*WARNING* Lengthy rant inbound. This doesn't apply to all or even most of the fandom, but a select few.
I have voiced my immense irritation with this fandom's constant negativity (such as whining about new episodes and always complaining and just generally being unpleasable) plenty of times before, so I'm not going to waste my digital breath on that one this time around. This time, I'm taking aim at what I think is the second worst thing this fandom does: Overthink everything, and in doing so, take the magic out of the show.
Let me contrast two examples from different media before I go any further. The first is Star Wars. (The original trilogy, not those horrific prequels that I'm still in denial about) There are so many moments in Star Wars that don't really add up, and just plain don't make logical sense. Like Han Solo claiming to do the Kessel run in "12 parsecs" when a parsec is a unit of distance, not time. Or the fact that space battles are illogical because all of the ships act like warships on a flat ocean, instead of in three dimensional space. (For example, why didn't the Rebel Fleet just fly under the Imperial blockade at Endor and attack them from behind, instead of exposing themselves needlessly to the Imperial turbolasers that were only placed on top of the Star Destroyers?) However, we just laugh and handwave those things aside, and generally just make the occasional joke about them.
Now, with my second example, I'm going to make an example of what many Bronies would say to this scene theoretically. The scene I am talking about is the closing scene of Ratatouille. Most of you have probably seen it, and I personally find it very heartwarming. However, a typical over-speculating Brony would nitpick the scene to death, asking questions like
All Remy did to the Ratatouille dish was add the sauce, anyone could have done that! So why was he even there in the kitchen if the other cooks could replicate his work effortlessly?
How did Remy work as head chef at a different restaurant and have nobody find out? I mean, he peeks his head through the window all the time! Are they trying to tell us that everyone is just okay with a rat cooking for them?
Why is Ego so much kinder now? It was just one meal, what changed? (Proceed to over analyze a fictional characters psychological profile and speculate on his whole life to explain one bit of character development)
Obviously, over-speculating and over-analyzing something, especially a fairly basic and "kiddy" cartoon like MLP, is going to reveal gaps and inconsistencies. SO WHAT?! I enjoy the show and don't over-think every little detail of it, because doing so ruins the fun. Looking at everything through gray tinted lenses and searching for logic and cohesion in a show about pink and purple unicorns and ponies ruled by a winged unicorn that is the Princess of the Sun is illogical in and of itself!
Okay, rant over. Thank you very much if you actually read all of my rantings and unladylike ravings!