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Which Pony had it the Worst in Magical Mystery Cure

True Rarity

Which of the Mane 6 had it the Worst?  

109 users have voted

  1. 1. Which of the Mane 6 had the most reason to be sad during Magical Mystery Cure

    • Rainbow Dash! She was about to be eaten by chaotic animals!
    • Fluttershy! When nopony laughs at you, but does at somepony else, it can make you feel pretty awful!
    • Pinkie Pie! Chores are awful, especially if you don't know how to do them, and Pinkie values fun very much!
    • Applejack! Sewing can be difficult, especially for somepony like her. Besides, nopony liked her designs!
    • Rarity! In addition to making everypony else mad, she was in danger of hurting herself and others!
    • Twilight Sparkle! It was her fault, even if she didn't know about it yet, and not knowing things makes her feel really bad!
    • All of them! They all had it bad!

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I think Applejack had it worst. Being forced to do something she hates is horrible and I can't imagine she got any praise for her work. Plus, it made AJ cry. It's pretty damn hard to make her shed tears.





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However, that does add a plot hole. Rarity was never meant to control weather, so unless she used some form of telekinesis, it would show that a unicorn can control things outside of their element.

Well, Twilight once said that "Unicorns have magic relating to his or her cutie mark, but what if one has a cutie mark FOR magic?". It is the first part that matters here. Since Rarity's cutie mark had changed, wouldn't her magical abilities have changed, too?



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Well, Twilight once said that "Unicorns have magic relating to his or her cutie mark, but what if one has a cutie mark FOR magic?". It is the first part that matters here. Since Rarity's cutie mark had changed, wouldn't her magical abilities have changed, too?

Never thought about it that way. Hmm, yes, I think that's possible, and plausible. We didn't see Rarity use any gem-finding magic while she was under the spell, so that makes sense.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

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I feel like Rarity had it the worst. She ended making disasters that gave others frost bite and sun burns. She also could have endangered herself with that as well. On top of that the entire town ended up hating her.

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I don't know. Honestly, they all had it bad, but some had it worse I guess.

Apple Jack didn't really destroy much, but her frustration can be seen...I suppose. Too much of a utilitarian then Rarity who likes design and function, but she's not in HUGE amounts of trouble.

Rainbow Dash was going to get eaten. I think that's quite bad. But one must question why she thought Fluttershy lived with animals. (Not having them OUTSIDE. This excludes the smaller animals.)

Pinkie Pie was destroying  Sweet Apple Acres and running down the business. She would have placed 3 ponies on the street and lose other public foods that are needed. This is REALLY bad.

Fluttershy wasn't helping keeping laughter a float so the town got cranky...which isn't hugely bad, but bad.

Rarity simply can't do the weather. I think THAT'S bad too. 


Out of them all, Rainbow Dash was more urgent, but Rarity killing off ponies by weather and Pinkie making ponies homeless and (to some degree) starved is bad in the long run.




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I say all of them had quite rough in their own way however, out of all the ponies, I would have to say Twilight Sparkle had it worst.


Watching all your friends being out of their element had to be really harsh, and to see everyone in town being miserable because of it had to just make her feel really bad as well.


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They all had it bad. And reading this thread makes it harder to decide who had it the worst because everyone is right, lol.


However, I remember that my initial emotional reaction to Applejack crying was the strongest. It's not because of the dresses, though. It is because, at her core, significantly messing up something that you HAVE to do is detrimental to her spirit. Not being able to get it right is bad for all of them, but for Applejack, whose hard work and determination make it possible for her to accomplish any task that she faces, is completely unable to accomplish anything in her new life. Her core has been shattered, and while that is obviously emotionally hard on all of them, it hits Applejack the deepest.

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe Im just biased and I pity Rarity more than others, but she most definitely had it the worst.


Let me start it off by saying she is homeless, Dashie usually lives on a cloud, something Rarity has no power to actually be able to live on leaving her out on her own stuck in whatever weather pattern is currently in effect, it also doesn't help that she controls the weather and she is just awful at it, meaning she is homeless and stuck outside in ridiculous weather conditions. Finally, at least at the time that MMC took place, Rarity was HATED by the town's people. Yeah, Pinkie can't collect apples, AJ can't make dresses, Rainbow can't control animals (although one may consider it the worst since they are plotting to eat her at some point), and Fluttershy can't keep the town's folk happy, but the most immediate problem is the awful weather, so all their hate will mostly be directed at her, and the fact that FS can't make them happier makes it even worse for Rarity. 


All the ponies had it awful, but Rarity at the time was at the worst position: Homeless, terrible at her job (which in turn makes being homeless even worse), and hated by the entire town, doesn't get worse than that.


This all does go to show how important Rainbow is to the town of course

  • Brohoof 1
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i think that rarity had it the worst i mean the whole weather think would have just been awful and just all the other ponies hatted her for what she had done to the weather. just imagine every body hates you for trying to fix something you don't know how 


that would be pretty depressing 



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All of them had it rough, but I'm gonna have to say Rainbow Dash, since she was about to be eaten alive by tiny animals. So her life was way at stake tongue.png


Rarity would be second, because since her weather control isn't all that great, she could cause dangerous temperatures/weather in Ponyville. So I think both Rarity and Rainbow had it bad, but I also think all of them had it equally rough. 

Edited by Pixiesong
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None of them had a good time that day, but Rarity was at risk of screwing up the entire atmosphere of Ponyville, maybe hurting the ponies, destroying their property, or at least messing up their manes and clothes with bad weather. Which would be the worst possible thing.


I found it odd that, despite having the feeling something was amiss and seeing the consequences of their cutie mark-mandated actions, none of the ponies seemed able to STOP what they were doing. Basically they were reduced to their functions as they understood them with little or no free will. It was kind of a messed up subplot when you think about it, and it contradicted lessons that were suggested earlier on.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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  • 4 weeks later...

It wasn't actually all that bad. They all had some sort of issue with their new job, but it was solved in less than a day. I'd guess in less than an hour. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

It was a huge debate between Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Nonetheless, Rarity wins because not only does she cause weather issues with her work, the implications of Rainbow Dash's cutie mark are immense. How would Rarity become lightning speed with just hooves? She needs wings for that! Rarity would have to grow wings to get everything done!

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I'd probably say Rarity and Pinkie had in the worst.  Rarity had to take a lot of steam from the other townponies who were obviously frustrated at her lack of skill.  Pinkie I felt sorry for by the time the Apple Farm was destroyed.  Running a farm obviously takes a lot of work and when you don't know how to properly execute chores, things can fall to pieces very quickly.


However, it's actually partly Rarity's fault that the Apple Farm crumbled.  Without proper rain and sunshine, plants won't grow.  Duh.  But I can't just pinpoint Rarity on this.  Where were the other weather pegasi?  Tsk tsk.

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  • 10 months later...

I kind of disagree with everyone on Rarity. She probably could have learned to manage the weather properly after a while, and even enjoy the beauty of it.


If the animals really were going to eat Rainbow right then and there, she had it the worst. But I kind of doubt they'd go through with it, and were just trying to communicate to her what they needed, so she probably would have been ok once she learned how to take care of them to some extent.


So I say Fluttershy had it the worst. What was she going to do, all alone in Cloudsdale with a cutie mark that goes completely against her nature?


Pinkie had it pretty bad too, though, since the failure of the farm was probably more Rarity's fault than hers. But her situation is pretty ambiguous since she had the rest of the family to lean on, but we never got to see how they interacted.


And Applejack... I'm not really that sure. I doubt the dress shop would have lasted long, so I'm not sure what she would have done in the long run. Maybe assume her gems meant she was supposed to go back to Manehattan and be fancy after all? Maybe she could figure a way to make it work as a business manager or something, but probably would have been pretty unhappy even if she was successful.


Twilight had it the easiest, since she had the power to fix it, and still had Spike. But I suppose extrapolating it to a non-fixed future like the others, going back to Canterlot, knowing she'd ruined 5 other ponies' lives, would be heavy on the conscience. But Celestia would probably have helped her fix it then. Unless Discord decided to take the opportunity to reclaim power. Then maybe Twilight could have had it the worst.

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I don't see how you can't not say Rarity... controlling the weather in thos world is a pegasus job, not a unicorn's, she was a total fish out of water and could have caused a myriad of natural disasters had the cutie mark problem not have been fixed. :huh:

  • Brohoof 1


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I picked Pinkie because of my Pinkie-bias. 

sig-27460.i2QLbt3.jpgOatmeal, are you crazy?!


"Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie
Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly.

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Rarity...she was thrust into a situation that she had no clue what to do nor did she have any experience doing it, and she has chastised, insulted, and jeered for failing at a task she quite frankly had no place doing nor did she even want to do to begin with.


Poor Rarebear...I felt so bad for her that episode :( The other ponies were really shitty to her...


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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