I'm English and yes in some areas the English accent is awesome but there is certain place such as Newcastle and Liverpool were no one unless they are from there can understand there accent,I do mean no one.I like Southern English and Canadian accents.
Your in love with a fictional character who you possibly believe is real because you vision her in the dream world.
I understand having sexual feelings for her,I get that but man loving something which isn't real is what people call sad.
My friend once said he was in love with Victoriua Justice so this isn't too strange.
Just remember you've not actually had a conversation with her,she's said what you want her to say.
Watch out on lucid dreaming,you don't want the consequences....
She is my least favourite princess
-She was a villain because she was ungrateful
-They put her in a lot of scenes just for the fans to scream
-Nightmare Moon is not a very good villain
It's just my opinion
Darkshift was a bit stunned to notice the two ponies especially the one who dropped the axe.Darkshift thought for a second about the camp but decided not to be suspicious as the chance sounded promising.The idea of food was appealing as he hasn't ate and he didn't have much energy left.Instantly feeling his eye he decided to agree to join them "Yeah,I'll follow"He said in a quite tired voice.
Darkshift fell asleep on the aircraft knowing that the work he had to do in this location would be stressful however he knew the pay was better and his knew home looked amazing.He kept being.Minor turbulence kept waiting him from his dreams but he was awoken for a moment then he forgot.....
Groaning and filled with pain Darkshift yelped.Instantly feeling his right eye.Darkshift's body felt tired and worn,yet his the pain which hit his face was horrid.Instinctively he looked around with his left eye for a mirror so he could see the damage.Finding a piece of broken glass he distinguished the picture in front of him.Stunned he threw the glass away and grew fearful.Blood streaming from one massive and open scar was pouring to the left side of his face.He panicked and attempted to get up,two attempts later and after noticing some blood drop onto the ground he got up unknowing what his next move was.
I'll admit I don't talk to people about MLP or tell them I'm a brony because they don't care.
But I can't stand those who say brony and proud yet they're not even willing to admit there a brony.
Having friends and people to pick you up when you're down and to help you in any situation is way more powerful then any spell or alicorn amulet.As proven by Twilight beating Trixie.
The elements are those because they all are important traits to have in people.
Mutant Babies,I think there has to be a line and this is passed that.
It's one thing to have a relationship with a pony but to have mutant babies.
How ugly would they be??
Sleeping and eating.Nah just kidding I go do a bit of training then there's school and all that jazz.Maybe when I've just got in and sit down for a few mins.