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What is funny about me reviving this thread... is the fact of my 'middle ground' situation. I am not an enemy of the LGBT, but I'm not exactly a friend either.


Still, I meant what I said. This thread should not be forgotten and everyone deserves to feel wanted.

Saying this is just asking for someone to say something negative about it in response. I'd be careful, sugar.





Something something something something


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I'd be careful, sugar.

Shrugs, all one needs to do is read past posts to learn my activity in this thread.



Also, all I said was that I am not an enemy but also not exactly a friend.


Remember though, despite this, I still felt it was important to bring this thread back and show support. That I feel counts for something.


Thank you for the concern/warning though. :)

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Personally not one for labels, though I understand how they can create better ease for things, which is why I still use them. You could call me queer, or bisexual, since my attraction is based more on familiarity rather than what I am attracted to, and what I'm not. Technically, I have the "choice" to go whichever way I want, and I prefer men. I like the idea of having a boyfriend, and romantic thoughts about it often give me goosebumps in the good sense. >.<


That said, I have been pretty genderqueer throughout my life, though I guess you could say I am male because of my liking towards the "gay lifestyle." I usually always present myself masculinely, having stubble, though I wish I had full facial hair, then I would rock that stubble all the time. :D

I feel funny looking back at this. Another example of how everything is essentially a phase, and I know I understood that. I still believe I have sort of a "choice" considering how my genitals will light up over anything so much it's really annoying sometimes.


Yes, I am genderqueer. Very much so, I have posted in the "post a picture of yourself" thread. I look between man and woman when I go out, though I can't really do it about my apartment because I'll only fetishize it eventually since I naturally have -sort of- a feminization fetish in a more classy sense, in the sense of doing things while I'm androgynous, but that is veering slightly off topic and exampling my interesting relationship between me and my genitals.


I appreciate the art in makeup, and pull off the androgyne look very well, apparently. I range between mildly BDSM-themed (again, my sexuality is all over the place) to really femme with girly colors.



I swing both ways, but I don't identify myself with any of the labels because I find them to be arbitrary, and none of them describe my feels.


I don't identify myself with gender because I don't get it.


I also don't really like the fact that LGBT peeps are referred to as a "Community", but it makes people feel special, then whatevs.  



Well, hello there. God, I have lurked on this forum for so long. I remember we talked a couple times. I used to be Zenith, but you probs don't remember me.


Anywho, I appreciate your attitude to gender. And I don't like the "community" much. They argue and bitch a lot.


It's actually how there's a stereotype that people attracted to more than one gender are seen as being more lucky. Unless they're good, it can really be the other way around. But whatever, I don't want to come off that I think I am entitled to anything.


I personally feel "left out" which is one of the reasons why I don't like the LGBT+ community even though I am a part of them, but whatevs.


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I feel funny looking back at this. Another example of how everything is essentially a phase, and I know I understood that. I still believe I have sort of a "choice" considering how my genitals will light up over anything so much it's really annoying sometimes.


Yes, I am genderqueer. Very much so, I have posted in the "post a picture of yourself" thread. I look between man and woman when I go out, though I can't really do it about my apartment because I'll only fetishize it eventually since I naturally have -sort of- a feminization fetish in a more classy sense, in the sense of doing things while I'm androgynous, but that is veering slightly off topic and exampling my interesting relationship between me and my genitals.


I appreciate the art in makeup, and pull off the androgyne look very well, apparently. I range between mildly BDSM-themed (again, my sexuality is all over the place) to really femme with girly colors.



Well, hello there. God, I have lurked on this forum for so long. I remember we talked a couple times. I used to be Zenith, but you probs don't remember me.


Anywho, I appreciate your attitude to gender. And I don't like the "community" much. They argue and bitch a lot.


It's actually how there's a stereotype that people attracted to more than one gender are seen as being more lucky. Unless they're good, it can really be the other way around. But whatever, I don't want to come off that I think I am entitled to anything.


I personally feel "left out" which is one of the reasons why I don't like the LGBT+ community even though I am a part of them, but whatevs.


My god, my post sounds really douchey looking back at it now.  :lol:

(And I do remember you c:) 


I should probably elaborate on my gender comment a bit.

When I say that I don't "identify", I don't mean I'm gender neutral or non-binary or gender fluid or whatever kids call it these days. I'm quite happy being male and I don't have any kind of dysphoria.

I just think that, much like sexuality, gender politics have become a little crazy, and the eight thousand labels and pronouns floating around are becoming rather contrived, so I'd rather just not associate myself with something so complicated and, in my opinion, unimportant. 

If other people wanna be involved with it, that's absolutely fine, but the gender concept just not for me.

I'm happy to just keep away from the idea in general and stick with chromosome stuff. :P  


And I agree with what you're saying. I find that in general, the "community" side of it really reinforces a lot of stereotypes. I also think that it sorta segregates queer people even more, and I don't particularly want to be part of community based solely on my sexuality. I have almost nothing in common with 99% of people in the LGBT community, so I don't really want to be represented by them. 

(even though I just sorta get lumped in there anyway)  

Edited by Hansel

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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I'm an 18 year old male, I prefer guys, but girls are cool too.



I'm so jealous of you, when I told my friends they almost instantly abandoned me. They wont let me go near them anymore and I think that's the reason. (These are all friends that I had known for 10 years prior to telling them)

They weren't your friends if the reacted like that. Friends stick together, no matter what.

img-24000-1-yay.png Yay!


mmmmmmmmm................ beef jerky....................

~Danfo98, October 22, 2015, at 5:04 PM

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Hi there @multifacetedbrony, we actually already have a thread for supporting those in the LGBT community here. Rather then locking, I've merged your thread with the original so you guys can continue discussion as normal.

Im actually Bisexual myself, don't place much preference on gender :)


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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I am heterosexual male, so I can't say I belong to LGBT, but I was always ok with people who are "different" than me. I have some friends who belong to LGBT (two people who are transgenders, also many bi/homosexual people) and actually one of my best friends is bisexual (and she gives awesome huuugs!  :wub: ). I am one of those people who don't really care about this kind of things as personality is not connected with sexual orientation or gender. And people from LGBT whom I know are actually pretty awesome (well, with one exception...) and I'd never replace them with anyone else. 


So... hugs for everyone here?  :squee: *hugs* :D 


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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I'm a bisexual male, and I recently came out. Like three people I personally know have found out, and they are very accepting. My parents aren't exactly "accepting" of this kind of stuff, so telling them will be difficult, any ideas on how I should do it?

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm a bisexual male, and I recently came out. Like three people I personally know have found out, and they are very accepting. My parents aren't exactly "accepting" of this kind of stuff, so telling them will be difficult, any ideas on how I should do it?

Well lets start with why they would not be accepting of you telling them you are bisexual. Is it for religious reasons and if so which church?

Edited by Garrus Vakarian
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Well lets start with why they would not be accepting of you telling them you are bisexual. Is it for religious reasons and if so which church?

Well it's more that they just hate people who are different from them, It's nothing religious, It's just that they aren't open-minded people

Edited by Garrus Vakarian
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Well it's more that they just hate people who are different from them, It's nothing religious, It's just that they aren't open-minded people


I'd just not bring it up, honestly. As someone who's come out to their parents, it's honestly not as big of a deal as you might think. It just makes everything feel awkward when there was really no reason to bring it up in the first place. Though, that's my personal experience, mostly because I don't really socialise a lot and therefore don't really get much of a chance to find a significant other, so yeah.


TL;DR My best advice, let them figure it out on their own time.

  • Brohoof 1



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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I am a bisexual and am here to show my "support."


It's not a choice, if any straight people were wondering.



Edited by Star Stripe


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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I'd just not bring it up, honestly. As someone who's come out to their parents, it's honestly not as big of a deal as you might think. It just makes everything feel awkward when there was really no reason to bring it up in the first place. Though, that's my personal experience, mostly because I don't really socialise a lot and therefore don't really get much of a chance to find a significant other, so yeah.


TL;DR My best advice, let them figure it out on their own time.

Yeah, that's what I planned on doing, I feel they already kind of know, because everybody else has kind of just figured it out minus my closest friends.

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What difference does it make actually? I'd be myself even if it was a choice ... DEAL WITH IT!


*throws support*

  • Brohoof 2



If anyone feel like talking, chatting, need an advice, have a problem or just need cheering up, I'm at your service. PM me without hesitation

Hey, why won't you check out my YouTube channel Right Here?


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I'm bisexual and pancurious myself, but I think half the forum knows that, since I have 2 ex-boyfriends on here.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with expressing attraction to the same sex, and why should I? What difference does it make that I am attracted to men as well as women, and open-minded about those other things :P?


I also have gender identity issues, and have given thought to sex change, though I think it's a bit expensive and supposedly long-winded.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper


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Well it's more that they just hate people who are different from them, It's nothing religious, It's just that they aren't open-minded people

Hmm, well that makes it a bit harder for me to offer advice bit I will try my best.


Do you believe you parents would turn against you if you told them? Honestly, I would say don't be too blunt about it, as the sudden shock may well bring them to react poorly.


I would perhaps even offer the possibility of letting them figure it by themselves and ask you. Don't hide it, give them visible and verbal hints that lead them to ask you.


This is also a way for you to 'test the waters' as get an idea of how they may react.


Many parents push their child away out of fear and uncertainty, not so much intending to hurt them. The react in anger in what they may see as a child's betrayal, trying to ease their concern and worry by telling themself and their child that perhaps they are mistsken or that they don't known what their saying... a defensive reaction that can turn out badl.


Some parents may take it well, others may not. I would suggest figurng out where on the scale your parents are at outright telling them your bisexual.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Hmm, well that makes it a bit harder for me to offer advice bit I will try my best.


Do you believe you parents would turn against you if you told them? Honestly, I would say don't be too blunt about it, as the sudden shock may well bring them to react poorly.


I would perhaps even offer the possibility of letting them figure it by themselves and ask you. Don't hide it, give them visible and verbal hints that lead them to ask you.


This is also a way for you to 'test the waters' as get an idea of how they may react.


May parents push their child away out of fear and uncertainty, not so much intending to hurt them. The react in anger in what they may see as a child's betrayal, trying to ease their concern and worry by telling themself and their child that perhaps they are mistsken or that they don't known what their saying... a defensive reaction that can turn out badl.


Some parents may take it well, others may not. I would suggest figurng out where on the scale your parents are at outright telling them your bisexual.

I've already don't really hide, and they kind of drive me away from it, or as they say "Run from the Rainbow." So I'm kind of at a loss.

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I've already don't really hide, and they kind of drive me away from it, or as they say "Run from the Rainbow." So I'm kind of at a loss.

Sighs, well in that case it may be best to leave that part of your life away from your parents. If they will be unreasonable it it better to let it be then push the issue.


Others may have more they can offer though to help you, even if I was not much help.

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Sighs, well in that case it may be best to leave that part of your life away from your parents. If they will be unreasonable it it better to let it be then push the issue.


Others may have more they can offer though to help you, even if I was not much help.

It's fine, You've helped me make my decision on what to do about this. You've done your best, and that's all I can ask for. Thank you.

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What the hell does FTM mean? Also what about Asexuals and Straights? Well in any case i don't find myself particularly supportive of LGBT. I support freedom of sexuality but do not flaunt it upon me. I will never approve of "Gay Pride" or "LGBT" pride walks because there is nothing extraordinary to be proud of just because you were born this way. 

On another note those who say "Sexuality ain't my choice" or things like that including "choice" are using the wrong wording. None consciously made the choice for you. It's just the randomness of nature.

I will not support fake hollow lgbt people who have chosen their sexuality in order to gain priviligies. And yes this happens.

Personally i am straight but whatever your sexuality is if you don't consider Tom Hiddleston sexy... There's something wrong with you... :P

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What the hell does FTM mean? Also what about Asexuals and Straights? Well in any case i don't find myself particularly supportive of LGBT. I support freedom of sexuality but do not flaunt it upon me. I will never approve of "Gay Pride" or "LGBT" pride walks because there is nothing extraordinary to be proud of just because you were born this way.


FtM means Female to Male.


Anyway, that's not what LGBT "pride" is about. It's not to say "I'm better than you" or anything of the sort. Instead, it's merely to stand up and say that there is nothing that is wrong with what we are.

When you are LGBT, it is inherently drilled into your head that what you are is wrong and perverse. Again, all LGBT "pride" is, is saying "No, there is nothing wrong with us". If you want to get rid of LGBT "pride", you must first get rid of the disgusting pervasive LGBT attitudes which make LGBT people have to stand up for themselves to begin with.

  • Brohoof 7

Everything needs more woodwind!

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FtM means Female to Male.


Anyway, that's not what LGBT "pride" is about. It's not to say "I'm better than you" or anything of the sort. Instead, it's merely to stand up and say that there is nothing that is wrong with what we are.

When you are LGBT, it is inherently drilled into your head that what you are is wrong and perverse. Again, all LGBT "pride" is, is saying "No, there is nothing wrong with us". If you want to get rid of LGBT "pride", you must first get rid of the disgusting pervasive LGBT attitudes which make LGBT people have to stand up for themselves to begin with.

As Morgan Freeman says the problem with these kind of things is not that they are wrong to begin with. It is that we are talking about them acknowledging them as problems. If we didn't talk about them, if we didn't say "they are a problem" nothing would have happened. It's like what Dash said to Scoots about not being able to fly... she didn't even take it into account... why? Because if she did she would be admitting it was a problem. So yes awareness about such things might help but the greatest thing you can do is never introduce someone to such issues.


In any case why is it labeled "pride" then? I do not approve of this... LGBT people generally tend to use wrong wording and very often it is the source of many misunderstandings and diminishes their arguement.


Again... some people take the "pride" thing litteraly and flaunt it around and that also serves to lose points to their arguements. I am not against LGBT people... but i will not side with them either. The best tactic to avoid this problem alltogether is to stop talking about it like if it's a problem. Then people in the end will get the message and get bored and leave this alone.

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My god, my post sounds really douchey looking back at it now.  :lol:

(And I do remember you c:) 


I should probably elaborate on my gender comment a bit.

When I say that I don't "identify", I don't mean I'm gender neutral or non-binary or gender fluid or whatever kids call it these days. I'm quite happy being male and I don't have any kind of dysphoria.

I just think that, much like sexuality, gender politics have become a little crazy, and the eight thousand labels and pronouns floating around are becoming rather contrived, so I'd rather just not associate myself with something so complicated and, in my opinion, unimportant. 

If other people wanna be involved with it, that's absolutely fine, but the gender concept just not for me.

I'm happy to just keep away from the idea in general and stick with chromosome stuff. :P  


And I agree with what you're saying. I find that in general, the "community" side of it really reinforces a lot of stereotypes. I also think that it sorta segregates queer people even more, and I don't particularly want to be part of community based solely on my sexuality. I have almost nothing in common with 99% of people in the LGBT community, so I don't really want to be represented by them. 

(even though I just sorta get lumped in there anyway)  

An understandable course of action. I use words such as non-binary, whatever, to let others understand, but I don't associate much with any labels to begin with. Especially in the realm of sexuality.


I find groups and "communities" in general to be screwed. I get their purpose and I understand, but I am still entitled to my opinions I guess.


I am, though, a bit on the side that corporations and business, and various fightings among the community, have bastardized Pride.

Edited by Coco Pommel
  • Brohoof 1


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