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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:   Oh my God, this is WAY TOO RICH, I can't believe how I laughed for making such a fuzz about a cameo. I could add some words for why Flash Sentry's hate is undeserved, but that will be repeating stuff wrote before  :comeatus:

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Well, he won't play a role in season 4.  He might make a few more cameos, but Meghan said that he wasn't a character in season 4.  So we know that he wasn't in any actual scripts.  There is a possibility of him being in season 5.  In fact, this cameo may have been to test the waters and see how the fans would react to his return.  Just an interesting possibility I thought of.


Well, with time to consider where they went wrong with him in Equestria Girls, I think they can make him work as a character.  We won't have to worry about any changing voice actors because Vincent Tong does several voices on the show.

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I didn't even notice him in the latest episode, though that was probably partly due to the fact that I was getting ready for work at the same time I was watching it. It has been confirmed that he won't have a major role in season 4 but although it is possible he may have a role in future seasons we don't really know this for sure yet so there is no point in panicking or being upset over something that might or might not even happen. And if say Flash were to be introduced to the show it wouldn't be the end of the world even if she did end up being Twilight's boyfriend (I will seriously call him lucky bastard from now on if that happens) it still won't be the end of the world so long as it is done right.

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I think some people were more upset about the fact that Meghan told another lie.

I have nothing against Meghan and think she's great, but I can't say I trust a word she says, based on her track record regarding honesty.

Even though I can't stand Chad, his appearance as a cameo alone doesnt rustle my jimmies. They WILL be rustled if he ever gets a role as Twilight's love interest again. That shit was lame

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 2
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I'm going to add my highly speculative head canon to this because I think it could soothe a lot of worries. The fact that Twilight and Flash were crushing on each other in EQG does not necessarily imply that they will crush on each other in the show. My main reason for believing this is as follows:


I think the ages of the ponies are different than their humanoid world counterparts. The mane six do not appear to be teenagers in Equestria. Rather, they appear to be fully adult members of society. They don't attend pony high school (and when they do go to school it's at places that resemble college or university like the Wonderbolts Academy or private studies under Princess Celestia), they don't live with their parents, they have full time jobs and even careers, they own land and homes, and even though they are still learning, the drama they encounter is not typical of teens. The point of Twilight going through the mirror was to experience a completely different world and apply her knowledge of friendship to it. If becoming a humanoid teen is a part of entering that world, then all of the hormones that accompany being a teen will be a part of that experience too. Adolescents get horny, so of course human Twilight was going to develop crushy feelings for some rando guy. I cringe when I think of all of the incompatible guys I had crushes on in high school simply because my hormones were making me boy crazy (except Dave, he was a dreamboat).


I think that when Twilight came back through the mirror, the chemical state of her brain returned to that of an adult pony and her crush disappeared. She blushed when she bumped into Flash at the end of the movie because she recognized him and thought "Oh my Celestia, I can't believe I had a crush on you!" Recall that she bumped into him in the beginning of the movie too and she didn't blush then, so it's not as though it was a "love at first sight" attraction. Also, Twilight is a logical pony and she knows that just because the Equestrians and their humanoid world counterparts share some attributes, they are not the exact same individuals. Twilight would have to get to know the pony Flash to at least the same small extent she knew the humanoid Flash before she could develop any feelings for him.


I don't really care if Flah gets a bigger background role in the show or gets a few lines, or even if he becomes a character who is called upon for help sometimes like Zecora. Personally I'd rather they not persue a romance though.

  • Brohoof 2
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TBH given in Equestria they never made any "connection" as people are having an issue with. That happened in the human world. At worst Twilight carried a little bit over when she returned, but taunting aside, she never acted/spoke anything of it to anyone at any time. But Flash himself had nothing to do with any of that, and as such can't possibly be known to (as a pony) have any connection with Twilight.


It didn't phase me at all seeing him there, and only adds to the fun seeing all the fanatics going ape over his presence and damaging their fantasy world "Waifu" delusions.

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Twilight is one of the mane 6 in a show about friendship.

I somehow doubt they are gonna start including the intricacies of love and relationships to one of the mane characters (no offence, but spikes crush doesn't count, and the canterlot wedding episodes were not about the mane characters so much as cadence)

They'll toy with us about him, but I doubt they'll actually get them together, as it would just complicate the story line, and not really add much to the show in the long term, except some extra shipping :/

Edited by joecal97
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I, for one, like flash. I think that the EG flash is a big....key. I really don't like EG flash, just because he as a character is just so....smug. He knows he's gonna get the girl. I think if they made real flash a different character(not so smug, not so perfect) then he would be great. I know a lot of people aren't fans of romance In the show, but seriously, would you expect six mares who have countless fanboys because of their design, to stay completely single? To not have any romantic relationships at all? Think about it, these are desirable bachelorettes, and I think it's silly that the only two who had even inklings of a relationship were twi and rarity. One was an inter dimensional casanova(EG flash) and the other was a jerk. (Prince blue blood)


Flash could be a really good character, if they just tried to make him normal, or just not so nice (because he knows twi can't resist him.) he was like that perfect boy in highschool who is so nice to you because he knows you'll do Anything for him. Eeeeeew.

It would be funny if he and twi got mad at each other as their first interaction after EG. All flash needs to be a redeeming character is a little more real attitude, not smug perfection.

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(I still have to finish watching EQG  :okiedokielokie: )


have you guys noticed that Flash actually looked back and smiled when Cadence gave him the signal to get back up the train?


He looked back, he smiled and not only that, to make that even more obvious, you can hear a 'tingling' sound effect as he smiles.


what if he was smiling back at Twilight? he could be smiling to Cadence but I highly doubt it, also, remember that royal guards aren't allowed to move or talk, what if he didn't say anything to Twilight because he was 'at work' so he reacted with that smile?

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(I still have to finish watching EQG  :okiedokielokie: )


have you guys noticed that Flash actually looked back and smiled when Cadence gave him the signal to get back up the train?


He looked back, he smiled and not only that, to make that even more obvious, you can hear a 'tingling' sound effect as he smiles.


what if he was smiling back at Twilight? he could be smiling to Cadence but I highly doubt it, also, remember that royal guards aren't allowed to move or talk, what if he didn't say anything to Twilight because he was 'at work' so he reacted with that smile?

I don't know, that could just be the animators f*&king with us. It could mean something, but then again, my theories of the show have been less than accurate.

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I don't know, that could just be the animators f*&king with us. It could mean something, but then again, my theories of the show have been less than accurate.

animators do not take any desicions, I'm pretty sure producers have to review it before it's fully completed, besides the sound is pretty obvious. Obviously was placed there for that scene.

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I liked this episode, and I'm actually neutral on Flash; what boils my blood is Meghan McCarthy's a Lying Creator.

Meghan didn't lie.  He was put there by an animator, and Meghan simply didn't know, as he was not even part of the script. She wasn't lying, she actually don't know the truth.

I think some people were more upset about the fact that Meghan told another lie.

I have nothing against Meghan and think she's great, but I can't say I trust a word she says, based on her track record regarding honesty.

Even though I can't stand Chad, his appearance as a cameo alone doesnt rustle my jimmies. They WILL be rustled if he ever gets a role as Twilight's love interest again. That shit was lame

She didn't lie, as it wasn't even part of the script, and she didn't know he was there.  He was just added as a cameo by an animator.

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Meghan didn't lie.  He was put there by an animator, and Meghan simply didn't know, as he was not even part of the script. She wasn't lying, she actually don't know the truth.

She didn't lie, as it wasn't even part of the script, and she didn't know he was there.  He was just added as a cameo by an animator.


Maybe when she learns the truth, we will get a refutation? 

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Maybe I'm in the wrong here. But I can't care enough about Flash Sentry. All I wish is for the producers to give him some depth if they are going to use him in any.


- Flash Sentry is just a guard: okay... tell me why is a "normal pegasus" among the the crystal ponies.


- Flash Sentry is going to be Twilight's friend: okay... I still want to know the above. And please imply that they actually know each other because Twilight only interacted with him from the other world.


- Flash Sentry is going to be Twilight's boyfriend: okay... I still want all of the above plus a reason why this is relevant. Though I don't mind if they make it so just so the character is in a romantic relationship. But please... Give the colt some depth.


- Flash Sentry is going to sire all of the Mane Six children and all your waifu dreams are doomed! Mwaaaa-hahahaha: I still don't care. But I want to know about him before any of this happens. And I also want what the producers are having.


This show has a very strong female cast. They don't need to pull down on the males so that the females can shine. Producers are being stupid with male characters that are nothing but walking stereotypes. Come on DHX! You guys have done better.

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Flash Sentry's appearance didn't bother me much. In EqG, he was just a plot convenience...The "pretty boy" for Twilight to fall in love with. Meghan McCarthy tweeted back in June that Flash Sentry would not be a character in Season 4. His cameo in Three's A Crowd was a little shout out to EqG and perhaps to confirm the movie was canon. I don't think Twilight is going to become his "girlfriend" or anything, he was simply a high school-esque crush she had.

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(...) Twilight only interacted with him from the other world.




And all the human counterparts are clearly separate individuals, so Pony!Flash =/= Human!Flash, and therefore, Twilight X Pony!Flash is just too shallow.

Edited by Anti-Villain
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I don't think it's fair to say Megan lied to everyone. She obviously respects the fandom but she is not obligated to do anything. Story and plot lines change, other people have input and say, she can change her mind. Yes, a wiki page said it- so what? It was just a bit cameo part anyway- more of a shoutout to the fandom really than some epic betrayal.

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(I still have to finish watching EQG  :okiedokielokie: )


have you guys noticed that Flash actually looked back and smiled when Cadence gave him the signal to get back up the train?


He looked back, he smiled and not only that, to make that even more obvious, you can hear a 'tingling' sound effect as he smiles.


what if he was smiling back at Twilight? he could be smiling to Cadence but I highly doubt it, also, remember that royal guards aren't allowed to move or talk, what if he didn't say anything to Twilight because he was 'at work' so he reacted with that smile?

I found that odd, it should be Twily the one who should have done that, since pony Flash don't know Twily on a personal level, unlike, to a certain point, his human counterpart

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~Chaotic Discord~ has headcanon that the only reason Flash was there is because Discord read the script for the episode and wanted to cause more chaos than what he had screen-time for.



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I found that odd, it should be Twily the one who should have done that, since pony Flash don't know Twily on a personal level, unlike, to a certain point, his human counterpart


I still thinking that it was "provocation" (trolling). Besides I bet Twilight thought smth like that: "Eh...Who is this? And why this guard smiled to me? Never mind. I must do everything for making this visit of Princess  Cadense became perfect."

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Okay, guys. I'm going to throw this out there right now. I don't actually hate this guy. Doesn't mean I'm happy about his existence, just indifferent. But now he's back and we will have to deal with the cards we were dealt. But equestrian girls was a long time ago and we all knew he would come back eventually. Hell, he was placed as Twilight's love interest. You can't just sweep that under the rug and play the denial card. But he's back and we'll have to deal with it like adults. If they can give him a personality, rather than being a plot convenience, then he is welcome to return to me. Until then, just stay in the corner, Flash Gor- Sentry, were just not ready.




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How hilarious would it be if they actually got that guy to play flash sentry. Then we would have more reason to start singing that.


(I still have to finish watching EQG  :okiedokielokie: )


have you guys noticed that Flash actually looked back and smiled when Cadence gave him the signal to get back up the train?


He looked back, he smiled and not only that, to make that even more obvious, you can hear a 'tingling' sound effect as he smiles.


what if he was smiling back at Twilight? he could be smiling to Cadence but I highly doubt it, also, remember that royal guards aren't allowed to move or talk, what if he didn't say anything to Twilight because he was 'at work' so he reacted with that smile?


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