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Everything posted by MarbellaLotus

  1. Back from vacation! Got a nice little tree frog tattoo

  2. Oh this is going to be a long one. When I was in high school, one morning I felt terrible and ending crying for no reason. I didn't know why but I was feeling incredibly sad. Then that's when people started getting called into the office. The quarterback was called and when he came back, he was a mess. He went to the back of the room and was sobbing. Then my then best friend was called and while she was gone, I found out a color guard (I think that's what she was) had been in a car wreck and passed away that morning. ------------------------------------ Due to some....activities (my brother performing seances) on my adopted mom's(great grandmother) land, strange things happen there a lot. When I was little, the door to the back porch opened and closed with force. Then the bathroom light suddenly came on afterward. I've heard my name called several times. I've actually seen a headless woman go by the window (I thought it was my mother at the time) and a woman with long black hair and a white dress. Recently, when my mom was in the hospital, I went outside to feed my cat. I shut the doors behind me (the main back door and a screen door). Suddenly The back door opened and slammed really hard. I've woken up with several bruises on my legs and wanted to set up a camera to see if I was sleepwalking but never got around to it. I feel like sometimes, if I'm about to go into a room, something's telling me do not go in. When my best friend was over at one point, we were talking and we both looked toward the doorway and saw a small white figure dart away. I didn't say anything until she said "Did you just see something?" I could probably write an entire book about what happened here. Supposedly, the land that my mom owns used to be a estate that clearly had a stage coach station (the way the land is shaped). ------------------------------------- Where I live now, there's a particular lamp that loves to turn on by itself. I occasionally hear a tapping noise when I'm in the living room, like someone's tapping on the counter top. My husband, who hasn't really experienced anything, is now seeing things. One night, we were facing opposite directions and we both woke up abruptly at the same time. I saw the women in the white dress that I've seen before leaning against the dresser. He saw a small figure and discovered scratches on his face in the morning. He now sees things around the bed often. I've woke up suddenly from something running into the bed (it made the entire bed, which is a very large king size, move). For my new house, I don't really know what all those things would be occurring, unless something attached itself to me.
  3. Might come back home with a tree frog tattoo

  4. Haha, I actually have a hamster. I had one before that, a dwarf hamster that I called Rosalyn. My hamster now is a roborovski hamster named Ivan the Terrible. Should have called him Ivan the Terrified.
  5. 5'1 tall and 162lbs and surprisingly don't really look it. One side of my family has a bone type that makes a person appear slimmer. I used to weigh less, around 130, but those bagel bites are just too tempting
  6. $15 a person to eat at a restuarant...o.o

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GeneralDirection


      Eating out can be expensive. :3

    3. MarbellaLotus


      It's also by the beach which is most likely why.

  7. I have to say American cheese. I've tried different kinds, including swiss, and well, to me other types just doesn't taste right to me. But to each their own.
  8. I feel ungrateful. My in-laws invited my husband and I on a gambling trip but I don't want to go because I don't like gambling. They paid for our way but lied about our free meals, which we aren't getting. I feel like such an ungrateful person

  9. Age: 23 Gender: Female Fandom: Hetalia (or least I try to be a part of it), Harry Potter, Pokemon Likes/Hobbies: Writing, Anime (I like many), Video games (Amnesia, GTA, The Sims series), Music (I love a lot of genres) Feel free to chat me up!
  10. When I was in school My appearance (they would often call me a boy) My height My attitude change (after I got fed up and slapped a wrestler after he made fun of a video project I made) My weirdness I never was made fun of watching cartoons though. Nowadays, I'm made fun of because of MLP when I buy groceries at this one store. They all glare at me like I'm an evil being and then snicker when they think I'm not looking.
  11. We lost a member of the family today, my sister in law's little weenie dog. She had a herniated disk and didn't get better with treatment. They had to put her down today :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MarbellaLotus


      Thanks :) I'm sure she did too

    3. Scootalove


      That made me sad. :( Well, the dog is in a better place of peace. So sorry for your loss.

    4. MarbellaLotus
  12. I wasn't happy a year ago. Well, I was happy but I had some serious issues with my adopted mother (not letting go watch a movie at 7 pm, trying to isolate me from friends) but since I moved out, I've never been happier. I'm one happy very lucky person.
  13. I've always loved writing. I've been writing since I was seven. I used to write a lot of fanfiction but I'm now trying to focus on this epic fantasy idea I have. Since it has multi viewpoints, I've been trying to figure out good ways to write it. I would even enjoy writing essays o.o But after this one college English teacher nearly broke my spirit, it's not so enjoyable.
  14. I put Ivan in his roll around ball so I could clean his cage. I walked back in the room where he was and there he was sitting, the lid was off his roll around ball and he was just sitting there, like "Where the heck am I?'

  15. Playing with a ghost app, not taking it seriously....and it says operation and little dog. My husband's grandmother who lived in our house had open heart surgery and I have a chihuahua o.o

  16. I'm replaying Sly 2 since my old PS3 exploded in the form of the yellow light of death. Kind of thinking of getting back into Red Dead Redemption though.
  17. My first cartoon crush ever: Goofy Right now, these are my cartoon/anime crushes: Randal Oland from Pumpkin Scissors Perry the Playtpus o_o Mainly due to a humanized pic I saw of him. Russia from Hetalia And my MLP crush is Big Mac
  18. Got a haircut today...but it wasn't cut the way I wanted it. At least the heat on the back of my neck won't be as harsh though

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      What I do is let it grow out a little, and then try to style it the way I wanted it. I normally cut my own bangs and works just fine with me.

  19. King Sombra. As others have said, he's boring and I feel that they could have developed his character a little more. I also voted Diamond Tiara because I've always disliked the antagonist that's the "popular princess" and I feel like it's used way too much. I haven't seen Equestria Girls yet, so I wouldn't feel right voting for Sunset Shimmer.
  20. My neighbors = my sister in law with her husband and her son, my mother and father in law, and another family in which I only met the wife. She told me if anyone suspicious comes around, call her and that she was fully loaded o.o
  21. It was Applebuck Season because it kind of reminded me of how I am sometimes, only I more want to do things myself so it gets done quickly and correctly. Another was because Big Mac said more than "eyup" in that episode.
  22. Had a good weekend. Saw the Wolverine with my hubby and ate sushi.

    1. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      I'm imagining Wolverine at a sushi restaurant doing all those fancy knife tricks with his claws.

    2. MarbellaLotus


      That would be an awesome sushi restaurant! Probably would be mighty expensive haha.

  23. I'm a mix of scared/sad/happy O_0

    1. SCS


      That's an interesting combination :P

    2. MarbellaLotus
  24. This is Lulu, my five year old chihuahua. She doesn't really act like one though, she acts like a baby. This is Ivan the Terrible, my robo hamster. He likes his tunnels and lettuce.
  25. My first series was Sailor Moon. I almost wanted to say The Little Prince but it was actually adapted from a novella so I don't believe it counts.
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