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gaming What is your favorite FPS of all time

Walter White

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 Time Splitters 2:


It takes a lot of work to make an engaging game that doesn't take itself too seriously, that can still have some SERIOUSLY eerie moments.


Oh, and the chasm team deathmatch versus low level computers is hilarious.

  • Brohoof 1
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Call of Duty 4. I could never really get into a multiplayer shooter before that one, and to its credit, it still holds up very well.


I still find it a ton of fun to play a large game of team deathmatch on Crossfire, I still love kicking ass with the UAV in the air, it's still incredibly satisfying to drop an enemy from a window with my M4. It's a game with loads of staying power, and one that I come back to whenever I need a good multiplayer match.


Now if we're talking exclusively for single player, then it's an even tie between Fallout 3 and New Vegas, with the original Bioshock right behind them.

  • Brohoof 1

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


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Doom. all of the classic Doom engine games, but mostly the classic Doom series. great amount of re-playability, great amount of source ports and support for technical oddities, HUGEST AMOUNT EVER of mods that makes the game constantly feel fresh in some way, graphically it's a classic, so is the music... for the most part.


it's just a perfect game. there will be other great games available, sure, but Doom stands the test of time constantly.

  • Brohoof 3




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Without a doubt....




What other game has its own yearly convention? Call of Duty doesn't. Halo doesn't. But Quake does.


And that's why it dominate the Earth along with Truxton.


I have a copy of Doom 3 just sitting on my shelf...is it worth playing?


I'd say so. While it gets a bit repetitive after a while, it's still a solid game. :3

Edited by ReGen
  • Brohoof 5


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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I'm the kind of person who likes a challenge in his gameplay. Bullet drop and travel are both very nice mechanics, I want to see more games that offer wind deflection and bullet shrapnel.


I assume the sniper role in games, whether it is watching over an urban area 50 meters away or picking off targets at over 1000 meters away.


As far as my favorite games :


1 : Day Z (ARMA II)

2 : PlanetSide 2

3 : Half-Life 2

  • Brohoof 1
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Without a doubt....




What other game has its own yearly convention? Call of Duty doesn't. Halo doesn't. But Quake does.


This, by a long shot, this!

I love other games, including Doom and such, but Quake is where real DM began, and Quake 2 is where it took flight.

If it weren't for Q2 we wouldn't have, team fortress, and Half Life and so on.

Its the engine that other games were built upon, and the game which set the standard for MP and SP in its time (before Unreal took the SP title away in a sort of stealthy move.... so many missed that though...)

Its mods also spawned new games, and began the FPS revolution!

oh god the mods.. i miss them soooo damned much..


Jailbreak, Weapons of destruction, jailbreak, action Quake, Gloom,Team Fortress, weapons fortress, Lithium... damn the list goes on..


After Q2 died down and Q3A and UT99 took over things nose dived.. games got bigger and better looking, but the mods began to die thanks to cheaters causing the developers to need crap like locked down skins and additional file matching. Then servers began getting "sponsored" more heavily by companies and custom maps slowly died off as no one used them... 

Without any way to use custom skins/maps.. well... the scene is a mere shadow of what it was :(

Now most games... just aren't the same.. what was once an awesome way to have fun and socialize is monopolized by private parties, or company controlled crap....   :angry:


Some good'uns still exist i admit. LOVE me some ArmA or Red Orchestra 2 for that tactical fix, or Halo/BF3 for the more wild and whacky runs. The way many modern titles that have in game browsers handle servers with convoluted browsers that either don't tell you if its modded or not, let alone what the mod is if it does... kinda takes the fun away sometimes.

Makes me miss Gamespy 3D, it listed all that info up front....


Literally they're designing them for consoles now too.. so they've gone from these nicely laden games with tons of things to see/do, and lotsa guns, down to... 2-3 guns and way to much emphasis on reality based crap thats either straight arcade, or pretends to have realism masked in its arcade design....




Gotta say though my fave weapon of all time in any FPS is the Drunken Missile from Rise of the Triad :)

crazy missiles going all over the place! :)

Edited by GrimCW
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For me it is a tie between Wolfenstein 3D and Goldeneye for the N64 both of which had some rather disappointing remakes now that I think about it. Wolfenstein 3D had you killing nazi's before it started to become a cliche and of course was amazing for its time and still holds up well today and Goldeneye is easily one of the best movie based games I ever played. 

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I don't play a lot of FPS games, but the game that I enjoy the most would have to be Team Fortress 2. It is such a simple game but completely addicting. My favorite class in the game would have to be the Medic, hands down!


A close second for me would have to be Borderlands. It was fun but it was incredibly challenging to get all the trophies including DLC.

  • Brohoof 1
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Bioshock Inifite is not only my favorite FPS of all time, but also my favorite game.  My last favorite FPS was Halo: Combat Evolved, so it took twelve year for another FPS to take the crown.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is going to sound strange, but.....



This is just for standard shooter games of course. This game looks really nice and also has really nice mechanics/gun play. Probably the most fun I have ever had killing mutant monsters except for maybe GoW. The kills are just so satisfying. 


Honorable mention goes out to Bioshock Infinite. It had a solid story and looked really nice. I felt it was lacking a little bit in the mechanics/ gun play though. Kills were satisfying of course, just felt a little ridged with the guns. 


Another honorable mention goes out to the Halo franchise. Can't really pick just one, although ODST is at the bottom. Halo is just so fun, I could play the multiplayer for hours.


Another honorable mention goes out to Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Solid game, such an underrated jewel.

Edited by Dark Moon
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This is going to sound strange, but.....



This is just for standard shooter games of course. This game looks really nice and also has really nice mechanics/gun play. Probably the most fun I have ever had killing mutant monsters except for maybe GoW. The kills are just so satisfying. 


Honorable mention goes out to Bioshock Infinite. It had a solid story and looked really nice. I felt it was lacking a little bit in the mechanics/ gun play though. Kills were satisfying of course, just felt a little ridged with the guns. 


Another honorable mention goes out to the Halo franchise. Can't really pick just one, although ODST is at the bottom. Halo is just so fun, I could play the multiplayer for hours.

Bulletstorm is awesome but i don't know if they are going to make another one. I think they should cause its a fun game to play and the characters are funny.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 2 weeks later...

For nostagia I'd have to say halo2

for sheer perfection on near all accounts I'm gonna say team fortress2.

There. Gimmie a reason why I'm wrong.

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Any of the serious sam games Bar serious sam 2, that was awful and Fallout New Vegas, absolutely loved new vegas. Oh and bulletstorm was pretty epic as well. Steve Blum=Mancrush <3

Edited by QuirkyUsername


This adorable ball of glorious fluff that is my avatar is the creation of the glamorous Laika

Hey so Johari

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  1. far cry 3..... (see my name for why)

half life 

Call of Duty (the original)

Call of Duty world at war

Battlefield Bad company 2

half life 2

  • Brohoof 2

(Really cool signature)

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With out a doubt, there are 3 games that pop into my mind. First off, Halo 2, by far the best multiplayer experience ever, and just a ton of fun to play!



Secondly, Bioshock, what a fantastic game, amazing visuals, engaging story, and great atmosphere, a pinnacle of it's time!




and Call of Duty 2 Big Red One, not the most well know CoD ever, but this is the first one made by Treyarch. This one has a great campaign, and some of the best characters I have had the pleasure of playing with! A really under rated gem!




  • Brohoof 4



A Jungler and Support by trade 

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    I'm going to have to choose Team Fortress 2 as my favorite FPS game of all time. It is such a fun game with nice, and smooth cartoon like graphics that look more fresh to me than other some other FPS's. The gameplay is super balanced and I believe each class can be super fun. My favorite class is the medic, killing with the ubersaw is so satisfying. The trading system keeps the game interesting and the hat's add to the very comedic appeal of the game. I have also spent a lot of money on it!


    Fallout 3 comes at a close second, and Call of Duty: World at War at third.

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3. Call of Duty MW3 (I don't know why I liked this game so much. I just really enjoyed the campaign.)

2. Portal 2 (A portal gun counts as a gun. You shoot it. It's an FPS)

1. Fallout 3 (I love this game! I have been addicted ever since I got it 2 months ago.)


Honorable Mentions

Star Wars Battlefront

COD: Black Ops

Pokemon Snap (I loved this game! Thank you Celtore for reminding me that this is indeed an FPS)

Edited by Super Derpy
  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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Oh come on, no Pokémon Snap yet?


It was a really fun game that i really wish nintendo would make a sequel to. Only 63 of the original 151 pokemon were in the game if I remember correctly, imagine what they could do now with the wii U or 3DS with 649 (soon more) at their disposal. I mean sure, it was a bit odd at points ("Isn't this Pikachu on a stump!?), but I loved the concept of just going around taking pictures.of pokemon.

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I'm going with Battlefield 2. It was fun C4 trolling the D flag on Gulf of Oman (8v8 variant). Every time the enemies tried to take it back, one click of the detonator and the enemies blasted off to infinity and beyond.

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