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Do you like the design of Twilight's Castle?


Do you like the design of Twilight's Castle?  

79 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the design of Twilight's Castle?

    • Not the best, but it looks okay.
    • I really hate it
    • Indifferent
    • I really like it

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The design itself is kinda neat I guess, but it looks really out of place in Ponyville. You know, this actually makes me suspect a little that Ponyville itself will get a redesign sometime soon. Maybe it will become more metropolitan? Or, you know, I'm just reading into things too much :P

Edited by Graveyard Duck
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It's strange, especially with the background, but it's -okay-.



I mean, it's nice that it's still a treehouse, but it just doesn't seem fitting at all. The crystal throws me off, and it looks like something that might appear in the crystal empire. Not even, actually >,>


And if it was supposed to look a bit like the Tree of Harmony, I suppose it was a good idea, but again, it just doesn't fit.


If it wasn't, I would think that it would look better without all of the crystals and gems, but what can you do :P

I like the look of it, but it doesn't fit with the rustic aesthetic the rest of the village has, it is an eyesore, and must be removed for the greater good.


Revised, rather? TBH it doesn't fit very well.


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Edited by CadetGrey
  • Brohoof 1
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Her castle does look kind of out place, it doesn't even fit with Twilight's personality. It's just too shiny, too much crystal all over the place. I feel like Twilight is a simple pony despite being a princess, that's the reason why the former library was way better, from my perspective, even its design was way cooler.

Apologies for my english, it isn't my first language.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't not like it....


I'm sorry but I have got to be blunt and honest.  Hasbro needs to step down/back off and let DHX design some of the stuff here.  That tree is just Crystal Castle version 2.0 imho.  Let the "artists" of the show design the stuff and let the toy people figure out how to make that stuff real vs the other way around.  If it is the other way around, then whoever made that crystal tree house needs to stop their fascination with the crystal empire. 


Give us something unique, not rehashing.  The same goes for Tirek.  He was a good villain, don't get me wrong, but what I prided the show on was originality.


Discord = Awesome, unusual, unique, etc...


Chrysalis = Disturbing and alluring at the same time.



I just hope we get some original villain in S5. 

  • Brohoof 2
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It does look a bit out of place in the spot where it's at, but Inreally love the design itself ^_^


I think it's great that the tree shape stayed, and also that it looks kinda like the tree of harmony in a way. I actually think it represents Twilight well (although I still much prefer the more modest-looking library).


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I really like Twilight's Castle. ^^


I have no problems with it, especially since we haven't really seen much of it yet. I love how the top of it has her adorable cutie mark on top! ^^ <3


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It's really ugly, to be blunt. It's garish, lopsided, overdesigned, and generally an eyesore.

  • Brohoof 1

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I like the concept of it, but I'm still wondering why it's made of crystal...It's nice that it is still shaped like a tree, but the crystal just gives the impression of a cold, non-homely atmosphere. 

I bet Twilight didn't sleep the first night because of the atmosphere. (And missing her library. Which I also miss :()

  • Brohoof 1
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It's an ok design. I don't dislike it, but I'd be hard pressed to say I liked it as well.

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It's okay...I'm not overly fond of it but I don't hate it either. I'm not about to jump on the savethetree bandwagon but I always did love that treehouse! Then again having Tirek destroy something so important was part of what made the episode so epic...and I'm still hopeful they'll rebuild it in season five. After all Ponyville just can't go without a library, I don't think Princess of Books would allow it. :wacko:

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Something that's been met with a lot of hatred by the critics of the show is Twilight's new digs. I get what they say logically "it doesn't fit with the aesthetic of Ponyville" "it's just a playset," yadda yadda yadda.


But in my heart, I honestly don't care! It's KICK-ASS! I mean, the destruction of the library was a drastic move by DHX and definetly one of the big heart breaking moments for both Twilight and us, but I think it cemented Tirek as another big status quo changing element in this show's continual escalation of events.


I was flipping out when that palace came into being and was absolutely giddy when the castle was revealed to have COUNCIL SEATS! The Mane Six have graduated to the position held by Jedi Masters or the Knights of the Round! I love that Twilight has "traded up" so to speak, if this season was all about her acclimation to her role as Princess, the castle represents her finally settling into the part.


I understand I'm a minority and don't need everypony to share my view, just thought I would post my own opinion on the matter since no one else seems to be saying what I am.




God, so cool! :wub:

Edited by Steel Accord
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It's a pretty pimp new tree, even if we'll miss the old one (RIP in peace). At the very least I think Twi should be happy that she can have entire halls of books now, instead of just a few rooms.

  • Brohoof 1
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I love it! It's a treehouse castle . . . what more do you need?! I do like the crystalline design, but that may be a strictly personal preference, because I always like that aesthetic.


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I does look cool. But it is hardcore outa place, I mean, its like putting Dr. Evil's volcano layer in the middle of down town LA. It just clashes, and will cause an eye sore once it is shown with the surrounding buildings.


I would have gone with a more rustic wizards tower look.

  • Brohoof 3
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I saw a pic on tumblr someone made of how her castle "should" look. It was really cool. I can't seem to find it again right now, but it combined the castle and her tree.


I'm fine with the new one for the most part. I do agree it doesn't really "fit" ponyville, but it's a castle. Castle's rarely ever fit their surroundings. I did like the chairs though, not so much Jedi Council I think, more Knights of the Round Table. Kind of the same idea though I guess.

I would have gone with a more rustic wizards tower look.


That would have been cool, and fitting for Twilight honestly. Those things are normally lined with books.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think it looks fine in Ponyville - it's huge, but it's a castle. Most castles are huge. That's really the only problem that I can see spouting out of it. I think it looks fine :D

Also, I'm glad it's in Ponyville. Keeps Twilight closer to Rarity, and I love Rarity, so I'll get to see more of Rarity :wub:

  • Brohoof 2


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I saw a pic on tumblr someone made of how her castle "should" look. It was really cool. I can't seem to find it again right now, but it combined the castle and her tree.


I'm fine with the new one for the most part. I do agree it doesn't really "fit" ponyville, but it's a castle. Castle's rarely ever fit their surroundings. I did like the chairs though, not so much Jedi Council I think, more Knights of the Round Table. Kind of the same idea though I guess.



That would have been cool, and fitting for Twilight honestly. Those things are normally lined with books.


I would given her a tower like this, it still commands a lofty presence, it is still vindictive of a higher power than the commoner, but it keeps the look of ponyville, and matches twilights element of magic better.

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