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Firelord Derpy

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Everything posted by Firelord Derpy

  1. Maybe they have smaller reunions every year or so with the more local families? They have the big advent ever few years and in between them the ponies who live closer get together and have a good old time!
  2. 29 President of the newly founded American Republic of freedom and ponies! Or a single mid level cop eating doughnuts and watching ponies. I probably should plan my future out a bit more.....
  3. I think that they are more like Demi-Gods. If anything Discord would be closer to a god since he can manipulate reality. I think that there are higher powers in the MLP universe, the great Faust who created the world and who watches over everything even now that she has retreated to a higher plane of existence. Anyways Celestia and Luna may be powerful but they didn't create the world or even control the Sun and Moon from the beginning, remember that the Unicorns used to do it.
  4. Eeyup. If I was positive it was real, I mean really if he turned out to be Celestia then that would mean I would have definitive evidence of a Deity and to not worship her would be stupid. Did you play with Legos growing up?
  5. My siblings became Bronies first. Then I heard the Winter Wrap up song and it stuck in my head, i couldn't get rid of it and started listening to it in secrete. Then I looked up Bronies and researched it and found that most said that once you watched it you got hooked. At first I didn't watch it because I knew that if I did I would be hooked. but finally I watched it. I watched it in secrete first but then my sister caught me and then i went public.
  6. A room full of guns! What video game to you have the fondest memories of?
  7. 1 Pain. I get kinda dizzy when I think about pain, in fact just saying the word pain makes me feel like.... (Loud thump as Fire Lord Derpy faints.) 2 The government. What can I say? I'm the local nutcase. 3 Loss of electronics. I could survive without my computer, but that doesn't change the fact that I love her!
  8. A story about ponies murdering each other and people are concerned about foul language? That's something that always makes me laugh, the hero can kill twenty people and still get a PG rating, but one F-bomb and boom PG-13. Why is swearing such an issue in modern media when killing isn't? Oh well.
  9. I love all them! I can't decide! On the one hand AJ has just proved she has a heck of a singing voice, but Rarity has a great voice and so do the CMCs! DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE!!!!
  10. I make fun of it the same why I make fun of Justin Beibier. In good fun. I don't really hate him and I don't mind people liking his music. But I'll still make some jabs at him in good humor. If one of my friends said they liked him I would poke fun at them a bit but nothing mean or nasty.
  11. It seems like Y'all are trying to force this to become a Meme. Memes tend to not work if you try and force it. Besides why would y'all want that to be a Meme? I mean really, why? It's not even that funny and frankly as a Southerner who has lived his entire life in the south it just continues terrible stereotypes that need to die.
  12. Doctor Whooves. Lets face it, if I'm with him the only reason I'm watching an apocalypse is because he has taken me to it in his TARDIS. So no worries about dieing or anything!.... hopefully.
  13. Go on Ebay and buy a little sister. Then taker her to the store with you and buy the ponies! Or you could just be preemptive and say you're part of a demonic cult that worships the pony toys and eats puppies and cashiers Then tell him you're just kidding and it's just a weird hobby you have. They will be so relived they will not think twice about it!
  14. Just noticed that Granny Smith was quite the looker when she was young.......... "Racist barn" Eh, not getting it. Then again I live in the south so I hear people talk like AJ all the time so to Yankees it may sound like that but us Southerners can understand it fine!
  15. Yeehaw! Yay AppleJack! Woohoo! (Falls off royal balcony and causes widespread destruction.) Seriously though great episode! And the song was pretty good, not the best but still up there! I wonder how long till somepony remixes it....
  16. I'm Slytherin and I like Derpy! Not all Slytherins are nasty. Besides maybe she wants you to think she's not ambitious or cunning then when you're least expecting it, YOU GET A MUFFIN STUCK THROUGH YOUR RIBS!!!!!
  17. Twilight Sparkle, Ravenclaw 1. Was late on a report and in her panic caused a terrible incident with a Time Turner. Thankfully Professor Whooves stopped it from getting out of hand. -50 points. 2. No one, she spent the night studying. 3. Besides her Mane six friends, Madam Pince and anyone in the liberary. 4. Studying and books. 5. Created the scientific theory on explaining magic and how it works. Rainbow Dash, Gryffindor 1. Tried to do a sonic Rainboom in one of Snape's classes. -400 points. 2. ? 3. Anyone cool enough to catch up. 4. Quidditch. 5. Made a sonic Rainboom and caught the Snitch at a Quidditch game. Applejack, Hufflepuff 1. Bucked the womping willow and damaged it by mistake. -20 points. 2. ? 3. Anyone who needs help, even those shifty Slytherins. 4. Researching the magical uses for apples and magical production of apples. 5. Baking an apple pie so good that professor Snape actually complimented it. Fluttershy, Hufflepuff 1. Taking Fluffy out for a walk because the poor dear needed some exercise. -25 points. 2. Spent the night talking to the Pegasi that the French students had brought. 3. Hagrid, and all his cute little friends.... 4. Playing with her friends on the outskirts of the scary forbidden forest. 5. Out stared the Basilisk until it promised to be good and not hurt another person ever again! Then she taught it how to not kill people with it's stare before releasing it back into the wild. This paid off in the long run when it came back and helped fight Voldermort. Rarity, Slytherin 1. Stole the Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw and refused to give it up. -50 points. 2. Draco Malfoy. At the end of the night Draco ended up covered in cake and Rarity deemed it the "Worst night ever." 3. Professor Slughorn, all the Slytherins, (Even somehow Malfoy.) And anyone who seemed to be well connected. 4. Giving fashion advice and creating new outfits for her fellow Slytherins. 5. Made Snape wash his hair as well as insulting the Death Eater Robes in front of Voldermort. (Note that she also offered to make them robes that looked good to stop them from "Wearing those assaults on humanity") Pinkie Pie, Hufflepuff 1. Threw the most terrific, coolest, most amazing, and awesomeness Birthday party for Snape the school had ever seen. -250 points. 2. Used the Mirror pool to clone herself so she wouldn't have to choose.... -50 Points. 3. EVERYONE! 4. Spending time with everyone! Having parties in the common rooms! Having parties in the other house's common rooms! Throwing parties in the room or Requiment. 5. Threw a "Welcome to Hogwarts!" party for Voldermort's invasion force and managed to keep them occupied partying for several hours. Sweetie Belle, Slytherin. 1. Attended Pinkie's party for Professor Snape, -250 Points. 2. Too young to attend. 3. Scootaloo and Applebloom. 4. Trying to find out what branch of magic she is good at! 5. Sung and amazing happy birthday song for Snape. Unfortunately Snape still wasn't happy. Scootaloo, Gryffindor. 1. Crashed her broomstick into Snape's bedroom window just as he stepped out of the shower. -300 Points plus mental scarring. 2. Too young to attend but snuck in anyways to watch Rainbow Dash. 3. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom. 4. Begging to be allowed on the Quiddich team, stalking Rainbow Dash. 5. Magically enhanced a scooter to allow it to travel faster then the speed of sound. Also broke all the windows in Hogwarts and got sent to the hospital. Applebloom, Slytherin. 1. Created a devious trap for Draco Malfoy's little sister, Diamond Tiara, that worked a little to well and sent flooded the entire Slytherin Dungeon. -50 Points + Sweetie Belle not talking to her for a week. 2. To young to attend. Used time to set up the Trap for Diamond Tiara. 3. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle 4. Trying to find her Magical talent. Avoiding Diamond Tiara. 5. Flooded entire Slytherin Dungeon. Derpy Hooves, Slytherin. 1. Burned down Hogwarts in first year. -100 points. 2. Professor Whooves. 3. Professor Whooves when he was at Hogwarts, then just about anyone. 4. Baking Muffins, Quidditch. (Best Seeker to ever attend Hogwarts, no one knows how. Graduated before Rainbow Dash attended. 5. Killed Lord Voldermort.....Twice........By mistake. Iron Will, Gryffindor. 1. "When someone tries to block, show them that you rock!" Does not apply to teachers. -40 points. 2. Spent the night doing push up in the common room. 3. Anyone who was bullied or made fun of. 4. Taking anyone who was bullied or made fun of and turning them into mean, lean, fighting machines! 5. Founded a large organisation with the goal of removing racism against Magical creatures. "If you discriminate, I'll intimidate!" Spike, Hufflepuff. 1. Stole Snape's wand. -90 points. (late acquitted of all charges due to him going through. "Magical Dragonborn Puberty.) 2. Spent the night in the kitchen with "Doughnut Dobby." 3. Twilight, and Co. 4. Helping Twilight with her studies, napping, playing with Peewee. 5. When captured by Voldermort he refused to talk and betray his friends long enough for Derpy to drop a grand piano on Voldermort by mistake. Trixie, Slytherin. 1. Used the Alicorn Amulet to take over the school. -50 points + a note on her record. 2. Male Slytherin Student extra #4 3. The Malfoys, The Greengrasses, Nott, Blaise. 4. ​Dazzling the Slytherin Common room with her magical prowess, thinking up ways to get back at Twilight. 5. Betraying Voldermort and surviving. Also ordering a Grand Piano. Queen Chrysalis, Slytherin. 1. Impersonated Professor Snape and attended a staff meeting. -50 points. +20 points for creativity. 2. No one ever saw her but she said she caused three people to break up when they saw their girlfriend dancing with someone else. 3. Slytherin House. 4. Freaking people out with her Metamorphmagus. 5. Evading all charges and getting off clean despite her involvement with Voldermort. Princess Celestia, Gryffindor. 1. Got caught multiple times in the Hogwarts Kitchens. -40 points for repeat offence. 2. Didn't attend, instead spent time with Luna. 3. Everyone who was nice and friendly. 4. Playing with Fire, eating cake, hanging out with friends. 5. Became Minister of Magic. Princess Luna, Ravenclaw. 1. Attempted to bring about constant night in the school. -100 points. 2. No one asked her or invited her. Spent night playing games with Celestia. 3. Celestia, other then that almost no one. 4. Spending time alone, star gazing, 5. Became head of the Wizengamot. Diamond Tiara, Slytherin. 1. Got caught bullying Applebloom. -10 Points. 2. Not old enough. 3. Silver Spoon, Draco Malfoy. 4. Being better then everyone else. 5. Being forgiven by Applebloom after the war and becoming business partners with her.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQxtJ2uu5L0 We must enact a defensive operation of love, tolerance and ignoring them! Let them come and assault us! We must defuse their attacks by pointing out any logical flaws they use and being generally being smarter then them! They call us gay we make e'm pay!
  19. Sit in front of my computer doing things, then realize its "D-Day" that night after the scare has worn off and I check facebook and find out everyone was talking about it.
  20. Flipped a ridding lawn mower. Have you ever shot a gun?
  21. BBBFF almost made me cry since I am the Big Brother Best Friend Forever and has caused me to make an effort to be a better brother. I promised myself when I got in this fandom that I wouldn't go crazy.... I draw Art, Write Fan fic, and buy blind bags. I joined this forum originally to promote my art page.
  22. Empire at war. Favorite show other then MLP?
  23. I would like to start this off by saying that I do not wish to tell anyone what to do or not do. What I am saying is Advice only. There is a large part of this fandom who masturbate to R34 pony pictures. While there is great debate among our fandom about whether or not this is okay or not. One of the primary arguments against this is that it is "Morally wrong." I would like to take a moment to look at "Morally wrong." According to most of society Masturbating itself is morally wrong. Only on the internet has "Jacking off." started to become acceptable and even so it is still only acceptable to even discuss on certain sites and locations on the Internet. I'm not going to say whether masturbating is wrong or right. However I would like to point out that it is in general socially not acceptable to admit that you look at porn or "Jack off." Bronies as a whole are already being scrutinized, people are looking for things to criticize and use to tear us down. Our society is very hypocritical in many regards. In a movie it is completely fine for the main character who we idolize to kill fifty people and "Knock up" five married women but if you have an affair in real life you are sunned and viewed as a bad person. None the less while Bronies go against the social norms we do have to keep in mind that when people look at us they will try and find something to hit. And Sex is a topic that is easy to exploit and use against someone. The point of this ramble is that, while I am not promoting nor am I discouraging Clopping or R34 art, I do advise that the people who clop or draw/post R34 or suggestive pony art be careful and use discretion when and where they promote it because while MLP and Bronies have been tearing down the walls of male Stereotypes and gender differences, messing with societies beliefs on sexual habits and things of that nature is a much bigger minefield that would probably be best if dealt with by something other then MLP. Anyways good night and thanks for reading my humble advice.
  24. People need to calm down and quit being so jumpy. I mean really, "Oh the staff is Pandering to Bronies they should stop!" so what if the staff panders to Bronies some? How is that a bad thing? I've loved season three's episodes whether or not there was any pandering in them. Maybe you should stop being so knit picky and just calm down and see what happens instead of making a big deal about it. So what if the staff throw in some references to Bronies? If it's not Grim Dark or R34 then what's the matter? As for these rumors circulating about Alicorn Twilight and Derpy. If they are true what can we do about it? Nothing. We can do nothing about them unless someone here owns the controlling interest in Hasbro. If they are not true then a good part of the fandom will have been worried and stressed over nothing. That's why I'm advising we trust the MLP staff to do a good job and do the show well, as they have been doing. I mean a large part of the fandom is talking about Alicorn Twilight, which is unconfirmed, like it will be horrible yet I remember thinking the Wedding episode would be simply a Wedding episode. I didn't expect the Changlings or Chrysalis or an epic battle in Canterlot! The simple fact that the MLP team has managed to make a show created for girls attractive to such a large male Fanbase should be enough reason for us to give them the benefit of a doubt and trust them instead of freaking out over a dubious and unverified post online.
  25. Maybe both. Maybe they are under the jurisdiction of the Airforce and can be called up if needed. Spitfire may have been in the normal Airforce before joining the Wonderbolts. As for when spike was huge maybe they were the closest to the situation so they got there first.
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