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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Darkshift

  1. It would be me if I'd never watched the show before my Gawd was that hilarious laughing from start all the way to the finish.lawl
  2. Probs gonna anger somepony because I don't like any of the villains much. Discord-I don't see what's his appeal. Nightmare Moon-I didn't get how Luna magically grew and became more powerful just because she was ungrateful. Sombre-Didn't see him enough. Chrysalis-The Teeth!!!!! The one from Equestria Girls-Super Sayan gone wrong!
  3. I did read the rules,a lot of times,so I was wondering why you though I haven't and I'm guessing it's because I never put I like turtles.
  4. Really?I wouldn't of guessed that I a million years.Sorry for the sarcasm but that sentence was just duh if you no what I mean
  5. I couldn't think of another colour scheme for a character called Darkshift then black,but I thought that was too boring so I added red. Btw am I accepted or not?
  6. I think my character is normal,I mean he isn't op or anything.I am pretty sure his link is in the signature but if not I'll add it below
  7. How can you heal people if you can't see them that just seems like way too much hassle.But the ability to intimidate the world by showing your power could prove useful,if Britain and USA never fought the Nazi's would they be in power today?Ao use your evil powers for good.The fact that you can live longer is a bonus.
  8. Errrr no matter which way you look at it Gilda isn't a nice character. She always puts being cool ahead of everything. She is aggressive. I'll admit she can get a bit annoyed by visiting like Twilight did but there was no reason for her to be a complete b****h about it.
  9. I wouldn't react mainly because I've had similar things like that happen and the best way to react to it is by not reacting to it at all
  10. Darkshift remained at a distance away from the group hoping he would be undetected,he was curious as too who they were and what they were doing.He noticed that there was dispute amongst the group making them even more curious to Darkshift.When they headed for the forbidden forest he followed cautiously behind.
  11. Err there's an Asda a few miles away from my place but in that diameter I also have a Morrisons and Sainsburys a bit further a way I have a tesco.
  12. Errr you do understand its a fantasy cartoon which was first invented with the target audience of young children meaning it was an idea which wasn't supposed to be realistic but a cool idea.
  13. Darkshift woke up on a bench in the middle of a village and began to wonder where he was.Plotting several memories from the previous night he spent chasing prey,but he couldn't work it out.He heard his stomach growl and began to crave some meat.Deciding to head towards the town centre in hopes of finding a pet shop or a butchers or something.After strolling down the path he noticed something peculiar about the attitude of the population.His sense of smell was keen and he picked up on a rather strange smell which he followed.
  14. Darkshift

    gaming The Xbox One

    Then people have a choice go for the gaming pc or Xbox one at similar price for similar quality materials.It all comes down to the little things like the community,exclusives and the range of things you can do on both.
  15. Darkshift

    gaming The Xbox One

    By the way the specs on the Xbox one only valuate to around a £300 gaming pc.AMD is built for budget therefore it's 8 core will not be as expensive as you may expect,a 500gb hard drive is average standard,4GB of DDR3 RAM is ok and the AmD radeon GPU is actually quite weak.
  16. 1.That I was YouTube famous. 2.To have a nice girlfriend 3.Have rock hard abs. I mean if I had all these I would just have so much swag
  17. Mmmkay so do we have to reapply on a new thread. Also are we going to be carrying on the story or are we going to scrap it for a completely new idea?? I never realised why everyone stopped posting actually and I wonder how many of them would still want to be in it.
  18. This is how it works for me So the age of 13 I stopped trick or treating Note this wasn't optional because my best friend was now 15 so there was noway he was going to trick or treat anymore however it proved itself useful as this turned out to be perfect timing. Anytime after that If you get invited to a costume party go to it in a costume.
  19. Darkshift tried to think logically and when he stared at the three doors he remembered a math problem.It was something about you close a door and then the show host selects another door which was false then he asks you to change or keep the same but you always keep the same because there's a 66% chance that the prize is through the door you originally chose.He knew that problem wasn't going to matter though.
  20. At the time of the first Assassins Creed Ubisoff made minimal expenditure and came out with the game.After Brotherhood the AC series had a major amount of funding so the developers could change the game around.They knew that Revelations didn't pay off too well so they prepared a new story in AC 3 which of course turned out disappointingly.So basically it's a mixture of running out of idea's and the developers getting too mental with money.
  21. I use a PC because I have used a Mac before and just found that it has no value for money compared to regular gaming PC's,not to mention if you looked at every positive and negative of a PC and then did the same for Mac,PC would come out on top.
  22. I don't see it as dying more as when you first join the forums it stuns you as to how many topics and posts go around however when time passes you'll settle and expect the amount of topics to be that number and let's not forget the show is only working on conventions right now meaning that there is less to talk about.
  23. No matter which perspective and argument you look at it.If it wasn't for her and the My Little Pony franchise I doubt even a fraction of us would be fans of the show.Without her and the franchise I doubt there would be such thing as a brony.
  24. "Hey,I'm Darkshift,I haven't got a clue either"He looked down at his watch and noticed both the number and word again however they still shocked him like the first time he noticed them"Calm down"He stated noticing the fact that Fire Horn was shouting "I'm pretty sure there must be something which tells us why we're here right"
  25. Darkshift grunted his eyes widening yet still blurry.Eventually his vision grew stronger and he noticed something was strange "Where in Equestria"He paused in the middle of his sentence slightly bewildered when he noticed he was trapped,suddenly noticing the word "pair"on the bracelet and a green number three, he felt stunned and wondered what it meant.He tugged on the bracelet until he realised it was too tight at which point he raised his head and noticed two other ponies and one of them was awake "Er,hello"
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