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Plans or Resolutions for 2014


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Get ripped. I'm 5'11-6'0 at 16 years old. I way around 205-210 lbs. I am not that chubby because I like weightlifting a lot and walking sometimes. I hope to be at most 6'3 and at least 6'1 when I'm done growing. I want to go camping for the first time. I want the experience. And I want a gf. I'm not ugly or anything. I'm just shy. I want to boost my self esteem

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Act less like a piece of shit, be more bothered about school and stop swearing as much. People are asking me if I have tourettes.. :/

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  • Try not to stutter so much
  • Come out of my shy shell
  • Become more social

That's about it, I have that planned for 2014!


I'm with you.

I have a TERRIBLE stuttering issue.

One so large, I see a speech therapist every week. It's really the pits :P



Get ripped. I'm 5'11-6'0 at 16 years old. I way around 205-210 lbs. I am not that chubby because I like weightlifting a lot and walking sometimes. I hope to be at most 6'3 and at least 6'1 when I'm done growing. I want to go camping for the first time. I want the experience. And I want a gf. I'm not ugly or anything. I'm just shy. I want to boost my self esteem

Yet another workout resolution.

Well, good luck :D

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Each year I make plenty of plans and/or resolutions and I just forget it the day after.


This year I'll do a few things, first of all to prevent any misunderstanding the school system is different which is why I'm going to university this upcoming year 2014. The plan is to become a mechanical engineer, I'm hoping that goes well.


Maybe get a truck driving license, yes this has been in the planning for a while I might be able to drive one of these babies during the weekends.




I'll look badass, picking up girls on the go. A truck drivers life, so I look forward to that and I think I'll do it if not then it doesn't matter.


Then I also plan on buying a sports car, or maybe I'll just buy a project car.




No way that project would be a AE86 those are rare but you know, make something cool.


Then I might get a gun license and maybe a rifle, I'm not sure about that though since it isn't high on my priorities.


Maybe I'll try getting into a relationship, never had one and I don't care if it won't happen.


Also, even though this is one I constantly say that is adding a little muscle. You know, I'm not really sure about that one really because I think weightlifting is just a little boring but I guess I need to build up that attractiveness level. 


I would say become more social but I don't feel like it, I'll try to make 2014 a memorable year.


The last thing that I might add, maybe revealing how I look that is posting a video or picture on the forums I doubt I will. Just rather shy but it's still in the "maybe" section.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Actually got a couple more things to add to my resolution / plans, my resolution will be


2560x1440 ... or at least... I want that resolution.


So a 1440p monitor and maybe a relationship... since I already got my drivers license.

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It's almost 2014 and I want to know what all my loyal subjects New Year Resolutions are? I also have a question that is on my mind and it is: If you could have anything in Equestria what would it be?

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My new year's resolution is to stop procrastinating and actually get some things done around here.


It's almost 2014 and I want to know what all my loyal subjects New Year Resolutions are? I also have a question that is on my mind and it is: If you could have anything in Equestria what would it be?

I have merged your thread with this one since they are both about new year's resolutions. When making new threads, I'd suggest searching first to make sure one doesn't already exist. You can search for threads via Google using the following format: site:mlpforums.com ThreadName


Oh, also, to answer your second question, if I could have anything in Equestria, it would be Twilight Sparkle. She could use her amazing magic and smartness to create a portal. Then we could both go back to Equestria.

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I wrote down a list last night!


1. be more social.

2. Beat Every Mario game i own. (some i have not even played yet)

3. lose weight

4. visit my mum more

5. write music


im sure ill add more

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Worth a shot.

I can talk to my IRL friends no problem, but when I'm talking to a girl I like...

I just.... break.

I can relate xD But talking to them enough, you get used to it. Try it :D!

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Dear god, a plan for this year? (Already 2014, HARHAR, I'm in the future!)

Man, I don't have any plans... .-.


It's too late for meh... It's already 12:34 AM (Midnight) and I don't know what to doooo!

Think of something :D There's always something to plan for!

Well, it's New Year's Eve! Time to celebrate!

Happy New Year, guys!

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Think of something :D There's always something to plan for!

Eh, I could just move to another house, I've been living in this womancave or 4 years already...


Hmm... How about I go visit Supanova this year? Indulge myself with some pony shaped cookies... :D

Or cupcakes... If they sell any... Hmm, what about saving up for a portal gun? :) (They could have them there, since they sell gaming merchandise...)


Cannot believe I didn't watch Frozen.. I should get off of my Sonrlax behind! ;)


Well, I guess it's time for me to rest... I'm getting used to staying up until 3pm the next day on. Well, goodnight, hehe! xD


And a happy New Year to everyone else out there! ^7^

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Well I am going to say plans instead of resolutions, because I suck at keeping those. lol.

2014 plans:


1. Keep taking my 2 college classes each semester and get A's.

2. Try and stay off facebook during work hours...

3. Get the MLP CCG played locally so my daughter and I can play. :)

4. Go out on more dates, and stop pushing available men away. lol

5. Help my daughter get into the art magnet school.

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1. Get a job, even though it's been my resolution for the past two years (f*ck this economy)

2. Lose Weight

3. Contact family members more often as well as forum friends

4. Reach 600 posts

Edited by Woohoo
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