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Are children spoiled these days?

Sugar Pea

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I would also say that I am pretty messed up myself, but not in the same way as others. People between 16 and 9 are the worst in my area, (smoking is waaaay to common in my area) luckily me and my friends have stayed away so far, but it may be a problem later on. (people on my age dreams about being lazy at home all life, It makes me sick)

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I agree with this so much.. It's sad to see the younger generations now having everything sugar coated for them. When I was their age I was sent to bed at the right time. Even when the days seemed shorter I could see my friends playing outside while the sun was still up and I was then in bed. I didn't have any iphones or laptops or any contact with anyone online.


I was on a train one day, surrounded by children of the ages 11-13 they all had iphones, completely blanking eachother and giving the odd chuckle now and then because either one of them had posted or sent something 'hilarious'. They were acting as if they were higher than anyone else. Which is sad really.


Makes me sad when I also hear children as young as 12 are going out, getting drunk and doing drugs... and worst of all losing their virginity. It's absolutely sickening!

  • Brohoof 3
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Most definitely yes. Parents leave their children to be raised by the Internet and the various gadgets you can use to access it, and they wonder why so many kids act the way they do. If their stuff is broken they can just go to mommy and cry to get another one, I on the other hand can't. If my computer's broken, it's gone for good, we can't afford another one.


And of course these iWhateverthefuckyouwannacallthem are giving me a headache. All I'd need a phone for is to...hmm CALL PEOPLE?

I don't use f*ckbook, twitter or any of this because everyone should only know as much about me as I tell them. There's no privacy in the world these days, and soon we're gonna have pregnant women shove iPhones up their hole because the kid's gonna have to learn how to use it as early as possible.

Edited by Zacharias
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I personally think that it isn't just this generation that was spoilt, it was the last one as well, which is why children of today are spoilt.


You try telling the people of today that, and they won't believe you.

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Yes I am, I got into college with my own apartment. Quickly I learned there are chores that I need to do. Wash Dishes, get smog checked, vacuum, etc. A lot of people my age are really messy because they never learned to clean up after themselves. 

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Some children are barely even spoiled and have to work their entire behinds off to get something they want. Then there are others that can get whatever they want, as long as they beg long enough.

It is just that it seems like the children these days are spoiled and are more common then said the past. Or does it? I mean the bad things tend to stick longer then the good things. Its how our mind works.

Are the children being more spoiled then said ten or twenty years ago? Or is it just our mind tricking us to thing that there are more spoiled children then years ago. Now I'm not necessarily saying the children these days are not spoiled. The children are being spoiled. Now thats not what I'm getting at, what I am getting at is are they spoiled more then say ten or twenty years ago? Probably not. The reason why the children these days are being spoiled is due to technology. With these new things, its bound for the parents to spoil them with these things. To shower them with the gifts the parents themselves never recieved.

Are the children these days spoiled?


In my personal opinion.

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Kids under the age of 12 are spoiled these days, I mean a 10 year old getting an iPhone 5? Isn't it a bit to much?


So gadgets like that are more available to the public. Really, why is this such a surprise?


At least we know how our parents felt when computers and mobile phones came out. Get with the times, man. 

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As I told to all my friends, technology is the worst thing. It's slowly destroying the mankind. We are loosing all social interaction. When you walk on the streets, everyone is looking at their phones, even while driving. This is just terrible.


And it hurts everyone, from kids to old people, it is destroying the economy. People doesn't go to stores anymore, they buy stuff from the internet. Cinemas are empty, everyone is downloading videos on the internet. Music artists can't make money sine everyone is downoading the music from itunes. (Apple steal the money from the artists...) So now it's hard to find a job...


I just hope one day that all the internet and cellphones disappear, just like that. It's not only kids, it's the whole world who is spoiled.

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I agree that children (and teens) today are spoiled, but it's not technology's fault. They become spoiled because their parents just give them shiny toys whenever they ask for it. No effort or time required on the part of the child. Mommy and daddy will get it for you. For my part, I was spoiled a bit until I turned 12. Then both my parents told me that if I wanted stuff, I needed to work for it. I earned the tv in my room, my own laptop, my ipod, cell phone, every concert I've ever been to and every trip I've ever been on. Some I payed for myself, either in part or in full. That's what kids today need. When they hit a certain age (up to debate, but I say 10-13) they need to be cut. If they want something, they need to earn it, not stomp around the house or complain to their friends on facebook using their parents computer.

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I don't think the comments people make about phones makes any sense. Nearly every American owns a cell phone now, certainly more than when we were all kids. Using technology doesn't mean you're spoiled. It just means you're learning it at an early age - an important thing, considering how much technology they will have to learn eventually.


It could also be a sign of helicopter parents, worried about their kids to the point that they always need to know where they are and how they're doing.



I feel that you're looking at it from a "what is it doing to the world as I know it" standpoint. That's the issue I see with many who share your view - technology isn't hurting society, it's just changing it. For example, printed book authors suffer at the hands of the internet, but if they adapt and publish their works online, they'll find there's actually no problem at all.


So yes, the internet is taking away things the real life world was in charge of, but the core things, like authors and artists, directors and producers, aren't going anywhere. The main reason they seem to suffer is because they haven't yet adapted to technology and its opportunities.


However, I do agree that piracy is an issue. I've heard that "Pay What You Want" pricing has been doing well when tested on games, but I don't know enough of the topic to give it anything more than a mention.


As a scanlator, I'm most familiar with manga and its internet scanlation copyright issues. There's something of interest I've noticed in that area. Webcomics are rising in popularity. Not only are they published online, but the authors/artists themselves see what the fan translators do. They sometimes even reach out to the translators and request that they stop after a certain number of chapters, because it's against their company policy otherwise. And the translators politely obey.


Not only that, but some translators even work with the creators to script plugins that allow the translations to overlay on top of the original Korean text. Therefore, translations can continue because the webcomic stays on the company's site, and the creators get paid more because they now have English-speaking readers upping their view counts.


This ended up way longer than planned...My point is that the internet can be beneficial if society can adapt to it. New technology always takes away something else. We gave up exceptional memory for the ability to read and write. There were once many people opposed to literacy. We're always wary of change; now that we are literate, I doubt many want to exchange it for a better memory. I agree that relying on technology for everything is bad for the survival of our species, but using it as a tool to improve our life sounds plenty reasonable to me.

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I personally agree with you on the matter that most children these days are definitely over-spoiled. I would sometimes just casually walk around the neighborhood and the local city to see kids...no older than fives years, playing with their ipads and iphones. I kind of find it a little creepy to be honest.


Let me just explain my view point on technology since it's relevant to what we're discussing here.


It seems with each newer generation, the technology becomes increasingly more affordable, common, and mundane to more of the younger kids. They are surrounded by technology that we have never experienced or seen when we were that young. It seems unusual but interesting as far as getting the general idea of how technology's role in society is growing and becoming more of an influence in our daily lives.


The big issue though is that it can take away time from the things that really matter. Friends, family, going outside, having fun, and exploring! Those used to be all the great stuff kids loved to enjoy back in the 50s and 70s era. Now in days, I agree with most of you here, technology has indeed become much of a distraction.


But it does have a good side to it. It's the reason we are here right now, chatting, and connection with one another. It's the very reason this fandom exists pretty much. The internet, if used rightly, has one of the best things to offer, and that is communication.


Now, that is if it is used "rightly."


Back to the matter of how spoiled children are these days, it's definitely a little bothering to see. Kids that seem to get their way, get whatever they want by simply asking/whining their ass off for it, and their parents would usually carelessly give in to their arbitrary needs.


It could be because of a number of factors, one of which can be family issues and poor parenting. Either way, I do know that most of these overly spoiled kids, at least from my perspective, usually have an arrogant mindset. It's understandable though, considering how easy life has appeared to be for them. But I'll feel sorry for them once they get older and realize that life isn't really easy and to get what you want is nothing like what their parents made it seem like for them.


So when your parents put their foot down and refuse to get what you want...trust me...it's for you good. I had to learn that and thankfully it's made me a better and more patient person. 


So yeah. :P

Edited by Sanderspie
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I agree 100%. These days, I see nothing but disrespect coming from younger kids and it honesty shocks and bothers me. I can understands that with more advances in technology, come kids wanting them. But I don't think that's a good enough excuse for not teaching your child respect, patience and kindness.


I can understand wanting to give your kids what you never had as a child.

But in the rush to do this.

Parents forget forget to give their kids something far important thing.

They forget to give them what they DID have,

What showed and instilled their virtues.

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From the way I see it, yes a little bit.

I have been seeing children with expensive phones lately, like my cousin, 8 years old and has a Iphone,

I had to wait until 7th to get a flip phone, and 10th to get a galaxy.


Not to mention the way my cousins act to their parents, I would've never even imagined acting that way because I knew I would get my ass beat lol


But I guess that proves nothing, just is a opinion towards the matter.

Edited by Dirty Dan
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Children being spoiled!!?? Have you seen some of the children in Africa, or the Favela's in India? They are starving to death, and ding from aids. If you re talking america, that is totally based off family wealth, this generation has an absurd amount of technology easily available to anyone, including kids. I think the quality of character from kids now a days in America is bucked. My little brother wont even touch a worm, he is 5, when i was 5 i was either in the woods catching snakes or riding my bike or playing Pokemon. Now they sit and attend to social media all day.

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Children being spoiled!!?? Have you seen some of the children in Africa, or the Favela's in India? They are starving to death, and ding from aids. If you re talking america, that is totally based off family wealth, this generation has an absurd amount of technology easily available to anyone, including kids. I think the quality of character from kids now a days in America is bucked. My little brother wont even touch a worm, he is 5, when i was 5 i was either in the woods catching snakes or riding my bike or playing Pokemon. Now they sit and attend to social media all day.

Of course i'm talking children in America, or in other countries that get stuff off a silver platter these days...that's kinda stretching what i'm trying to say, i'm not saying that people in any of those places who are suffering are spoiled. :/

Not will I ever say anything like that towards those poor kids.

Edited by Nature Of Fluttershy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I don't like to generalize, especially when I am of the "Childrens" generation possibly considering i'm a teenager.


However while not all of them are spoiled, there are a good bit who are just handed everything.


I personally don't really find myself spoiled, I really don't ask for much, even if my parents give me my own money to deal with my own stuff i wanna buy, but still.


I mean my parents gave me money for my band trip to DC, and all i bought were the essentials, food, and drinks really. I came back with half of the money still. 


I'm a pretty conservative spender, same as my father, hes very iffy about buying things, he waits and thinks it over a long time before buying it.


I'm the same way, i don't like impulse buying and rarely do it, and i also don't like being broke.


And since all the things i get are out of my own pockets, i don't consider myself spoiled really.


However there are plenty of children that i think are spoiled, i mean in my honest opinion i don't think a 5 year old should have his own Ipod, or ipad.. Its just like something so likely to break, and quite expensive for a 5 year old.


Plus there are people my age who get everything, some of them don't even do anything for it.


I didn't get my 1st gen Ipod touch till i was like 11 or 12. and i saved my money up for it, so i think i deserved it.


So besides Christmas, my parents don't really hand stuff to me.


And i will do the same with my children, give them money bi weekly or monthly, and let them handle it, of course in the beggining i will assist them, but I think its important to learn how to handle money without just buying anything you want. Otherwise once you are on your own you won't have any money, and you mostlikely won't be able to have your parents supporting all the stuff you want.


Now don't get me wrong, i will reward my kids still, and especially when they're young and probaly not old enough to handle money i might buy them some stuff, but i'm not handing them everything they want.


I think my rewards will all be actual rewards, not just gifts given for no reason.


And again the vast majority of the things i plan on having my children get will be out of their own pockets. well out of mine, but its their monthly allowance or whatever.


But yes, sadly some children are spoiled, however i do know many who aren't and i am not myself, which is why I don't want to generalize it.

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I know of a lot of Chinese children (age 8, 9, 10) who get to have their own tablet for playing games when they're going out with their families to eat! All I had was Legos! Even then, we didn't have as many as many other children! In fact, as kids, we'd often play with chopsticks and forks and come up with ridiculous stories about them!


Don't worry, I'm not saying all children are spoiled. I'm saying there's an increasing prevalence of that.

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I'm not sure who to blame here, but there's definitely a problem. The world, and the technology in it, has changed quite a lot, but the parenting techniques haven't quite caught up yet. Honestly, one possible way to get a kid to turn out okay is to keep them away from technology as much as you can.


On another note, one thing I notice about many parents: About a hundred times a day, they will tell their kid what NOT to do. Okay...but what SHOULD they do? If they're accompanying you on the subway, or out with you in public, it's unrealistic to expect them to constantly walk alongside you, look straight ahead, and never do anything. Heck, it would be unrealistic to ask that of any PERSON - and children are particularly curious.

Often, a parent's solution is some form of technology - video games, television, etc. I'd really like it if we could find more tasks kids could enjoy, though - LEGOs were a great one.

Of course, yet another issue is the lack of time most parents have - heck, most PEOPLE have. America somehow runs on a fast-paced clock while much of the rest of the world is able to move at a more laid-back pace, and in some places they even tend to go home for their lunch break.

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Yep. I think kids today are very spoiled ( and close minded ) because of a couple of reasons.

One reason is lack of RESPECT. Kids these days do pretty much everything behind their parents back and if told to do something by their parents like work for example even if it's a simple task but they if they ask their parents for anything, they expect to get it. Another reason kids are spoiled is the society kids have been growing up in. Kids today are taught that they do not have to work to work to get rewarded so they think that if they just participate they will get a (trophy) for example. Kids today are also taught that if they comply with society's current rules they will be rewarded with popularity so if they follow bad examples and role models in society that are rude, lazy, spoiled and more they will get those bad traits which is why I think that kids and everypony is general should be more open minded and not follow things that the mainstream media pushes constantly and look for people who actually work hard and and put their own time into things and maybe, just maybe people would be less spoiled and work for their things instead of making others get things for them. I think kids should enjoy the simple things like the things they already have and family and friends because they are lucky to have have what they already have.

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Yeah I'd say there are quite a few spoiled kids out there. 

Ive also seen  alot of what I consider "Bad Parenting" where I look and have to ask myself "Why is the parent letting that happen/doing that."  Small Thing I've seen are:


- Giving small child soda in their bottle... yes i'm talking about a baby bottle.

- Letting their kids run rampant unsupervised areound the store. playing with/breaking whatever they want.  while the parent shops.

- Feeding thier kids food that they have yet to purchase.  I see this as bad parentling cause it sets a bad examlpe of "you do have to pay for it first or at all"  I feel bad for the cashirs when they are handed half an apple or a banana peal to ring up.

- I could go on but that is my top 3.


As for me growing up. 

I worked for and bought my own NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2.  All used (except PS2) with my own earned money. Yes I was actually happy to be working when I hit 17 so I could buy my own stuff.  


Sorry about the spelling I guess its getting late for me. Time for bed lol.

Edited by ShadowRose2k
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Anymore spoiled than they used to be? I don't see why kids can't enjoy these things either. If teens are getting all these electronics, then why shouldn't kids? I don't think the problem is that kids have them, I think the problem is that parents aren't making sure their kids are mature enough to be on the internet or are handling these electronics correctly. I believe that if they can treat their property properly and know all about internet safety, it's fine.


I think kids are just as entitled to anything as we are because they are also people but they should be punished if they act out. Yes, they are kids and don't know how to behave but should we really try and take away such freedoms from them? Just make sure they're safe and are learning. It's okay to spoil them a bit too. 

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:o is that even a question?? heck yeah i think they are! i've seen 8 year olds playing on iPads and iPhones and the like. back when i was their age, i was lucky to get a few bucks for trading cards. everything is handed to them on a silver platter. go ahead and rant on me if you disagree. i just feel like this generation is deprived of so much.

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Are Children Spoiled these days?
Heck yes.

My friend in a way is spoiled. She has a dog *Not a big deal XD* But she has like 3-4 computers, and one time, her Iphone4 broke, the next day, she got an Iphone5.

I know its not really a big deal, but come on! In my opinion, she is spoiled.

She usually gets whatever she wants.

*EDIT* But, the children that are starving to death, and are poor and have barley anything, are not spoiled, and need hugs, food, warmth, ect

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