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Everything posted by Lightning_Flicker

  1. I have two favorite shirts. One non-pony, on pony. The first is from Rooster Teeth. http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/019/3/e/people_like_grapes_by_vteegv-d5rzyta.jpg The second, I found off of RedBubble. This one made me laugh http://ih2.redbubble.net/image.13318044.3373/fig,navy,mens,ffffff.u1.jpg
  2. I love this song. MandoPony makes awesome music. And this is my #! favorite fan made MLP song. FAN MADE. Not MLP song all together.
  3. This is just a place for florida bronies going to bronycon, and talking about what they will do, and what they expect there.
  4. good lord... I hate this song, but I heard it on the radio, now I can't get it out of my head. SOMEONE HELP ME GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD! D: D: D: D: D:
  5. I think that the CMC must be in there mid teens, but look younger, because they are in the school in Equestria Girls. Then again, it could be an academy. They have all grades untill 12th in academy's.
  6. I just saw the movie yesterday, and it was awesome. I especially like the song, "Help Twilight win the Crown". It is now my new favorite mlp song. "Long way from Equestria", is still my favorite fan made song. Here's a link to the song on a repeat website: http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=wq6DKMg9DqA
  7. Guys if something becomes created, or an idea appears, it may exist in another universe, that can be parallel, or not even close to looking like ours. It has to be possible. So, because mlp was created, it has to exist.
  8. This song is actually from the Movie My Little Pony: Equestria. I actually watched it on the day I posted this. The song is actually kinda catchy. The parts 0:00 - 0:28, they are banging things on a table, and at 0:29, spike starts a radio. At 0:32 - 1:08 , 1:31 - 1:43 , 2:05 - 2:18 ,and 2:24 - 2:32, it sounds like something one of us bronies would say about us to people who hate us. Also, sorry that it is kinda bad qualitied. It's a guy recording it on his iPod, so he had to try to hid it at the same time, becasue he was in a theater. If somebody could alter the parts that I didn't mention to make it be about bronies, you would be the best brony in the world. Anyway, this is my new favorite song from MLP. A long way from Equestria is still my favorite fan made song. So, here it is, my fellow bronies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wq6DKMg9DqA
  9. I have my own drawing, too. Took me a while to make it. I just used paper, and colored pencils. Maybe even some spots with a normal penicl.
  10. My fan is also a fan of us. she know's everthing about us, (well, almost), and wants to meet us, as wee want to meet them. She studies us via books. She is...
  11. That would be the best thing ever. If we could find a way to alter the quantom field of the gasses from the big bang, or maybe even collect it, we could build a portal to universes. that would be the best thing ever!
  12. Can you do a draw of Derpy and Doctor Whooves kissing? I'd love it id it were under moonlight, on a picnic mat. Mave them be sitting, too. You can deside what fancy clothes they could be wearing on the date. (I'm a mad fan of Ditzy/Doctor otp's)
  13. Call her Swamp Garden. Her hair is a bit swampy, but she could be good at planting. She looks pretty. Good job on the drawing, dude.
  14. Ive been trying to make a Derpy tulpa, but I only get the outline for 5 seconds, then its gone. I look at a wall, imagine derpy is ifront of it, full shape, size, colours, everything. I even imagine her with the balddumborat derpy voice, which actually suits her well. But all I come out with is a transparent , black outlined version of her, just standing there. Not blinking Or anything. I sit there for hours, imagining she will appear, but only what I said appears. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to spend my time there for a specific ammount of time, or something?
  15. Yes, i do. I have one of those little pony back pack things of Derpy, and a mid sized plush of fluttershy. I walk around with the backpack every day. no joke.
  16. Cadence, I've been wondering. When did you first start the "Sunshine, Sunshine" thing, with Twilight?
  17. I want to be a pegasus! They are awsome! They fly, control weather, and can hold things with their wings! How cool is that?! I think its awsome. I even made my OC a pegasus. The words above his head, ignore them. Thats not his name anymore.
  18. People do this alot, and I want to see them. post your drawings of ponified people, and I (with other people) will rate it on how it's done. I will rate it with faces. T_T= needs work. = cool. = awsome. /)^3^(\ = Amazing. Happy drawing!
  19. I love this song. It shows how we are great people, as bronies, and that it's upsetting that people hate us for being kind. Thinking its a crime is sickening to hear.
  20. For some odd reason, I randomly have this in my head, yet I never even listened to it today. Can that happen? Please explain how it can.
  21. Hey Lugia, my reqest is still on your list, right? I hope it is, because then I'll have to search for the picture all over again. Please let me know.
  22. Thanks. I'll try that. I'll start from the legs. It'll be easy for me to star like that, intead of head first. Drawing her head is hard enough on paper, with all the shades of purple in her glasses.
  23. Sig Size - 550x250 Sig Shape - Rounded Background - The background of the picture Picture - http://perryviking.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/oh-how-we-love-our-dj-i-had-only-one-other-drawing-of-vinyl-scratch-up-until-now-hopefully-there-will-be-more-to-come-along-with-octavia-as-well.png?w=520 Text - The parties don't start untill the ponies come in. P.S: Take away the words drop in it the picture.
  24. Ok, guys, i need help. I'm trying to get a tulpa of Vinyl Scratch, but every time when I'm about to get it, I just get a shadow of her. I got the personality stage, and the apperance stage, but I still need the colour stage. Anybody know a way to help?
  25. The song stuck in my head is a new song. I bet not many people heard of it, but its a pretty cool song. It matches perfectly when your playing Assassin's Creed 3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eu-xFvLaE68
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