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Do you love talking about yourself?


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I noticed that I tend to post more in topics that ask about myself. Is anybody else like this?

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I do like to talk about myself when the thing I am talking to understands what I am saying, which doesn't happen often...


But, I do hide myself from the world, so explaining myself just feels so new.

  • Brohoof 1

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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I guess I really like to talk about my interests...Not so much about myself, since I do not like myself very much. If I actually am able to start talking about my different interests or obsessions, then I might actually be able to be social a little. If I talk about myself, I often feel inferior to whoever I am talking to, so I try to avoid that.

  • Brohoof 1


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You bet I do!


But in ways that don't come across as prideful. Instead, as factual and interesting. 


This is because of the many thing I do. 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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Well...not really...I'm kind of boring and uninteresting, so I don't ever have much to say about myself. I guess I like talking about my favorite music, video games, etc., but that's about it.



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Nah, I really hate to talk about myself.  When someone asks me to talk about myself, I just say "Nah, I really don't like to" because I'm not very important and I don't look at myself in the mirror much and the stuff I do isn't all that interesting.  Like, nobody cares about the fact that I'm ranked SR68 in Halo 4, or that I'm 36 years old and that I have six cats and work on computers and stuff.  So yeah, don't enjoy it at all.


</smartass> ;)

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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Not in the slightest.

Even if someone deliberately straight up asks me to tell me what I'm like, I usually choke up as to what should tell them. I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill person with a pretty boring life. Unless I know for a fact that the person I'm talking to shares the same interest, I keep most of my interests kept away. *was kind of hesitant to even post in this thread :|*


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I totally hate talking about myself. In my opinion, there is nothing interesting about me in the slightest to even talk about. The only things I can list about myself are all completely negative that it is better for me not to bring up the topic.



IF is best girl.

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I don't really like to talk about myself. There's just not much to say. I'll answer questions about myself when people ask, but I won't bring up stuff about myself unless it's relevant to what we're talking about. I do like to talk about my interests though, since I like to see if I share any mutual interests with the people I meet.

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I dislike the topic of myself. Especially extremely personal details. I extremely rarely DO discuss them, though. Like my sexuality for instance, the small town I live in probably knows about my sexuality at this point. Unless I am asked, then I will run down nearly everything. (like my "Finding Your Special Somepony" thread, 1600 characters all about myself.)


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Yes and it's a huge weakness. I've actually gotten to the point where I will talk ONLY about myself or ONLY my opinions and anything that doesn't directly involve me tends to go right over my head and I'm fully aware of it and want to stop. I don't want people to think I only care about myself, I've just done so much introspection that I don't see what others are saying or thinking anymore. I need to break out of that shell.




Of course, topics where people list things about themselves, things they like or other such nonsense usually go without people responding. No one wants to read what others have to say, they just want a reason to post their own stuff.

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No, I can't talk about myself because I always feel like I'm boasting and stuff.  I guess my low confidence plays into it.  I am however not afraid to say my thoughts on a subject.

  • Brohoof 2


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No actually I hardly ever talk about myself... I tend to stay quiet well that and I just always look up to others. I am a lot like Fluttershy in that sense if you want to put it that way.


I don't like people who boast a lot or those who put others down to make themselves feel better.



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I do, mostly just because its fun to be able to say I'm hardly a normal person, being Viking obsessed, a fencer with a busted wrist, baker, and a mild artist/writer.

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No, I can't talk about myself because I always feel like I'm boasting and stuff.  I guess my low confidence plays into it.  I am however not afraid to say my thoughts on a subject.


This is exactly how I feel. I like to be talked at by people to be honest, so I love talking to talkative people.


I do however have to reign in my opinions. Sometimes, I just can't hold them in any more and I feel like I overstep the mark (weather what I was saying was good or bad)!

  • Brohoof 1


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I'm open to talking about myself, but I am usually more interested in what others have to say. I already know about myself, I want to know what the other fellows are about to contribute to the conversation. When I do, I try to talk with an air of modesty, it's my natural conversational tone and I dislike feeling like an assertive jerk.


I try to talk with people as if we are always on even ground, the same social group and what not. I sometimes have to break this rule at work and temporarily become a bit of a tyrant, but believe me, my regular voice isn't nearly commanding enough for when I need something done.

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I do have the tendency to talk about myself sometimes and yes, I do have the tendency to go overboard with it. Although I like to listen to others more than talking about myself it happens more than often that I talk about myself. I guess it's some kind of habit I got from talking to myself. I don't even want to put others down or seem arrogant but it just happens and I can't really do anything about it.

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I do consider myself a somewhat interesting person at the very least, so yes, to a limited degree I do like to talk about myself.


But I've always been told that proper conversational etiquette involves focusing on the person you're talking to rather than yourself, so that's what I do. I guess that's for the best, because people always seem flattered that I want to know more about them.


Plus, the less they know about me, the more mysterious I might seem to them. By simply withholding information about myself, I can fool people into thinking I'm more interesting than I really am. img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, yes I do. But I only keep it to myself mainly. I would talk about myself if it was asked by someone else though. I still don't do it much due to my low self esteem though.


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Nope, I hate talking about myself, and I'm not one to brag... Because I don't do a whole lot. The only time I would say something is it I did something I'm proud of, which would probably be a drawing or something. But other than that, I'll probably only say stuff about me if I'm asked.

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