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What don't you want to see in season 4 or any season?


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So, I know we have been asked all kinds of different questions for season 4. From episodes, to characters, to morals and on so on? But, I have a different question I want to ask.


What don't you want to see in season 4 or any other season?


Here are a few things I don't ever want to see in MLP.


1. Trixie coming back- The reasons I don't see her coming back is, I feel like character is done. We looked at everything that her character can bring to the table. If she's say she well be good from now on, I don't see any more need to look at her.


2. Scootaloo flying- Scootaloo already has way to much in common with Rainbow Dash and there just does not seem to be anything that separates them. By doing this it well show that she may have to take a different type of path from her ideal and that she has to be her own pony and not a copy of another. If they let Scootaloo fly then they might as well paint her blue, give her a rainbow mane, and call her Rainbow Dash JR. 


3. Background Pony episode- Now I'm not against the idea of a background character being in an episode, but I feel like if they are in an episode they need to be with a mane 6 member. If you just have an episode opening up with a background pony, it maybe confusing to people who aren't hard core fans. Besides, there is no proof that they well be like how we created them. They may change them in some way or do something different with them. I just don't see Doctor Hooves being like Doctor Who, or Vinyl having a bass cannon, or even having Lyra and Bon Bon as lesbian.


4. 7th element of harmony- I just think it's dume to add in another element, when what they've got now is already super powerful. It would just be pointless.


5. Lesbian Characters- I just don't see the point in making characters lesbians in a kids cartoon. For one, what would be the point of doing that? What kinda of lesson can we get out of it? And what would or could they show doing in a show that is TV-Y anyway? I know the lesson would be to show that girls can like girls to, but it seems like they are candy coating it by doing it with ponies, instead of humans. I just don't think the message would get across well to younger viewers of the show.  The other thing is I don't think they would be able to get away with it.


So what things do you not want to see in MLP?


Do you agree with my list or do you think I'm wrong? If you think I'm wrong tell why I am wrong. Love to here some feed back about some of the thing I said. 

  • Brohoof 2


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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NO DAIMOND TIARA...oh wait, nvm X(


...actually, I kind of wanna see everything happen in season 4. I wanna see just how far Hasbro can go with their imagination...also, my mind is blank for now, so yeah.



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  • No more "Spike is a silly dolt" stories. His character has evolved to deserve better than that.

The two-parters and any season-long arcs or themes that may arise focusing just on Twilight as opposed to the group as a whole or another Mane character specifically.

Lack of development with the CMC, though that Scootaloo tease seems to indicate that this probably won't be an issue.

Any more episodes that were meant to be two-parters but got squeezed into one.

Fluttershy acting like a wuss.

  • Brohoof 3


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1) Trixie coming back

2) The Flim Flam Bros coming back

3) A Derpy episode

4) Spike episodes getting the shaft

5) Any mane 6 not getting an episode

6) Characters getting undevelopment

7) I'm with Citrus King46, I'm tired of seeing Fluttershy still being scared of everything

8) Background characters getting their own episodes(I don't mind them getting bigger roles though)


That's it. Other than these, I'm pretty much open to anything

Edited by Damon Gant
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Since the end of season 3, I have had only one absolute thing that I do not want to see under any circumstances: The writers backing out of the Twilicorn thing. That would be the show breaker for me.


The good news is, from all of the new info that has been released, they clearly are not doing that. So, I am open for anything else really. I don't want to be overly picky, it was just that one thing that I did not want to see at all.


I am keeping my expectations open for everything else.

  • Brohoof 2



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5. Lesbian Characters- I just don't see the point in making characters lesbians in a kids cartoon. For one, what would be the point of doing that? What kinda of lesson can we get out of it? And what would or could they show doing in a show that is TV-Y anyway? I know the lesson would be to show that girls can like girls to, but it seems like they are candy coating it by doing it with ponies, instead of humans. I just don't think the message would get across well to younger viewers of the show. The other thing is I don't think they would be able to get away with it.


Can you elaborate on this? I've watched the entire series and never noticed a lesbian acting ponies.


On the other hand:


I don't want to see:


1) Trixe coming back (like many have already stated)

2) Yet another applejack family episode (i think there are enough episodes already IMO)

3) Rarity not getting her own episode

4) Spike being everyone's bitch

5) Raibowdash not becoming a wonderbolt (even though I think the wonderbolts are overated)


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-villain redeemtion

-Spike looking like a fool

-Flash Sentry

-Unrealistic morals

-Lack of time on male characters

-Sex jokes

-Pinkie Pie annoying people instead of making them happyMa

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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Yeah, i'm not really eager to see Trixie again. Sure she's cute and stuff but her character and the obession Sethisto has with her is kinda annoying.


About male Alicorns: I'm not really sure, it could be interesting but i could also backfire horribly.

Oh and what i really want to see is a Celestia-episode. Luna got one, so Celestia deserves one too.

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- Discord, you redeemed him now show us what he's up to.


- Love outside on SA & Cadance


- No reference to EG, I hope that DHX is just pretending that EG doesn't exist like I am.


- Twilight focused, Twilights been getting to much attention lately give her a break.


- Pinkie Pie's "hunches", that was just lazy writing.

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  1. Spike being portrayed as only a constant klutz, a comedic butt of jokes, or greedy little bastard. This kid dragon has some of the most potential because this dragon stands out amongst the others. While most dragons are greedy bastards, Spike has been around ponies his whole life, so he's more influenced by them instead. His portrayals in Spike at Your Service and Just for Sidekicks really do him great disservices by making him incompetent just because and for him being both uncharacteristically selfish and willful to break his family's trust just to complete his jewel cake. This is what made his portrayal in Equestria Girl so surprisingly satisfying. He was mature, intelligent, cunning, joking, sarcastic, and protective. It was his best characterization in the series so far. More of that in season four and not a merely tertiary character.

    Since the end of season 3, I have had only one absolute thing that I do not want to see under any circumstances: The writers backing out of the Twilicorn thing.

    I don't agree with him on many things, but he is definitely right here. The Twilicorn was a rushed, convoluted plotline from the get-go simply to promote the Pony Princess toyline. Magical Mystery Cure was the one episode to get right, and it factually didn't. But reverting Twilight back to a unicorn is an even dumber idea because it tells everyone that, instead of developing Twilight, they admit they screwed up and don't want anything to do with it. It's a better idea to leave her as an alicorn so we can see what Twilight can do.

  3. However, it's also a very bad idea for Twilight to be merely an alicorn and then have her revert to the status quo of her living in Ponyville's Golden Oaks Library with everything the same except her be an alicorn princess. Twilight's ascension to an alicorn princess means she changes in both herself and social status. Alicorns in the series demonstrate commitment to great responsibilities in their power and wisdom. What they say and do affects what they rule and operate; citizens' lives are determined by the princess' actions.


    If Twilight stays the same adorkable princess in Ponyville living in the Library with the alicorn princess being nothing more than a title, then her ascension becomes worthless and makes Magical Mystery Cure age even worse. It's wasted potential, and if you know me, I loathe it when potential is wasted away.

  4. Fluttershy-focused episodes that rely on the now clichéd "scaredy-cat-redemption." Fluttershy has so many layers of characterization, and they weren't used at all in season three until Keep Calm and Flutter On, where her kindness, wit, loyalty to her word, and intelligence helped beat Discord in his own game. Polsky wrote her very cleverly, and it made sense. More balance of her characterization and focus on her qualities, please!

  5. Episodes that rush from one point to another. Keep Calm and Flutter On's pace was abnormally crammed because so much information had to be completed from Point A to Z, and it went lightning quick. Magical Mystery Cure amplified this constant flaw with an even shoddier pace. The rushing of points was seen in several other episodes last season:

    • Too Many Pinkie Pies — Pinkie Pie jumping on Twilight to the sudden realization of the Mirror Pond; the Deus Ex Machina halfway through.

    • One Bad Apple — Applejack acting as a DEM by suddenly telling the CMC why Babs Seed vacationed in Ponyville for one week in the first place.

    • Spike at Your Service — Applejack being stuck by that small rock and then Spike suddenly running over to throw a pebble into a Timberwolf's mouth to conclude the fight.

    • Games Ponies Play — The quick, sucky resolution and reward for the Mane Six's out-of-character stupidity.

  6. Episodes with characterizations that suck! I already ranted about how OOC Spike was in Spike at Your Service and how OOC everyone was in Games Ponies Play, so I don't need to repeat it. >)

  7. Discord not appear. He became more of a neutral character/mild antagonist following Keep Calm, but he hasn't appeared since. If he doesn't appear at all in season four, then KCaFO becomes mere filler and turns the "redeemed" Discord into wasted potential. You have him, writers. Use him and use him well!

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 5

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Hm, let's see.


1. Very obviously but while I don't have quarrels with twilicorn (I'm neutral mostly) the other ponies shouldn't become alicorns, because it would just be weird... I don't think it'll happen, but I never want it happening.


2. Dieing effort on the show, so far the writers have been doing well in my opinion, long as they keep it up their effort won't die hopefully.


3. Ponies being shipped or lesbian or stuff. Now Im more referring to mane 6 shipping with each other. I dont have any problems with ship fics, Infact I enjoy reading a lot of them, but putting it in the cannon show would be a bit odd I think, plus for a kids show it might be controversial and pushing it.


4. I agree that I think scootaloo being unable to fly could turn into a good episode moral aswell as episode(which they're apparently working on already).


5. Them forgetting rarity, or any pony. I don't want them to totally focus to much on a charactor and make episodes to the point they forget a charactor, kinda like how rarity got left out in S3. But a rarity episode has already been told to be coming in S4 and it's a full season instead of half season, so I'm sure it'll be good on charactors and screen time likely.


I can't really say there's much else I can think of at the moment.


I'm not really all that picky so impressing me wont be hard for hasbro frankly.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Can you elaborate on this? I've watched the entire series and never noticed a lesbian acting ponies.


Well it's nothing that has happened to the show, but been more of fan ideas. Most fans think that Lyra and Bon Bon are a lesbian couple and some think Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy would be a couple to.


It could just be fans want to see the show take more risk and the way to do it is by having a lesbian couple in a kids cartoon. Also kinda to show that girls can like girls to. For me I think it would be a very bad idea.

  • Brohoof 1


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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-Trixie(I don't really care about her)

-Out of character episodes

-Focusing more of SA+Cadence(I will get kill from adding this, but I don't really care about this couple.) 

-Rushing Episodes

-Twilight gets more attention

-No EG shout out

-Mane six find relationships

-No background Ponies epsiodes.(They don't interest me)

-Lack of Applejack and Rarity

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- Pregnant Cadence


It seems likely that if Hasbro ever thinks about introducing a pregnant pony into the show, that pony would be Cadence. I would see it as a royal baby thing that would more than likely get overhyped like season 3 was on its entirety. It would even be worse if it was an alicorn baby.


I wouldn't mind any other non main character being shown pregnant.



Also I don't want Scootaloo to fly. Her flightlessness is an important part of her character and personality. If you take that away she'd be dull and boring with no flaws.

Edited by Ember The Dragoness
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1. Flash sentry

2. princess skyla

3. another princess

4. any more babs, the morals in that episode were not clear at all and babs has no personality

5. Rainbow dash ( sorry just hate RD)

6. nightmare moon coming back

7. sunset shimmer or as i call her Sunsh*t simmer

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I just thought of another one.... no more Crystal Empire OMG it was introduced in season 3 and since then we've seen it 3 (counting The Crystal Empire as one episode) times already. Don't get me wrong it looks nice but give it a rest.  >_>

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Characters that do nothing and have no personality like Scootaloo who in 3 seasons we have to be specifically told isn't an orphan.


Twilight becoming a unicorn again which would be stupid and strip Twilight of important character growth and would make me question the ability of the writers.


Lack of Rarity-the fact she had no episodes yet spike got 2 whole episodes was atrocious especially since Spike at Your Service exists need I say more, though it was supposed to be a Rarity episode thank god it wasn't because then because of the episode and her being the second underrated member of the mane 6 would destroy her popularity and she would get some much hate it would be just brutal.


Introducing characters you have no intention to use-We all know how well Sunshine Shimmer and Flash Sentry turned out and how much wasted potential the formal had.

Edited by cmarston1


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Pretty much everything @@Dark Qiviut said, though I would add the umbrella plea for no more mean-spirited episodes or gags, like that running joke with Dash not getting cider in that episode with the name I can never remember, or the universe actively working to make Spike a punching bag in "Just for Sidekicks". Stuff like that sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn't mesh well with the tone the show has established. It's the main reason I stopped watching Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.


P.S. Yeah, Spike was totally the best part of that movie.


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2. Scootaloo flying- Scootaloo already has way to much in common with Rainbow Dash and there just does not seem to be anything that separates them. By doing this it well show that she may have to take a different type of path from her ideal and that she has to be her own pony and not a copy of another. If they let Scootaloo fly then they might as well paint her blue, give her a rainbow mane, and call her Rainbow Dash JR.

This is an interesting point to consider. On the one hand, it would be very interesting to see how Scootaloo develops without the ability to fly. The writers are already using her disability pretty creatively in episodes like Sleepless in Ponyville.


But on the other hand, it would be equally satisfying to see her overcome, and fly despite what life threw at her. Granted, this would be hard to pull off, but done well, it could be a great character arc for her.


Either way, I disagree with your idea that making her fly would turn her into "Rainbow Dash JR." As was established in Sleepless, she's very cocky, arrogant, immature, yet also scared. She's a young mind that needs a powerful father (or mother) figure. She's similar to Dash, to be sure, but only because she's trying her hardest to imitate her. It's this kind of hero worship and insecurity that separates her from Rainbow. Letting her fly isn't going to change this.

Edited by Mandalore Dash
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My two bits:

  •  The Cutie Mark Crusaders getting their marks. Granted, I do want this to happen eventually, but not in season 4 or anytime soon depending upon how long the show continues.
  • Trixie returning. Twilight and Trixie have had their friendly banter and all is well between them. Any more random Trixie returns would just feel like desperate attempts at fan service, and it just isn't needed. Trixie has run her course.
  • Background pony episodes. Just no. They have nothing to offer but added scenery. Save them for fan fiction.
  • Fluttershy backtracking on her development. I want to see Fluttershy grow a little more consistently, because it feels like she often learns a lesson for one episode and then forgets the lesson later.
  • Twilicorn being overpowered, Mary Sue like, or anything other than the Twilight we know and love.
  • Twilight being the solo hero. Her friends need to prove their usefulness as much as possible. Return of Harmony was the last two-parter where all of the Mane Six really worked together as a team. A Canterlot Wedding and The Crystal Empire seemed to lack that emphasis on the magic of friendship. I want to see the ponies work together to overcome the odds. No more of this, "Mane Five do nothing/work as a distraction so Twilight does all of the major actions."
  • No more episodes where Cadance saves the day. In fact, I wish they'd tone down on the use of Cadance entirely.
  • Princess Luna episodes. She's fine as the minor secondary character that she is, but she's not as important as Celestia and never will be. She shouldn't be milked just because of her wild popularity.
  • Applejack lying, because otherwise the Wahmbulance is going to moan about how she's not right for her element of honesty. We need to see her actually use her honesty.
  • Lack of effort on potentially amazing villains. Sunset Shimmer could have been something very special, but instead we got a very generic villain that resulted in a lukewarm reception at best. This disappoints me, because I really liked the concept and character design.
  • Less Snips and Snails, please.

And it goes without saying that I don't want the quality to diminish, the characterization to be poor, or anything that would put a damper on my interest in the show. I shouldn't even have to mention these things. I'm not really a nitpick though. I just want more Pony. ;)

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1. Having Twilight revert back to status quo as if nothing happened. They've given her wings and radically altered the character, so they better have the balls to progress the story somewhat. Giving her princesshood and then sending her back to live in Ponyville to write letters of friendship all over again with nothing coming out of it will be a complete waste and feel like the result of shitty writing.

2. No mention of EqG. This doesn't really need explaining. It was an "interesting" side project, but that's it. By extension that means no Shimmer either.

3. Main characters getting any romantic interests. While it would also be interesting to see this, given that it's a children's show, it wouldn't be handled well and would feel tacked on, much like Tank. Maybe it'd get a passing mention in some episodes, but having to write the personality for a whole new character that would be interacting with a main character in such a way quite literally seems like it's beyond the talent of the current team.

4. Keep all fandom references out. This doesn't mean I don't like little nods, such as seeing Derpy or Lyra and Bonbon together in the background. But when it becomes distracting, that's when the problem starts. Having a character use the word "bronies" would be a perfect example.

5. Stop ruining characters. Trixie had no reason to come back, Discord had no need to be reformed, and Spike being incompetent was completely out of character. Please don't screw up Chrysalis even more than she already has been.

6. Stop with the superfluous padding. Why did Spike need find the book in the little space hidden behind the other books? Or what was the point of that sequence in which Scootaloo fell asleep and narrowly avoided danger just to end up where she started? It's unnecessary to add those things and they stick out like a nail.

7. Make Fluttershy's training with Iron Will actually mean something. It was season two and yet she's still acting absolutely timid and afraid of her shadow. That's not using her for comedic value, it's just plain bad writing.

8. On the subject of bad writing, it'd be nice if Polsky didn't write anymore episodes. He's been around since season one and yet still hasn't managed to write an episode that's memorable for good reasons.

9. Dragging stories out. Enough with the CMC trying to get their cutie marks, it's lost its charm. Enough with Rainbow trying to get into the Wonderbolts and only managing to "impress" them. It's been going on since the beginning and it's time to move onto the next goal.

10. Stop introducing characters and ideas and then not developing them. Both Shining and Cadance have the personality of a cardboard cutout, we'll never know why Lightning was such a (poorly written) bitch, why Luna meddles in dreams in the first place, or just what bat ponies are or where they come from. For all the world building the show likes to do, it seems to leave a lot of holes.

11. As for the world building, stop introducing places that suck. Equestria has some really interesting places that would be exciting to see expanded upon, but they only seem to focus on the really boring ones, namely the Crystal Kingdom as of late. Bluntly put, that place is shit. It's design is boring and plain, the mythology surrounding it isn't interesting in the slightest, and for being such an important place in Equestria, it never gets mentioned in seasons one or two. Yes, and I know that's because of the toy, but casting it as the old kingdom would have made more sense than it being some important site that just did a magic trick to disappear.

12. Don't make any direct mention of humans. There's no need to in a show about colorful talking horses.

13. Perhaps most importantly, no more damn alicorns. The last thing anyone really needs is the main cast getting ruined for another quick buck.

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Too much fan service - I don't mind a few Brony nods but if there is a fandom reference every 5 minutes, then they might as well let the fans write the show.


Chrysalis redemption - Chysalis does not seem like the type of character that could be redeemed well. I know the comics aren't canon to the show but after seeing what she did to that village, that might be how canterlot would have gone down if Twilight and Cadence did not get out of the cave.


Twilight centred two-parters - I don't have a big problem with two-parters that focus on Twilight but I prefer it when all six have a chance to shine which is why Best Night Ever is my favourite finale.


Turning Twilight back into a unicorn - Since there are plenty of directions they can take with alicorn Twilight and this is a big turning point in her life, turning her back into a unicorn would be extremely cheap and it would make Magical Mystery Cure one of the most pointless episodes.


Characters getting two episodes in a row - E.G. "May the best pet win" was a Rainbow Dash episode and the episode after was another Rainbow Dash episode, "Mare Do Well." I never like it when any show does this.


A small amount of Rarity episodes - I feel Rarity should get at least 3 episodes since the last Rarity episode was "Sweet and Elite" and that was way back in early season 2. If she doesn't get an episode or she only gets one, it will feel like the writers are intentionally ignoring her.

Edited by shocker1991
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 The ting i don't want to see the most is a character "getting removed" from the show.

for example trixie or discord could be a bit in the backround talking, without having too much to say in the story.

But having done developed character appear in the backround had just been fun.

  • Brohoof 1

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