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To end all 'Ponies are better than Humans' arguments.


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To end all Ponies are gooder than Human arguments. 


Take note this is A KID's SHOW can't have Ponies acting and doing the same as the Nazi's Schutzstaffel do in a war nor can they address other grimdark things. Because again, this A KID's SHOW! Humans aren't push overs either, for we got overpowered Mary Sue and Gary Stu too in some fan fiction universe.



The thing this is a kids show. So they can't address certain things, these things can only be addressed in fan fiction. Not ever in the show, ever!


And even if Ponie exist (somehow due to multiverse theory) what we see in the show probably a rare universe. They too could have grimdark futures like Warhammer 40K, The Walking Dead and Mass Effect in some universes. 

Edited by Rush
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To be honest, it doesn't matter who is better or not. We can leave it at that, nothing more and nothing less. ;)



Besides, humanity isn't perfect anyway.

Edited by Scootalove
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The mlp verse is "gooder" than humanity for other reasons.


Mostly that their society, though it still has its bad elements, are nowhere near as bad as those of human societies (which are fixable, just leaders drag thier feet over money to fix these things....)


Also the ponies are more united as a race than humanity is. They can see past the differences of unicorn, pegesus & earth pony better than humans do with simple concepts like skin colour and ethenic origins. (they do freak out with zebras but they got over that :P)

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Ponies are prettier than people. Based on my view that aesthetics trump all other concerns, I have no choice but to continue arguing.

But I'll look damn fine while I do it.

Damn fine.

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The ponies themselves aren't perfect, that much is obvious, and is perhaps a blessing for us viewers because the setting could quickly become boring without some source of conflict. Anyway, as individuals, the ponies seem to have most of the flaws and traits that humans do. But, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that they have managed to create a more progressive and ideal society, considering how much value they seem to place on things like friendship and harmony.


Basically what I'm saying though is that I think the ponies themselves often have most or maybe all of the flaws humans do, but I also think that they have managed to create a more ideal, progressive society/system that tries hard to make up for those flaws they have as individuals, if that makes any sense(it probably doesn't with the way I try to explain things). Either way, if it worked like that, it would help isolate unpleasant problems like generalized hatred/discrimination, racism, sexism, etc to the occasional individual or small groups, rather than making them huge issues that pop up in every facet of life.


Of course, even if their society is pretty nice, it can't be perfect; it's not a utopia and I could probably think of a decent number of issues that are still gonna exist in it no matter what, but I just prefer to think that it's not plagued with significant problems at every corner. Also, this post contains dangerous levels of headcanon/theorizing, but that's just about all you can use for speculating on stuff like this I suppose.

Edited by Vixor
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The mlp verse is "gooder" than humanity for other reasons.


Mostly that their society, though it still has its bad elements, are nowhere near as bad as those of human societies (which are fixable, just leaders drag thier feet over money to fix these things....)


Also the ponies are more united as a race than humanity is. They can see past the differences of unicorn, pegesus & earth pony better than humans do with simple concepts like skin colour and ethenic origins. (they do freak out with zebras but they got over that :P)


Once again, this IS A KID's SHOW so they can't have grimdark things, like serial killers Ponies like Ted Bundy or Nazi Ponies going around killing everyone that isn't a Pony. Which happens in the non canon like universes.

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Once again, this IS A KID's SHOW so they can't have grimdark things, like serial killers Ponies like Ted Bundy or Nazi Ponies going around killing everyone that isn't a Pony. Which happens in the non canon like universes.


I wasn't refering to grimdark :P


I was refering to stuff we do see in the show like a stronger sense of community and a better acceptance of differences (wihin reason of course) between the ponies.


we've also seen that hench-ponies exist, the fact the royal guard even exist is proof crime must exist on some level. And ponies can show racial stigma such as there initial reaction to Zecora or the snobbyness of the Canterlot elite.

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According to this show, ponies can be egotists, dictators and con artists.

Honestly I don't get why people think Equestria is an ideal world.

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Humans can drive a stickshift. Have you even seen a pony drive a stickshift? Fackin' thought not, yo.


Thank you and goodnight.

  • Brohoof 2
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Humans can drive a stickshift. Have you even seen a pony drive a stickshift? Fackin' thought not, yo.


Thank you and goodnight.


I did, once, but then the LSD wore off and it turned out I was just running around the grocery store naked. 

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According to this show, ponies can be egotists, dictators and con artists.

Honestly I don't get why people think Equestria is an ideal world.

Personally I think they place a higher level of value on things like friendship, harmony, love, etc, and those things even seem to be a tangible force in the MLP universe and yada yada. Anyway, if it worked like that, it wouldn't be enough to make it perfect or eliminate every negative aspect, and certainly won't always result in every individual being ideal, such as the ponies you are referring to, but it would make a significant difference. 


But it's still just a headcanon, not a fact, just like the alternatives, and I see no faults in headcanoning that Equestria is a distinctively nice/ideal place. Also, I think nice/ideal doesn't necessarily have to mean 'Sunshine and rainbows everywhere' anyway. Unless of course you're trying to insist that it's a true utopia, but even I think that's impossible; nothing can be perfect, especially something as complex as a society, but it can always be improved upon, and a society that works hard to efficiently improve upon itself is a possibility, as is one that succeeds in efficiently improving upon itself.


And I'm personally not a fan of using headcanons that apply too much of major real world problems onto ponies, but by all means do that if you find it enjoyable. It's all just for fun when it comes to headcanon related things.


Muh insane rambling

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The fact that certain things are not allowed to be shown does not mean that they'd be included otherwise.


Seeing as Equestria has some pretty advanced tech (loudspeakers,pet drier ect.) while the weapon technology seems to not have advanced past swords and spears, arguably cannons, would suggest that ponies are a good deal less warlike than humans...


Friendship and compassion seem to be valued far higher than in most human societies


There is no indication of pollution being an issue


So, no I don't think this topic will and all the ponies-are-better-than-humans arguments.

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The fact that certain things are not allowed to be shown does not mean that they'd be included otherwise.


Seeing as Equestria has some pretty advanced tech (loudspeakers,pet drier ect.) while the weapon technology seems to not have advanced past swords and spears, arguably cannons, would suggest that ponies are a good deal less warlike than humans...


Friendship and compassion seem to be valued far higher than in most human societies


There is no indication of pollution being an issue


So, no I don't think this topic will and all the ponies-are-better-than-humans arguments.

Who needs battlefield weapons more advanced than cannons when 1/3 of your population is capable of firing lasers from their heads? 

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Who needs battlefield weapons more advanced than cannons when 1/3 of your population is capable of firing lasers from their heads? 

Most unicorns don't; Boast Busters mentions that most unicorns' magic is limited to minor levitation and possible something related to their talent.

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I do have to agree. Not really sure were this whole notion came from. While yes, what we have seen, they are pretty good. I doubt, if the show was allowed to go darker, we would be thinking the same thing once we saw the problems they had as well.

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Twilight proved that during the battle against the Changeling ponies.
When she (and every unicorn member of the Royal Guard) got captured?




Not really sure were this whole notion came from
From the fact that its a show about pastel coloured ponies. Not every cute show is trying to be Happy Tree Friends or Madoka Magicka.
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When she (and every unicorn member of the Royal Guard) got captured?




From the fact that its a show about pastel coloured ponies. Not every cute show is trying to be Happy Tree Friends or Madoka Magicka.



I was thinking more of when she blasted half of the Changelings with her horn-laser. If there were three or four more unicorns with her that could do that...

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