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If you were to be a tree, what type of tree would you be?

Teh Silly Luna

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So I was getting bored here, and noticed how on the new banner, there are trees behind Lightning Dust. I was thinking of trees for a second, and starting a new topic at that time, and I was wondering...


What type of tree would you be if you were a tree. 


I do believe that I would be a Maple tree, for the matter that they would be reliable, and they are used a lot in yards and in anonymous places. (For example: forests/woods)


Also, I would love to be a tree.


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I'd be a Bonzai tree. You get to be in important offices and get lots of attention and grooming.


Plus someone could put a hamster next to it and enact a film about giant hamsters attacking the world.

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Oh my gosh, why didn't I think of that, Dilarus! Either way it was your idea, and you could actually be a secret agent Bonzai tree from the planet Tennet, getting news from the office to send to David Tennet to have him analyze it and get to earth to discover that he is really the Doctor....


Sorry, just REALLY bored and making such stories up off the top of my mind.

i think i would be a willow tree. not very big or impressive ar anything. but very adjustable to diffrent situations and very bendy too.

Bendy, as in the marvelous Bending Bender Rodriguez? The famous robit from Futurama who's famous quote is "Kill all Humans?" Seems completely legit on my part.


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I would be... a mutant tree with hyper intelligence and able to shoot lasers at will, intent on TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! I'd also be able to regenerate from just a tiny portion of my body so destroying my utterly is very hard.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I would, become a Birch Tree~ even if my bark is covered with mold... An round branch would be used for mares to sit on & my leaves would have good shade.

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I would be... a mutant tree with hyper intelligence and able to shoot lasers at will, intent on TAKING OVER THE WORLD!!! I'd also be able to regenerate from just a tiny portion of my body so destroying my utterly is very hard.

So what you are mainly saying is that you would like to become a Tree Ent that shoots lasers and has the will to take over the world and regeneration from a tiny seed or any other part of your body?

I would, become a Birch Tree~ even if my bark is covered with mold... An round branch would be used for mares to sit on & my leaves would have good shade.

Just mares, why not stallions? You're a gender neutral tree, you're not generally a male or female, just a tree that supplies things.


Why not stallions, but just mares? You sure are a weird person!

  • Brohoof 1


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So what you are mainly saying is that you would like to become a Tree Ent that shoots lasers and has the will to take over the world and regeneration from a tiny seed or any other part of your body?

Pretty much. Why be a boring tree when you could have FUN?


Plus, you know, the evil part. I could never settle for being a good tree.


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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Well, I would be an Elm tree because in Harry Potter, my wand is made of Elm wood. But, I really don't know anything about the Elm Tree....


K bye.


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Pretty much. Why be a boring tree when you could have FUN?


Plus, you know, the evil part. I could never settle for being a good tree.

Well, lawful evil pretty much means that you bend the law in however you want to, and not be caught, but Chaotic Evil means that you can do whatever the hell you pretty much want and not give 2 shits about it later. XD

Well, I would be an Elm tree because in Harry Potter, my wand is made of Elm wood. But, I really don't know anything about the Elm Tree....


K bye.

Well, that's a fine "how do ya do!" do a fellow mate feeling extremely bored and not doing anything but this to entertain myself in the mean time my ex gets here....


Sad times we live in here Bill.

  • Brohoof 1


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I'd like to be a Picea abies. A long lifespan while decent looking. (if I can hide from IKEA)




I'd be a Bonzai tree. You get to be in important offices and get lots of attention and grooming.


Or that you are doomed to live as a miniature tree with every trying growth met with human love for nature and subtle aesthetics while stopping you from growing altogether with their scissors and chemicals. Caged for eternity. Especially considering that a bonsai can live for more than 100 years.

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Maple tree for sure! 


Not only because they look really nice, but the fact that they are a big part of Canada's culture (I'm Canadian) we have the leaf on our flag, which is awesome, so that'd be my choice.




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So what you are mainly saying is that you would like to become a Tree Ent that shoots lasers and has the will to take over the world and regeneration from a tiny seed or any other part of your body?

Just mares, why not stallions? You're a gender neutral tree, you're not generally a male or female, just a tree that supplies things.


Why not stallions, but just mares? You sure are a weird person!

Stallions, don't usually sit on branchs of trees~ they lay on the ground... Because' mares are gonna be the workers that alway's force their anger on bucking a tree- even if {Birch would drop nuts}

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An Evergreen tree, i'm beautiful lookin' and Evergreen trees remind me of Christmas, which is my favorite holiday plus, I don't lose my leaves at the same time.

It never gets old 'cause it's comedy gold.

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I'd be an Evergreen tree. Then I could always be greener than the other trees all day, while they're dying. I could gloat to them, too. :3


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I would be a plain fat ugly tree of some kind because it perfectly describes what I am. 


I'm a fucking genius, if I do say so myself. Lmao. .-.

with skinny red mushrooms, on your trunk? can I be one of those mushrooms??? {kabel the fungus is on NMM the sneaky tree in everfree}

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a majestic redwood because it is one of the oldest recorded living things on earth and as such must have witnessed the ages of time.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll take whatever Fluttershy's having.


No, I'd want to be a maple tree, or a venus flytrap (does that count?), or maybe, uh, a tree that grows where beavers aren't.

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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