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Who here on the forums do you want to hug or brohoof in real life?


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So, I just realized something- I've only been on here as of now about three months, but already I feel closer to the lot of you. This forum has really put a positive spin on my views and has made me actually care about people more. I really do care about you all.


But enough of my sob story, who here would you like to hug or brohoof irl? I prefer hugs, but some people here don't like hugs, so brohoofs will do.


My hug list:

• Artemis

• Bladed & Verses

• Champion RD92

• Dannedanker

• DaReaper

• Endgame (Gone Airborn)

• Erio Touwa (Soundgarden)

• Flipturn Costava

• Friendship_Cannon

• Kyoshi

• Lowline Thrash

• Miss Earl Grey

• Nature of Fluttershy

• Pink Mist

• ProjectRKA

• Red & Moon

• Repsol rave

• Sakurako Ohmuro (Dawn)

• Sanderspie


• Sir Lunashy

• Sir. Flutter Hooves

• Sonicrules831

• SmartyPants

• The Paris Swing Cake

• TheInsaneShane

• Vinyl~

• WheatlyCore

• Zygen


I know there's more, but this is all I can think of right now.


Sorry for making this weird and awkward. I'll go hide in the corner now.

Edited by NothingIsEverything
  • Brohoof 31



Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3

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Oh, you mean pretty much anyone on my friends list?


Yeah, I hate hugs, but I wouldn't mind brohoofing or hugging the people on here. They're usually so nice, it's awesome.


So, if someone is on my friends list, then I demand hugs and brohoofs.


(Save me from my schoolwork, guise.)




@Blue Moon








@Sir.Flutter Hooves

@Sunset Shimmer


(There...you happy now? xD)


TL;DR - Everyone on my friends list. 

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 14


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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  • Miss Earl Grey
  • Artemis
  • Flipturn Costava
  • WheatleyCore
  • Eureka
  • Champion RD92
  • Sir.Flutter Hooves
  • ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Chigens and Kay
  • Mami
  • Zygen
  • Akemi Homura
  • The Paris Swing Box
  • Endgame
  • Sakurako Ohmuro
  • Erio Touwa
  • Pink Mist
  • Ice Storm
  • MyLittlePonyTales
  • Minty Wintergreen
  • Sapphire Quill
  • Sunset Shimmer
  • Azura
  • Pulcinella
  • Smushins
  • Shifting Gears
  • Mightymags (MissDerpy)
  • IncognitoKiwoy
  • Togetic
  • DashForever
  • Stellafera
  • Bronyette
  • Jokuc
  • Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Keezuw
  • Batbrony
  • PDS.avi
  • Budding Night
  • LittleRawr
  • Firebolt
  • Jacob Danik
  • Tricksy Lewlamoon
  • Sir Lunashy
  • Flutter to the Shy
  • Lowline Thrash
  • Sugar Cube
  • RockinRarity
  • True Rarity
  • Nature of Fluttershy
  • Jonke


Note: Sorry if your not on the list, honestly I would hug the people that I didn't mention and brohoof this list. To be fair, just because your not on the list does not mean that I don't respect you.

Edited by Scootalove
  • Brohoof 16
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These threads kinda seem like brohoof increase....er, things but whatever.


Here is my list:



That is it, I am insanely narcissistic.



Now, here is my real list, in no particular order:


Swift Quill



Dawn Rider - We may have our differences now, but we were kinda friends at one point..

~Scootaloo - We don't talk as much as we once did..

Anyone with a Princess Twilight avatar or sig






And that is all I can think of at the moment. Short list, but that is because I am out of it right now (just woke up) so I will add more to the list over time.

Edited by Kyoshi
  • Brohoof 11



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My list should be something like this:

- Kyoshi

- Champion RD92

- Erio Touwa

- John (he's so angsty I think that's exactly what he needs :P)

- Miss Earl Gray

- Envy


- Red Star

- Flipturn Costava


Cuz why the hell not :P


And of course everyone else I missed out ^.^

Edited by Freedan
  • Brohoof 4
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My list:

  1. Zygen
  2. Budding Night
  3. Lincolnshirepony
  4. DJ-BRONI3 (now gone)
  5. PDS.avi
  6. Steel Accord
  7. Sir Godot? (Did he change usernames again?)
  8. Gone Airbourne (Me thinks he changed usernames too)
  9. MissDerpy (I know she changed usernames. I just don't remember what :P)
  10. Bronypony
  11. Sugar Cube

And that's just some of them! I'd still have a long way to go before I'm done :P

  • Brohoof 6
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A lot of people, some brohoof rather than hug...

I don´t know, it means the same nearly xD.

Just a few names (in no particular order whatsoever):


- Dannedanker

- Firebolt

- Dowlphin

- the goodhen

- SteelCrescent

- Eureka

- Casy

- Fluttershyfan94

- StatestheOblivious

- Kaz

- Erio Touwa

- mineralwater

- Smitty Werbenjagermanjense(n)

- Togetic

- Fizz

- Kyoshi

- Fox

- Nouth


(I surely missed someone, sorry :( )

  • Brohoof 7




Signature made by the amazing ~Harmonic Dreams~

I always pictured you as a cross between Demoman and Pinkie Pie for some reason.
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Bruv, I wanna hug/brohoof just about everyone here in real life. :squee:

Here's a list of some of the people I'd like to do so with, in no particular order: (Sorry if I forget anyone!)


- Sir.Flutter Hooves

- Sky Chaser

- The Paris Swing Box

- WheatleyCore

- NothingIsEverything

- Eureka

- Flutter to the Shy

- @Vinyl Scratch

- Scootalove

- Harmonic Revelations

- Tricksy Lewlamoon

- Nature of Fluttershy

- EmeraldDazzle

- LatinoChurro

- ~Luna Squee~

- Makusu2

- GeneralDirection

- Flipturn Costava

- Sunset Shimmer

- Permanent Daylight

- MarbellaLotus

- Fluttershy12341

- Bronies_forever

- Stars Galaxy

- Zygen

- DXSilverX

- Champion RD92

- DaReaper

- LordLlamahat

- Sir Godot

- Kaz

- Twilight Sparkle

- CadenceDerp

- Wingin'Wolf

- Friendship_Cannon

- Cal Stonehoof

- Pink Mist

- Crystal Empire


- ~Lunia~

- LittleRawr

- Questioner

- fimdashie

- Sanderspie

- Sajtan92

- Skylar

- little gamie

- Kaza

- PixelSketch

- Rayray

March 11, 2014~ (Some members may be repeated on accident)

- Rising-Shine

- equerio

- The Snapp

- Chocolate Chess

- SparklingSwirls

- gameangel147

- Retro*Derpy

- Callisto

- Felix

- Midnight-Inferno


Along with everyone else on my friends list. :squee:


EDIT: Sweet Celestia, my post is popular! xD


EDIT 2: It's pretty late, and I highly doubt anyone will notice it, but I felt like adding a few new members, take a look! (Everyone past Sanders is new)


EDIT 3: More new members!

Edited by Sir Jackleberry
  • Brohoof 27

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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everypony said it, and i will say it again. if you are on my friends list you deserve hugs. also, if you are not on my friends list, you deserve hugs.


so basically, if you are a member of this forum, you deserve hugs. and brohoofs.

  • Brohoof 9


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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[huge list that doesn't include moi]
TL;DR - Everyone on my friends list. 


[huge list that also doesn't include moi]

Thanks, jerkoffs.

Not really. You two just forgot to add me to it, so it's all good. I hope.


Anyway, anypony on teh forumz qualifies, but especially the ones on the list I have on my profile. Aka the members I talk to regularly.


UPDATE: & @Scootalove


Edited by Tricksy Lewlamoon
  • Brohoof 9


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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Thanks, jerkoffs. Not really. You two just forgot to add me to it, so it's all good. I hope.


Yeah, I actually did forget to add you. xD

I was scrolling through the list in a hurry and quickly grabbed people I talk to a lot. xD 

  • Brohoof 2


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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I would definitely brohoof everyone on my friends list. As for hugs, I hate them, but perhaps I'd hug the people I really like. When I say really like, I mean the people I consider to be close friends and who understand me. So, don't get the wrong idea here folks. I would give it a chance and hug these people.


  • Mandalore Dash
  • @Vinyl Scratch
  • WheatleyCore
  • NothingIsEverything
  • Friendship_Cannon
  • RainbowDashie RD

As for the rest of you. Brohoofs all around. :D

  • Brohoof 3



IF is best girl.

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Wheatley Core

Chaotic Discord



Chaotic Discord


Champion RD92 and Flutter to the Shy :wub:

Twilight Sparkle




Chaotic Sole


Sky Chaser




Chigens and Kay




Eureka. ;)








Mr.Toaster (you know who you are)


Pink Mist






Sanders Pie


Citrus King 46




The Paris Swing Cake


Sorry if I missed someone, comment me and I'll add you. :D

Edited by Sir.Flutter Hooves
  • Brohoof 15



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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Postin' mah list anyway because swag:

@Blue Bay

@Sunset Shimmer
@Hyper Tumble





So yeah. There ya go.

Edited by Tricksy Lewlamoon
  • Brohoof 15


On 10/13/2013 at 6:59 PM, little gamie said:

I'm fresh in school

Hey, you. You should fill out my Johari Window if you're bored.

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So, I just realized something- I've only been on here as of now about three months, but already I feel closer to the lot of you. This forum has really put a positive spin on my views and has made me actually care about people more. I really do care about you all.

Yeah, tell me about it. I know exactly what you mean. Honestly, I have more friends in the nearly 2 months I have been here than in any previous year (and probably more!) This includes other forums.


I'd brohoof everypony, probably. And hug anypony who needs it.


Also, yay! 2 mentions! I'm happy now.


Edit: 3 mentions. Happier.

Edited by Questioner
  • Brohoof 5


On 4/22/2016 at 6:16 PM, The Nightly Spectre said:

One does not ask why The Questioner is awesome. One should instead ask their gods if they ever compare to the awesomeness of the one and only Questioner.

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I would hug everyone, but here's a select few i'd like to mention: 






And, um.... those are the only two I can think of right now... Sorry, everyone else. 



Wheatley Core

Chaotic Discord



Chaotic Discord


Champion RD92 and Flutter to the Shy :wub:

Twilight Sparkle




Eureka. ;)








Mr.Toaster (you know who you are)


Pink Mist






Sorry if I missed someone, comment me and I'll add you. :D


  • Brohoof 8


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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-Marco ~ Ace Attorney


-Hyper Tumble




-Flutter to the Shy

-So gangsta


-Chigens and Kay


-Repsol Rave

-Firebolt (Not even sure if this is current username)

-Rainbow Dashey 







-Tricksy Lewlamoon


-Sir. Flutter Hooves

-Dark Moon

-Sir Lunashy


-Psyche Clops





-Sir Godot

-Pink Mist



-Gone Airborne (Endgame)



-Rainbow Shine

-Dawn Rider

-Lord Bababa







-~Luna Squee~




Among others, it's really hard to list everybody I really like here in a single post, so don't be disheartened if you're not listed.

Edited by Jacob Danik
  • Brohoof 19


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Eh, touchy-feeliness ain't really my thing, but I guess I could list a few people I'd like to meet and brohoof:


Sir.Flutter Hooves



Champion RD92






Doctor XFizzle


Twilight Sparkle


Blue Moon










Mailmare(*punches screen*)


Motion Spark




Sky Chaser







~Chaotic Discord~



The Paris Swing Cake


Gone Airbourne




Phew, tried to get as many people as I could possibly think of in there. Anyway, if I've given you a brohoof on the forum I'd probably give you one irl too, in the end I would definitely brohoof most of you guys though. :yay: /)

(any edits you may think you saw are a product of your imagination)

Edited by SBB64
  • Brohoof 18


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So many awesome people! 

Swagger everywere!

The list of pure epicness! 

Likely to EDIT in future because my list is massive and I have a feeling Im missing a lot of epic people. Also everybody on my friends list <implied> lol Im really lazy XD


@Sir.Flutter Hooves








@Red Star~

@Blue Bay

@stony pony

@~Chaotic Discord~


@Motion Spark

@Blue Moon

@Champion RD92






Edited by Onylex
  • Brohoof 21
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So many awesome people! 

Swagger everywere!

The list of pure epicness! 

Likely to EDIT in future because my list is massive and I have a feeling Im missing a lot of epic people. Also everybody on my friends list <implied> lol Im really lazy XD


Yay, somepony who would actually hug me ^^

I would probably hug @LatinoChurro, cuz hes my BBFF and  cuz he hugged me XD

Also would hug and @SCS.

That's the list for now :P

  • Brohoof 7


[ Signature by me, made in GIMP | DeviantArt | Personal Website ]

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I cannot make a list, because I would give everyone on the forum a hug and or brohoof. Probabably a brohoof unless your a lady, then hugs all around!


Okay, so hugs only if the other person wants a hug. Otherwise a brohoof will suffice. So line up everyone! Brohoofs and hugs all around!

  • Brohoof 3

Like, don't underestimate my power man.

Come join us Friday nights for

Movie Night @ The CMC Clubhouse: 5pm CST.
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