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Confession Time!


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So, here's a few confessions about me:


1. I'm a sadist. 

I enjoy watching other people fail at things, along with boasting, making fun of others, insulting people, and generally being a jerk in order to make me feel better about myself.


2. I have depression and low self-esteem.

I can also be a jerk sometimes, even without meaning to.

I also really hate myself.


3. I like talking to myself, I do it a lot.


4. Sometimes I like to commentate my thoughts and opinions on stuff.


I can't think of anything else, really.

  • Brohoof 1


| Poet, Writer, and artist | Cartoon, anime and Disney lover | Video game lover |

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be." -William Shakespeare
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." - Jimmy Dean


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When my friend tried to take a good picture of me but then after a while said they give up because they can't even find my good angles - I said I was just happy that the photographing was over, but I lied. I actually felt almost like my soul was exiting my body. Metaphorically of course.


Sometimes it takes a while for me to reply to messages because I tend to get socially exhausted and just wait until the feeling passes. Sometimes it doesn't.


I'm actually a bit scared of heights but haven't admitted to anyone except for you guys here now!  :D

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I am starting to question my own sanity. It a few weeks ago when I had (and still have) nightmares frequently. They were really scary and most of the time it ended with me or a close friend dying but for some reason these nightmares never upset me. Then I also realised that scary things have never upset me as long as they cam from my own head. Like, I am making my.own stories since I was six years old but they were never the kind of stories you would expect from a little girl. My stories did involve a lot of magical creatures but most of the time those magical creatures had taken over the world and the humans were being treated as animals. And there was always a lot of kidnapping and random torture and my characters always had stockhold syndrome XD


now I can laugh about how silly those stories were but the fact stays that I was already liking torture and pain and such at a really young age. I shouldn't even know it back then! But nooo, little summer was happily imagining her main characters getting tortured in the most brutal ways.


This is not alright guys! Like seriously, I don't think I'm completely sane :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 4


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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I've been to the dark, f'ed up side of the fandom. I can now say that I hate tumblr (because there's no filters to shield your face from nsfw content). I also love the concept of mlp characters in diapers.

“All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim)

“Say: He is God, who is One. God, the Eternal. He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him.” (Chapter 112, Qur'an)

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When i'm in the field i'll often hide injuries like sprains or dislocations so i don't burden others.

When i go to clubs pubs or parties i'll often pretend to be drunk because i don't like the feeling of being drunk.

I find it really difficult to not talk about the Army all the time since its consumed my life. And i came to this site basically to just embrace the ponyism and talk to people who aren't green.

At some point i was Homeless for 4 months because my family wanted to teach me the value of money so they threw me onto the street.

i once nearly slept with a gay friend because he threatened suicide if i didn't but at the last minute he called it off... that pretty much ended the friendship

i act like i don't care about my drug addicted little sister when in reality i sometimes cry over it because she's not the same person i grew up with and her brain is too damaged to ever be that person again and it kills me to watch scenes with Twilight and Shining Armour because that was exactly how we were once

once at an important ceremonial event i didn't invite my sister she would have brought her druggie boyfriend 

I get mildly annoyed when people say things like "you have had such a hard sad life!" when my mentality is "i know i was there... bitch i'm not crying over it so why are you"   

my legitimate fear is dying alone (as in never having a wife or kids) in an empty house at a great age and no one finding my body for weeks 

hmmmm..... there's more to come.... but for some reason this is slightly therapeutic 



  • Brohoof 1
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I confess... that I am jeallous of girls. There is something about their way of life that... I kinda wish I could have.


Now,I have never, ever liked being a male, it has been a burden through a big part of my life, and when I see what could have been if I was born of the opossite gender... I get bitten by the bug of jealousy, and it makes me wish that I could live like them, be like them, be one of them... I really hate being born as who I am now, to be honest.


It's a weird thing to explain, I'm aware of that, but it's something that roams my mind a lot more than it should do. Sometimes I still think about 'what if...', and I can't help but giggle a little at how different would things be, and how much happier would I possibly be if that was the case.

I don't know what part of their life you wish you had, but for me, I would love the ease of conversation that they have. As a male, if I start a conversation with a girl, I'm typically either 1) shooed away in favor of her (nonsexual, ofc) girlfriends or 2) assumed to be romantically/sexually interested in her. Only if we share a common interest can I get a regular conversation going, for example about a hard piece in band. On the male-to-male side, I find most friendships are built around utility, and serve that purpose (let's go play frisbee). Girl-to-girl, on the other hand, seems more open and they seem to talk about life in general more often. Now, as a male, I'm logical and dislike small talk/chitchat that doesn't do anything useful, and I don't like talking about random stuff as girls typically do, but I'd still like the openness that girls have. It's kinda hard to express.


As an offshoot of that topic, I would add that I envy the social openness that is given them. Girls are more likely to talk openly about sex and other relationship topics, and there are endless support groups for women this and that. Girls have vastly more freedom in clothes and hair (short hair is called "liberating" when worn by girls but when a man has long hair...hippie!) and more ability to play the weak card (I'm just a woman). Funny thing is, they tend to be hypocrites whenever they do that...anyway, I'll stop before I start a feminism debate.


What I'm getting at is that I envy the openness in conversation that girls have. I haven't yet found the male analogue of that. Maybe it's just because I'm not that social in the first place.


Edit: I'm generalizing too much, feel free to ignore this poorly thought out post

Edited by Mingan Muon
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I am really scared of the thought of getting hypnotised. I know that it can't happen if you don't want it to happen but the thought of completely letting go and losing all controle of yourself really frightens me.


But, on the other hand, I would love to try it. Many people say that it's really nice and relaxing and stuff and not scary at all. I am still scared of it but I also want to try it... It's weird.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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I confess that... I had three cookies last week. OMG three. whole. cookies. I have moved myself away from sugar so much after my oboe teacher told me what sugar can do (and how it might relate to a medical issue I'm dealing with that I really need to go away).


But I haven't had even a sip of pop in over a month. Yay.

  • Brohoof 2

Everything needs more woodwind!

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My Physio said if i NEED to run, that i should keep it below 3km for two weeks. then he'll re-assess what i can do. 

I did 5km any way, and another 3km on the treadmill at the gym.


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Something like this?




Or do you mean tooth decay, in which case I'm wondering why your oboe teacher is looking at your teeth. :wacko:


Well, it certainly is nice that I'm able to play my instrument more freely now that I drink only water/unsweetened sparkling water. But it's not that, nor is it my teeth. It's something a bit more embarrassing. >.<


My teacher is a very neat person who has done so much for me, she's treated me like family.

  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I can't stand animals, I do not hate them but I see them as too annoying, I just feel like taking care of them isn't worth it for all the problems they give you, I also find them all to be disgusting. They piss and shit everywhere. I totally hate seeing them harmed and I would take for a dog as much as I could if I had to, since I really hate any one suffering, which is why it frustrates me when I see so many dog owners being utterly irresponsible with their dogs. I see people walk the dog in public places without a leash, thinking that this is somehow ok. Collars and leashes aren't that expensive, if you bought a dog you surely can make an invesment into those things, not every bystander is going to trust your dog not to bite them, they shouldn't. If any of you are reading this and you are taking dogs for walks without any leashes on, ever, even though there are other dogs and people around, don't. Just don't.


I also frankly disagree with the notion some people sem to have that dog can serve as a good compaionship,I guess it might work for some people, but it absolutely can't work for me. It cannot replace a human being. I just can't properly value a companion ship with an animal compared to that of a person, yet some people go as far to put animals above some human beings, I just don't understand this one and never will.

  • Brohoof 1


It's something I have to do. I was there, too. Before everything else

I was like you

I won't let you fall apart.

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When I was a kid , I once shoplifted a pair of double A batteries from a grocery by accident, I meant to put it in my pocket so I would pay for it....but somehow I just forgot and I only found out after I got home. I was so scared of police barging into my house to arrest me that I buried them and told noone O_O 

Edited by Vulcan
  • Brohoof 5


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I confess... that I am jeallous of girls. There is something about their way of life that... I kinda wish I could have.


Now,I have never, ever liked being a male, it has been a burden through a big part of my life, and when I see what could have been if I was born of the opossite gender... I get bitten by the bug of jealousy, and it makes me wish that I could live like them, be like them, be one of them... I really hate being born as who I am now, to be honest.


It's a weird thing to explain, I'm aware of that, but it's something that roams my mind a lot more than it should do. Sometimes I still think about 'what if...', and I can't help but giggle a little at how different would things be, and how much happier would I possibly be if that was the case.


I've got to confess that I actually feel the same way, except I like being a male. It's just that sometimes... and just sometimes, I also wish I was a girl. I even crossdress at times (when I'm alone)  :please:


Yeh... feels good to confess.


Septa Unella disagrees though.





  • Brohoof 7


Eeyup... this signature was made by: @Sparkle Speed

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When I was a kid , I once shoplifted a pair of double A batteries from a grocery by accident, I meant to put it in my pocket so I would pay for it....but somehow I just forgot and I only found out after I got home. I was so scared of police barging into my house to arrest me that I buried them and told noone O_O 

You awful person.  Why aren't you behind bars where you belong?


I've never shoplifted before (accidentally or otherwise), but I've been accused of shoplifting.  My mother and I were at some crappy store in the town where we used to live, and some dumb ass who worked there stopped us with the claim that, "Someone saw you put something into your purse."  My mom DID put something in her purse; a notepad that she brought from home.  With stuff written on it.  Because, and I know this might mystify a really stupid employee at a crappy store, women keep various objects in their purse sometimes.


So my mom was made to open her purse and show the contents (don't f****** ask someone's mom to do that if you've a shred of decency), and then the ass hat had the NERVE to turn to me.  Okay, okay; some very paranoid and / or misguidedly civic-minded individual gave you bad information.  But you're gonna accuse me based on...  What?  Guilt by association?  After you've been proven wrong about my mom?  I lifted up my shirt far enough to reveal my pockets, which were both turned out already.  My mom, by the way, was pissed; I mostly remember my heart pounding and urging my mom to just leave the place with me.  That's the part that makes me angriest, I think: I reacted as though I HAD done something wrong, even though I hadn't.  I hope that store went out of business.  Or mysteriously collapsed into a crater while no one was there.

I even crossdress at times (when I'm alone)  :please:

Well who doesn't, nowadays? x )  I've technically cross dressed in public.  But it wasn't anything most people would have noticed; stuff like colorful ladies' socks.  And I used to paint my nails rainbow colors.  I only stopped the latter because I really, really sucked at it, and it turned out to be inconvenient.

Edited by Ziggy and Angelbaby
  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Sometimes I'll visit other users' profile page, but I'll go incognito if I feel like I've viewed their page too many times in... a day or a few days :l .


Or in a few hours :adorkable:. It's usually because I want to see a higher quality pic of their avatar.

Edited by 95-Wolf
  • Brohoof 3


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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I always feel that people in here secretly hated me soooo much,that they just wanted to abandon me someday! D: I always wanted to cry like everyday ;-;

Nuu don't feel that way D: . But I guess you don't feel that way anymore, I assume :adorkable:.


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Sometimes I wear some certain shirts on backwards because that helps me feel less asymmetrical. I have my weird reasons.  :rarity:


On some occasions I also tend to log into Skype and make my status invisible so it looks as if I was offline. I do that to escape socialization during those times when I just want to talk to one person.

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When people first meet/greet me in Russian and I stumble to even say the very little Russian I know, I feel as though I have already disappointed them. 

It's not too often, but it still happens. 

  • Brohoof 4






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When people first meet/greet me in Russian and I stumble to even say the very little Russian I know, I feel as though I have already disappointed them. 

It's not too often, but it still happens. 

Nonsense you are Russian! you have Cyrillic in your tag! all gopniks are Russian, blin!


i really have to stop watching life of boris...  

Edited by idunnomaybe
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