dash friends with Fluttershy because she sees a mirror image of herself buried deep inside? Or because she feels the need to protect her, and be a physical shield if necessary against bullies? 


You could argue I'm dissecting their relationship too much, but frankly if Rainbow Dash wasn't friends with Fluttershy, her character would be extremely bland. Her relationship with Fluttershy really is the most redeeming quality of her - to show the audience that even an athletic, popular jock can be friends with the most shy wallflowers. 




Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm rambling. Dx

  • Brohoof 3
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Ack making me choose between my 2 favorite mane ponies. Well Rarity is my number 1 favorite but my number 2 is Rainbow Dash. I adored Rarity from the moment I saw her. It took me a little bit to come to like Rainbow Dash but now I love her too just not as much as Rarity.

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Well Twilight Sparkle is the best pony hooves down. If I had to pick between the ones you mentioned I'd pick Rarity. I just find her interesting. Maybe it's because I'm not into sporty girls.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess i'll take on that last one, round out the list.


Rainbow Dash. Pure, adulterated, weapons-grade awesome. She knows she's the best, and she will not shy away from telling anyone who will listen. she's loud, she's brash, and she will not rest until the entirety of Equestria knows her name. You have to admire a pony with an ambition like that.


And that's not to say she's all bluster; she absolutely is not. She's performed a Sonic Rainboom, a maneuver that no other pony in the world has ever done, and she's done it THREE TIMES. if you do something that no one else has ever done, you have the right to be cocky.


Rainbow Dash is also very eye-catching; when "Rainbow" is literally your first name, your'e going to attract some attention. which leads me to her most important trait: her accessibility.


Rainbow Dash may just as well be the face of the entire FiM franchise. This may lead her being branded as the 'Mainstream' favourite , but I say anything that gets people talking about ponies is good for me. Chances are, if you're going to show a non-brony why this show is so great, you're going to show them Rainbow Dash.


I have a few more things, but I want to leave some room for others to share their thoughts.

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uugggghhh these are my 2 least favorite ponies... but i only dislike Rarity because of bad writing, i think she has real potential. RD on the other hand... she is such a hollow character, the tomboy trying to rise to the top, who always bosses everyone around, and they do nothing about it, constantly begging for attention, and incredibly self centered and proud, she is not even that loyal. (But then again Rarity isn't all that generous, but at least Rarity has hope.)

Rarity it is then

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  • 1 month later...

Hollow character? How so? She doesn't seem hollow at all. And rising to the top, who wouldn't want to rise to the top, I mean you already are physically superior than every other pony, you are one of the Mane 6, and performed an impossible physical manoeuvre THREE TIMES, hell I would want everypony to know my name. 

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For me their about the same, but Rarity is a bit higher. Partially because she has serious seniority (first appearing in Gen 1 with Spike) and that she knows what she wants and peruses it relentlessly in spite of her poor location choice (as opposed to Canterlot where she could easily go). People mostly don't like her because she works in fashion, and is material. What people don't understand is that that is art for her, it's not that she's all frilly and frufru, but she is a an artist. She also has been used as an avatar for the creative staff and every free-range artist out there in suited for success.




So, that raps up this discussion.


Also Post #100

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