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What do you think future episodes should include?

Iris Melody

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I would love to see MLP FiM have as long a run-time as possible. For that to really work out, though, I see the show needing to expand.


Forgive the analogy, but the best one I can come up with is something akin to The Simpsons in that we have a set town(s) so maybe we could learn as much about each character and place as possible? We've seen Ponyville, Canterlot, Cloudsdale, Appleoosa, Dodge, little bit of Manehattan, and we know there's a Fillydelphia. Maybe future episodes can take us on journeys across the land of Equestria, maybe even to Zecora's hometown. The mane 6 still being the mane 6, of course, but I can see that potential of expanding - like how we have Cutie Mark Crusaders episodes - but to go further with other characters too.


Also, I would really LOVE to see male ponies becoming more involved with the mane 6. I don't mean as romantic interests or anything - I want to stick to the theme that friendship is magic - but guys and girls can be friends, too. I'm thrilled we are seeing more guy ponies (I was super thrilled to see Mr. Cake involved in his babies' childcare) but I think it would really make the show wonderful to add guys as friends and see them regularly/semi-regularly like the mane 6. Friendship is magic, even across genders! My whole life, most of my closest friends have always been guys. I would like to see MLP FiM show that guys and girls can get along great as friends :) We've seen somewhat jerkish semi-jock guys (Cloudsdale), not-the-brightest Snips & Snails, adorable little Pip - I think it's time to see good guy ponies with great personalities and interesting flaws of their own :)


I'd like to see better treatment of Spike, too. Maybe an episode where Twilight realizes she shouldn't be so meanish toward him like she tends to be. It's fine to poke fun and tease, but I'm not very thrilled with how Spike is treated by the ponies. I'm not saying they are downright mean, but they could be a little more considerate of him.


Naturally, we should see more of Celestia and Luna. They have much fleshing out to be done that would be really interesting. I can imagine both are terribly lonely - Princess Celestia also seems sick of the Royal treatment. I'm under the impression she wishes everypony would treat her just like any other pony.


What does everypony think?

  • Brohoof 1

Pinkie Pie is my favoritest of the mane six for several reasons, but most importantly because she always has a good attitude. The others can doubt her, say somewhat unkind things, not believe her, and she just rolls with it. I also love her because her self-defined purpose in life is to make others happy. I believe her balloons cutie mark actually represents her uplifting others. Her amazing dimension bending and psychic powers are a factor, too :) When poor Pinkie Pie looses her mind, well, it is quite humorous. She has her own depression demons to fight, yet focuses on others. The world will be a better place when she succeeds in breaking that 4th wall! >:D

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I'd like to see more Princess Luna. There hasn't been any footage of her since S2E4, and since S1E2. Perhaps they could do an episode where the attention is focused on Luna, but not in the "scary" light as the ponies saw her in Luna Eclipsed.

  • Brohoof 2
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Also, I would really LOVE to see male ponies becoming more involved with the mane 6. I don't mean as romantic interests or anything - I want to stick to the theme that friendship is magic - but guys and girls can be friends, too. I'm thrilled we are seeing more guy ponies (I was super thrilled to see Mr. Cake involved in his babies' childcare) but I think it would really make the show wonderful to add guys as friends and see them regularly/semi-regularly like the mane 6. Friendship is magic, even across genders! My whole life, most of my closest friends have always been guys. I would like to see MLP FiM show that guys and girls can get along great as friends :) We've seen somewhat jerkish semi-jock guys (Cloudsdale), not-the-brightest Snips & Snails, adorable little Pip - I think it's time to see good guy ponies with great personalities and interesting flaws of their own :)



So much yes, we need male characters. They are absolutely nescesary


Apart from that, what I would really like is all sorts of world and character building. I know the writters will eventually run out of cliche plots from cartoon shows, and then they'll just have to resort to actual story telling (or end the show :c) and that's what I patienly wait. I really would like to know more about Equestria's history. Maybe we can have the planet named? That would be cool. And character building, Dash's parents? Fluttershy's parents? Scootaloo's parents? and most important, Applejack's parents???!!!


They must do all of that

  • Brohoof 1
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I for one would like to see more action. Maybe a multi-episodal arc where the main 6 go on some Adventure to stop some villain in a faraway land...


Maybe that's one of the reasons they've introduced another Alicorn though: to broaden the story.


But as far as what the show has currently, here's what's on my wish list:

1. More Luna

2. Return of the Great and Powerful Trixie

3. Scootaloo episode

4. More Twilight Episodes

5. Episode on how Celestia and Luna became rulers of Equestria

5a. Maybe a Princess Celestia episode?

6. I would give anything to just see DJ-PON3 again.


...that's all that I can think of immediately. Probably more though.

  • Brohoof 2
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By far, my favorite episodes are the Mane 6 episodes, so I would like to see more. But also, even though a low possibility, maybe episodes that are popular character to fans. (Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, etc.)

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1) I would like to see some more Luna. She was amusing and I want to see more of her adapting to being back actually on Equestria and all that.


2) Rainbow Dash reading. Seriously, I would probably watch an episode of RD just sitting around reading. No dialogue, except maybe small reactions.

(I kid, but that'd make me laugh).


3) I would like to see more Derpy. I know they changed her voice and eyes in the re-upload of The Last Roundup to iTunes so I don't know she'll still have her same voice in potential future episodes. I've gotten used to the voice and am starting to kind of like it, so I think I'd be okay with that. Maybe an episode where Derpy does something well? I think that'd be a nice contrast to how we usually see her and doesn't make her seem like she's incapable of that. At least, I think that's where some of the problems people had with her came from, among other things. Okay, this got on a lot longer than it should have. Sorry about that. But that's something I'd like to see, I guess.


4) I kind of want a trippy episode. I really liked that sort of thing in the first episode of season 2. It would be risky basically doing something they already did (it wouldn't have to involve Discord this time, obviously) but I like it when shows have really trippy or bizarre episodes. So that's a really personal one for me.

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An episode centered around Derpy. Seriously, Hasbro. Want to make the critics that say she's 'offensive' shut up? Make an episode that centers around her and tackle that whole subject. They'll never complain about her again, and you'll get a nice moral out of it. You could even get Pat Allee to write it. Because she'll do it. She got a cartoon to greenlight an episode about AIDS (one of the more famous/infamous Captain Planet episodes), and despite it being awkward to watch nowadays, it was really well done for its time. I'm pretty sure she'd have no problem doing a Derpy episode for FiM and dealing with whatever it is that Derpy has going on. Nobody will complain about Derpy being offensive again after they see it, I swear. It WORKS!!!


Also, we need an episode about Princess Celestia. I need not say more on that. But it needs to happen.

Edited by SBaby

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Future episodes need lots moar Fluttershy and Big Macintosh.


A mild shipping episode? This is the pairing I'd hope for! Cheerilee better step her hooves back on away from Big Mac! He'd be perfect for Fluttershy. The stallion of little words and the shy reserved filly would be such an adorable match!


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This obviously makes sense.


Forget 42, Dragonite. I think you just found the true meaning of life, the universe and everything!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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I want another Luna episode, a Derpy episode, more Wonderbolts appearances (especially Spitfire), and I would like to see an episode with RD's parents or Fluttershy's parents cause we have yet to see them at all



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There's so many possibilities. Um...


I got an episode idea!


1.) The ponies have a bad day, arguing and criticizing each other all the way through one of Pinkie Pie's monthly puppet shows. (cause I just thought of that, it's new, Pinkie would do that, and ponies with hooves can totally do that) Then, as Rarity offers to "improve" upon one of Pinkie's puppets to better match her and the rest of the mane 6's likenesses, she and Twilight get into an argument that leads to the magic in their horns crossing, producing a disastrous effect! (kind of like the streams crossing in Ghostbusters)


As a result, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity all get turned into sock puppets who can only talk when they're on somebody's hoof! Now it's up to Pinkie Pie and Twilight to stop all their bickering and turn their friends back to normal!


Conflict: Friends arguing and criticizing one another. Moral: Obviously, that's bad. Friends can disagree, but they shouldn't let those disagreements cloud their judgement and make their time together unpleasant.


Idea for a fanfic. THIS. Now all it needs is more Pinkie Pie breaking the fourth wall.

Edited by Discolt

~ You never see my hooves because they move so fast! ~

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Actually, a lot of what I would like to see in future episodes was the sort of thing that Lauren Faust wanted to include in the first place, but was forced to leave out due to Hasbro's restrictions. Things such as a bit more action and drama, with some more dire consequences that can occur when things go wrong.


Still, mostly what I would like to see is greater utilization of all the characters. We've had enough individually focused episodes. It's time to bring the gang back and let them all do their thing, the way they were meant to: together.


I'd also like a couple of really good sad/tragic/angry songs. All the songs so far have been either happy, triumphant, or otherwise cheerful. This is not bad, of course. I love the music of the show. I'd just like to see a little bit more variety. Something like what I speculated for It's About Time--a song where Twilight falls deeper and deeper into temporary insanity--would be REALLY interesting and different.


Of course, I'd really like to see some serious questions we still have about the background of some of the characters answered. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy still haven't shown us their parents, for instance. Then there's the question of where Spike's egg came from, the canonical explanation for why he was entrusted to Twilight, etc etc, things along those lines.


Extra worldbuilding would also be wonderful. Hearing more about the nature of Equestria and ESPECIALLY its relations with possible foreign nations would really excite me.


Beyond that, I'm mostly just hoping that the show keeps up the quality of writing that it has thus far. I don't want to see it degrade into mindless gibberish.

  • Brohoof 1

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Probably more male characters, were there even any other male characters in previous generations? I wouldn't know, but more than just Big Mac would be cool.


More episodes that don't take place in Ponyville would be nice, as would more Spike episodes.

  • Brohoof 1
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All of the mane 6!


Esp. Twi and RD.


Probably more male characters, were there even any other male characters in previous generations? I wouldn't know, but more than just Big Mac would be cool.


More episodes that don't take place in Ponyville would be nice, as would more Spike episodes.


Lemme correctya there:


Probably more male characters, were there even any other male characters in previous generations? I wouldn't know, but more than just Big Mac [and spike] would be cool.


More episodes that don't take place in Ponyville would be nice, as would more Spike episodes.


Okay, 2 out of 8... Not two bad... See what I did there?

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Probably more male characters, were there even any other male characters in previous generations? I wouldn't know, but more than just Big Mac would be cool.


More episodes that don't take place in Ponyville would be nice, as would more Spike episodes.


The last episode had plenty of male characters

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