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gaming Pokémon - Which generation was the best?

~Chaotic Eddie~

Pokemon - which is the best generation?  

45 users have voted

  1. 1. Which has the best gameplay?

    • Red/Blue/Yellow (FireRed/LeafGreen)
    • Gold/Silver/Crystal (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
    • Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/
    • Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    • X/Y
  2. 2. Which has the best story?

    • Red/Blue/Yellow (FireRed/LeafGreen)
    • Gold/Silver/Crystal (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
    • Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    • Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    • X/Y
  3. 3. Which has the best music?

    • Red/Blue/Yellow (FireRed/LeafGreen)
    • Gold/Silver/Crystal (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
    • Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    • Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    • X/Y
  4. 4. Which had the best Pokémon (as in Pokémon introduced with that generation)

    • Red/Blue/Yellow (FireRed/LeafGreen)
    • Gold/Silver/Crystal (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
    • Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    • Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    • X/Y
  5. 5. Overall, which generation(s) were the best?

    • Red/Blue/Yellow (FireRed/LeafGreen)
    • Gold/Silver/Crystal (HeartGold/SoulSilver)
    • Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    • Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    • Black/White/Black 2/White 2
    • X/Y

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Gameplay: Gen 5 definitely. Everything was made so much faster and streamlined, much much much more of a joy to play than any of the previous generations, especially Gen 4 where everything was slow as hell in battles.

Story: Black and White 1 I'd say, the evil team was actually competent for once and there were a lot of fun twists here and there, plus the gym leaders were a lot more involved. Gen 1 had a decent story in its own subtle right though.

Music: Gen 3, particularly Ruby/Sapphire, plus some tracks in Colloseum and XD were quite amazing.

Pokémon: Black/White. It was great how they made you use only the new ones until you beat the game, and a lot of them are great in battle too. Sure, we may have gotten ice cream, a trash bag monster, probably the worst starters battling wise, and 3 identical genies here(and Heatmor, what a useless thing), but I think the rest of the Pokémon introduced make up for it.

Best: Gens 1, 3, and 5 are probably my personal favorites, I like Gens 2 and 4 as well but G/S had bad save batteries in their cartridges and nothing could be transfered from that point, and D/P/Pt are fun but really slow to play. It looks like Gen 6 will be amazing though, with 3D graphics finally and loads of new features, and hopefully it retains the speed of Gen 5. :yay:

  • Brohoof 1


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best generation overall 2nd, it was the one I played the most. I pretty much got bored of pokemon since gen 4, though, with the 6th one I'm pretty temped to get into pokemon again XD, specially the mega pokemon (a Mega Manaphy pleasesad.png ). In terms of music, I voted 1st, but I wanted to change my mind, it was actually the 3rd, because of the game cube Pokemon, the music is spectacular in those games

Edited by Zekromic


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Gameplay: Gen 5 definitely. Everything was made so much faster and streamlined, much much much more of a joy to play than any of the previous generations, especially Gen 4 where everything was slow as hell in battles.

I personally hated the Gen 5 battle style. It had tons of unnecessary zooming in and out, and everything went way too fast.


But people are entitled to their own opinions.

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Ok well first of all I think this is a topic of a lot of opinions and thus not really a true answer, but I'll put in my 2 cents.


I think that as far as gameplay goes things have only got better, especially after the special physical split, and then many new features.


While x and y isn't out yet the 3d battles and move pools and all new and old Pokemon. Then there's customizing trainers, and no more boring ev grind fest for Evs( i trained a full team legit to max Evs, very boring.


I really dont personally feel the gameplay ever got worse, I mean different aspects vary.


All my opinions of course.


I think as far as story its easily black and white, N is probaly my favorite Pokemon charactor, becauses he's like this mix of a villain, but a hero, but neutral, and his backstory is interesting.(plus he has green hair... I like green) and I just like him alot overall.


Not to mention I just found team plasmas plans to be more sinister and manipulative, something people would believe is innocent.


I just overall liked the story.


Hopefully x and y lives up to it.


I felt that the games stories got better progressively, except maybe in diamond/pearl and platinum, and even then I don't find them all that bad personally.


I kinda think emeralds was more interesting for the most part, even if d/p/p was more interesting graphically.


As far as music I must say that black and white improved the music alot, because honestly the music didn't feel as memorable in alot of the generations besides like gen 1 and 2. Until black and white, which i think has some very nice music.


So I voted black and white.


Again opinions, feel free to disagree.


Now pokemom.. I was inclined to choose gen 2 as umbreon is my favorite pokemon, but gen 1 has a lot of cool pokemon(I don't dislike gen 1 I like it, I just think nostalgia plays into liking it a lot

Of times, but it has a lot of charm and great Pokemon.) and so does gen 3 and 4 and 5 and even what we've seen in 6 I think.


So frankly with all my favorites spread far and wide, I can't pick. I voted gen 2 for having my favorite 1 Pokemon, but overall each gen has some of my favorites, and to pick one.. I can't do.


I love pokemon to much :P.


Overall, well I don't claim any the best exactly, I think it's a lot of opinion really and it's more a favorites thing, but I can't pick this either, I love all the games. All the generations. I'm a big fat Pokemon nerd, and love all things Pokemon, so yes I can't pick. Sue me I voted them all :P.


Again this is all just my opinion. One things for sure I've played the crap outta Pokemon since I first played the games back in the silver/gold times, and even when I played yellow and blue and red. And I continue to love it, even as X and Y approaches, and will continue to, call me a fanboy, but I enjoy the games, so Idc :D


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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  • 3 weeks later...

For Gameplay I chose X and Y, because come on. 3D Pokémon battles are way to awesome to pass up! Also the whole game being 3D makes it feel a lot more modern, and it really freshens up the series.


For story I chose Black/White/Black 2/White 2. I really enjoyed the story from these games, and I felt like they were a little better than the standard Pokémon stories from previous games.


For music I chose Gold/Silver, because Silver was my first Pokémon game and I still love its music to this day. (Due to nostalgia)


Which one has the best Pokémon? That's a toughie! They all have great Pokémon, in my opinion anyways. I'm going to have to pick Gold/Silver since Cyndaquil (my first Pokémon ever) was introduced in this generation. Also some of my favorites like Ampharos come from this generation also.


Best overall game? Gold and Silver.  My first game Silver is way too nostalgic for me to pass up on as the best. Nostalgia for the win!

  • Brohoof 1


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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  • 8 months later...

What Generation of Pokemon is the best and why?

I hope to see valid points and not "OMG, Klefki seriously WTF??!??!?1111" :eww:


Personally best generation to ME is Gen 3, as that was my first pokemon game I played.

I never got into Gen 1 or 2 but I have played Gen 5 and 6 so...Eeyup!


Genwunners should die in a pit of everlasting Klefki's and Ice Cream Pokemon


I hope to see this thread blast off *pokepun* :derp:  and do well..


Bye Ya'll !

  • Brohoof 1


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For me, it has to be Kanto. It's the one I grew up with, it's the generation I know the best. However, that doesn't mean I don't like other Gens. The new Kalos one I do like and same with Unova. 

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Going with Johto because i loved  Typhlosion and  Feraligatr in the games..


Oh and i guess the opening theme from the show....POKEMON'JOHTO!!!!...... :blush:

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I've always thought the first generation of Pokemon was the best, it was the easiest to remember. I don't really see the need for 600+ more Pokemon, lol.


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Ugh, why am I even posting on this thread? Because when it comes to me and Pokemon, I'm almost as bad as a G1 Transformers fan... Well almost as bad... I herald Kanto and Johto as the best, and really fell out of the fandom with everything that came after... So I have some catching up, but as it stands later generations while they have their merits aren't immediate favorites of mine... 

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For the story, Gen 5.


For the Mechanics, Gen 6


For the Pokemon, Gen 1


For the atmosphere, Gen 2


For overall benefit to the series, Gen 3


^This is an excellent answer.


Overall, I prefer G2.  The number of pokemon was a lot, but still manageable, it has my favorite legendary (Ho-oh is amazing), and it can't be stressed enough how awesome it is to explore two regions.  I still enjoy the other generations (can't really say much for G4 though, seeing as that's the generation that I skipped), but I can't say that they really compare to the excitement I felt in the Johto region.

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Once again, thanks!

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I'm going to say Hoenn. Gen 3 was when they really ironed out most of the kinks, such as the inclusion of abilities that drastically changed how different Pokemon fought. I also like that the villains inhabited a kind of moral grey area as well intentioned extremist. They weren't doing all this because they were evil, just that they thought they were helping a noble cause.  

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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As much as everyone including myself loves Kanto, I like Johto the best. I always get good feelings from this gen and it has my favorite starter ever, Chikorita. <3

  • Brohoof 2
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I've been playing Pokémon since the beginning, so I'm gonna say gen on- wait no I'm not. :huh:

Gen 5. Why? Because tons of my favorite Pokémon were introduced there- Volcarona, Terrakion, Conkeldurr, Hydreigon, Zekrom... I could go on. Plus Black/White had a great main story and a fresh take on a regional Pokédex of strictly new Pokémon. It was the gen I had the most fun with personally, and while yes I have moved on to gen 6 I think gen 5 and its roster will remain my favorite for the time being. :)


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I'm gonna be that person and say Gen 5, almost entirely because of B2/W2, which are, IMO, almost flawless games. The story wasn't as good as BW's, but everything else was better. The most notable thing to me is the most postgame of any Pokémon game. I would say "excluding Gen 2 Kanto", but it was pretty downsized.


Gen 3 is a close second favorite, though.

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Out of the six generations I played through in Pokemon, I have to say that Gen 2 stood out to me the most. It was the generation that defined my interest in Pokemon. I played (and started out with) Gen 1, but Gen 2 had my favorite evolved starter (Meganium) and most of my favorite Pokemon which includes Cyndaquil, Lanturn, Misdreavus, just to name a few. The storyline in Gen 2 was also great, too. :)

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  • 1 month later...
We seriously need an All of the Above option, b/c i actually enjoy all of them, but if i were to pick, i would say Gen1, 2 or 6.
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I loved the 2nd Gen of pokemon. Like some it was part of my childhood. But as far as gaming gens go, I say that the series of games didn't start REALLY going down hill till after Gen 3. Granted that Gen 5 did add the health low music which was an idea that was stupidly removed for Gen 6. Meh, I could nit pick all day but I'm still kinda half a asleep atm. I'm not up to doing a three paragraph rant about my opinions on the matter.

Edited by Sadist the Wanderer

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