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Everything posted by MissDashie

  1. Well, what I was looking for I found in my current boyfriend, and then some!! Intelligent: Very. He's going to Duke University, the seventh best college in America! Outgoing/Social: I'm working on this one with him, he's a bit shy and worries about what others think of him too much. Athletic/Physically Active: Certainly. He's a wide receiver and defensive back on the football team, and plays lacrosse. Kind/Sweet: He's got this in spades. He is literally the sweetest, most kindhearted boy I've ever met! Attractive: The boy's a prime piece of toned man-meat! Haha that sounded very demeaning to him!
  2. *WARNING* Lengthy rant inbound. This doesn't apply to all or even most of the fandom, but a select few. I have voiced my immense irritation with this fandom's constant negativity (such as whining about new episodes and always complaining and just generally being unpleasable) plenty of times before, so I'm not going to waste my digital breath on that one this time around. This time, I'm taking aim at what I think is the second worst thing this fandom does: Overthink everything, and in doing so, take the magic out of the show. Let me contrast two examples from different media before I go any further. The first is Star Wars. (The original trilogy, not those horrific prequels that I'm still in denial about) There are so many moments in Star Wars that don't really add up, and just plain don't make logical sense. Like Han Solo claiming to do the Kessel run in "12 parsecs" when a parsec is a unit of distance, not time. Or the fact that space battles are illogical because all of the ships act like warships on a flat ocean, instead of in three dimensional space. (For example, why didn't the Rebel Fleet just fly under the Imperial blockade at Endor and attack them from behind, instead of exposing themselves needlessly to the Imperial turbolasers that were only placed on top of the Star Destroyers?) However, we just laugh and handwave those things aside, and generally just make the occasional joke about them. Now, with my second example, I'm going to make an example of what many Bronies would say to this scene theoretically. The scene I am talking about is the closing scene of Ratatouille. Most of you have probably seen it, and I personally find it very heartwarming. However, a typical over-speculating Brony would nitpick the scene to death, asking questions like All Remy did to the Ratatouille dish was add the sauce, anyone could have done that! So why was he even there in the kitchen if the other cooks could replicate his work effortlessly? How did Remy work as head chef at a different restaurant and have nobody find out? I mean, he peeks his head through the window all the time! Are they trying to tell us that everyone is just okay with a rat cooking for them? Why is Ego so much kinder now? It was just one meal, what changed? (Proceed to over analyze a fictional characters psychological profile and speculate on his whole life to explain one bit of character development) Obviously, over-speculating and over-analyzing something, especially a fairly basic and "kiddy" cartoon like MLP, is going to reveal gaps and inconsistencies. SO WHAT?! I enjoy the show and don't over-think every little detail of it, because doing so ruins the fun. Looking at everything through gray tinted lenses and searching for logic and cohesion in a show about pink and purple unicorns and ponies ruled by a winged unicorn that is the Princess of the Sun is illogical in and of itself! Okay, rant over. Thank you very much if you actually read all of my rantings and unladylike ravings!
  3. I just go play a tennis match, that usually does the trick.
  4. Raiders of the Lost Ark ! <3

    1. Woohoo


      It's beautiful! *face melts*

  5. Nope. My BF doesn't know anything about ponies, and I intend to keep it that way. He's perfect the way he is, and I think I'd actually find it really weird if he enjoyed MLP...
  6. I didn't even know about "shipping" until joining this fandom. Frankly, its stupid. Yeah, parings that are established by the show are fine, but everything else is just wasteful speculation. Why waste your time arguing that "Applejack x Rarity is best ship" or whatever, when a) it will never ever happen in the show and there are many better uses of time
  7. Goodnight! (:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      ^This is me in two weeks... :C

    3. Skylar


      Yeah I know that feeling = / Hope it goes well for you Dahsie :D

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Same here :D I hope soon we all will be after exams!

  8. I think you just saw an exception. The art of dating, and chivalry for that matter, are both still alive and kicking. I mean, my boyfriend took me on very traditional dates before we officially became a couple, and it worked out great! Although we rarely go on dates anymore, its more just hanging out at each other's houses and doing study sessions together or something to that nature. So I guess it depends on the girl. If she likes being taken out on dates, then there will be guys to do just that for her, keeping "the art of dating", as you call it, alive. However, since I'm low-maintenance and am just as happy staying in and studying together as I would be going out, you cold argue that I'm not following the art or rules of dating.
  9. Ugh, why are all you hot guys always swinging for the wrong dugout??
  10. The best feeling ever is when you dress modestly for something and don't freeze half to death like all the half naked girls!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. MissDashie


      Haha thanks! I don't know, I'd post a picture comparing my friend and my... costume differences, but I feel I've already posted way too many pictures on that post a pic thread, and I don't want anyone thinking I'm an attention whore.

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Lol you definitely haven't posted too many pics, trust me xD


      It's only too much if it's like every day or something.

    4. MissDashie


      I guess... Although I should still redact out my friend's face, for privacy purposes.

  11. Wow, I got mentioned a few times!!! And as for mine, I don't really know anyone well enough, except maybe Skylar and a few others. Maybe ChampionRD92? I'm not good with remembering usernames...
  12. Helping out at the local Salvation Army!

    1. Scootalove


      I say, I salute you!

  13. Haha thanks for approving that hyper-controversial topic I started! Also, cute avatar! (:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      So you may see it again. XD

    3. MissDashie


      Oh, gotcha! Thanks for the excellent explanation, nobody was able to explain that to me coherently before!

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      No problem at all. Glad I could clear that up. :D

  14. Inconceivable. Scientists for decades have talked about increasing the lifespan of humans, all without success. Our lifespan seems to be maxed out as is, and frankly, that's good. Our population is already too large, and really, I wouldn't want to work until I was 130 to retire.
  15. Any scholarship essay where you can write about Star Wars and Han Solo is a good essay

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MissDashie


      Haha I know! Its such a fun thing to write! The prompt is picking an antihero who is more compelling than a traditional hero and why. Its for Princeton, so get admitted there and you get to write this! (;

    3. MissDashie


      And Malinter, I put that in there! No amount of editing by Lucas can change that Greedo never, EVER shot first! (:

    4. Sir Hugsalot

      Sir Hugsalot

      Interesting essay. Much better than my describing types of organisations on business. :C I wish You good luck, but such fun essay is easy to write for sure!

  16. Accidentally saw a R34 image.... What cleaners can you guys suggest to expunge my eyes and brain of the horror?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CMQuickfireTK


      play some violent games?

    3. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Lol you act like you've never seen a dirty pic before

    4. MissDashie


      Unfortunately, yes, I have seen dirty pictures before, but never having to do with MLP...

  17. My BF got into Duke!! So proud of him!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MissDashie


      Hey, different strokes for different people! Whatever works for each person individually is what's right for them! And its not so much where you go, but what you make of where you go!

    3. Woohoo


      Congrats to him. Wish I could go to college...

    4. MissDashie


      Why can't you?

  18. How do I change the banner above my avatar like other people?

    1. Heatwave


      Donate or buy a subscription

    2. Radiance64


      Not sure what you mean by 'banner above avatar'. :/

  19. I think maybe we're just all way overthinking the whole sitch. I think she's just a caricature because the show needed to fill certain archetypes The fish out of water protagonist (Twi) The shy one (Fluttershy) The arrogant/brash one (RD) The "girly" one (Rarity) The random one (Pinkie) The sane voice of reason (AJ) I doubt it really has to do anything with money, just because of one background design of little consequence. You know what I mean?
  20. Well, that's fair enough to think that RD is a terrible, mean character, but it isn't because she's rich! The two aren't codependent. Lots of rich people are very nice, and lots of arrogant jerks are poor as dirt.

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      Because it led off where I said scanning periodicals.

      That's what he was doing it for, was the schizophrenia.

      I was basically enacting his early-self.

    3. MissDashie


      But, why? You don't have schizoprenia, I presume.

    4. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      The whole reason I started the John Nash-ordeal was because he attended Princeton. :o

      And who is to say I don't?

  22. What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying that rich people are all arrogant?
  23. http://mlpforums.com/topic/81637-an-open-letter-to-hipsters-swimming-in-the-mainstream/ I feel like I may rustle a lot of jimmies with this one...
    1. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      haven't seen you post a status in a while or either that or i just haven't seen any notifications

    2. Rockymoo
    3. Woohoo


      I still don't understand hipsters...

  24. Is it wrong that I get embarrassed when I hear people say "everypony" instead of "everybody" or "everyone"?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      At first, it seemed kind of weird. but i see it as people just getting into character.

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Yeah, I think it's just showing your appreciation of the show. I like it :3

    4. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      It's fine here. When somebody is addressing a large crowd at a meetup I'm attending, it's fine. The only time it seems awkward to me is during personal conversations.

  25. I took riding classes when I was younger. One of my best friends lives out in the boonies and has horses, and she and I still go riding sometimes. It certainly is sore the next day, but its very enjoyable on a nice sunny day!
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