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Stupid things you did


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When I was about 12 I went to Alton Towers (a popular british theme park) and I went on this terrifying ride called Nemesis Subterra, and part of the ride is when you have to run through pitch black while people in gas masks jump out at you trying to scare you.

So all these sirens were going off and I couldn't see and this guy jumped out in front of me, so I screamed and kicked him in the balls and ran off,

And then after the ride had finished these security guards were looking for someone who had 'violated' that guy, and I shit myself but they took this other woman away and she got fined and banned from the park, cause they thought it was her.... I FELT SO BAD I NEARLY CRIED.

I hate rollercoasters now.

  • Brohoof 5


This awesome signature was made by the super talented LittleRawr 


6 years of pain, one chance to live and love again ♥

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Have hou ever done something so outright stupid or silly that you look back and now laugh or question, "What the hell was I thinking?"


I remember as a kid I once stuck a tweezer into an electrical outlet because it simply looked like it could fit into the holes. A huge shock resulted and the outlet burnt out. Frankly, I'm sure how I came outta that incident unscathed let alone avoid a trip to the ER. Maybe I did suffer some brain damage since that day. Haha

  • Brohoof 2
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Let's see here,


  • My friend and I went to the movies and they had this virtual reality roller coaster type ride, so we got in. We put in 2 quarters or something like that, but we needed two more, so I had my friend run to the cashier at the movie theater and exchanged the dollar for 4 quarters, she came back and put two in the machine...it reseted itself literally seconds afterward, so we put two quarters in...and we needed two more...yeah, you can see where this is going. My parents picked us both up and I felt like a total moron. It's been a running joke for my friend and I since though.

Plus...apparently, the cashier overcharged us for the tickets, and we spent over $30 to see a movie, combined with candies and drinks...and the roller coaster. It was a mess. 


If I mentioned more stupid moments between my friend and I...we'd be here all day and night.

  • Brohoof 1


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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i may have smashed the c*** out of a Nintendo executives car for not making a digimon vs Pokemon Wii game, i may have spend the week in jail for that

  • Brohoof 1

“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe 

OC'S are on my really short about me page

efyl 4 seinorB-ageN

http://kevan.org/johari?name=vincent(i+am+become+death) what do you think of me


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Well, I nearly got permanently banned from Disney World once... Did you know that they keep track of the fingerprints of banned peoples and use facial recognition on the security cameras to make sure that no one has gotten in that is banned? Disney's gone high tech XD


Actually, a friend of mine got banned from Walmart, and apparently they do the camera thing there too.

  • Brohoof 1


PM me when you're bored!! I always love meeting new ponies ;)

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Me at 3 years old: "Awesome! A giant bath tub!" *jumps in and can't swim*


I've also accidentally left a fork/aluminum foil in a microwave. I started freaking out a bit (without thinking about turning it off).


I also decided it was a good idea to play loud and obnoxiously in the band room while people were trying to practice.... *sigh

  • Brohoof 1


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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This happened when I was in 2nd grade. My mom woke me up to get dressed for school. She started to cook some eggs and went to the bathroom. I saw the fire from the stove and decided to experiment. I took a rag and touched the fire with it. When it was lit on fire, I quickly blew it out, not knowing that would happen. Still feeling curious, I did the same thing with another rag to see if it would happen again. Needless to say, it did. When my mom got back, she found two burnt rags on the table and was mad at me. I used science and was grounded because of it. I regret nothing.

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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  • 2 months later...

I punched a door, kicked a few doors.. with no shoes on.. I Punched a brick wall...


I head butted a poll, I was fighting with my X... and I told him... fighting with you is like fighting with this damn poll.... and hit it with my head as hard as I could...


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Me and my friend went to the nearest McDonald's in our county back when I had my truck, and on the way home, there was a car that cut me off. So I passed him, and I started going like, 20. He tried passing me at the first passing zone, and I floored it as soon as I saw him trying to. Ended up getting called in for reckless driving.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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-I put a fork in the toaster. (I know, I'm epic)


-When I was young, I decided to put a rubber ball in my mouth, while I was alone in the basement. I accidentally swallowed it, and it got stuck in my throat. I was alone, and couldn't scream. So I put my hand in my mouth, grabbed the ball with my nails and pulled it out.


-This one, it's not my fault... the butter was solid, so I put it in the microwave. But for some reasons, it started burning. I was like dafuq, grabbed the brick and threw it in the sink.

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One of the things I can remember the most is this: I used to have a desk with a light beside my bed, and one night about 7 years ago or so I woke up and saw that there was no lightbulb in it. So, I stuck my finger in it (smart right?). So I got electrocuted (shocker) :P

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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  • 9 years later...

I had to have been around 3rd for 4th grade when my friend at the time (he was a bad influence honestly) convinced me that we should throw pebbles and smaller rocks (which were just eroded from the pavement and sidewalks) at people's balconies at the apartment complex I used to live at.

You can guess how well that went :awwthanks:

  • Brohoof 1
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Uh, I threw a chair on to the roof of a school building.  It was originally a joke idea between myself and some friends, but of course, younger me in my infinite wisdom went ahead and actually did it. :>

  • Brohoof 1

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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  • 2 months later...

I did this recently, but my math class at school was talking about line relationships (I think) and when they mentioned relationship I randomly said out of nowhere, "our relationship is over!" But the funny thing is I was never in a relationship at all (it was just an AUL reference) so I find that so stupid it's funny

Edited by Mistacheaze

"Yes! I won! I finally won!"


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  • 4 months later...

Sometime in the fall of 2007, when I was little, I've managed to disconnect the ribbon cable that connected the disc drive laser on my older brother's PS2 Slim. My dad didn't know how to fix it back then, so he took it to our local Gamestop for recycling. Looking back, it probably could've been easily fixed by reconnecting the cable.

In 2010, I got mad over missing a portion of an episode of Unwrapped, so I threw a Hot Wheels car at my TV, it left a tiny crack on the screen, but luckily it wasn't severe enough to cause the screen to be completely destroyed. I had to put up with having a tiny white spot on my TV until I replaced it in 2021 when my family moved to a new house and I had room to get a larger TV in my bedroom.

In the summer of 2013 (I don't remember the exact date), when I was working on repairing my childhood computer, I mistakenly connected the power cable to the floppy drive in the wrong position. When I turned it on, it was doing a high-pitched beep for the entire time it was on and smoke came out of the floppy drive, when that happened I ran out of the room and told my dad to cut the power in the room, luckily there was no fire. I had to replace the power supply and the floppy drive in that computer, after that the computer came back to life. I went through three power supplies after the incident until I managed to find a reliable one with enough Molex connectors.

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As a kid, I had a bicycle. I was going as fast as I could, took a turn as fast as I could on a sharp curve on a gravel path, and it didn't end well. No severe injuries but the moderate amount of blood on my limbs scared me. Guess I didn't think it through enough.

  • Hugs 1

*totally not up to any shenanigans* :ithastolookpretty:

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