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So has nopony brought up Flash Sentry's recent appearance?

Ace O. Jade

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Suppose so :) It helps that, his cameos are overshadowed by fifteen thousand other things in the episode they pop in. Three's a Crowd has Discord and he stole the entire show as always, and the entire climax of Twilight's Kingdom stole the attention this time around.

Exactly. He is doing nothing more than a second and a half "hey guys, I exist!" and then quickly fading into the background never to bee seen for the rest of the episode. And I think most people have come to realize that. His cameos are nothing more than establishing the fact that he exists, and the writers seem content to take it no further in FiM than that.

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I'm actually surprised that I have seen no mention of Flash Sentry's recent appearance in the Season 4 finale

I guess we completely forget about him 5 minutes later when watching this epic episode.

  • Brohoof 1
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They either didn't care this time or he didn't really do anything too major to even be noticed or have a reaction to.

that's the weird part, the waifu thief had a line in the season finale, and nopony bats an eye, but he just showed up with no lines in Three's a Crowd and everypony lost their minds. I'm also surprised no one gave a fuck, maybe because it was shadowed with the My Little Pony Ball Z fight  :lol:


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I've got a little space blocked out in my brain where comments related to EQG get stored and then purged on a daily basis. I haven't seen it, don't want to see it, don't plan to see it. Where you see Flash Sentry, I see nameless background pony.

  • Brohoof 2
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Move it along people, go home, nothing to see here!



Heck, I thought it was another animator mistake like his last appearance


  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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I don't think people even care anymore. I still don't like him, but for some reason I really didn't give a damn when he showed up (and even had a speaking role) in the season finale. As long as he isn't spending his screen time being a generic, boring stereotype boyfriend to Twilight, I'm fine with his presence in the show



Looks like he's going to be a re-occurring character.  The lack of reaction this time means that his haters don't care as much as they used to.


Oh my, that smug look on his face is just perfect  :lol: , "I'm here to stay, whether you like it or not. DEAL WITH IT".

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Looks like he's going to be a re-occurring character.  The lack of reaction this time means that his haters don't care as much as they used to.

Don't worry Flash, you'll have your time to properly shine someday. It would be fun an episode of him watching over the CMC, there's NOT WAY IN HELL he'll keep his generic guy fame after that  :lol:


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Ugh! Twilight better not steal mai husbando. :angry:


Just kidding. I always like seeing Flash Sentry, though. So the appearance was nice.


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Don't worry Flash, you'll have your time to properly shine someday. It would be fun an episode of him watching over the CMC, there's NOT WAY IN HELL he'll keep his generic guy fame after that  :lol:

Wait, we can do better than that.  Okay, First Base has a crush on Scootaloo and wants Flash's advice.  Add in clearly bad advice from Flash, a cameo of Scoots parents, and them interrupting Twilight Time and you've got a winner.


Ugh! Twilight better not steal mai husbando. :angry:


Just kidding. I always like seeing Flash Sentry, though. So the appearance was nice.



  • Brohoof 1
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Flash Sentry is too "underdeveloped" to be Twilights love interest.


What do we know about him? Not much.


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OH MY GOSH! I just figured it out! we don't have to worry about Flash Sentry anymore...why??? Because he's ORANGE! That means he'll always be doomed to the life of a background pony...just like that other orange pony we all know...what was her name?...apple...john?...ah well, it doesn't matter...but yeah! Flash is totally doomed...  :umad:

Edited by BrilliantVenture
  • Brohoof 1


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Why should i let an insignificant background character ruin the episode for me? His mere presence doesn't bother me, and why should it?

I just hope the writers doesn't plan to do anything funny with him. His presence doesn't anger me, but it does worry me a bit...

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Because one 3 second non speaking cameo in front of a train isn't noteworthy. (not that Noteworthy!)

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Here is my opinion on Flash Sentry: he is different than all the other guards, and he is a normal pegasus in the Crystal Empire. WHY?! The little dude is a bundle of question marks. I HATE that they put him there, use him a few times, but just don't give him ANYTHING. So much freaking wasted potential.


And about shipping him with Twilight: it's stupid, right now, because all their interaction was that she bumped into him and Cadance looked like she wanted to tie them together and throw them in a room. This is just sad.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

Edited by plzremoveaccountfdfd
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Here is my opinion on Flash Sentry: he is different than all the other guards, and he is a normal pegasus in the Crystal Empire. WHY?! The little dude is a bundle of question marks. I HATE that they put him there, use him a few times, but just don't give him ANYTHING. So much freaking wasted potential.


And about shipping him with Twilight: it's stupid, right now, because all their interaction was that she bumped into him and Cadance looked like she wanted to tie them together and throw them in a room. This is just sad.

I wouldn't worry about his potential, I'm sure he'll get a bigger role someday, like most secondary characters starting season 2


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