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Everything posted by thebobmaster

  1. Well, I've had this blog listed for a while, so I might as well post in it. Basically, what this blog is is a link. What is that link for? It is a link to my Blogspot blog, which I am using to review MLP episodes. I'll have one up a day (at least, for the first 11 episodes). I want people to read it, comment on them. I love discussing the show, or I wouldn't be here. And if you have constructive criticism for my reviews, don't be afraid to let me know. If you need the link, and my blog title doesn't work properly, it is in my sig. Please stop by, and let me know what you think, either of the episode or my review.
  2. Tough call. I have a couple of favorites in different genres. Horror: The Dead Zone by Stephen King. It's just a well done story. There aren't a whole lot of supernatural elements, or any real monster. The entire conflict, and all the horror, comes from the villain, who is an aspiring politician who, according to one of the main character's visions, will bring about World War III should he become president. Fantasy: Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. It's the third in a series, which is usually a bad sign. However, the series is more like a chess game. While the first book (Game of Thrones) set up the board, and the second book (Clash of Kings) moved pieces around, this book is where the series really kicked in, and big events started happening. And thanks to the previous books developing the characters, you really start to root for the good guys...and want the bad guys to die painfully.
  3. 331ERock (real name Eric Calderone) CRCanada (real name Cole Rolland) Both of these people do the same sort of thing. They take a song (be it a pop song, television theme, movie music, or video game music), and rework it to play on a guitar. I'll post a couple of examples to explain what I mean. The first one is 331ERock, and I already put this video in the Youtube thread, but it can be reused. The second one is CRCanada. CRCanada also has a few original songs on his Youtube channel.
  4. Yes, actually. I've dislocated my right kneecap. Twice. First time was a week before my 18th birthday. I was walking backwards, stepped wrong, and out popped my kneecap. Second time was 4 years later, when it popped out while I was stepping over a foot high brick wall. The second time, they took a cat scan and X-ray of my knee, because kneecaps should not dislocate twice in 4 years, especially when I'm not doing any sports or anything like that. Turns out I have malformed knees. Basically, my kneecap groove is too shallow to actually hold my kneecap in place. I had surgery to lower the chance of it re-dislocating down to a 10% chance.
  5. Nacho cheese Doritos. I don't go for the spicy nacho Doritos, but just plain nacho cheese Doritos? Yes, please, give me more. If I can't have that, I'll accept either Cheetos or Pringles as a substitute.
  6. To be fair, they were all hiding under a table due to Nightmare Moon. If you were terrified, and happened to choose the same hiding place as someone else, would you notice the other pony in more than a "corner of your eye" way, or would you be distracted by the evil mare threatening to call up a thousand years of darkness?
  7. That was my main problem with the episode. All these episodes showing how great friends they are, this episode involves everyone treating Pinkie Pie like they were babysitting her, and Pinkie Pie not being able to explain herself. Other than that, the episode was good, though.
  8. This was another very fun episode, but at the same time, serious. Yes, most of the "curses" were entertaining. Gotta love Flutterguy. However, the overall racism undertones were pretty well-done, and definitely not played for humor, and as later episodes reveal...yeah, you'll cringe when you hear "Rainbow Crash".
  9. I enjoyed this episode. It was light-hearted fun, but there is nothing wrong with that, especially after a more serious episode like "Dragonshy". Plus, the pillow fight was fun, as was Applejack's epic leap into bed.
  10. I have brown hair, and my eyes are brown/green. I don't mean one eye of each color. Each eye has a mix of brown and green in the irises, and which one shows up strongest is mostly determined by the lighting.
  11. One time a few years ago, while driving home from getting some dog food, I was behind a car, and I noticed an SUV start drifting into the oncoming lane. At first, I thought it was an error on the SUV driver that would be corrected, but I quickly realized that that was not going to happen and stepped on my brakes. The SUV ended up hitting the car in front of me head-on. If I had not hit my breaks before the moment of impact, I would have rear-ended the car in front of me. As it was, I stopped about a foot away from the car. No one was seriously injured, by the way. One driver had some ankle pain, and the other one a small cut on her forehead from hitting her head into the windshield. As for what happened, the SUV driver fell asleep at the wheel, and woke up just before impact. With her kids in the car. Thankfully, the kids were unharmed.
  12. Yay, I get to post it! For some background, this is a guy I discovered a while back on Youtube. His name is Eric Calderone, although he goes by 331ERock on Youtube. While he has his own EP, his Youtube videos are him doing "metal remixes" of songs, mostly sticking to television shows, pop songs, movies, and video games. This is a tune you should all be familiar with. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSVBcm_BZRs
  13. Don't feel too bad. I sometimes do the same thing. Although I usually limit it to people who proclaim certain genres are absolutely terrible or absolutely awesome, with nothing good or bad about them, respectively.
  14. Warning: This is a cover so awesome, your head may explode. By the way, my personal choice, if I had to pick one of them, would be Sonic 3's main boss battle theme. Then again, that may be because it reminds me of "Eleanor Rigby", for some reason. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwpKjVUThKs
  15. This is a tough call. I like a lot of stuff. However, I'll try to narrow it down to my top 3. 1. "Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden: It was tough to pick just one Maiden album, but this one is it. Between "Hallowed Be Thy Name", the title track, "Run to the Hills", and "22 Acacia Avenue", it's just a great album. 2. "2112" by Rush: While "A Farewell to Kings" is also really good, this one just hits all my good spots. An epic rock opera, great instrumentals, and Geddy Lee's awesome range makes for a great combo. 3. "Innuendo" by Queen: Yeah, some of the other albums are technically better, but this album is just so touching, considering it is almost a eulogy to Freddie Mercury while he was still alive, all capped by my favorite Queen song "The Show Must Go On".
  16. Agreed. Hayseed Dixie is freaking great. Disagree with the first. I'd put it at about half good, half crap. For every Lady Antebellum, there is a Kip Moore. As for Toby Keith...yeah, he lost me at "Red Solo Cup". ...Is that a good or a bad thing? Nothing wrong with that. Three of my favorite songs out of 2012 were "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees (which was actually my favorite song of the year), "Glad You Came" by The Wanted, and "Good Time" by Owl City feat. Carly Rae Jepsen.
  17. I enjoy pop music. Hell, I've reviewed entire year-end charts. And by that, I mean I sat down, looked at the year-end Billboard chart, and reviewed every single song on that chart. I've done it for 1981, 1997, 2004, 2011, and 2012. Of those, the most interesting one was 2012. While people knock pop artists for being untalented, I have only had a few pop artists I've not enjoyed any songs by (off the top of my head, Chingy from 2004, Justin Bieber and Cher Lloyd). Even artists like Ke$ha and Katy Perry have managed to pull off at least one song I enjoyed. Just in case you were wondering, my favorite song out of 2012 that hit the charts was "Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees.
  18. I'm a total nerd. Name just about anything nerdy short of LARPing, and I've done it. Online Roleplays, video games, anime, Magic: The Gathering...yeah, I embrace my inner nerd.
  19. Iron Maiden: ...Tough to say just one, but pretty much any of the Blaze Bayley albums. The songs themselves weren't necessarily bad, but Blaze Bayley fit into Iron Maiden about as well as a [insert simile here with something that doesn't go together well]. Rush: I'd have to say "Snakes and Arrows". The instrumentals are great, but I didn't care for much of the lyrical songs. I listen to rush for grandiose Ayn Rand and prog rock, not for a lecture on how we are screwing up the environment. Metallica: St. Anger. Just...what were they thinking? That is one of the biggest disasters I've heard from a great band. At least they made a huge comeback with Death Magnetic. Not quite up to their normal standards, but definitely a big step up.
  20. I mostly play RPG's, but there are exceptions. Currently, I'm playing: Star Wars: The Old Republic (yes, the MMO) Mass Effect 3 Injustice: Gods Among Us Knights of the Old Republic 2 (with the Restored Content mod installed) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
  21. I love this episode. Out of the 11 I've reviewed thus far (though I only have 4 of those reviewed up on my sig's blog site), this is the only one that has managed to get a 9/10, and I was so close to giving it a 9.5/10. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash's treatment of Fluttershy throughout the whole episode knocked it down a bit, as it was really jarring, even for Rainbow Dash, to show that much contempt towards her supposed friends, especially after the events of "Griffon the Brush-Off".
  22. I only watch American Football, so that's the only team I'll list. My favorite team is the San Francisco 49ers. And no, I didn't just start liking them in the last couple of years. I've been a fan for over 10 years. Needless to say, it was rough going for a while. However, I think Jim Harbaugh is just what the team needed, and I have high hopes for Colin Kaepernick as well once he has a bit more experience under his belt.
  23. Besides the obvious ones (Youtube and Facebook), and some RP websites (some of which are not NSFW, so I won't mention them), I think my main go-to website is TV Tropes. I swear, that place is like a drug of the Internet. Edit: Also, I visit Cracked daily, as well as the various "Not Always..." websites (Working, Right, Heartwarming, and Learning).
  24. It's a rap song. How creepy can rap songs be, you may ask? Pegasisters and bronies, I present to you, off of the album "The Marshall Mathers LP", the song know simply as "Kim". Great song off of a great album, but man, talk about giving me chills. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNXYvidMaTM
  25. Iron Maiden: So tough to call, because they have so many great albums and songs, but I've always found Killers a very underrated album. Rush: No question, 2112. Tool: Aenema. The White Stripes: Elephant. Rise Against: Appeal to Reason. I know it isn't necessarily the best overall, but I love Audience of One and Savior too much.
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