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Your Opinion on Luna


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I'm not going to lie...I REALLY don't like Luna. She's my least favorite character on the show. She's the overrated princess whose color scheme I don't even enjoy. I like Celestia, Cadence, and Twilight more.

  • Brohoof 2
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I love Luna. If it wasn't for flutter shy's awesomeness Luna would easily be my favorite. She is trying to adapt to a world she doesn't fully understand, she was a villein and is now good. She has a very complex relationship with her sister, who is loving her and accepting her as she shares duel leadership. Plus how cool is it to be princess of the night. 

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Luna is my favorite princess and I really LOVE her character design!! :wub:

Luna Eclipsed just convinced me that she's best princess and then Sleepless in Ponyville confirmed my decision. I think she works great as a background character but it would be great to see more of her. I mean seriously her small cameos during a Canterlot Wedding just don't cut it. I would love a little more screentime from her in Season 4 just so I can see more of my favorite princess ;)





Plus it's already been confirmed by the Comic Con spoilers that we'll definitely see more of Luna's past so maybe that'll be her first episode of the season :yay:




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I've never liked Luna and I'd prefer she'd not get too much screen time in Season 4. I mean, I hope she gets another episode but Cadence and Celestia make better princesses and rulers. Luna's biggest accomplishment and most notable thing is her getting banished, not very good if you ask me.

  • Brohoof 1
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You all know who Luna is! The second princess of Equestria, the riser of the moon. But, what is your opinion on her?

Is she best pony?

Is she pretty?

Does she belong on the moon?

Do you think she is better as a background character?

Post your opinions! B)

Is she best pony? No, but close.

Is she pretty? Yeah

Does she belong on the moon? Of course not, she learned her lesson :P

Do you think she is better as a background character? I wouldn't consider her a background character, but I think I'd like to see more of her.

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Yes, I do think Luna is best pony, and I do think she has a large fanbase, but instead of those facts, here's why I like her so much...


It started when I first got into the fandom. My favorite pony was Rainbow Dash overall before I put her in the mane six catagory. Why? Because they're some of the most least boring characters in the show. Back in '11, Rainbow Dash arguably had some of the best episodes out to date. Not only was her personality extremely relatable, most of all, she was exiting. Yes, character development is crucial, and the mane six were written exeptionally well for it, but in all honesty, I find some of the mane six tom have quite boring lives. I can't even recall how many times I've been bored at a Fluttershy episode. Sure, she's the cutest, shyest thing, but c'mon writers! We can't just have her cute and unententional acts all of the time! Why don't we have more Fluttershy adventure episodes!


With that saying, I deeply fell in love with Luna since the first time she's mentioned. A mysterious, regal, misunderstood, assertive, brash, creative young princess who loves dark magic and the protector of the nightime, soon met a horrible fate of an evil source that led to her older princess sister to banish her for a millennium? WOA, THERE. This is one interesting character!


With Luna's fantastic episode full of exitement, laughs, and character development, It's a hard not to believe that this character could not in any way surpass some of the mane six, and even be the best pony in cases. So, with that said, I'm a little confused as to why so much led to believe that she's ultimately overrated. She's a great character, and the show proves it.

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Well, I prefer Princess Luna to Celestia. I don't dislike Celestia, or talk down about her, but I just like her sister more. Luna's personality is more likable in my opinion, and she is the Princess of the Night. I've always loved the nighttime, as it's just..The best time of day in my opinion.

I prefer Luna's design, and her personality to Celestia's. It's just that simple. I don't want Luna to become a mane character, though. A side/supporting background character should be her place. 

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Her intriguing psychological struggles, position as a guardian of dreams, awesome story arc going from villain to redeemed to ruler, and the fact that she's FREAKING ADORABLE combine to make her my favorite character in the show.


And, if you want, here's an in-depth explanation of why I think dat Woona is teh best pony:



1) She was a tragic villain character.

From a writer's perspective, Princess Luna is actually one of the most complex and intriguing characters in the show, along with one of the only morally ambiguous characters. She has one evil and one good alter ego, and the best part of that is that the alter ego "consumed" her--this makes her a tragic character; whether or not everything she does as Nightmare Moon is completely her fault is a very intriguing topic of debate. Also, how many incredible fan works have you seen inspired by her tragic backstory? I can name a few:




2) Her portrayal as a redeemed villain in Luna Eclipsed.

Before Discord made it cool. Just kidding. Still, her portrayal in Luna Eclipsed was absolutely flawless as far as developing what made her into a tragic character then, and why she needs the friendship of the Mane 6 and her sister now. Her extremely vulnerable nature and desire to be loved combined with her quick temper and social awkwardness reveal exactly why she fell into the 'Nightmare Moon' state. But the best thing by far that this episode did was allow Luna to move on--for probably the first time in thousands of years, perhaps the first time in her life, somepony (Twiley) actively tried to befriend her. Also, this episode really showed the pain that Luna had to deal with as a result of trying to move on from the past:




Best. Symbolism. evar. o3o




3) Her portrayal in Sleepless in Ponyville as a ruler just like her sister.

Princess Celestia has been referred to before as the "moral center of the show" in that she is the one who encourages everypony to value friendship, and also is a wise and caring teacher, as well as being one of the only flawless characters in the show, personality wise. Luna not only is an intriguing tragic villain, but ALSO is now a caring mentor and a moral center of the show, just like Celestia by helping Scootaloo conquer her
fears. If a character can be the most moral (Sleepless in Ponyville),
most evil (Friendship is Magic pts 1 and 2), AND morally ambiguous (Luna Eclipsed), then you know that you have one heck of a character.


4) Woona is so adorable as a filly it's not even funny.

Moving on from complex character-based reasons, here's something that's simple to explain:







My apologies for giving you a heart attack.




5) She is the Princess of the Night, Moon, and Stars.

This is more of a personal reason. I could probably fill five paragraphs here with why this is important to me and provide several examples, but basically it boils down to this for why I personally love the night more than the day:



--I am obsessed with how beautiful the stars and moon are.

--In day, I'm always super busy with school, homework, and activities my parents force me into, but at night I can just relax and enjoy the company of my friends on the ponynet.

--This kind of goes with the last one, but I really like to be alone, and nighttime is my only chance to do so





Some characters may be intriguingly tragic, thought-provoking because of their redeemed status, wise and caring leaders, FREAKING ADORABLE, and rule over beautiful parts of nature like Luna...but no character will ever get all five like she will.


And that's why i wuv Woona. :3



(quoted from my post in 5 things you love about your favorite pony)

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I do like Luna. I really do. Her design is cool, her VA is soothing and sounds like the Princess of the Night should sound like. However, I do think that she is an overrated character. Unless she turns out to have been faking her return to the good side in the Pilot and is actually still evil, which I hope S4 will address. At the very least, having her be jealous of Twi would be nice. Oh, and having her confirm my theory that she was indeed Chrysalis (Luna can shapeshift, after all) would go a long way to making her best pony.

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I love Luna. She's beautiful and always tries her best. She can be awkwardly cute, but also wise.


Because she's been away for so long, it gives her character more depth with trying to fit back into regular society. Plus she's just plain charming. Seriously, as soon as I saw the episode with her and Nightmare Night, I instantly fell for her.

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Definitely the best of the princesses. A sort of hero fallen from grace and then rescued from the darkness. She's got a nice personality fitting for her character (that symbolism) and more backstory than the other princesses.


My one problem with Luna is that she doesn't get a lot of dialogue in the show. I mean, I can understand why she lets big sis Celestia do most of the talking (more symbolism), but it's a little weird not to hear from Luna at all.

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I like Luna as much as I like Celestia. I think that the two of them are two halves that work best when they are together. I think that they have a kind of synergy (because of their themes) that Twilight and Cadance simply lack.


About Luna, specifically, the comics are starting to make me dislike her. Too obnoxious, way more "present" than required... She seems to exist for nothing than fan pandering since they realized that the fans love her after the Nightmare Night episode. However, I think that Sleepless in Ponyville had an interesting concept, but it just doesn't make sense with her past.

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She's cool.

Although I have to say I don't really like the fanon portrayals of her as being adorkable, shy, cute or playful. Luna Eclipsed was a great episode, but I very much prefer Luna as an uptight, distant and overly formal princess. Maybe she's just hiding her insecurities, or maybe she's just has a cold personality, but I like her stoic attitude a lot more than the fandom version. I hope she never loses that aspect of her personality.

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Luna is awesome, much better than Celesita in my opinion. Luna has a good color scheme going on along with the unique way she speaks compared to the other ponies. The old english dialog suits her well.

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I really like Luna. She has a very likable personality, and is pretty awesome. I mean, she controls the night. How awesome is that?!? My love of the color black might have something to do with my liking of her too. The dark color scheme is amazing!  :wub: So, as you can probably tell, I think Luna is best princess.

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She is my least favourite princess


-She was a villain because she was ungrateful

-They put her in a lot of scenes just for the fans to scream

-Nightmare Moon is not a very good villain

It's just my opinion

  • Brohoof 2
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Luna is my favorite Princess. She has that sense of social awkwardness because of her exile to the moon. Despite that weakness, she is still kind to walk the dreams of her subject, so they may have sweet dreams. Sometimes Celestia comes of as cold, distant, and almost unkind in a way. I know being a ruler can't be easy, but still..I think Luna is loved, while Celestia is feared. 


IRL I think I prefer Luna because I love the nighttime. The whole world seems quieter, and calmer, than in the light of day. To me there is a type of magic at night. We're too busy in the daytime anymore it seems. So that's why I like Luna..



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I think Luna has a lot of potential for a great character if the writers were to actually do something with her. All we've seen so far is one episode of her shouting at trick-or-treaters and a couple offhand comments that are usually unrelated to the episode. I still hold some hope that we will get some character development soon however.

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I like Princess Luna; she has an amazing design, and I love her voice. Also, she has some pretty funny moments in the show, and I like how her personality goes against the princess stereotype. She is quite realistic, and feels the same things and emotions normal people/ponies feel. I think that's why a lot of people can relate to her. A lot of people have problems with fitting in like Princess Luna did in Luna Eclipsed.


However, I do think she is a bit overrated. Now, keep this in minds; overrated is by no means a bad thing. I just feel she gets too much attention when she doesn't even have a lot of screentime.

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I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but oh well...


I'm not particularly found of her character and the  large fan base appals me, she comes off to me as a whiner and "oh woe is me" character with the whole they shun my night thing. The night is for rest, deal with it. And the pity for being banished to the moon for 1000 years. You throw a temper tantrum, what do you expect? Her whole story is too angsty for me.


And because of her and her angsty past, Celestia is undermined.


Don't ridicule me for my opinion and I won't do it ridicule you for your's.

Edited by BluntySrBlunt
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I know I'm going to get a lot of flak for this but oh well...


I'm not particularly found of her character and the  large fan base appals me, she comes off to me as a whiner and "oh woe is me" character with the whole they shun my night thing. The night is for rest, deal with it. And the pity for being banished to the moon for 1000 years. You throw a temper tantrum, what do you expect? Her whole story is too angsty for me.


And because of her and her angsty past, Celestia is undermined.


Don't ridicule me for my opinion and I won't do it ridicule you for your's.


I don't think you'll get flak for your opinion. But as I said..I thinks its partially that she was banished to the moon, that makes her socially awkward. I mean life did continue without her. As far as her not feeling appreciated, and the whole they shun my night bit. I think though it was maybe Luna felt that Celestia was getting more of the love, and admiration than she was. I mean not everyone likes the daytime. Maybe Season 4 will shed more light on the ruling sisters of Equestria.


I also forgot this...seriously..how could I?! This is a great song, and a great animation...plus its LUNA!  :yay: 


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I don't think you'll get flak for your opinion. But as I said..I thinks its partially that she was banished to the moon, that makes her socially awkward. I mean life did continue without her. As far as her not feeling appreciated, and the whole they shun my night bit. I think though it was maybe Luna felt that Celestia was getting more of the love, and admiration than she was. I mean not everyone likes the daytime. Maybe Season 4 will shed more light on the ruling sisters of Equestria.


I also forgot this...seriously..how could I?! This is a great song, and a great animation...plus its LUNA!  :yay: 


That`s true, it`s just that the pilot made her out to be a jealous character which is over done but now that you point all this out it makes her more appealing. Hopefully season four makes her more likable (to me) I must admit she is kind of cool ​and pretty.

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I like Luna. Even though she only plays a minor role she has a distintive personality and a beautiful character design. She's way better than Cel that's for sure, not that there's anything wrong with her of course.

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