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Frith is Magick

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Everything posted by Frith is Magick

  1. Attractiveness: 2/10 I am not attractive on any level, physical, intellectual, etc. Intelligence:4/10 My marks in school were always high 80s low 90s, but in everyday life, I'm a complete tard. Kindness: 5/10 I'm normally an @$$hole, but I'm helpful to others when it suits my own interests, and I'd do anything tp help a good friend.
  2. I just have a vague memory from when I had a Dutch customer, but I've never learned it. I have Dutch family, and it'd be easier than German, bu I've never tried learning.
  3. I take notes. It is rare for me to review them, but writing helps the memory. With pi I broke it into chunks and would go through the whole thing adding a tiny bit each time. I got up to 240 before losing interest (that was 5 years ago, and I am down to around 50). A method I use when teaching is to pick one main curriculum point to work on, and 2-3 previous points to refine. I'll center the lesson on the primary point, switching to secondary points to let it sink in and to draw old concepts to new material. I also teach kids, so it holds their attention. this can be applied in studying around midterms and finals, but unless the teacher incorporates that teaching style into the lecture, it does not flow the same. This may seem counter-intuitive, but knowing when not to pay attention is helpful. Trying to focus in a long lesson/lecture can be difficult, and you don't want to zone out and miss something. I found teachers like to use repetition to solidify ideas, so what you can do is note the idea the first time and stimulate your brain with unrelated material ("goof off") during the repeat. I find it helps overall retention. I've managed to pick up bits of German mostly from music. I find immersion helps, as it tunes your brain to the language, even if you don't understand. Also, the English term for those words is "definite articles". I don't know the dutch term. Ik kann geen Nederlands praten
  4. The ability to breathe underwater, but only when you're dry.
  5. I know there are certain greetings to give, pleasantries to exchange, and other protocol to observe when welcoming someone, but I'm going to cut straight to the question that your username raises. Are you a fan of Firefly/Serenity? Well, seeing as I am a horrible person and you mentioned enjoying dark humour, I leave you with a bad political joke: Jihad is nothing to lose your head about. Welcome and enjoy your stay, afterall, you're here forever...
  6. Deine Augen machen bling bling und Alles ist vergessen... Jaaa!
  7. First of all, brohoof to OP for using the right word and calling it "pop" instead of "soda". Canadian nationalism aside, I don't drink pop often. Up until 6 months ago I was averaging out at 3 Monsters per day (if energy drinks count), otherwise I only drink pop a half dozen times a year in the form of mixed drinks (Rum & root beer floats are so good). If wobblypop counts as pop, then approx. 2L per night 3-4 nights of the week is average, though I stopped for almost a month due to tight finances and a beastly cold.
  8. I haven't listened to Nightwish in a while. No idea why not; they make some enjoyable stuff. Top songs that come to mind: Ghost Love Score as sung by Floor Jansen Sleeping Sun Bye Bye Beautiful (such a catchy rock song) Phantom of the Opera The Islander and I Want My Tears Back (my inner Celt talking) I should listen to them more...
  9. Frith is Magick

    general questions How do I reply with videos?

    [ media ]video url[ /media] Just use an actual url and eliminate the spaces.
  10. This has been stuck in my head since I first heard it on WTNV. There is just something about it... As catchy as it is, it's so weird hearing a white girl sing like that. Also, never be ashamed to dance. Public weirdness is what makes leaving the house worthwhile.
  11. Peanut butter filled pretzels. I prefer the inside out version, but I figured they'd be worth a try. The saltiness is making me wish I stopped for beer on the way home from work.
  12. I used to draw. Mostly Ponies, but as my meagre skills grew, I forayed into drawing humans. Here is my advice to you, learned through experience: Don't do it! Run! Leave while you still have your hair and a chance to survive! On a serious note, practice. Practice until you question your sanity, then practice more. Practice until your hands bleed, then bandage them so the blood doesn't mess things up, and keep practicing. Something I found helpful was to have a couple drawings going at once. I would do a bit of work on one, then something else with a different one and cycle around. I might work on whatever the drawing needs, or I may work on whatever concept I'm drilling. This allows me to come back and see things I may have missed the first time, which bypasses the inevitable temporary Dunning-Kruger effect. Of course this is all past tense as I have since parted from the endeavor of drawing. Another tip is to work from the inside out. Skeletal proportions are relatively consistent, so start with a "skeleton" and build up. take the body figure you're trying to draw and imagine how fat and bone sit on the skeleton and rest in a given position. As you go about your day, examine people of different shapes and sizes. Find their joints based on how they move and note how everything fits together. Bonus: Not only will this improve your drawing, it will help you quickly locate vitals if you ever take up a martial art. This last one is anecdotal, but can be taken as a tip. There were points when I'd have a drawing, and it would look good (relative to my skill level at the time), but one detail or proportion might seem off or unnatural, and for an hour I would sit there, erasing and drawing the same line or two, tweaking it slightly every time to try to make it work. One drawing I actually ruined by erasing the paper so much that it started wearing and couldn't be erased or drawn on properly in that spot. I guess the take away is that you should not stop until you're satisfied you've done your absolute best. Never give up, because if you have the patience to nitpick little things, you will see that you're better than you think.
  13. Wow, all I can say is that in the last two months you have clearly been practicing and improving your game. There were a few tips I was going to offer on the first drawings, but your recent work has demonstrated correction of those points. As for the recent one, I would say to watch the anatomy, as the wing is currently drawn as sitting on the flank and the cutie mark is positioned low on the leg. Keep on drawing, you are on an awesome path.
  14. Well I don't have the equipment for a full radiometric-dating analysis, but I would date this avatar as being from some point in the 2010s. I feel used...
  15. Lack of editing. Many of the grimdark fics I have read have filled me with dread with the atrocious grammar and spelling. On a serious note, I find that saying the character is afraid kills the mood. There are better writers who can give you more in depth tips in this matter, but basically you want to pull the readers in and make them feel scared, with the characters and characters' reactions establishing the atmosphere. You also want to know your audience. People like me who are not bothered by gore, written or visual, will prefer grimdark with deep psychological tension, but for people who are not psychopaths, an explicit description of a human body flipped inside-out is sure to do the job. Just know what kind of fear you want to evoke so that you can keep the atmosphere consistent and market to the right audience.
  16. So far quite nice. I'd encourage you to give your work more depth using shading. Keep arting, keep growing and learning, in the meantime, take a brohoof.
  17. Prepare for a ramble. I have no idea where this will go or how long this will take. Discord is the Spirit of Chaos, and we have seen Windigos, which seem closely tied to Chaos, possibly feeding off it. These examples show that there are powerful, deity-level spirits of chaos, strongly implying the existence of a greater or a collective force of Chaos, conscious or otherwise. Equestria is not in a state of pure chaos, implying there is a similar conflicting or balancing force of Order. Equestria was at one point at a state of higher Chaos (everything bad happened approximately 1000 years ago), but is now quite stable. This tells us that here is either a conflict between the forces that affects Equestria, that the state of Equestria affects the forces, or that the two forces follow some sort of cycle, possibly lasting roughly 1000 years. Harmony is on the rise in Equestria. This either demonstrates a dominance in Order as things stand, or that the events of the last few seasons have created a Harmony between Order and Chaos, as would be displayed by the reform of Discord, who remains fundamentally chaotic. If you dig around the forums and old topics, you will find threads containing in-depth analysis and theories of magic, history, and the fundamental nature of Equestria. Those were the days...
  18. Yep. I actually did just last week. Turns out it was hiding behind the fridge the whole time. By the way, does anybody out there have a spare soul for me to borrow? I need Old Scratch to help me find my keys...
  19. Step 1: Obtain kilt Step 2: Obtain bagpipes Step 3: Learn to play aforementioned bagpipes Step 4: Wash your kilt. Step 3 took a long time so there are some stains and a funky smell Step 5: Apply blue paint to face Step 6: Don freshly washed kilt and proceed to march up and down the aisles playing the finest highland tunes for all to hear and enjoy.
  20. This one is from Tuhon Tom Kier if I remember correctly: "There are no victims, only volunteers." One of mine: "Black belt is where the real training begins, everything up to there is just building the foundation." My co-worker talking about knives: "It's not yours until it bites you."
  21. Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange or dark chocolate with real peanut butter (which is essentially a better version of Reeses). Both are better when followed by coffee.
  22. I took Japanese back in high school plus a semester in university, and kanji saved me big time. The lack of spacing in kana makes the page look like a sea of gibberish, and I found words and sentence particles flowed together. Kanji show isolated meanings, making it easier to skim a sentence, and even if you don't know the actual word, you can understand the meaning of a kanji. Hirigana also fails to distinguish homonyms. I remember when I was taking Mandarin, my teacher commented on how impressive my literacy with Hanzi was, when in truth, I just used characters because I barely remembered a word of the language and couldn't read pinyin (having background in Japanese helped). Furigana are a big help for the beginner, though learning kanji is well worth it.
  23. A promotion. The resonable half of this wish: more responsibility and being able to take action and enact change for the better without having to run it by a supervisor. I have the training and experience and qualification, but being young and relatively new, they want me to put in more time. The unresonable half of my wish: twice my current wage. Minimum wage doesn't leave much of a budget for pursuing interests and life goals. I could always get a "better" job, but I work where I work for the love of it.
  24. At first I wondered why I could only find stuff I brohoofed and none of my own work, then I remembered I had deleted all of it.
  25. Work. I love my family; they are great people, but when they're all together for the holidays it gets overwhelming and it's nice to have an excuse to stay away.
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